Haitian Creole

intestinal pseudo-obstruction/калій

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Thymoma-associated neuromyotonia with antibodies against voltage-gated potassium channels presenting as chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction can occur as a paraneoplastic disorder, and several cases have been reported in association with thymoma or small-cell lung cancer. Autoantibodies against voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKCs) are found in acquired neuromyotonia (Isaac's syndrome), and have

Potassium channel antibody-associated encephalitis with hypothalamic lesions and intestinal pseudo-obstruction.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
A subgroup of limbic encephalitis is associated with antibodies against voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC), and responds well to immuno-modulating therapies. Anti-VGKC antibodies are also found in Isaacs' syndrome and Morvan's syndrome, both of which are sometimes complicated by thymoma. We

Severe potassium deficiency complicating paralytic ileus.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца

Disturbances of potassium homeostasis in poisoning.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Unless renal function is impaired or rhabdomyolysis is severe, hyperkalemia is a relatively uncommon metabolic complication of poisoning. In contrast, marked hypokalemia is a more common problem and may have serious sequelae. Most potassium disturbances in acute poisoning are due to disruption of

Intestinal pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome) in theophylline overdose.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome) has previously been reported in 2 patients with theophylline toxicity treated with activated charcoal (AC), mechanical ventilation and opioid induced sedation. We report a case of Ogilvie's syndrome in a theophylline toxic patient treated with AC. A

Enteral nutrition for severe malnutrition in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
OBJECTIVE Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare intestinal motility disorder. A prolonged avoidance of food due to fear of aggravation of postprandial symptoms leads to severe malnutrition. We report a case of a 21 y old man who was diagnosed as CIPO with a history of recurrent

Acute transient spinal paralysis and cardiac symptoms following an accidental epidural potassium infusion - a case report.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
BACKGROUND To describe a case of an accidental epidural potassium infusion leading to an acute transient spinal paralysis and cardiac symptoms and review the literature on that topic. METHODS We report the case of an accidental infusion of 900 mg potassium chloride 7.45% (KCl) into the epidural

Characterizing postoperative paralytic ileus as evidence for future research and clinical practice.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Postoperative ileus, a delay of gastrointestinal (GI) motility beyond 3 days, is common in patients after GI surgery. This disorder increases length of hospital stay and costs millions of dollars annually. This study was done to determine clinical factors associated with paralytic ileus. An

Successful management of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction with home parenteral nutrition.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a disorder of gut motility resulting in severe abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting after eating. The avoidance of food in order to minimize symptoms causes malnutrition. To date, no medical or surgical treatment has been shown to be of lasting

Development of Isaacs' syndrome following complete recovery of voltage-gated potassium channel antibody-associated limbic encephalitis.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Autoantibodies against voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC-Abs) are associated with acquired neuromyotonia (Isaacs' syndrome) and related disorders such as Morvan's syndrome and some cases of limbic encephalitis. The mechanisms underlying the various phenotypes induced by VGKC-Abs are not fully

Voltage-gated potassium channel (K(v) 1) autoantibodies in patients with chagasic gut dysmotility and distribution of K(v) 1 channels in human enteric neuromusculature (autoantibodies in GI dysmotility).

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
BACKGROUND Autoantibodies directed against specific neuronal antigens are found in a significant number of patients with gastrointestinal neuromuscular diseases (GINMDs) secondary to neoplasia. This study examined the presence of antineuronal antibodies in idiopathic GINMD and GINMD secondary to

Clinical features and management of poisoning due to potassium chloride.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Potassium is one of the most abundant ions in the human body and yet it is difficult to assess potassium balance. Potassium chloride is extensively used as a potassium supplement, both by physicians as a therapeutic modality and by the general public, mostly in the form of salt substitute.

Autoantibodies in patients with gut motility disorders and enteric neuropathy.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
OBJECTIVE Enteric neuropathy with mild inflammation (ganglionitis) has been described in several motility disorders including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), enteric dysmotility (ED), slow-transit constipation (STC) and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO). The purpose of this study was to

Bioengineering functional human sphincteric and non-sphincteric gastrointestinal smooth muscle constructs.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Digestion and motility of luminal content through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are achieved by cooperation between distinct cell types. Much of the 3 dimensional (3D) in vitro modeling used to study the GI physiology and disease focus solely on epithelial cells and not smooth muscle cells (SMCs).

Life-threatening hyperkalemia from nutritional supplements: uncommon or undiagnosed?

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Potassium chloride and other potassium compounds are used by the general public as salt substitutes, muscle-building supplements, and panacea. Severe hyperkalemia from oral potassium is extremely rare if kidney function is normal because of potassium adaptation. The oral potassium dose has to be
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