Haitian Creole

Vector system

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Alan Kingsman
Nicholas Mazarakis
Enca Martin-Rendon
Mimoun Azzouz
Jonathan Rohll



Datum des Patents08/20/2007


Provided are retroviral vector genomes and vector systems comprising the genomes. In particular, a retroviral vector genome comprising two or more NOIs, operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s); a lentiviral vector genome comprising two or more NOIs suitable for treating a neurodegenerative disorder; and a lentiviral vector genome which encodes tyrosine hydroxylase, GTP-cyclohydrolase I and, optionally, Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase are provided.


We claim:

1. A lentiviral vector genome comprising three nucleotides of interest (NOIs) operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s) (IRES), wherein the NOIs encode tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), GTP-cyclohydrolase I (GTP-CH1) and aromatic amino acid dopa decarboxylase (AADC).

2. The genome according to claim 1, wherein the lentiviral vector genome is an HIV lentiviral vector genome.

3. The genome according to claim 1, wherein the lentiviral vector genome is a non-primate lentiviral vector genome.

4. The genome according to claim 1, wherein at least one of the NOIs is operably linked to a promoter or promoter element(s).

5. The genome according to claim 1, which lacks the rev responsive element (RRE).

6. The genome according to claim 1, further comprising a cPPT sequence.

7. The genome according to claim 1, further comprising a post-transcriptional regulatory element or a translational enhancer.

8. The genome according to claim 1, wherein at least one of the NOIs is codon optimized.

9. The genome according to claim 3, wherein the non-primate lentiviral vector genome is an EIAV lentiviral vector genome.

10. A vector system comprising a lentiviral vector genome comprising two or more nucleotides of interest (NOIs) operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s) (IRES), wherein the vector system further comprises: (i) a nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol proteins; and (ii) nucleotide sequence(s) encoding an env protein, and wherein the lentiviral vector genome is longer than the lentivirus wild type genome.

11. The vector system according to claim 10, which is an EIAV vector system.

12. The vector system according to claim 10, which is devoid of any additional lentiviral functional genes other than the nucleotides encoding lentiviral gag and pol proteins.

13. The vector system according to claim 10, which is pseudotyped with at least part of a heterologous env protein.

14. The vector system according to claim 10, wherein the lentiviral vector genome comprises a packaging signal.

15. A method for producing a lentiviral particle comprising introducing into a producer cell the vector system of claim 10, thereby producing a lentiviral particle.

16. The vector system according to claim 13, in which the heterologous env protein is Rabies-G or VSV G.

17. The method according to claim 15, wherein the nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol is codon optimized for expression in the producer cell.

18. The method according to claim 15, wherein the lentiviral vector genome comprises a packaging signal.

19. A lentiviral particle produced by the method of claim 15, wherein the particle comprises the two or more NOIs, operably linked by one or more IRES(s).

20. A cell in vitro which has been transduced with the lentiviral particle of claim 19.

21. A tricistronic cassette comprising a nucleotide sequence which encodes TH, a nucleotide sequence which encodes GTP-CH1, and a nucleotide sequence which encodes AADC, operably linked to two or more IRES(s).

22. The tricistronic cassette of claim 21, wherein at least one of the nucleotides sequences is codon optimized.

23. The cassette of claim 21, wherein the IRES is a viral IRES.

24. The cassette of claim 21, wherein the IRES is a cellular IRES.

25. The cassette of claim 23, wherein the viral IRES is from a picornavirus.

26. The cassette of claim 25, wherein the picornavirus is encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) or poliovirus (PV).

27. The cassette of claim 24, wherein the cellular IRES is FGF2 IRES or NRF IRES.

28. A lentiviral vector genome comprising three or more NOIs operably linked by two or more Internal Ribosome Entry Sites (IRESs), wherein each NOI encodes a protein associated with a neurodegenerative disorder.

29. The genome according to claim 28, wherein the lentiviral vector genome is an HIV lentiviral vector genome.

30. The genome according to claim 28, wherein the lentviral vector genome is a non-primate lentiviral vector genome.

31. The genome according to claim 28, wherein each NOI encodes a protein selected from the group consisting of TH, GTP-CH1, AADC, and VMAT2.

