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Jakubowski, T.L., Perron, T.J., and Teixeira, E. (2015). Rashes in school: Can they stay, or should they go? NASN School Nurse, 30(5): 274-282. (Original DOI: 10.1177/1942602X15596815)In the September 2015 issue of NASN School Nurse, the images for Lyme Disease and Spider bites were reversed. The correct order appears below.spnas;31/1/61/TABLE11942602X15621761T1table1-1942602X15621761Table 5.Bites/Stings in ChildrenDiagnosis(Bites, Stings, cutaneous infestations)Rash DescriptionSigns and SymptomsStay in School or Go Home?PhotoLyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)Transmitted by deer tickErythema rash when present, "Bull's eye rash" distinct red borders with central clearing.Rash at site of bite but can have multiple rashesFever, joint pain, malaise, headache, single swollen joint usually knee usually accompany the rash.Not Contagious: Can stay at school.Incubation: 1-32 days median is 11 days.
April through October with more than 50% of the cases presenting in June and July.Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) Rickettial infection transmitted by wood ticks.Characteristic spotted rash, maculopapular and sometimes petechial rash.Triad of fever, rash, and history of tick exposure, headache, vomiting, sore throatNot Contagious: Can stay at school.Rash initially appears on wrists and ankles and spreads to trunk within hours. Palms of hands and soles of feet are also involved.Incubation: Average time frame one week. Can range 2-14 days.
August through September highest prevalence.Scabies(Mites)Papules and burrows, excoriation secondary to scratching.Intense itching especially at night. Commonly seen between the fingers and toes.Is Contagious: Should go home.Skin-to-skin contact. Mites can remain alive for > 2 days on clothing and bedding.Incubation: 4-6 weeksIf the child had it previously 1-4 days.*Can return to school with medical clearance.Bee stingsLocalized swelling, redness. If allergic can spread rapidly. Raised pink wheel.Pain, redness, swelling, hives if allergic, respiratory distress if highly allergic.Not Contagious: Can stay at school.Spider bitesLocalized redness, swelling, can spread if infection - cellulitis can occur.Pain, redness, swelling. Bites are commonly seen on thighs, buttocks and abdomen.Not Contagious: Can stay at school.Bed Bugs(Cimex Lectularius)Red itchy welts that appear in a row. Numerous bites appear as a red itchy wide spread rash. Often mistaken for mosquito bites.Red, itchy, swellingAppear on face neck and extremities, areas exposed during sleep.Not Contagious: Can stay at school.Incubation: Bites may not appear for several days after exposure.Flea BitesRed spots surrounded by reddened haloes.Red, itchy.Commonly seen on the feet and ankles.Not Contagious: Can stay at school.