Haitian Creole

lotus arenarius/супрацьгрыбковае

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Старонка 1 ад 46 вынікі

[Evaluation of antifungal and mollusuicidial activities of Moroccan Zizyphus lotus (L.) Desf].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Zizyphus lotus (L.) Desf. is one of the traditional drugs commonly used in folk medicine in Morocco. Extracts obtained from the successive exhaustion in petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol were in vitro found active either against nine pathogenic fungi and Bulinus truncatus, the

The sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) - phytochemical and therapeutic profile.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
OBJECTIVE Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nymphaeaceae), also known as sacred lotus, is a well known medicinal plant. This article reviews the traditional uses, phytochemistry and therapeutic reports on different parts of N. nucifera viz. the seeds, rhizomes, leaves and flowers. This review also describes

[The lotus--a therapeutic plant with self cleaning effect].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца

The swan-neck lesion: proximal tubular adaptation to oxidative stress in nephropathic cystinosis.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Cystinosis is an inherited disorder resulting from a mutation in the CTNS gene, causing progressive proximal tubular cell flattening, the so-called swan-neck lesion (SNL), and eventual renal failure. To determine the role of oxidative stress in cystinosis, histologic sections of kidneys from C57BL/6

Formulation of liposomes functionalized with Lotus lectin and effective in targeting highly proliferative cells.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Liposomes, used to improve the therapeutic index of new and established drugs, have advanced with the insertion of active targeting. The lectin from Lotus tetragonolobus (LTL), which binds glycans containing alpha-1,2-linked fucose, reveals surface regionalized glycoepitopes in highly proliferative

Genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity study of aqueous and hydro-methanol extracts of Spondias mombin L., Nymphaea lotus L. and Luffa cylindrical L. using animal bioassays.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Spondias mombin (Linn), Nymphaea lotus (Linn) and Luffa cylindrica (Linn) (syn Luffa aegyptiaca Mill) are plants traditionally used as food ingredients and in the management of diseases, including cancer, in Nigeria. Despite the therapeutic potentials attributed to these plants, reports on their

Saussureae Involucratae Herba (Snow Lotus): Review of Chemical Compositions and Pharmacological Properties.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Saussureae Involucratae Herba is the dried ground part of Saussurea involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) Sch.-Bip, which is also named as "Snow lotus" and being used in traditional Uyghur and/or Chinese medicine. This rare herb can be found at 4,000 m elevation in western part of Tianshan

Evaluation of Anxiolytic and Antidepressant-like Activity of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Nymphaea Lotus Linn. in Mice.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The search for psychoactive plants possessing therapeutic potential in the treatment of anxiety and depression has attracted growing interest. One such plant, Nymphaea lotus (commonly known as water lily), is used in traditional medicine for analgesic and sedative effects. The present study sought

Antimicrobial Activity of Some Edible Plants: Lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera ), Coffee, and Others.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
A number of edible plant species were investigated for antifungal agents. Whole sprouts and extracts of plant organs were tested in several assays, including bioautography. Amaranth, coffee ( Coffea arabica ), rice, coleus, violet, chervil, and lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera ) showed antifungal activity.

Illicium verum essential oil, a potential natural fumigant in preservation of lotus seeds from fungal contamination.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The antifungal properties of Illicium verum essential oil (IV-EO) against a toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus) were analyzed in order to determine its use in the preservation of lotus seeds. GC/MS analysis of IV-EO revealed that its main components are trans-anethole (91.32%),

In vivo and in silico sedative-hypnotic like activity of 7-methyljuglone isolated from Diospyros lotus L.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Diospyros lotus L. possesses different therapeutic activities such as antioxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-microbial and sedative. However, no studies on the sedative-hypnotic activity of 7-methyljuglone are reported. In the present study, we have evaluated in vivo the anxiolytic-hypnotic like

Effects of endomycorrhizal infection, artificial herbivory, and parental cross on growth of Lotus corniculatus L.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
We examined how combinations of parentage, fungicide application, and artificial herbivory influence growth and shoot phosphorus content in pre-reproductive Lotus corniculatus, using young offspring arising from three parental crosses, two of which had one parent in common. Soil with

An integrated strategy based on UPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS for metabolism and pharmacokinetic studies of herbal medicines: Tibetan "Snow Lotus" herb (Saussurea laniceps), a case study.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
BACKGROUND Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz. (SL) has long been used under the herbal name Tibetan "Snow Lotus" for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, stomachache and dysmenorrhea in Tibetan folk medicine. Since herbal medicine (HM) is a synergistical system with multiple components, both of the

Effect of cooking on physicochemical properties and volatile compounds in lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn).

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
The effects of boiling and steaming on lotus root volatile compounds and some of its physicochemical properties were determined. A total of 52 compounds identified in the raw tuber by GC-MS were a combination of the rhizome's native compounds and those from the soil and water environment, and are

Blockade of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans-induced axonal growth inhibition by LOTUS.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are axon growth inhibitors in the glial scar, and restrict axon regeneration following damage to the adult mammalian central nervous system. CSPGs have recently been identified as functional ligands for Nogo receptor-1 (NgR1), which is the common receptor
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