32. The genome according to claim 28, wherein at least one of the NOIs is operably linked to a promoter or promoter element(s).

33. The genome according to claim 28, which lacks the rev responsive element (RRE).

34. The genome according to claim 28, further comprising a cPPT sequence.

35. The genome according to claim 28, further comprising a post-transcriptional regulatory element or a translational enhancer.

36. The genome according to claim 28, wherein the NOIs encode TH, GTP-CH1 and AADC.

37. The genome according to claim 28, wherein the genome is a self-inactivating genome.

38. A vector system comprising the genome according to claim 28, wherein the vector system further comprises (i) a nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol proteins; and (ii) nucleotide sequence(s) coding for an env protein.

39. The genome according to claim 30, wherein the non-primate lentiviral vector genome is an EIAV lentiviral vector genome.

40. The genome according to claim 31, wherein at least one of the NOIs is codon optimized.

41. A vector system comprising the genome according to claim 37.

42. The vector system according to claim 38, wherein the lentiviral vector genome is longer than the lentivirus wild type genome.

43. The vector system of claim 38, which is an EIAV vector system.

44. The vector system according to claim 38, which is devoid of any additional lentiviral functional genes other than the nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol proteins.

45. The vector system according to claim 38, which is pseudotyped with at least part of a heterologous env protein.

46. The vector system according to claim 38, wherein the genome comprises a packaging signal.

47. A method for producing a lentiviral particle comprising introducing into a producer cell the vector system of claim 38, thereby producing a lentiviral particle.

48. The vector system according to claim 45, in which the heterologous env protein is Rabies-G or VSV G.

49. The method according to claim 47, wherein the nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol is codon optimized for expression in the producer cell.

50. The method according to claim 47, wherein the genome comprises a packaging signal.

51. A lentiviral particle produced by the method of claim 47, which comprises the three or more NOIs, operably linked by two or more IRESs, wherein each NOI encodes a protein associated with a neurodegenerative disorder.

52. A cell in vitro which has been transduced with the lentiviral particle according to claim 51.


The present invention relates to a vector system. In particular, the present invention relates to a lentiviral vector system for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.


Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of the nigrostriatal pathway. Although the cause of Parkinson's disease is not known, it is associated with the progressive death of dopaminergic (tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive) mesencephalic neurons, inducing motor impairment. The characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's disease appear when up to 70% of TH-positive nigrostriatal neurons have degenerated.

There is currently no satisfactory cure for Parkinson's disease. Symptomatic treatment of the disease-associated motor impairments involves oral administration of dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA). L-DOPA is transported across the blood-brain barrier and converted to dopamine, partly by residual dopaminergic neurons, leading to a substantial improvement of motor function. However, after a few years, the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons progresses, the effects of L-DOPA are reduced and side-effects reappear. Better therapy for Parkinson's disease is therefore necessary.

An alternative strategy for therapy is neural grafting, which is based on the idea that dopamine supplied from cells implanted into the striatum can substitute for lost nigrostriatal cells. Clinical trials have shown that mesencephalic TH positive neurons obtained from human embryo cadavers (aborted foetuses) can survive and function in the brains of patients with Parkinson's disease. However, functional recovery has only been partial, and the efficacy and reproducibility of the procedure is limited. Also, there are ethical, practical and safety issues associated with using tissue derived from aborted human foetuses. Moreover, the large amounts of tissue required to produce a therapeutic effect is likely to prove to be prohibitive. Some attempts have been made to use TH positive neurons from other species (in order to circumvent some of the ethical and practical problems). However, xenotransplantation requires immunosuppressive treatment and is also controversial due to, for example, the possible risk of cross-species transfer of infectious agents. Another disadvantage is that, in current grafting protocols, no more than 5 20% of the expected numbers of grafted TH positive neurons survive. In order to develop a practicable and effective transplantation protocol, an alternative source of TH positive neurons is required.

A further alternative strategy for therapy is gene therapy. It has been suggested that gene therapy could be used in Parkinson's disease in two ways: to replace dopamine in the affected striatum by introducing the enzymes responsible for L-DOPA or dopamine synthesis (for example, tyrosine hydroxylase); and to introduce potential neuroprotective molecules that may either prevent the TH-positive neurons from dying or stimulate regeneration and functional recovery in the damaged nigrostriatal system (Dunnet S. B. and Bjorklund A (1999) Nature 399 A32 A39).

