4 ফলাফল
Lung development and growth is a complexly orchestrated process starting prenatally in the first embryonic weeks, and ending, with the last important stages of alveolarization from the 24th week onwards. By the time of birth, around one third of the total amount of alveoli has developed,
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal inherited disease in North European populations, affecting approximately 1:2500 live births. It is a multisystem disorder with respiratory morbidity and mortality being the leading cause of death. Lung disease in CF is characterized by
Consent to search - All patients will receive detailed information about experiment (goals, benefits, risks and discomforts) in accordance with a consent form in this research. All procedures will be subject to approval of the Ethics Committee (CEP) of Ribeirão Preto Dental
Teenager Smoking Reduction Trial (TSRT)
1. Study subjects
TSRT is a solution-oriented trial aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of tobacco smoke reduction among teenagers. Eligible teenagers will fit the following criteria: (a) age between 12 and 16 years old; (b) have active smoke habits in past 6