Haitian Creole

mesenteric cyst/млоснасць

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A Case of Mesenteric Cyst in a 4-Year-Old Child with Acute Abdominal Pain.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are rare intra-abdominal lesions occurring during childhood, which were first described in 1507. Cases of mesenteric cysts have been continuously reported, but these cases were very small in number. They are often asymptomatic and incidentally found while patients are undergoing

Strangulated umbilical hernia including a mesenteric cyst: a rare cause of acute abdomen.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are rare intra-abdominal lesions. They are usually diagnosed as an incidental laparotomy finding in adults but in childhood, they may present with acute abdomen. In this report, a 72-year old female was referred to our hospital, suffering from acute abdominal pain, several episodes

Male infant patient with a mesenteric cyst in the greater and lesser omenta: a case report.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are intra-abdominal masses of congenital origin, which most frequently occur in children, with an incidence of approximately 1 case per 20,000 pediatric admissions. Its progression can be asymptomatic, and its diagnosis can be incidental. However, it usually occurs

[Mesenteric cyst in the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Peru: a case report].

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are rare abdominal tumors. About 60% of these cysts occurs before 5 years of age and can be located anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, but are most often found in the small bowel mesentery. The clinical presentation depends on the location and size of the cyst and many cases

Laparoscopic treatment of mesenteric cysts. Report of two cases.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are rare intraabdominal tumors. Since the first report by Benevial in 1507, approximately 800 cases of mesenteric cysts have been described in the literature. Clinical presentation is variable and depends on the size and location of the cyst. This lesion are often asymptomatic or

Laparoscopic excision of a mesenteric cyst.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Benign abdominal cystic tumors are rare. They include retroperitoneal, mesenteric, and omental cysts. Most of these lesions present with vague abdominal pain and nausea. Less commonly they will present with bowel obstruction due to external compression. The diagnosis of these tumors is by abdominal

Laparoscopic resection of a mesenteric cyst: presentation of a new case.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are rare abdominal tumors which develop as a result of embryonic defects of the lymphatics. Symptoms derived from this pathology are vague and nonspecific, being frequently abdominal pain, heartburn, and nausea. The treatment of these tumors is complete surgical excision. The

Laparoscopic enucleation of a jejunal mesenteric cyst: a case report.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts (MC) are a rare surgical condition occurring approximately in 1/200.000-350.000. The aetiology is unknown and the rarity of the tumor has led to confusion about their nature and classifi cation. They can be uni- or multi-locular, and are mostly benign. Approximately 830 cases have

Mesenteric cysts. A case treated by laparoscopy and a review of the literature.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are one of the rarest abdominal tumors. Since the first report of a mesenteric cyst by Benevienal in 1507, only 820 cases have been reported. The symptoms depend on the size and location of the cyst. The main presenting symptom is abdominal pain, followed by nausea and vomiting.

Clinical characteristics of gastrointestinal tract duplications in children: A single-institution series review.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Due to the various presentations of gastrointestinal tract duplications (GTD), diagnosing and management for this disease might be varied and difficult. We intend to improve the experiences for these difficult, in terms of the clinical presentations, diagnostic investigations, management.We reviewed

Pediatric abdominal lymphangiomas: a plea for early recognition.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Abdominal lymphangiomas are usually classified together with mesenteric cysts. However, they differ by location, histology, and potential for recurrence, and should be considered a separate clinical entity. Thirteen children, aged 2 weeks to 11 years (mean, 5.8 years), with abdominal lymphangiomas

Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty for "Huge" Hydronephrosis Causing Vena Cava Thrombus.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
To present a rare case of "huge" hydronephrosis causing distortion of large vessels and formation of a thrombus in the inferior vena cava. Multidisciplinary treatment was applied with particular focus on pyeloplasty utilizing a robot-assisted laparoscopic

Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma mimicking malignancy.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cystic lymphangiomas are benign tumours arising from the mesentery, and have no known aetiology. Patients might be discovered incidentally to have asymptomatic mesenteric cysts, or they can present with symptoms such as pain, nausea and vomiting. A 27-year-old man presented with vague

A giant serous cystadenoma developing in an accessory ovary.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
BACKGROUND Accessory ovaries are rare anomalies and cysts arising from accessory ovaries are extremely rare. Their reported incidence is 1/29,000-1/700,000. Establishing the diagnosis preoperatively is difficult. Radiologic methods are usually inadequate in recognizing the origin of these tumors.

A rare case of acute abdomen.

Перакладаць артыкулы могуць толькі зарэгістраваныя карыстальнікі
Увайсці / Зарэгістравацца
Mesenteric cysts are tumoural formations which are generally benign in character, originate from the intestinal mesentery, and rarely cause abdominal tumours. They are asymptomatic unless a complication occurs, and thus may be incidentally diagnosed. Symptomatic cases may show up with findings such
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