[Conn adenoma manifesting as reversible tetraparesis and rhabdomyolysis].
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Primary hyperaldosteronism is an uncommon cause of hypertension which classically features hypokaliemia, metabolic alkalosis and excessive urinary potassium excretion. Clinical manifestations of hypokalemia rarely reveal the diagnosis.
We report the case of a hypertensive patient who developed quadriparesis and rhabdomyolysis induced by a severe hypokalemia. Clinical manifestations were reversible after potassium supplementation. Laboratory and radiological findings led to the diagnosis of an aldosterone-producing adenoma. Surgical treatment allowed correction of electrolyte abnormalities and improvement of hypertension.
Although primary aldosteronism is rare, it should be systematically considered when arterial hypertension is associated with hypokalemia, even if the potassium depletion is due to diuretic therapy.