Medical therapy of cerebral ischemia. Vasoactive and eumetabolic therapy.
Açar sözlər
After briefly evaluating the contraindications and indications of vasoactive and eumetabolic therapy of cerebral ischemia, the paper considers the main drugs at present in use in therapy of the syndrome induced by diffused cerebral arteriosclerosis. Among the drugs with a mainly vasoactive effect, consideration is given in particular to nifedipine, cetiedil and nicergoline, which induced not only an improvement in the subjective symptoms, but also an increase--which was notable at times--in the sphygmic amplitude of the rheoencephalogram. Where drugs with a mainly eumetabolic action are concerned, xanthinol nicotinate, vincamine and (-)eburnamonine are discussed. The latter, in particular, proved effective in improving intellective recovery and mediate and deferred memory, accompanied by a fair increase in the sphygmic speed and amplitude on the rheoencephalogram.