4 rezultati
The sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway plays a fundamental role in the central nervous system (CNS) development, but its effects on neural cell survival and brain repair after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has not been well-investigated. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the influence
Previous studies have demonstrated that the sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway plays a neuro-protective role. However, whether the Shh pathway is induced by subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) has not been investigated. We sought to investigate Shh activation in the cortex in the early stage of SAH, and
The zebrafish genetic mutant iguana (igu) has defects in the ciliary basal body protein Dzip1, causing improper cilia formation. Dzip1 also interacts with the downstream transcriptional activators of Hedgehog (Hh), the Gli proteins, and Hh signaling is disrupted in igu mutants. Hh governs
Endothelial cilia are found in a variety of tissues including the cranial vasculature of zebrafish embryos. Recently, endothelial cells in the developing mouse retina were reported to also possess primary cilia that are potentially involved in vascular remodeling. Fish carrying mutations in