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butterfly/gubitak težine

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15 rezultati

Synthesis of 'butterfly cage' based on double-decker silsesquioxane.

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Novel polyhedral structures were prepared with a butterfly-shape comprised of oligosiloxane wings and a double- decker silsesquioxane (DDSQ) body. The compounds were synthesized in two steps from commercially available alkoxysilanes, and their structures were confirmed using spectroscopic methods

The risks posed by deltamethrin drift to hedgerow butterflies.

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The susceptibilities of Pieris rapae and P. brassicae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) to topical treatment with deltamethrin were determined. LD(50)s continued to fall for an extended period after treatment and did not reach a clear end-point for P. rapae. This indicated a failure to excrete or metabolise

Overwintering of the boreal butterfly Colias palaeno in central Europe.

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BACKGROUND Colias palaeno (Linnaeus, 1761) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is a butterfly with boreal distribution with declining populations in peat bogs and subalpine habitats in Central Europe. OBJECTIVE We investigated the cold tolerance of overwintering caterpillars from one mountain population from

Variation in two phases of post-winter development of a butterfly.

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The temporal aspects of life cycle characteristics, such as diapause development, are under strong selection in seasonal environments. Fine-tuning of the life cycle may be particularly important to match the phenology of potential mates and resources as well as for optimizing abiotic conditions at

Effect of winter cold duration on spring phenology of the orange tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines.

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The effect of spring temperature on spring phenology is well understood in a wide range of taxa. However, studies on how winter conditions may affect spring phenology are underrepresented. Previous work on Anthocharis cardamines (orange tip butterfly) has shown population-specific reaction norms of

Effect of Bt-176 maize pollen on first instar larvae of the Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae).

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More than 10 years after registration of the first Bt maize cultivar in Europe, there still exists a remarkable lack of data on effects on Lepidoptera which would be necessary for a complete and comprehensive environmental risk assessment. So far only very few European butterfly species have been

Adaptive variation in growth rate: life history costs and consequences in the speckled wood butterfly,Pararge aegeria.

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An important assumption made in most lifehistory theory is that there is a trade-off between age and size at reproduction. This trade-off may, however, disappear if growth rate varies adaptively. The fact that individuals do not always grow at the maximum rate can only be understood if high growth
The seasonal life cycle of the cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete is complicated because there are three options for pupal development: summer diapause, winter diapause, and nondiapause. In the present study, we tested the influence of temperature, day length, and seasonality on the expression

Review of endoscopic devices for weight reduction: old and new balloons and implantable prostheses.

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The worldwide epidemic of obesity is forecast to worsen with a concomitant increase in the burden of co-morbid conditions. Bariatric surgery has some disadvantages, and intragastric balloons (IGBs) represent a generally safe, reversible and less invasive approach to weight reduction, based on

Failure to thrive.

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We report a case of a "butterfly" nut removed successfully from the oesophagus of a 1-year-old baby. This foreign body was thought to have been present for three months. Continuous cough, feeding difficulty and weight loss were the predominant clinical features. The value of a chest X-ray is

Ants andPolyommatus icarus immatures (Lycaenidae) -sex-related developmental benefits and costs of ant attendance.

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Third and fourth instar larvae and pupae of the facultatively myrmecophilous Palaearctic blue butterflyPolyommatus icarus showed no alteration in developmental time when reared in the presence of two species ofLasius ants. Sex differences were observed in larval growth and pupal weight, with males

Depressive disorders in relation to neurootological complaints.

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Depression is a state of depressed mood characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement. Depression ranges from normal feelings of "the blues" through dysthymia to major depression. Endogenous depression has been identified with a specific symptom complex: psychomotor retardation,

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Failed Vertical Banded Gastroplasty.

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BACKGROUND Although the vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) is effective in achieving weight loss without metabolic side effects during the first few years, late failures cause weight regain in about 20% of the patients. The laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) is the procedure of choice to

Endoscopic treatment of obesity.

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BACKGROUND The increasing incidence of obesity and overweight among children and adolescents will be reflected by the imminent increase in the number of obese patients who require more definitive methods of treatment. There is great interest in new, safe, simple, nonsurgical procedures for weight

Adenocarcinoma of the Right Colon in a Patient with Bloom Syndrome.

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Introduction. Bloom syndrome (BS) is an inherited disorder due to mutation in BLM gene. The diagnosis of BS should be considered in patients with growth retardation of prenatal onset, a photosensitive rash in a butterfly distribution over the cheeks, and an increased risk of cancer at an early age.
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