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مقالاتالتجارب السريريةبراءات الاختراع
الصفحة 1 من عند 21 النتائج

Case of Cancer, Cured by Repeated Excisions and a Diet of Indian Corn, (Zea Mays, Linn.).

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Antioxidative free and bound phenolic constituents in botanical fractions of Indian specialty maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes.

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Specialty maize genotypes viz. QPM (quality protein maize), Baby corn, Popcorn and Sweet corn, which are usually consumed in whole forms can be good supplements of phenolic antioxidants. Botanical fractions of these maize genotypes were analyzed to explore the distribution of free and bound

An efficient and rapid regeneration via multiple shoot induction from mature seed derived embryogenic and organogenic callus of Indian maize (Zea mays L.).

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An efficient method for in vitro micro propagation and genetic transformation of plants are crucial for both basic and applied research. Maize is one of the most important cereal crops around the world. Regeneration from immature embryo is hampered due to its unavailability round the year. On the

Cloning and structural analysis of an Indian little millet (Panicum sumatrense) zein-like storage protein: implications for molecular assembly.

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Zeins are prolamin storage proteins that accumulate in kernel endosperm of several cereals. For cloning of genes coding for zein-like proteins that accumulate in enhanced quantities in the filling stages of little millet (Panicum sumatrense Roth.) developing grains, RT-PCR was performed using

Effect of panchakavya (organic formulation) on phytoremediation of lead and zinc using Zea mays.

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Chelate-assisted phytoextraction is proposed to be an effective approach for the removal of metals from contaminated soil. Organic chelators can improve this biological technique by increasing metal solubility. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of improving the phytoextraction

Genetic transformation of tropical maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line with a phytase gene from Aspergillus niger.

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A full-length cDNA of phyA gene of Aspergillus niger, encoding phytase enzyme, was cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21 cells and assayed for its activity. The phyA cDNA consisted of 1404 bp, which encoded 467 amino acid residues. The phytase activity of purified phytase was

β-Carotene bioaccessibility from biofortified maize (Zea mays) is related to its density and is negatively influenced by lutein and zeaxanthin.

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Biofortification of maize with provitamin A (pro-VA) carotenoids has been successful, but the bioavailability of carotenoids needs to be explored. In the present study, we investigated the carotenoid content, micellarization and intestinal cell uptake of carotenoids from 10 maize hybrids [normal

Investigating the response of tropical maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars against elevated levels of O3 at two developmental stages.

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Tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations are rising in Indo-Gangetic plains of India, causing potential threat to agricultural productivity. Maize (Zea mays L.) is the third most important staple crop at global level after rice and wheat. Two high yielding cultivars of Indian maize (HQPM1-quality

Interrelationships of added sugars intake, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity in adults in the United States: National Health Interview Survey, 2005.

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BACKGROUND The consumption of added sugars (eg, white sugar, brown sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup) displaces nutrient-dense foods in the diet. The intake of added sugars in the United States is excessive. Little is known about the predictors of added sugar intake. OBJECTIVE To examine the

Evaluation of Infection Processes and Resulting Disease Caused by Dendryphion penicillatum and Pleospora papaveracea on Papaver somniferum.

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ABSTRACT Two pathogenic fungi of opium poppy, Pleospora papaveracea and Dendryphion penicillatum, were isolated from field material in Beltsville, MD. The processes of infection by these two fungi were studied to determine the optimal environmental conditions for infection. Both fungi formed

[Incorporation of free glycerol during re-esterification of absorbed long-chain triglycerides].

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Incorporation of 14C-glycerol in absorbed LCT (via glycerophosphate) was measured in 16 volunteers. 1. Supplied orally, 14C-incorporation was about 8-times higher than after i. v. injection. 2. After supply of 14C-glycerol and 3H-palmitate, dissolved in 1.0 indian corn oil/kg, during the first 10

Diagnosis of fat absorption with 14C-tripalmitate/3H-palmitic acid.

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In 44 normal subjects, in 89 patients with chronic pancreatitis, of whom 23 had elevated faecal fat, and in 19 patients with various diseases of the small gut investigations with 14C-tripalmitate and 3H-palmitic acid, dissolved in 1.0 g Indian corn oil/kg, were performed. Serum lipid activity of 14C

Chewing gum bezoars of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Children have chewed gum since the Stone Age. Black lumps of prehistoric tar with human tooth impressions have been found in Northern Europe dating from approximately 7000 BC (Middle Stone Age) to 2000 BC (Bronze Age). The bite impressions suggest that most chewers were between 6 and 15 years of

[New procedure in the diagnosis of maldigestion. Studies with 3-H palmitic acid and 14-C tripalmitate in normal subjects and patients with chronic pancreatitis].

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3H-palmitic acid and 14C-tripalmitate dissolved in 1.0 g indian corn oil/kg body weight were administered to 29 patients with chronic pancreatitis and 25 control subjects. For the following 8 h 3H and 14C radioactivity in serum lipids and 14CO2 in expired air were measured at 2-hour intervals.

Phytoextraction of Pb and Cd from a superfund soil: effects of amendments and croppings.

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In a growth chamber, maize (Zea mays) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) were grown over two croppings in soil from a Superfund site (PbTotal = 65,200 mg/kg and CdTotal = 52mg/kg). Soil treatments consisted of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, sodium citrate and composted sewage sludge, each at two
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قاعدة بيانات الأعشاب الطبية الأكثر اكتمالا التي يدعمها العلم

  • يعمل في 55 لغة
  • العلاجات العشبية مدعومة بالعلم
  • التعرف على الأعشاب بالصورة
  • خريطة GPS تفاعلية - ضع علامة على الأعشاب في الموقع (قريبًا)
  • اقرأ المنشورات العلمية المتعلقة ببحثك
  • البحث عن الأعشاب الطبية من آثارها
  • نظّم اهتماماتك وابقَ على اطلاع دائم بأبحاث الأخبار والتجارب السريرية وبراءات الاختراع

اكتب أحد الأعراض أو المرض واقرأ عن الأعشاب التي قد تساعد ، واكتب عشبًا واطلع على الأمراض والأعراض التي تستخدم ضدها.
* تستند جميع المعلومات إلى البحوث العلمية المنشورة

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