Haitian Creole

Effect of Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin (i-PRF) in Initial Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis

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University of Belgrade

Ключови думи


Current treatments of periodontitis have limited efficacy since they fail to suppress microorganisms satisfactorily over time. The aim of present study was to investigate whether there are differences between initial treatment of chronic periodontitis (SRP) and SRP in conjunction with injectable platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF) application.


Current treatments of periodontitis have limited efficacy since they fail to suppress microorganisms satisfactorily over time. The aim of present study was to investigate whether there are differences between initial treatment of chronic periodontitis (SRP) and SRP in conjunction with injectable platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF) application.

Thirty patients with chronic periodontitis who had at least two sites with perriodontal pocket depth (PPD) ≥ 4 mm on contralateral side will be involved in the study. Using a split-mouth design, patients will be treated with SRP + I-PRF -(test group) or SRP only-(control group). Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and subgingival plaque will be collected with paper points (DentsplyMaillefer, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA) at baseline and 1, 3 and 6 months after the treatment. The presence and concentrations of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevotella intermedia (Pi) and Tannerella forsythia(Tf) will be analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Periodontal parameters, including bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD) and the clinical attachment level (CAL), will be recorded on both sides, as well as concentration of TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and MMP-8 (matrix-metalloproteinase-8).


Последна проверка: 06/30/2020
Първо изпратено: 11/20/2019
Очаквано записване подадено: 11/24/2019
Първо публикувано: 11/25/2019
Изпратена последна актуализация: 07/08/2020
Последна актуализация публикувана: 07/12/2020
Дата на първите подадени резултати: 03/28/2020
Дата на първите подадени резултати от QC: 05/27/2020
Дата на първите публикувани резултати: 06/10/2020
Действителна начална дата на проучването: 10/01/2019
Приблизителна дата на първично завършване: 06/28/2020
Очаквана дата на завършване на проучването: 07/08/2020

Състояние или заболяване


Интервенция / лечение

Drug: SRP + Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin

Drug: SRP + placebo


Фаза 4

Групи за ръце

ArmИнтервенция / лечение
Experimental: SRP + Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Scaling and root planing in conjunction with Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Drug: SRP + Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin application as adjunct to scaling and root planing
Placebo Comparator: SRP + placebo
Scaling and root planing in conjunction with saline
Drug: SRP + placebo
Saline application during scaling and root planing

Критерии за допустимост

Възрасти, отговарящи на условията за проучване 20 Years Да се 20 Years
Полове, допустими за проучванеAll
Приема здрави доброволциДа

Inclusion Criteria:

- A minimum of 6 teeth per quadrant;

- A minimum of 2 teeth in each quadrant with a probing depth (PD) ≥5 mm;

- Bleeding on probing (BOP) had to be at ≥40% tooth sites;

- No involvement of furcation;

- Good general health.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Periodontal therapy within last 12 months;

- Having surgical therapy;

- Use of antibiotics over the last 6 months;

- Ongoing drug therapy that might have an impact on the clinical signs and symptoms of periodontitis;

- Pregnancy or nursing;

- Current and former smokers.


Първични изходни мерки

1. Periodontal Pocket Depth-PPD [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

assessment of periodontal pocket depth by probing, mean value of periodontal pockets on one side of the jaw

2. Periodontal Pocket Depth-PPD - 1m [after 1 month]

assessment of periodontal pocket depth by probing, mean value of periodontal pockets on one side of the jaw

3. Periodontal Pocket Depth-PPD - 3m [after 3 months]

assessment of periodontal pocket depth by probing, mean value of periodontal pockets on one side of the jaw

4. Periodontal Pocket Depth-PPD - 6 [after 6 months]

assessment of periodontal pocket depth by probing mean value of one side of the jaw

5. Level of Gingival Margin-LGM [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

assessment of level of gingival margin-LGM by probing, i.e.distance between cementoenamel junction and gingival margin (the most coronal point of the gingiva); mean value of one side of the jaw

6. Level of Gingival Margin-LGM - 1m [after 1 month]

assessment of level of gingival margin-LGM by probing, i.e.distance between cementoenamel junction and gingival margin (the most coronal point of the gingiva); mean value of one side of the jaw

7. Level of Gingival Margin-LGM - 3m [after 3 months]

assessment of level of gingival margin-LGM by probing, i.e. distance between cementoenamel junction and gingival margin (the most coronal point of the gingiva); mean value of one side of the jaw

8. Level of Gingival Margin-LGM - 6m [after 6 months]

assessment of level of gingival margin-LGM by probing, distance between cementoenamel junction and gingival margin (the most coronal point of the gingiva) after 6 months

9. Clinical Attachment Level- CAL [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

assessment of clinical attachment level- CAL by probing

10. Clinical Attachment Level- CAL - 1m [after 1 month]

assessment of clinical attachment level- CAL by probing, mean value of one side of the jaw

11. Clinical Attachment Level- CAL - 3m [after 3 months]

assessment of clinical attachment level- CAL by probing, mean value of one side of the jaw

12. Clinical Attachment Level- CAL - 6m [after 6 months]

assessment of clinical attachment level- CAL by probing, mean value of one side of the jaw

13. Bleeding on Probing-BOP [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

assessment of bleeding on probing Mühlemann Papillary Bleeding Index , a four-grade index based on both the extent of bleeding and the time it takes for bleeding to occur after stimulation with a periodontal probe (0-the best outcome, 4-the worst outcome).

