Surface flavonoid aglycones in newly studied plant species.
Several newly studied species of the Scrophulariaceae, Lamiaceae, and Ranunculaceae spread in Bulgaria have been analyzed for their surface flavonoid profiles. Except Pulsatilla montana (Hope) Rchb. (Ranunculaceae) all taxa now studied accumulated mainly apigenin, luteolin, and it's derivatives. This is the first report for the presence on external flavonoid aglycones in genus Pulsatilla. Quercetin-3'-methyl ether is a new citation for P. montana. The presence on surface flavonoid aglycones in species Veronica bellidioides L., V. persica Poir., Odontites verna (Bell.) Dum., Laminiastrum galeobdolon Heist ex Fabr., Glechoma herbaceae L., Ajuga genevensis L., and A. reptans L. are reported for the first time too.