[An elderly case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura].
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A 78-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of disorientation and fever on January 21, 1992. Two days before admission she experienced vomiting, anorexia and general malaise. Laboratory examinations on admission disclosed a hemoglobin level of 11.1 g/dl and a platelet count of 8,000/microliters. The peripheral blood smear revealed anisocytosis with numerous schistocytes and poikilocytes. Polychromatophilic and nucleated red blood cells were also seen, and the reticulocyte count was 38/1000. Her serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) value was 2,977 WU and the total serum bilirubin level was 3.5 mg/dl with 2.7 mg/dl indirect reacting fraction. Serum creatinine was 4.7 mg/dl. Her consciousness became semicomatose after a systemic seizure which lasted approximately 15 seconds and her hemoglobin level decreased to 8.5 g/dl on hospital day 2. Therefore, we diagnosed her as having thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) because of the presence of all 5 features, that is, thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, fluctuating neurologic abnormalities, renal dysfunction and fever. A plasmapheresis with fresh frozen plasma (FFP) replacement was begun on that day. She was also treated with anti-platelet agents, 80 mg/day aspirin, and 300 mg/day dipyridamole. Moreover, packed red blood cells (PRC) were infused. While also receiving diphenylhydantoin and phenobarbital to prevent convulsions, status epilepticus developed on day 3. Because of inhibited spontaneous respiration which was an adverse effect derived from diazepam and sodium thiamylal administered intravenously to treat the status epilepticus, an artificial respiration was initiated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)