Epidemiology of epilepsy--Indian perspective.
There are about 20 epidemiological studies on epilepsy from different parts of India. They include both rural and urban studies. The prevalence rate stands at around 5/1000 population (at this rate present estimate of total epileptics in this country is about 5 million) and incidence rate varies from 38 to 49.3 per 100,000 population per year from two community-based studies in India. Case-control studies indicate that febrile seizures, family history of epilepsy and head trauma are significant risk factors. Type of seizure pattern showed maximum number of cases belonged to generalised seizures which is different from Western countries where partial seizure is the commonest variety. Treatment gap, which is a measure of per cent of patient populations not receiving the treatment, estimated to be up to 73.7% to 78% in India. Aetiology is unknown in about two-thirds of cases. Hot water epilepsy is unique in South India and single solitary ring enhancing lesion in brain imaging is a common feature in Indian subcontinent. Evaluation of prevalence study indicates that more case-control studies to find out the aetiology, pharmaco-economic study to find out the affordable drug for general public and mass health education should be undertaken to dispel the social stigma and to bring about change in the attitude about the disease.