Primary anetoderma associated with a wide spectrum of autoimmune abnormalities.
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Although the underlying pathologic mechanisms of primary anetoderma have not yet been identified, data suggest the participation of an immunologic mechanism in some cases. In a woman with clinical and histopathologic features of primary anetoderma (Jadassohn-Pellizzari type) of 30 years' duration, laboratory investigation disclosed positive antinuclear factor, hypocomplementemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, granular deposits of immunoreactants along the dermoepidermal junction, and fibrillar deposits in the papillary dermis. In addition, she was found to have autoimmune hemolysis and circulating lupus anticoagulant associated with recurrent deep-vein thrombosis and a history of Graves' disease (starting 5 years after onset of primary anetoderma). To our knowledge, none of the latter three autoimmune conditions has been previously associated with primary anetoderma.