[Reactivity changes in calves during transportation].
Klíčová slova
The activity of 38 calves aged 15-30 days of the Simenthal breed and of crosses with Ireshire was studied before and after transportaton at a distance of 38-100 km. It was established that transportation causes fatigue, thirst and a weight reduction of 4.3 kg, due to loss of liquid in the calf's organism. Caughing, soft faeces, even diarrhea, 1.5 degrees C higher rectal temperature, and 3.0 degrees C lower skin temperature, were recorded. the MacClure--Oldridge test proved twice as fast. As a result of hemoconcentration hemoglobin and hematocrite were higher. Eosinopaenia and neutrophylia with a nuclear deviation to the left similar to the reaction of experimentally induced lipopolysaccharide fever were established. On the 72d hour lymphocytosis and an enhanced lymhocytal index were observed. Transportation led to 15-18% higher number of phagocyted neutrophyls, 30-35% higher Wright number and nearly two times higher total blood phagocytal ability. Seventy two hours after two times higher total blood phagocytal ability. Seventy two hours after transportation the total blood phagocytal ability was reduced 15%. Another effect of calf transportation was the reduced total immunological reactivity, scored by the skin test of Yoffe.