Haitian Creole

obstetric labor complications/nikotin

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Health consequences of tobacco use for Maori--cessation essential for reducing inequalities in health.

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OBJECTIVE Tobacco use remains the largest preventable cause of death and disease in New Zealand. The aim of this paper was to identify all known health consequences of smoking, including exposure to other people's smoke, focusing on Maori. METHODS A review of the scientific literature, 'grey'

Nicotine transport in a human choriocarcinoma cell line (JAR).

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Smoking is a major health problem in pregnancy resulting in intrauterine growth retardation and birth complications. Nicotine, a toxic component of cigarette smoke, interferes with amino acid transport in the placenta and stimulates catecholamine release resulting in uteroplacental vasoconstriction.

Differential responses of hippocampal neurons and astrocytes to nicotine and hypoxia in the fetal guinea pig.

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In utero exposure to cigarette smoke has severe consequences for the developing fetus, including increased risk of birth complications and behavioral and learning disabilities later in life. Evidence from animal models suggests that the cognitive deficits may be a consequence of in utero nicotine

Decision-Making Does not Moderate the Association between Cannabis Use and Body Mass Index among Adolescent Cannabis Users.

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Results from research conducted on the association between cannabis use and body mass index (BMI) reveal mixed findings. It is possible that individual differences in decision-making (DM) abilities may influence these associations. This study analyzed how amount of cannabis use, DM performance, and

The reliability and validity of birth certificates.

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OBJECTIVE To summarize the reliability and validity of birth certificate variables and encourage nurses to spearhead data improvement. METHODS A Medline key word search of reliability and validity of birth certificate, and a reference review of more than 60 articles were done. METHODS Twenty-four

Births: final data for 1997.

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OBJECTIVE This report presents 1997 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal lifestyle and health

Prenatal adversity: a risk factor in borderline personality disorder?

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BACKGROUND Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) show a high prevalence of early adversity, such as childhood trauma. It has also been reported that prenatal adverse conditions, such as prenatal maternal stress, drug taking, tobacco smoking or medical complications, may be associated

[Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: risk factors, protective factors, health supply, quality of life. A brief review].

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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic behavioural disorder diagnosed in 4.8 % of German children and adolescents. Although many studies indicate primarily a neurobiological etiology, the disorder cannot be diagnosed on the basis of specific markers. The principal aspect of

Biosocial bases of aggressive and violent behavior--implications for nursing studies.

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Although aggression and violence have been increasingly viewed as a major public health problem with a biological and health basis, it has been under-researched in the nursing and health context. This paper reviews early biological risk factors for violence. These factors include pregnancy/birth

Obstetric and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women with severe mental illness at a specialist antenatal clinic.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the obstetric and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women with severe mental illness (SMI) who attended a specialist multidisciplinary antenatal clinic in Perth, Western Australia. METHODS A retrospective case-note audit of outcomes from the Childbirth and Mental Illness Antenatal

Births: final data for 2003.

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OBJECTIVE This report presents 2003 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal characteristics (medical

Births: final data for 1998.

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OBJECTIVE This report presents 1998 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal lifestyle and health

Births: final data for 2001.

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OBJECTIVE This report presents 2001 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal characteristics (medical

Births: final data for 2000.

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OBJECTIVE This report presents 2000 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal characteristics (medical

Births: final data for 1999.

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OBJECTIVE This report presents 1999 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal demographic characteristics including age, live-birth order, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and educational attainment; maternal characteristics (medical
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