4 ফলাফল
This study seeks to determine if modifying the hormonal milieu of the menstrual cycle, through administration of exogenous progesterone, will improve the effectiveness of treatments for smoking cessation in women. Progesterone, a gonadal hormone, is used clinically for treatment of endometrial
Study design This was a pragmatic community randomized trial. A mixed method of data collection was used.
Randomization Health centres that offered antenatal and delivery care were eligible for randomization. Sixteen health centres, excluding the main hospitals, were identified and randomly
The success of BMT as a curative option for patients with malignancies is frequently limited by the inability to identify an appropriate donor in time for transplantation.
Transplantations utilizing umbilical cord blood stem cells are increasingly successful. Data suggest that there are fewer and
Title: Progesterone Treatment of Blunt Traumatic Brain Injury Principal Investigator(s): Arthur Kellermann, M.D., M.P.H. Institution: Emory University Biostatistician: Vicki Hertzberg, Ph.D. Institution: Emory University Project phase or primary methodology: Phase II pilot, double blind, 4:1