Haitian Creole

Effect of Consumption of Chaya on Lipid Concentration and Antioxidant Status of Patients With Dyslipidemia

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Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de la Península de Yucatán

Ключови думи


Currently, the changes generated in lifestyle, such as excessive consumption of saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, as well as the decrease in the intake of fiber, fruits, vegetables and antioxidants, as well as physical inactivity, have generated an increase in the prevalence of dyslipidemias. Dyslipidemias are a disorder of blood lipid and lipoprotein concentration, which increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. In Mexico, the dyslipidemias are present in one in four Mexicans over 20 years old. However, in Yucatan increases this frequency increases due to one in three people suffer from dyslipidemia. Its prevalence is even higher in overweight subjects, diabetes and high blood pressure. Thus, it is important to search for strategies to reduce dyslipidemias, as well as the complications associated with them. The treatment and prevention of dyslipidemia is through dietary treatment, which may be accompanied by the consumption of foods that generate beneficial health effects due to the presence of bioactive compounds. Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa) is a plant use in popular medicine to treat medicine in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases. It contained different bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, vitamin C and polyphenols such as quercetin and kaempferol. Compounds that have been assigned various beneficial effects such as decreased triglyceride concentrations, cholesterol, malondialdehyde, C-Reactive protein, oxidized LDL, which are alterations that are present in dyslipidemia. Therefore, the consumption of this food could be an adequate strategy for subjects with dyslipidemia in Yucatan and Mexico due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and could reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.


The protocol will be carried out in the Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de la Península de Yucatán (HRAEPY). It is quasi-experimental and it was proposed before and after study, the study will be consisting in 6 subsequent visits and a last visit to deliver results to the participant.

In the pre-visit, the subjects will be evaluated to determine if they meet the inclusion criteria. They will be explained what the study consists of, the characteristics, the risks and the expected benefits after the intervention, they will be asked to read the consent letter, doubts will be clarified about it and if the participant agrees to be in the study the signature will be made of the consent letter.

At the beginning and end will be taken two blood samples of 5 mL to each participant. One will be to obtain the serum and measure cholesterol-HDL, cholesterol-LDL, triglycerides, total cholesterol, glucose, antioxidant activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) and C-reactive protein. The second sample will be to the extraction of peripheral leukocyte blood mononuclear cells and determine the gene expression of antioxidants enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). Blood pressure will be measured with a digital baumanometer while the participant will remain seated with the right arm uncovered. The measurement will be carried out 6 times, in intervals of 3 minutes. The first measurement will be discarded and the average of the remaining measurements will be reported. In the visits will bring to each participant an attachment to reported intake of the beverage. During the following ones it will always be questioned if there is any problem with the drinking the beverage of Chaya.

At the end of the study, participants will be given the document with their results and will be given recommendations for weight control, dietary recommendations to improve lipid concentrations. They will refer to their doctor for follow-up with their laboratory results for their control.

Description of the intervention

Chaya Water Beverage of Chaya will be prepared as follows: 40 g of Chaya leaves will be treated with a commercial brand disinfectant following the manufacturer's instructions for use, then added 1L of purified water and mixed in blender. Finally, 500 mL of it will be placed in bottles. Participants will be instructed to consume 1 bottle per day for 6 weeks. 7 bottles will be delivered at each visit, which will be consumed during the week; participants will be instructed to keep the water refrigerated until it is consumed.


Последна проверка: 01/31/2020
Първо изпратено: 09/25/2019
Очаквано записване подадено: 09/26/2019
Първо публикувано: 09/30/2019
Изпратена последна актуализация: 02/09/2020
Последна актуализация публикувана: 02/10/2020
Действителна начална дата на проучването: 05/31/2019
Приблизителна дата на първично завършване: 09/22/2019
Очаквана дата на завършване на проучването: 12/06/2020

Състояние или заболяване


Интервенция / лечение

Dietary Supplement: Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa)



Групи за ръце

ArmИнтервенция / лечение
Experimental: Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa)
Chaya Water Beverage of Chaya will be prepared as follows: 40 g of Chaya leaves will be treated with a commercial brand disinfectant following the manufacturer's instructions for use, then added 1L of purified water and mixed in blender. Finally, 500 mL of it will be placed in bottles. Participants will be instructed to consume 1 bottle per day for 6 weeks. 7 bottles will be delivered at each visit, which will be consumed during the week; participants will be instructed to keep the water refrigerated until it is consumed.
Dietary Supplement: Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa)
Chaya Water Beverage of Chaya will be prepared as follows: 40 g of Chaya leaves will be treated with a commercial brand disinfectant following the manufacturer's instructions for use, then added 1L of purified water and mixed in blender. Finally, 500 mL of it will be placed in bottles. Participants will be instructed to consume 1 bottle per day for 6 weeks. 7 bottles will be delivered at each visit, which will be consumed during the week; participants will be instructed to keep the water refrigerated until it is consumed.

Критерии за допустимост

Възрасти, отговарящи на условията за проучване 20 Years Да се 20 Years
Полове, допустими за проучванеAll
Приема здрави доброволциДа

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male and female.

- Adults between 20 and 60 years.

- BMI ≥ 20 and ≤ 39.9 kg / m².

- Mestizo Mexicans: parents and grandparents born in Mexico.

- Patients diagnosed with dyslipidemia.

- Dyslipidemia will be defined by any? alteration in the concentrations of the following lipoproteins: LDL cholesterol> 130mg/dL or total cholesterol> 200 mg/dL or triglycerides> 150 mg/dL

- Patients should know how to read and write.

- Signature of informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients with any type of diabetes previously diagnosed

- Patients with acquired diseases that produce secondary obesity and diabetes.

- Patients who have suffered a cardiovascular event.

- Weight loss> 3 kg in the last 3 months.

- Catabolic diseases such as cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

- Positive smoking.

- Drug treatment:

- Antihypertensive drugs (thiacyclic, loop or potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin II receptor blockers, alpha blockers, calcium antagonists, beta blockers).


Първични изходни мерки

1. Change from baseline triglycerides concentration at 6 weeks of intervention [At the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of intervention]

Serum triglyceride measurement by the method of colorimetry enzymatic

2. Change from baseline Lipoproteins concentration at 6 weeks of intervention [At the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of intervention]

Total cholesterol, LDL and HDL measurement by the method of colorimetry enzymatic

Вторични изходни мерки

1. Change from baseline blood gene expression of superoxide dismutase at 6 weeks of intervention [At the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of intervention]

Gene expression of superoxide dismutase measurement by qPCR method

2. Change from baseline blood gene expression of catalase at 6 weeks of intervention [At the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of intervention]

Blood gene expression of catalase measurement by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method

3. Change from baseline serum antioxidant activity at 6 weeks of intervention [At the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of intervention]

Serum antioxidant activity measurement by spectrophotometric method

4. Change from baseline serum C-Reactive Protein at 6 weeks of intervention [At the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of intervention]

Serum C-Reactive Protein measurement by the method of colorimetry enzymatic

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