[Clinical and paraclinical diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis. Clinical study].
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Pelvic endometriosis is a difficult diagnosis in gynecological practice, due to different symptoms and advanced stages in which the patients arrive to us.
This study retrospectively analyses 73 cases of confirmed endometriosis admitted in our service during 5 years. We gathered information about their clinical data and diagnosis, and intraoperative laparoscopic or laparotomic findings.
The majority of our cases were in the 3rd age decade (52%). The clinical symptoms were: infertility (34%), pelvic or abdominal pain (71%), vaginal bleeding (14%), or an accidental finding after laparotomy or laparoscopy for other reasons (7%). The intraoperative evaluation of the cases showed: endometrial genital foci in 59%, with half of them located at the ovary; extragenital sites in 30 cases (bladder--4 cases, Douglas pouch 19 cases, abdominal wall 5 cases, para-cervix 2 cases). Associated pathology included: adhesions in 46%, retroverted uterus in 15%, ovarian non endometriotic cysts (18%), polycystic ovaries (12%) and tubal pathology (6%).
Our study confirm the difficulty of a clinical diagnostic of endometriosis, but the main symptoms remain infertility and pelvic-abdominal pain. The laparoscopy or laparotomy were the main tools for the diagnostic and management of our cases.