Haitian Creole

Bedside Resources to Gauge Intravascular Volume Status

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University of Colorado, Denver

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The goal if this study is to employ the CardioQ-Esophageal Aortic Doppler probe to define fluid responders from non-responders among infants undergoing cranial vault reconstruction for craniosynostosis. After defining these two groups in this single arm prospective trial, the investigators will compare the predictive utility of non-invasive devices such as the CipherOx-Compensatory Reserve Index (CipherOx-CRI) and Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index (IVC CI) to currently employed indices (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, urine output and pulse pressure variability) to gauge the need for additional fluid and ongoing resuscitation. If the CipherOx-CRI or IVC CI proved to be as predictive or better at predicting fluid responders, the investigators hope to replace invasive arterial lines with non-invasive tools to guide resuscitation.


Predicting fluid responsiveness in the operating room is essential to guide balanced resuscitation. Aggressive resuscitation may lead to significant morbidities, such as intra-abdominal hypertension, pulmonary edema, difficulty with ventilator liberalization, and consequently increased mortality. Alternatively, under resuscitation may lead to mal-perfusion and end-organ dysfunction.

A plethora of indices and tools have been studied and marketed to assess intravascular volume status with only a few proven reliable with reproducible results. Based on pre-fluid challenge values, several of these tools have been used to predict who may benefit from additional fluid (fluid responders). Alternatively, some of these tools have been used to distinguish fluid responders from non-responders based on changes in pre- and post-fluid challenge values. Among these tools, the pulmonary artery catheter provides measurements of both left and right heart pressures which can be applied to calculate the cardiac output (CO) and stroke volume (SV). Changes in these values (e.g. an increase in the stroke volume by 10%) between pre- and post-fluid challenge have been used to define fluid responders. This devise, however, is invasive with several significant risks, and therefore is rarely used in children. Echocardiography, on the other hand, is a non-invasive bedside study also used to assess CO and SV but is expensive and requires trained echosonagraphers for application. Further, because a transthoracic probe is required to obtain the images, application in the operating room is difficult as the chest is often in the operating field limiting access to the echosonagrapher. Lastly, the esophageal aortic blood flow device (CardioQ-Esophageal Dopler Monitor (Cardio-EDM), Deltex Medical, Chichester, UK) has been found in multiple adult and pediatric studies to reliably distinguish fluid responders from non-responders intensive care unit (ICU) and operating room. Much like an orogastric tube, this device is simply placed by a provider in the patient's esophagus and uses Doppler waveforms to measure aortic blood flow velocities. Variations in the amplitude of peak velocities has been shown to corelate with intravascular volume status. Specifically, a change in the peak velocity by greater than 10% between pre- and post-fluid challenge values has been shown to accurately distinguishes those who are fluid responsive from those who are not with similar accuracy to echocardiography and pulmonary artery catheter readings.

In recent years with continued technological advancements, there has been enthusiasm about less invasive, and in some cases, non-invasive, tools to gauge volume status. Among these, bedside ultrasonography (performed by providers rather than sonographers) is a common tool used to evaluate the inferior vena cava (IVC) collapsibility index (CI) has been shown to be a reliable tool in adults. Another non-invasive device uses a photoplethysmoraphic probe (CipherOx-CRI) placed on a digit to calculate the compensatory reserve index (CRI), a marker of proximity to hemodynamic collapse. Both IVC CI and CRI have been shown in multiple adult studies to predictive the need for volume expansion, but their utility in the pediatric population is unknown.

The goal if this proposed study is to employ the CardioQ-EDM probe to define fluid responders from non-responders among infants undergoing cranial vault reconstruction for craniosynostosis. After defining these two groups in this single arm prospective trial, the investigators will compare the predictive utility of non-invasive devices such as the CipherOx-CRI and IVC CI to currently employed indices (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, urine output and pulse pressure variability) to gauge the need for additional fluid and ongoing resuscitation. If the CipherOx-CRI or IVC CI proved to be as predictive or better at predicting fluid responders, the investigators hope to replace invasive arterial lines with non-invasive tools to guide resuscitation.

The investigators chose this population for several reasons. First, the investigators institution performs approximately 50-70 of these cases a year making them a relatively accessible group. Second, these children are generally healthy which will minimize physiologic confounders. Additionally, the subjects are paralyzed, have normal respiratory compliance, and providers maintain normothermia, all of which will minimizing confounders. Another unique benefit to this population is that these infants have been nil per os for several hours prior to surgery, putting them at risk for hypovolemia, and after induction, independent of the provider's assessment of intravascular volume status, all children receive a bolus of crystalloid (10mL/kg). This baseline data should provide sufficient data for analysis; but because these procedures are associated with significant blood loss and hypovolemia requiring aggressive resuscitation in the form of fluid or blood boluses, the investigators plan to continue to collect pre- and post- bolus data with the hope to further validate the benefit of non-invasive tools such as the CipherOx-CRI and IVC CI in the setting of ongoing blood loss.

