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Oscillating dark cavity solitons.

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We show that oscillating dark solitons exist on a stable continuous plane-wave background in a cavity with a saturable defocusing nonlinearity. These oscillations can be attributed to a linear internal mode of the soliton with a complex eigenvalue emerging above a definite input field intensity.

Dark state lasers.

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We propose a new type of laser resonator based on imaginary energy-level splitting (imaginary coupling or quality factor Q-splitting) in a pair of coupled microcavities. A particularly advantageous arrangement involves two microring cavities with different free-spectral ranges in a configuration

Harmonic mode locking counterparts of dark pulse and dark-bright pulse pairs.

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We have investigated experimentally different operational states of an all-normal-dispersion ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF) ring laser with a long cavity. Various operational states were obtained by adjusting a polarization controller (PC) and the pump power. Self-pulsing, bright pulses, dark-bright

Dark soliton fiber lasers.

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Dark soliton formation and soliton dynamics in all-normal dispersion cavity fiber ring lasers without an anti-saturable absorber in cavity is studied both theoretically and numerically. It is shown that under suitable conditions the dark solitons formed could be described by the nonlinear

Searching for Ultralight Dark Matter with Optical Cavities.

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We discuss the use of optical cavities as tools to search for dark matter (DM) composed of virialized ultralight fields (VULFs). Such fields could lead to oscillating fundamental constants, resulting in oscillations of the length of rigid bodies. We propose searching for these effects via

Optical Ring Cavity Search for Axion Dark Matter.

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We propose a novel experiment to search for axion dark matter that differentiates the phase velocities of the left- and right-handed polarized photons. Our optical cavity measures the difference of the resonant frequencies between two circular polarizations of the laser beam. The design of our

SQUID-based microwave cavity search for dark-matter axions.

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Axions in the microeV mass range are a plausible cold dark-matter candidate and may be detected by their conversion into microwave photons in a resonant cavity immersed in a static magnetic field. We report the first result from such an axion search using a superconducting first-stage amplifier

Piezoelectrically Tuned Multimode Cavity Search for Axion Dark Matter.

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The μeV axion is a well-motivated extension to the standard model. The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) collaboration seeks to discover this particle by looking for the resonant conversion of dark-matter axions to microwave photons in a strong magnetic field. In this Letter, we report results

280  GHz dark soliton fiber laser.

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We report on an ultrahigh repetition rate dark soliton fiber laser. We show both numerically and experimentally that by taking advantage of the cavity self-induced modulation instability and the dark soliton formation in a net normal dispersion cavity fiber laser, stable ultrahigh repetition rate

Cavity Dark Mode of Distant Coupled Atom-Cavity Systems.

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We report on a combined experimental and theoretical investigation into the normal modes of an all-fiber coupled cavity-quantum-electrodynamics system. The interaction between atomic ensembles and photons in the same cavities, and that between the photons in these cavities and the photons in the

Magnon dark modes and gradient memory.

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Extensive efforts have been expended in developing hybrid quantum systems to overcome the short coherence time of superconducting circuits by introducing the naturally long-lived spin degree of freedom. Among all the possible materials, single-crystal yttrium iron garnet has shown up recently as a

Imaging the dark emission of spasers.

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Spasers are a new class of laser devices with cavity sizes free from optical diffraction limit. They are an emergent tool for various applications, including biochemical sensing, superresolution imaging, and on-chip optical communication. According to its original definition, a spaser is a coherent

Cavity design for high-frequency axion dark matter detectors.

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In an effort to extend the usefulness of microwave cavity detectors to higher axion masses, above ∼8 μeV (∼2 GHz), a numerical trade study of cavities was conducted to investigate the merit of using variable periodic post arrays and regulating vane designs for higher-frequency searches. The results

High quality factor photonic cavity for dark matter axion searches

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Searches for dark matter axions involve the use of microwave resonant cavities operating in a strong magnetic field. Detector sensitivity is directly related to the cavity quality factor, which is limited, until recently, to the use of non-superconducting metals by the presence of the external

Stabilizing and controlling domain walls and dark-ring cavity solitons.

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We demonstrate two alternative techniques for controlling and stabilizing domain walls (DW) in phase-sensitive, nonlinear optical resonators. The first of them uses input pumps with spatially modulated phase and can be applied also to dark-ring cavity solitons. An optical memory based on the latter
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