Treatment of iron deficiency in Nigerians with daily intramuscular Ferastral.
Treatment of severe iron deficiency with iron-poly(sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex (Ferastral) intramuscular 10 ml (iron 500 mg) on alternate days has been shown highly effective and well tolerated. In order to see whether the time of treatment could be shortened, 20 Nigerians with severe iron deficiency (mostly from hookworm infection) were treated with daily intramuscular Ferastral 10 ml until their calculated total requirement of iron was met. The total iron deficit was 877-2763 mg (mean 1875 mg). Supportive treatment included antimalarials, folic acid and anthelmintics. No patient complained of undue pain at injection sites or of any other undesirable side-effects. There was no evidence of hepatic or renal toxicity in any patient, including eight who were followed at intervals up to eight weeks from the start of treatment. The initial haemoglobin (Hb) level was 2.2-7.8 g/dl (mean 4.6 g/dl). Daily regeneration of Hb in the first 14 days was 0.12-0.49 g/dl (mean 0.30 g/dl), and haematological indices were generally normal by eight weeks. Recovery was slow or incomplete in six patients, all of whom had complications other than iron deficiency. Serum iron was measured in five patients, rose to around 8000 micrograms/dl on about day 4, and fell to physiological levels by day 14. The serum unsaturated iron binding capacity fell to nil in five out of six patients on around day 3, and reappeared between days 7 and 10. Five patients who had persistent blood loss from continued hookworm infestation received a further single dose of Ferastral (iron 1000 mg) 10 ml into each buttock after four weeks, and one patient after two weeks. This large dose was also acceptable to patients if given slowly; it was followed by an accelerated Hb regeneration, but no toxicity. Daily intramuscular Ferastral 10 ml until the calculated iron requirements are met (usually in less than five days) is recommended for the treatment of severe iron deficiency. Patients with continued blood loss or Hb less than 10 g/dl after four weeks without other cause of anaemia, may receive a boost of one intramuscular injection of Ferastral 20 ml (10 ml into each buttock).