Haitian Creole

Banlangen Granules Anti-seasonal Influenza Study

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Спасылка захоўваецца ў буферы абмену
Hutchison Whampoa Guangzhou Baiyunshan Chinese Medicine Company Limited
Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease

Ключавыя словы


This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the nature herbal medicine Banlangen granules in patients infected with seasonal influenza A (H1N1,H3N2) and influenza B virus.


Inclusion criteria:

1. Patients have confirmed influenza A(H1N1,H3N2) or influenza B virus infection by real time PCR

2. age between 18-65 years old

3. axillary temperature ≥38ºC and with at least two constitutional symptoms (headache, chill, myalgia ,or fatigue) and one respiratory symptom (cough ,sore throat,or coryza) .

4. Illness onset had to be within 36 hours, and informed consent was obtained.

Exclusion criteria:

1. age younger than 18 or older than 65 years old.

2. patients confirmed with bronchitis, pneumonia,pleural effusion and interstitial lung disease by Chest imaging (chest X-ray or CT) .

3. Blood routine screening tests shows numeration of leukocyte 10.0×109/L or Neutrophil percentage ≥80%.

4. Those have got suppurative tonsillitis or cough purulent sputum.

5. Those with underling primary disorders, such as hematological disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(FEV1/FVC<70%,FEV1/ predicated value<50%; or respiratory failure or right heart failure), hepatic disease(ALT or AST≥triple ULN), renal disease(Serum Creatinine>2mg/dL),chronic congestive heart failure( NYHA Ⅲ-IV)

7. Patient is allergic to the study medication(s). 8. Women who are pregnant or may possibly become pregnant or are lactating with a positive urine pregnant test, obesity (abody mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or more).

9. Those with immunodeficiency ,such as malignant tumor ; Organs or bone marrow transplantation ; AIDS ;or taking immune inhibitors during the last 3 months.

10. Doubt or does alcohol/drug abuse of history. 11. Those have participated in other clinical trial within three month before study randomization.

12. Two weeks before the test , those with acute respiratory Infection,otitis,or nasosinusitis .

13. Those already vaccinated or who will receive influenza vaccine. 14. other reasons not suitable for enrollment based on the investigator's discretion.

The primary efficacy endpoint:

1. The primary end point was the duration of illness which was defined as the time from onset of symptoms to the alleviation of the ten influenza-like symptoms including , nasal obstruction, running nose, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, myalgia, chills and sweating.

2. The time to defervescence, defined as the time from the first dose of study medication to the time when the body temperature declined to lower than 37.4ºC and was sustained for at least 24 hours.

Secondary efficacy endpoint:

The secondary end points included: 1) viral shedding duration, defined as the time from the illness onset to the first time the viral nucleic acid test was negative; 2) the severity of the disease,assessed by an area under the curve (AUC) analysis of a total of nine influenza-like symptom scores, the AUC was calculated as the product of the daily symptom scores times the duration of illness;3)frequency of Usage of Acetaminophen;4)and incidence of secondary complications of influenza, such as otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia,Nasosinusitis ,suppurative tonsillitis,acute parotitis,Reye'ssyndrome,central nervous system disease, Myocarditis and pericarditis, acute myositis, and toxic shock syndrome.5) economic evaluation.


the pharyngeal or the throat swab,blood. Pharyngea /throat secretions will be obtained from the upper respiratory tract of each patient.

All specimens will be stored at -80℃ in virus laboratory of the first affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university for 5 years.


