Granuloma annulare and disseminated herpes zoster.
A 71-year-old man was admitted to the Wake Forest University/Baptist Hospital Medical Center on February 1, 1989, with pharyngitis and a cutaneous eruption that began that day. The past history was significant for a diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) made in 1984, and for longstanding hypertension, severe coronary artery disease, and prostatic hypertrophy. The patient had required no therapy for his CLL until August, 1988, when he developed hemolytic anemia and was treated with oral chlorambucil, 4 mg/day, and a tapering course of prednisone. By December, 1988, the prednisone therapy had been discontinued, but the patient required hospital admission for pneumococcal pneumonia, which responded well to intravenous antibiotic therapy. One day prior to the current admission the patient complained of persistent fevers, sore throat, productive cough, and headache. He noted a new cutaneous eruption on the day of admission in February, 1989. The past history was positive for occasional herpes stomatitis. The patient did not know if he had previously been infected with varicella. Skin examination revealed multiple (greater than 20), single, and grouped vesicles in a generalized distribution involving the bilateral trunk, head, neck, arms, and legs. The heaviest involvement was on the right posterior auricular area and on the neck. A Tzanck preparation obtained from an early lesion was positive for multinucleated giant cells. Viral culture was negative at 24 hours and at 1 week. A skin biopsy of an early vesicular lesion was performed and revealed intraepidermal vesicles with acantholysis and giant cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)