In vivo, dopamine is synthesised from tyrosine by two enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and aromatic amino acid DOPA-decarboxylase (AADC). Parkinson's disease has been shown to be responsive to treatments that facilitate dopaminergic transmission in caudate-putamen. In experimental animals, genetically modified cells that express tyrosine hydroxylase, and thereby synthesise L-DOPA, induce behavioural recovery in rodent models of PD (Wolff et al. (1989) PNAS (USA) 86:9011 14; Freed et al (1990) Arch. Neurol. 47:505 12; Jiao et al. (1993) Nature 262:4505).

Functional activity of tyrosine hydroxylase depends on the availability of its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH.sub.4). The level of cofactor may be insufficient in the denervated striatum, and so it is thought that GTP cyclohydrolase I, the enzyme that catalyses the rate limiting step on the pathway of BH.sub.4-synthesis, may also need to be transduced to obtain sufficient levels of L-DOPA production in vivo (Bencsics et al (1996) J. Neurosci 16:4449 4456; Leff et al (1998) Exp. Neurol. 151:249 264).

Although in vivo and ex vivo gene therapy strategies for the treatment of Parkinson's disease have already been proposed (Dunnet and Bjorklund (1999) as above; Raymon et al (1997) Exp. Neurol. 144:82 91; Kang (1998) Mov. Dis. 13: 59 72) significant progress in this technology has been hampered by the limited efficiency of gene transfer and expression in the target cells. One problem in this regard is that the target cells are usually non-dividing cells (i.e. neurones) which are notoriously recalcitrant to transduction.

Expression of More than One Protein

WO 98/18934 relates to a a polynucleotide sequence for use in gene therapy, which polynucleotide sequence comprises two or more therapeutic genes operably linked to a promoter, and encodes a fusion protein product of the therapeutic genes. This provides a way of expressing two therapeutic genes from a single "chimeric gene". In a preferred embodiment, the polynucleotide sequence is capable of encoding a fusion protein comprising tyrosine hydroxylase and DOPA decarboxylase in either TH-DD or DD-TH order, linked by a flexible linker.

As discussed in WO/18924, amongst gene transfer systems, retroviral vectors hold substantial promise for gene therapy. These systems can transfer genes efficiently and new vectors are emerging that are particularly useful for gene delivery to brain cells (Naldini et al., 1996 Science 272, 263). However, it is dear from the literature that retroviral vectors achieve the highest titres and most potent gene expression properties if they are kept genetically simple (PCT/GB96/01230; Bowtell et al., 1988 J. Virol. 62, 2464; Correll et al., 1994 Blood 84, 1812; Emerman and Temin 1984 Cell 39, 459; Ghattas et al., 1991 Mol. Cell. Biol. 11, 5848; Hantzopoulos et al., 1989 PNAS 86, 3519; Hatzoglou et al., 1991 J. Biol. Chem 266, 8416; Hatzoglou et al., 1988 J. Biol. Chem 263, 17798; Li et al., 1992 Hum. Gen. Ther. 3, 381; McLachlin et al., 1993 Virol. 195, 1; Overell et al., 1988 Mol. Cell Biol. 8, 1803; Scharfman et al., 1991 PNAS 88, 4626; Vile et al., 1994 Gene Ther 1, 307; Xu et al., 1989 Virol. 171, 331; Yee et al., 1987 PNAS 84, 5197). This means using a single transcription unit within the vector genome and orchestrating appropriate gene expression from sequences either within the 5' LTR or from an internal promoter using a self-inactivating LTR, or using the split-intron technology described in the WO99/15683.

According to WO 98/18934, if there is a need to express two proteins from a single retroviral vector it is preferable to express them as a fusion protein (encoded by a single nucleotide sequence) than to use an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) to initiate translation of the second coding sequence in a poly-cistronic message. This is because, according to WO 98/18934 the efficiency of an IRES is often low and tissue dependent making the strategy undesirable when one is seeking to maximise the efficiency of metabolic conversion of, for example, tyrosine through to dopamine.