As intravascular volume status is often difficult to assess clinically, the investigators aim to determine the predictability of non-invasive devices to guide resuscitation. In this prospective observational study, the investigators hope to identify:

1. The proportion of children within the cohort who are fluid responsive based on CardioQ-EDM aortic blood flow velocity changes pre- and post-bolus,

2. The positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, and optimal threshold for CRI, IVC CI, pulse pressure variability, stroke volume variability, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and mean arterial pressures in predicting fluid responders as determined by CardioQ-EDM, and

3. Assess confounding variables that may influence the predictive utility of such devices


Darrera verificació: 03/31/2020
Primer enviat: 04/07/2019
Inscripció estimada enviada: 04/10/2019
Publicat per primera vegada: 04/15/2019
Última actualització enviada: 04/22/2020
Publicació de l'última actualització: 04/26/2020
Data d'inici de l'estudi real: 04/07/2019
Data estimada de finalització primària: 07/31/2020
Data estimada de finalització de l’estudi: 07/31/2020

Condició o malaltia


Intervenció / tractament

Device: Fluid Challenge



Grups de braços

BraçIntervenció / tractament
Other: Fluid Challenge
After defining fluid responders from non-responders in this single arm prospective trial, we will compare the predictive utility of non-invasive devices such as the CipherOx-CRI and IVC CI to currently employed indices (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, urine output and pulse pressure variability) to gauge the need for additional fluid and ongoing resuscitation.
Device: Fluid Challenge
A CardioQ-EDM probe will be placed on the day of surgery after induction of general anesthesia. The anesthesiologist will inform the investigator of plans to provide a fluid or blood bolus per clinical judgement in addition to the protocolized 10 ml/kg bolus provided after induction. While the anesthesiologist is preparing to administer volume expansion, a co-investigator will collect pre-fluid bolus data. Measurements will be recorded for data analysis at the completion of the trial. Additionally, a CipherOx-CRI probe will be placed on the patient's index finger (recorded data will be interpreted post hoc) and a bedside ultrasound will be performed by either the principal investigator (PI) or one of two co-investigators to measure the IVC CI. Ultrasound cine-loops will be recorded, and CI will be calculated post-hoc. Data will be recorded on the Data Collection Form for each fluid bolus administered. The PI and co-investigators will manage all aspects of investigational devices.

Criteris d'elegibilitat

Edats elegibles per estudiar 3 Months Per a 3 Months
Sexes elegibles per estudiarAll
Accepta voluntaris saludables

Inclusion Criteria:

- Children with craniosynostosis undergoing cranial vault reconstruction

Exclusion Criteria:

- Children with known underlying cardiac anomalies or cardiac arrhythmias

- Weight less than 3 kg

- Children who have vasopressors adjusted during a fluid bolus


Mesures de resultats primaris

1. Utility of Compensatory Reserve Index (CRI) at predicting fluid responders from non-responders [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Using a delta peak aortic velocity threshold of 10% (measured using the CardioQ-EDM) before and after a bolus to define fluid responders (=/>10%) from non-responders (<10%), the investigators will determine the performance of pre-bolus CRI reading to predict fluid responders from non-responders. Measurements will be recorded three times with one minute between measurements and then averaged.

2. Utility of Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index (IVC CI) at predicting fluid responders from non-responders [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Using a delta peak aortic velocity threshold of 10% (measured using the CardioQ-EDM) before and after a bolus to define fluid responders (=/>10%) from non-responders (<10%), the investigators will determine the performance of pre-bolus IVC CI measurements to predict fluid responders from non-responders. Measurements will be recorded three times with one minute between measurements and then averaged.

3. Utility of systolic blood pressure at predicting fluid responders from non-responders [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Using a delta peak aortic velocity threshold of 10% (measured using the CardioQ-EDM) before and after a bolus to define fluid responders (=/>10%) from non-responders (<10%), the investigators will determine the performance of pre-bolus systolic blood pressure measurements to predict fluid responders from non-responders. Measurements will be recorded three times with one minute between measurements and then averaged.

4. Utility of mean arterial pressure at predicting fluid responders from non-responders [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Using a delta peak aortic velocity threshold of 10% (measured using the CardioQ-EDM) before and after a bolus to define fluid responders (=/>10%) from non-responders (<10%), the investigators will determine the performance of pre-bolus mean arterial pressure measurements to predict fluid responders from non-responders. Measurements will be recorded three times with one minute between measurements and then averaged.

5. Utility of end-tidal carbon dioxide at predicting fluid responders from non-responders [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Using a delta peak aortic velocity threshold of 10% (measured using the CardioQ-EDM) before and after a bolus to define fluid responders (=/>10%) from non-responders (<10%), the investigators will determine the performance of pre-bolus end-tidal carbon dioxide measurements to predict fluid responders from non-responders. Measurements will be recorded three times with one minute between measurements and then averaged.

6. Utility of pulse pressure variability at predicting fluid responders from non-responders [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Using a delta peak aortic velocity threshold of 10% (measured using the CardioQ-EDM) before and after a bolus to define fluid responders (=/>10%) from non-responders (<10%), the investigators will determine the performance of pre-bolus pulse pressure variability to predict fluid responders from non-responders. Measurements will be recorded three times with one minute between measurements and then averaged.

Mesures de resultats secundaris

1. Evaluate whether sex confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including sex. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

2. Evaluate whether race confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including race. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

3. Evaluate whether ethnicity confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including ethnicity. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

4. Evaluate whether weight in kilograms confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including weight. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

5. Evaluate whether height in centimeters confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including heigh. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

6. Evaluate whether tidal volume in milliliters per kilogram confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including tidal volume. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

7. Evaluate whether peak inspiratory pressure measured in centimeters of water confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including peak inspiratory pressure. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

8. Evaluate whether peak end-expiratory pressure measured in centimeters of water confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including peak end-expiratory pressure. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

9. Evaluate whether respiratory rate measured in breaths per minute confounds the accuracy of each primary outcome in distinguishing fluid responders from non-responders. [Through study completion (3-4 hours)]

Area under the curve will be calculated for the primary outcome variables using multiple logistic regression models including respiratory rate. Confounders will be identified for inclusion in the multiple logistic regression models by calculating the univariate association with the gold standard (using a p<0.10 threshold). These adjusted models will be used to verify thresholds for classification using the primary outcomes which will then be applied to calculate classification summary measures (e.g., positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and specificity).

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