Haitian Creole

The Safety and Efficacy of RIC on Adult Moyamoya Disease

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Capital Medical University

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There are a series of symptoms such as ischemic stroke、transient ischemic attack 、hemorrhagic stroke、headache 、seizure and so on in moyamoya disease( MMD) patients .Nowadays, revascularization is the only effective way for ischemic MMD and there is no effective conservative treatment for MMD. This study was to explore the safety and efficacy of remote ischemic conditioning(RIC ) on adult MMD patients.


There are a series of symptoms such as ischemic stroke、transient ischemic attack 、hemorrhagic stroke、headache 、seizure and so on in moyamoya disease. Nowadays, revascularization is the only effective way for ischemic MMD while controversial for hemorrhagic MMD patients. Surgical complications including hyperperfusion syndrome, cerebral infarction or bleeding often occurred postoperatively. There is no effective conservative treatment for MMD up to now.

Remote ischemic conditioning is Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) is a noninvasive and easy‑to‑use neuroprotective strategy, and it has potential effects on preventing ischemia reperfusion injury and ischemic infarction.This study was to explore the safety and efficacy of remote ischemic conditioning on adult MMD patients.


Darrera verificació: 12/31/2019
Primer enviat: 07/02/2019
Inscripció estimada enviada: 07/06/2019
Publicat per primera vegada: 07/08/2019
Última actualització enviada: 01/03/2020
Publicació de l'última actualització: 01/06/2020
Data d'inici de l'estudi real: 07/09/2019
Data estimada de finalització primària: 12/14/2020
Data estimada de finalització de l’estudi: 12/29/2020

Condició o malaltia

Moyamoya Disease

Intervenció / tractament

Device: RIC group

Device: sham-RIC group



Grups de braços

BraçIntervenció / tractament
Experimental: RIC group
Patients allocated to the RIC group will undergo RIC procedure during which bilateral arm cuffs are inflated to a pressure of 50 mmHg over systolic blood pressure for five cycles of 5 min followed by 5 min of relaxation of the cuffs.
Device: RIC group
Patients allocated to the RIC group will undergo RIC procedure during which bilateral arm cuffs are inflated to a pressure of 50 mmHg over systolic blood pressure for five cycles of 5 min followed by 5 min of relaxation of the cuffs.
Sham Comparator: sham-RIC group
Patients with AIS complicating ACS who were eligible for this study received standardized medical treatment and secondary prevention, including antiplatelets, low molecular weight heparin for anticoagulation,statins for lipid-lowering and stabilizing plaque, nitrates for vascular expansion and cardiocerebrovascular risk factors management. Administration of antihypertensive, antidiabetic or other agents were elective at the discretion of the treating physician according to the conditions of the patients. In addition, patients underwent sham-RIC twice daily for 14 days.And the sham-RIC procedure during which bilateral arm cuffs are inflated to a pressure of 60mmHg for five cycles of 5 min followed by 5 min of relaxation of the cuffs.
Device: sham-RIC group
The sham-RIC procedure during which bilateral arm cuffs are inflated to a pressure of 60mmHg for five cycles of 5 min followed by 5 min of relaxation of the cuffs.

Criteris d'elegibilitat

Edats elegibles per estudiar 1 Year Per a 1 Year
Sexes elegibles per estudiarAll
Accepta voluntaris saludables

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age: 18-60 years

- All of the patients underwent digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and met the current diagnostic criteria recommended by the Research Committee on MMD of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan in 2012.

- mRs≤3

- Informed consent obtained from patient or acceptable patient's surrogate.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients with acute ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke within 3 months.

- Severe hepatic or renal dysfunction.

- Severe hemostatic disorder or severe coagulation dysfunction.

- Severe cardiac diseases.

- Patients with severe existing neurological or psychiatric disease

- Patients with moyamoya syndrome caused by autoimmune disease, Down syndrome , neurofibromatosis, leptospiral infection, or previous skull-base radiation therapy.

- Patients have been done or plan to accept revascularization surgery.


Mesures de resultats primaris

1. cerebral blood flow [change from the baseline to12 months after treatment]

Cerebral blood flow refers to the flow of blood through a certain cross-sectional area of cerebrovascular in a unit time. Patients' CBF will be detected by arterial spin labeling

2. perfusion status [change from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

perfusion status detected by Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography

Mesures de resultats secundaris

1. incidence of ischemic stroke [from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

ischemic stroke is diagnosed by symptoms of neurologic deficit or head CT and MRI.

2. incidence of transient ischemic attack [from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

TIA is diagnosed by patients' transient neurologic deficit

3. incidence of hemorrhagic stroke [from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

hemorrhagic stroke is diagnosed by head CT

4. wall area [change from the baseline to 6, 12 months after treatment]

wall area is detected by 3T high-resolution black blood vessel wall imaging

5. remodeling index [change from the baseline to 6, 12 months after treatment]

The ratio of vessel wall at maximal lumen narrowing to reference vessel. and the vessel wall is detected by 3T high-resolution black blood vessel wall

6. the degree of enhancement of vessel wall [change from the baseline to 6, 12 months after treatment]

grade 0, no enhancement; grade 1, mild enhancement, the signal intensity of vessel wall is less than that of the pituitary infundibulum ; and grade 2, strong enhancement, the signal intensity of contrast enhanced vessel wall is similar to or greater than that of the infundibulum. it was detected by 3T high-resolution black blood vessel wall

7. The level of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) [change from the baseline to 3, 6, 12 months after treatment]

Blood samples will be drawn from cubital vein to test these biomarkersThese samples will be centrifuged immediately after collection and stored at − 80 until batch evaluation

8. The level of vascular endothelial growth factor [change from the baseline to 3, 6, 12 months after treatment]

Blood samples will be drawn from cubital vein to test these biomarkersThese samples will be centrifuged immediately after collection and stored at − 80 until batch evaluation

9. The level of basic fibroblast growth factor [change from the baseline to 3, 6 ,12 months after treatment]

Blood samples will be drawn from cubital vein to test these biomarkersThese samples will be centrifuged immediately after collection and stored at − 80 until batch evaluation

10. The rate of death and adverse event [change from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

All causes of death will be included to compute mortality at 12 months after therapy

11. The number of patients with erythema,and/or skin lesions related to RIC [change from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

Professional doctors will check it and the investigator will record the number.

12. The number of patients not tolerating RIC procedure,and refuse to continue the RIC procedure [change from the baseline to 12 months after treatment]

he investigator will record the number.

13. the total length of lenticulostriate arteries [change from the baseline to 6, 12 months after treatment]

the total length of lenticulostriate arteries is detected by 3T high-resolution black blood vessel wall imaging

14. average length of lenticulostriate arteries [change from the baseline to 6, 12 months after treatment]

average length of lenticulostriate arteries is detected by 3T high-resolution black blood vessel wall imaging

15. the number of lenticulostriate arteries [change from the baseline to 6, 12 months after treatment]

the number of lenticulostriate arteries is detected by 3T high-resolution black blood vessel wall imaging

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