Primary phycomycosis of the brain in heroin addicts.
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Two heroin addicts had fatal primary phycomycosis of the brain. The first case is unique. A 28-year-old man displayed unusual symptoms of unilateral hydrocephalus confirmed by both computed tomography (CT) scanning of the brain and craniotomy. The nature of the fungal granuloma was verified histopathologically. The second case, a 40-year-old man, possessed bilateral basal ganglionic lesions in which the CT scanning suggested abscesses. Postmortem examination confirmed the presence of phycomycotic abscesses. There was no evidence of systemic mycoses in both cases. Review of the clinical features of this fatal complication in drug abusers and narcotic addicts disclosed that hemiparesis and facial weakness are common. Brain or CT scan along with brain biopsy are necessary for rapid diagnosis and prompt treatment.