Hakea prostrata, commonly known as harsh hakea, is a species of shrub that is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. It is a low-lying shrub with prickly leaves and groups of white or cream-coloured flowers in late winter and early spring.
Hakea prostrata is a shrub which grows to between 1–3 m (3–10 ft) in height with spreading branchlets. The oblong-obovate stem-clasping leaves have prickly edges and a central vein. Plentiful sweetly scented white or cream flowers are produced in axillary ...
Увядзіце сімптом альбо захворванне і прачытайце пра зёлкі, якія могуць дапамагчы, набярыце траву і паглядзіце хваробы і сімптомы, супраць якіх яна выкарыстоўваецца.
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