Haitian Creole

ergotamine/галаўны боль

Спасылка захоўваецца ў буферы абмену
Старонка 1 ад 428 вынікі

[The effectiveness of ergotamine treatment in chronic headache disorders: a double-blind, randomized, crossover, placebo controlled trial].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
BACKGROUND Postulated mechanism of migraine headache is a result of vascular spasm (primary) and dilatation with edema of the perivascular space (secondary). Thus we use drugs not the only during acute phase of headache but in prevention, also. Drugs containing ergotamine are well known and were

Sumatriptan and ergotamine overuse and drug-induced headache: a clinicoepidemiologic study.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Drug-induced headache, particularly ergotamine-induced headache, is a common problem in migraine treatment. Some case reports suggest that even the new serotonergic antimigraine drugs such as sumatriptan can lead to overuse and subsequent drug-induced headache. We performed a controlled study to

Cervicogenic headache: responses to nitroglycerin, oxygen, ergotamine and morphine.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The responses in cervicogenic headache to four different agents have been studied. Nitroglycerin was given sublingually to 27 patients. Eighteen patients got more than 20% increase of their headache. Of those with any headache increase at all, 12 got bilateral and 12 unilateral pain. The typical

[Daily chronic headache in patients with migraine induced by abuse of ergotamine-analgesics: response due to a protocol of outpatient treatment].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Chronic daily headache appears in migraine patients due to chronic consumption of analgesics-ergotamine. This entity was considered intractable without hospital admission. Our aim was to study the response of this headache to an outpatient treatment protocol. The therapeutic protocol included: 1.

The impact of ergotamine-induced headache and ergotamine withdrawal on information processing.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Ergotamine abuse and subsequent ergotamine-induced headache is a common problem in the pharmacological treatment of migraine and other headache types; often, withdrawal therapy is necessary. This study investigated whether ergotamine abuse affects information processing and whether withdrawal

Low biological availability of ergotamine tartrate after oral dosing in cluster headache.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
An attempt was made to determine the plasma ergotamine concentrations in nine male patients with cluster headache 15-600 min after oral therapeutic doses of ergotamine tartrate (Cafergot). Some of the patients were studied twice. Five patients received a constant dose of 2-4 mg daily for at least

Optimal routes of administration of ergotamine tartrate in cluster headache patients. A pharmacokinetic study.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Bioavailability and rate of absorption of ergotamine were studied in eight cluster headache patients outside attacks. In a cross-over design, approximately 2 mg ergotamine tartrate was administered as effervescent tablets, suppositories, and from an inhalation device, with 0.25 mg intravenously as

Ergotamine-induced headache can be sustained by sumatriptan daily intake.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
We describe the case report of a migraine sufferer who developed ergotamine-induced headache and subsequently replaced ergotamine with daily sumatriptan (100 mg p.o.). The features of the headache were unchanged except for the presence of superimposed migraine-like headaches that occurred every 24

Headache caused by a sphenoid mucocele but presenting as an ergotamine-induced headache.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
In a 65-year-old woman, symptomatic headache caused by a mucocele of the sphenoid sinus led to ergotamine abuse and subsequent ergotamine-induced headache. Since there were no neurological symptoms initially and the patient previously suffered from migraine, the mucocele was not recognized. Only

[Can the biologic pattern of cervicogenic headache change after overuse or withdrawal of ergotamine derivatives?].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The transformation of a primary headache into a chronic daily headache (CDH) may or may not be related to the overuse of pain-killers, as their influence on the pathophysiological mechanisms remain inconclusive. We describe three patients (female, aged 65 and 39 years, and male, 46) affected by

[Risks related to the use of ergotamine in the therapy of hemicrania. Description of a case].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The ergotamine tartrate used for the migraine headache therapy can induce to a condition of chronic intoxication (ergotism) similar to what occurs after the ingestion of Claviceps purpurea contaminated rye. The case of an Italian woman affected by chronic migraine rectally treated with ergotamine

[Headache caused by analgesic and/or ergotamine abuse].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Headache induced by ergotamine-abuse was described 40 years ago. More recently there is ample evidence suggesting that chronic headache may also be provoked by analgesic abuse. A recent Classification of the International Headache Society has defined this kind of headache as an autonomous disease.

The analgesic and antiemetic efficacy of gabapentin or ergotamine/caffeine for the treatment of postdural puncture headache.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
OBJECTIVE We investigated the analgesic and antiemetic efficacy of gabapentin or ergotamine/caffeine (Cafergot), in addition to conservative treatment consisting of bed rest and adequate fluid intake, for the treatment of postdural puncture headache (PDPH). METHODS In this randomized, prospective,

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ergotamine in migraine and cluster headache.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Ergotamine has been in use for the treatment of migraine for a century and is still considered to be the most effective therapeutic agent for acute attacks. Only during the last few years have assays been developed, enabling its pharmacokinetics to be studied. Appropriate assays for determining

[Favorable effect of ergotamine tartrate with caffeine on headache subsequent to gaseous electroencephalography].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
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