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مقالاتالتجارب السريريةبراءات الاختراع
الصفحة 1 من عند 75 النتائج

Antitumor activity of epifriedelanol from Vitis trifolia.

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The isolation and NMR spectral data of epifriedelanol from Vitis trifolia are reported. It demonstrated antitumor activity in a potato disc bioassay.

Surface motility and associated surfactant production in Agrobacterium vitis.

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OBJECTIVE Agrobacterium vitis is the causal agent of crown gall of grapevine. Surface motility (swarming), an important mechanism for bacterial colonization of new environments and a previously unknown behaviour of Ag. vitis, was demonstrated. METHODS Surface motility assays were performed on

Cloning, functional identification and structural modelling of Vitis vinifera S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase.

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In this paper we report the cloning and full sequencing of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC, EC cDNA from Vitis vinifera L. (VV) leaves, an enzyme belonging to the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, which appears to play an important role in the regulation of plant growth and

Cloning, sequencing, purification, and crystal structure of Grenache (Vitis vinifera) polyphenol oxidase.

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The full-length cDNA sequence (P93622_VITVI) of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) cDNA from grape Vitis vinifera L., cv Grenache, was found to encode a translated protein of 607 amino acids with an expected molecular weight of ca. 67 kDa and a predicted pI of 6.83. The translated amino acid sequence was 99%,

Application of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) pomace extract to reduce carcinogenic acrylamide.

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Acrylamide is a byproduct of the Maillard reaction and is formed in a variety of heat-treated commercial starchy foods. It is known to be toxic and potentially carcinogenic to humans. Muscadine grape polyphenols and standard phenolic compounds were examined on the reduction of acrylamide in an

First Report of Verticillium Wilt of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Caused by Verticillium dahliae in China.

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Verticillium dahliae Kleb. causes Verticillium wilt in large numbers of crops all over the world. Common symptoms caused by the pathogen include yellowing, wilting of leaves, and discoloration in vascular tissue of the stem. In June 2007, symptoms of Verticillium wilt were observed in a grapevine

First Report of Agrobacterium vitis as Causal Agent of Crown Gall Disease of Grapevine in Tunisia.

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Since October 2011, a serious outbreak of crown gall disease was observed on 1- and 2-year-old grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Superior Seedless in several vineyards located in the region of Regueb in the center of Tunisia. Fifty isolates of Agrobacterium were isolated on a tartrate medium from

First Report of Anthracnose Caused by Elsinoe ampelina on Muscadine Grapes (Vitis rotundifolia) in Northern Florida.

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Anthracnose of grapes is an economically devastating disease caused by Elsinoe ampelina (2). Warm, humid weather favors disease development, and therefore in the United States, it is generally restricted to grape-growing areas east of the Rocky Mountains. Vitis vinifera is highly susceptible to the

First Report of Neofusicoccum parvum Causing Panicle Blight and Leaf Spot on Vitis heyneana in China.

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The climbing vine, Vitis heyneana Roem. & Schult, is a member of the grape family endemic to Asia. Its fruits are used in wine production, and its roots, stems, and leaves can be used in medicinal materials. This plant is grown in Southwest China, as well as in India, Bhutan, and Nepal. Mulao

First Report of Perithecia of Phaeoacremonium viticola on Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and Ash Tree (Fraxinus latifolia) in California.

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Esca and Petri diseases on grapevine are caused by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and species of Phaeoacremonium including P. aleophilum, P. viticola, P. angustius, P. parasiticum, P. inflatipes, P. rubrigenum, and P. mortoniae. The teleomorphs of P. aleophilum and P. mortoniae have been recently

First Report of Neofusicoccum mediterraneum and N. australe Causing Decay in Vitis vinifera in Castilla y León, Spain.

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During a survey for grapevine decline, five young grapevines (cvs. Tempranillo and Viura) with low vigor and reduced foliage were collected (June and August 2009). Fungal isolations were performed from vascular and brown wood. Small pieces of brown wood were placed onto malt extract agar

Occurrence of Togninia fraxinopennsylvanica on Esca-Diseased Grapevines (Vitis vinifera) and Declining Ash Trees (Fraxinus latifolia) in California.

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Esca (black measles) and Petri disease (young esca) are two of the most destructive diseases of grapevines in California and other grape-producing countries. This disease is now known to be caused by multiple species of Phaeoacremonium including P. aleophilum, P. angustius, P. parasiticum, P.

Morphological and phylogenetic identification of Botrytis sinoviticola, a novel cryptic species causing gray mold disease of table grapes (Vitis vinifera) in China.

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Seventy-five isolates of Botrytis collected from table grapes (Vitis vinifera) with gray mold symptoms in China were identified based on morpho-cultural characteristics on potato dextrose agar (20 C) and/or phylogenetic analysis using the sequences of three nuclear genes (G3PDH, HSP60, RPB2).

Characterization of the Agrobacterium vitis pehA gene and comparison of the encoded polygalacturonase with the homologous enzymes from Erwinia carotovora and Ralstonia solanacearum.

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DNA sequencing of the Agrobacterium vitis pehA gene revealed a predicted protein with an M(r) of 58,000 and significant similarity to the polygalacturonases of two other plant pathogens, Erwinia carotovora and Ralstonia (= Pseudomonas or Burkholderia) solanacearum. Sequencing of the N terminus of

First Report of Diplodia corticola Causing Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Cankers and Trunk Cankers and Dieback of Canyon Live Oak (Quercus chrysolepis) in California.

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The botryosphaeriaceous fungus Diplodia corticola A. J. L. Phillips, Alves & Luque was shown to be the most prevalent canker and dieback pathogen in cork oaks (Quercus suber L.) in the Iberian Peninsula causing a general decline of the trees as a consequence of canker formation in the trunks
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