Strychnos potatorum Linn (Loganiaceae) is a moderate sized tree found in southern and central parts of India, Sri Lanka and Burma. In traditional system of medicine, Strychnos potatorum Linn seeds were used for various ailments including inflammation, diabetes etc. To investigate the
Strychnos nux-vomica L. (Loganiaceae) is grown extensively in southern Asian countries. The dried seed of this plant, nux vomica, has been clinically used in Chinese folk medicine for improving blood circulation, relieving rheumatic pain, reducing swelling and treating
To further understand the purpose of the traditional processing method of the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica L. (Loganiaceae) as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of brucine and brucine N-oxide extracted from this medicinal plant, various pain and inflammatory models were employed in
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