14. Bleeding on Probing-BOP - 1m [after 1 month]

assessment of bleeding on probing Mühlemann Papillary Bleeding Index , a four-grade index based on both the extent of bleeding and the time it takes for bleeding to occur after stimulation with a periodontal probe (0-the best outcome, 4-the worst outcome).

15. Bleeding on Probing-BOP 3m [after 3 months]

assessment of bleeding on probing Mühlemann Papillary Bleeding Index , a four-grade index based on both the extent of bleeding and the time it takes for bleeding to occur after stimulation with a periodontal probe (0-the best outcome, 4-the worst outcome).

16. Bleeding on Probing-BOP - 6m [after 6 months]

assessment of bleeding on probing Mühlemann Papillary Bleeding Index , a four-grade index based on both the extent of bleeding and the time it takes for bleeding to occur after stimulation with a periodontal probe (0-the best outcome, 4-the worst outcome).

17. Plaque Index- PI [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

visual assessment of plaque index-PI and by probing Plaque Index (Silness and Löe), 0-the best outcome, 3-the worst outcome

18. Plaque Index- PI -1m [after 1 month]

visual assessment of plaque index-PI and by probing Plaque Index (Silness and Löe), 0-the best outcome, 3-the worst outcome

19. Plaque Index- PI -3m [after 3 months]

visual assessment of plaque index-PI and by probing Plaque Index (Silness and Löe), 0-the best outcome, 3-the worst outcome

20. Plaque Index- PI - 6m [after 6 months]

visual assessment of plaque index-PI and by probing

21. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) at baseline

22. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) -1m [after 1 month]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 1 month

23. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 3m [after 3 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) after 3 months

24. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 6m [after 6 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 6 months

25. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Porphyromonas gingivalis - Pg in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) at baseline

26. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 1m [after 1 month]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Porphyromonas gingivalis - Pg in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 1 month

27. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 3m [after 3 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Porphyromonas gingivalis - Pg in gingival crevicular fluid after 3 months.

28. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 6m [after 6 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Porphyromonas gingivalis - Pg in gingival crevicular fluid after 6 months.

29. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Prevotella Intermedia (Pi) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Prevotella intermedia-Pi in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) at baseline

30. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Prevotella Intermedia (Pi) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) -1m [after 1 month]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Prevotella intermedia-Pi in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 1 month.

31. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Prevotella Intermedia (Pi) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 3m [after 3 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Prevotella intermedia-Pi in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 3 months.

32. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Prevotella Intermedia (Pi) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) -6m [after 6 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Prevotella intermedia-Pi in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 6 months.

33. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Tannerella Forsythia (Tf) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Tannerella forsythia-Tf in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) at baseline

34. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Tannerella Forsythia (Tf) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 1m [after 1 month]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Tannerella forsythia-Tf in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 1 month.

35. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Tannerella Forsythia (Tf) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 3m [after 3 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Tannerella forsythia-Tf in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 3 months.

36. Number of Periodontal Pockets With Presence/Absence of Tannerella Forsythia (Tf) in Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) - 6m [after 6 months]

Number of periodontal pockets with presence/absence of Tannerella forsythia-Tf in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) after 6 months.

37. Periodontal Pocket Microorganisms [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

The concentration of periodontal pocket microorganisms determined in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) by qPCR-real time.

38. Periodontal Pocket Microorganisms -1m [after 1 month]

The concentration of periodontal pocket microorganisms determined in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) by qPCR-real time after 1 month.

39. Periodontal Pocket Microorganisms - 3m [after 3 months]

The concentration of periodontal pocket microorganisms determined in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) by qPCR-real time after 3 months.

40. Periodontal Pocket Microorganisms - 6m [after 6 months]

The concentration of periodontal pocket microorganisms determined in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) by qPCR-real time after 6 months.

41. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-TNF-α [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

concentration of Tumor necrosis factor alpha-TNF-α in GCF using ELISA Kit

42. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-TNF-α -1m [after 1 month]

The concentration of Tumor necrosis factor alpha-TNF-α in GCF using ELISA Kit

43. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-TNF-α - 3m [after 3 months]

The concentration of Tumor necrosis factor alpha-TNF-α using ELISA Kit after 3 months.

44. Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-TNF-α -6m [after 6 months]

The concentration of Tumor necrosis factor alpha-TNF-α using ELISA Kit after 6 months.

45. Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

The concentration of Matrix metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 in GCF using ELISA Kit

46. Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 -1m [after 1 month]

The concentration of Matrix metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 in GCF using ELISA Kit after 1 month.

47. Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 - 3m [after 3 months]

The concentration of Matrix metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 using ELISA Kit after 3 months.

48. Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 - 6m [after 6 months]

The concentration of Matrix metalloproteinase 8 - MMP-8 using ELISA Kit after 6 months.

49. Alkaline Phosphatase - ALP [baseline measure (before the intervention)]

The concentration of Alkaline phosphatase - ALP in GCF using ELISA Kit

50. Alkaline Phosphatase - ALP -1m [after 1 month]

The concentration of Alkaline phosphatase - ALP in GCF using ELISA Kit after 1 month.

51. Alkaline Phosphatase - ALP -3m [after 3 months]

The concentration of Alkaline phosphatase - ALP using ELISA Kitafter 3 months.

52. Alkaline Phosphatase - ALP -6m [after 6 months]

The concentration of Alkaline phosphatase - ALP using ELISA Kit after 6 months.

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