Апошняя праверка: 02/29/2016
Упершыню прадстаўлена: 11/17/2012
Меркаваная колькасць заявак прадстаўлена: 09/02/2014
Першае паведамленне: 09/04/2014
Апошняе абнаўленне адпраўлена: 03/01/2016
Апошняе абнаўленне апублікавана: 03/03/2016
Фактычная дата пачатку даследавання: 03/31/2012
Разліковая дата першаснага завяршэння: 07/31/2016
Разліковая дата завяршэння даследавання: 10/31/2016

Стан альбо хвароба


Ўмяшанне / лячэнне

Drug: placebo of oseltamivir phosphate

Drug: oseltamivir phosphate & placebo

Drug: Banlangen granules & placebo

Drug: placebo of Banlangen(Radix Isatidis) granules


Фаза 4

Групы ўзбраенняў

РукаЎмяшанне / лячэнне
Placebo Comparator: placebo
placebo of oseltamivir phosphate and placebo of Banlangen(Radix Isatidis) granules.
Experimental: Banlangen granules & placebo
Banlangen(Radix Isatidis) granules and placebo of oseltamivir phosphate
Drug: Banlangen granules & placebo
Active Comparator: oseltamivir phosphate & placebo
oseltamivir phosphate and placebo of Banlangen(Radix Isatidis) granules
Drug: oseltamivir phosphate & placebo

Крытэрыі прыдатнасці

Узрост, які мае права на вучобу 18 Years Каб 18 Years
Пол, прыдатны для навучанняAll
Прымае здаровых валанцёраўТак

Inclusion Criteria:

with confirmed influenza A(H1N1,H3N2) or influenza B virus infection by real time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR), age between 18-65 years old, axillary temperature ≥38ºC and with at least two constitutional symptoms (headache, chill, myalgia ,or fatigue) and one respiratory symptom (cough ,sore throat,or coryza) . Illness onset had to be within 36 hours, and informed consent was obtained.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. age younger than 18 or older than 65 years old.

2. patients confirmed with bronchitis, pneumonia,pleural effusion and interstitial lung disease by Chest imaging (chest X-ray or CT) .

3. Blood routine screening tests shows numeration of leukocyte 10.0×109/L or Neutrophil percentage ≥80%.

4. Those have got suppurative tonsillitis or cough purulent sputum.

5. Those with underling primary disorders, such as hematological disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(FEV1/FVC<70%,FEV1/ predicated value<50%; or respiratory failure or right heart failure), hepatic disease(ALT or AST≥triple ULN), renal disease(Serum Creatinine>2mg/dL),chronic congestive heart failure( NYHA Ⅲ-IV)

7. Patient is allergic to the study medication(s). 8. Women who are pregnant or may possibly become pregnant or are lactating with a positive urine pregnant test, obesity (abody mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or more).

9. Those with immunodeficiency ,such as malignant tumor ; Organs or bone marrow transplantation ; AIDS ;or taking immune inhibitors during the last 3 months.

10. Doubt or does alcohol/drug abuse of history. 11. Those have participated in other clinical trial within three month before study randomization.

12. Two weeks before the test , those with acute respiratory Infection,otitis,or nasosinusitis .

13. Those already vaccinated or who will receive influenza vaccine. 14.other reasons not suitable for enrollment based on the investigator's discretion.


Першасныя вынікі

1. Improving the flu-like symptoms, such as fever etc [21+7days]

The primary end point was the duration of illness which was defined as the time from onset of symptoms to the alleviation of the ten influenza-like symptoms including , nasal obstruction, running nose, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, myalgia, chills and sweating.

2. Improving the flu-like symptoms, such as fever etc [21+7days]

The time to defervescence, defined as the time from the first dose of study medication to the time when the body temperature declined to lower than 37.4ºC and was sustained for at least 24 hours.

Меры другаснага выніку

1. others [21+7days]

viral shedding duration, defined as the time from the illness onset to the first time the viral nucleic acid test was negative

2. Others [21+7days]

the severity of the disease,assessed by an area under the curve (AUC) analysis of a total of nine influenza-like symptom scores, the AUC was calculated as the product of the daily symptom scores times the duration of illness

3. Others [21+7days]

frequency of Usage of Acetaminophen

4. Others [21+7days]

incidence of secondary complications of influenza

5. Others [21+7days]

economic evaluation

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