[Granulated carrots (Daucus carota) in dog nutrition].
In feeding and balance trials with dogs (4) dried, ground carrots were tested in addition (30%) to a basic dry food (rice, corn gluten, fish meal and supplements). The palatability of both mixtures was good: fecal water losses were increased after feeding the carrots. Apparent digestibilities of organic and inorganic matter, especially sodium and potassium (not phosphorus), decreased. Digestibility of carrots was calculated to reach 70% with 1.2 MJ of digestible energy per 100 g dry matter. Reduced fecal pH (6.9-->6.1), higher lactate concentrations and increasing excretion of volatile fatty acids were seen as results of the stimulated bacterial metabolism in the colon. Diurnal pattern of breath hydrogen exhalation was similar in both periods: renal excretions of phenol, indican, and nitrogen were significantly reduced after supplementation with carrots as compared to control period.