Allium trifurcatum is a plant species native to the Sichuan and Yunnan regions in southern China. It grows at elevations of 3000–4000 m. The Tibetan people of Shangri-La and nearby areas eat its scapes.Allium trifurcatum has thick roots and clusters of bulbs. Scape is up to 20 cm tall, round in cross-section. Leaves are flat, up to 10 mm across, shorter than the scape. Umbels have only a few white flowers.
Upišite simptom ili bolest i pročitajte o biljkama koje bi mogle pomoći, unesite travu i pogledajte bolesti i simptome protiv kojih se koristi.
* Sve informacije temelje se na objavljenim naučnim istraživanjima