When located between open reading frames in an RNA, an IRES allows translation of the downstream open reading frame by promoting entry of the ribosome at the IRES element followed by downstream initiation of translation. The use of IRES elements in retroviral vectors has been investigated (see, for example, WO 93/0314) but expression of the cDNA situated downstream of the IRES has often been found to be inefficient. This may be due to competition for ribosomes and other cellular factors. The efficiency of translation initiation would therefore be expected to decrease with increasing numbers of IRES elements.

Expression of Large Heterologous Genes

Although the concept of using viral vectors to deliver a heterologous gene to a recipient cell is well known (Verma and Somia (1997) Nature 389:239 242), it is widely accepted that there are limits on the size of the heterologous gene which can be successfully transduced (see, for example page 446, Chapter 9 of Coffin et al "Retroviruses" 1997 Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press). If incorporation of the heterologous gene and associated regulatory elements dramatically increases the size of the viral genome, then there is a significant risk that it will no longer be able to be successfully packaged, or at least that packaging efficiency will be significantly reduced.

Despite the apparent prejudice in the art, the present inventors have shown that lentiviral vectors expressing a bicistronic cassette (encoding TH and GTP-CH1) and even a tricistronic cassette (encoding TH, AADC and GTP-CH1) can yield expression of the appropriate enzymes in heterologous cells in culture and in vivo. Incorporation of the tricistronic cassette into the lentiviral vector causes an increase in the size of the RNA genome of approximately 10% 30% (over the wild-type RNA genome) but surprisingly, gene transfer efficiency is not markedly affected. Integration efficiencies are comparable and efficient gene transfer to neurons is demonstrated. Moreover, the inventors have shown that such vectors may be used to increase the levels of certain catecholamines in denervated tissue and therefore correct rodent and primate models of Parkinson's disease.


The first aspect of the invention relates to viral vector genomes. In a first embodiment of the first aspect of the invention there is provided a retroviral vector genome comprising two or more NOIs (nucleotide sequences of interest) operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s). Preferably the genome comprises three or more NOIs operably linked by two or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s). Preferably each NOI is useful in the treatment of a neurodegenerative disorder. Preferably the genome is a lentiviral vector genome.

In a second embodiment of the first aspect of the invention there is provided a lentiviral vector genome comprising two or more NOIs suitable for treating a neurodegenerative disorder. Preferably the genome comprises three or more NOIs suitable for treating a neurodegenerative disorder. Preferably the NOIs are operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Sites(s).

Preferably the NOIs of these first and second embodiments of the invention are capable of encoding a protein selected from the following group: Tyrosine Hydroxylase, GTP-cyclohydrolase I, Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 (VMAT2). More preferably the NOIs are capable of encoding Tyrosine Hydroxylase, GTP-cyclohydrolase I and optionally Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase or Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2. The NOIs of the embodiments may also encode proteins such as growth factors and antibodies.

In a third embodiment of the first aspect of the invention there is provided a lentiviral vector genome capable of encoding tyrosine hydroxylase and GTP-cyclohydrolase I. Preferably the genome is also capable of encoding Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase or Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2. Preferably the enzymes are encoded by NOIs, which are operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry sites.

The second aspect of the invention relates to vector systems.

In a first embodiment of the second aspect of the invention there is provided a vector system comprising a genome according to the first aspect of the invention.

In a second embodiment of the second aspect of the invention there is provided a lentiviral vector system which is capable of delivering an RNA genome to a recipient cell, wherein the genome is longer than the wild type genome of the lentivirus. Preferably the lentiviral vector system is an EIAV vector system.

According to further aspects of the invention, there is provided: a method for producing a lentiviral particle which comprises introducing such a viral genome into a producer cell; a viral particle produced by such a system or method; a pharmaceutical composition comprising such a genome, system or particle; the use of such a genome, system or particle in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical composition to treat and/or prevent a disease; a cell which has been transduced with such a system; a method of treating and/or preventing a disease by using such a genome, system, viral particle or cell;

According to a yet further aspect there is provided a bicistronic cassette comprising a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding tyrosine hydroxylase and a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I operably linked by one or more IRES(s). There is also provided a bicistronic cassette encoding Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2.

According to a yet further aspect there is provided a tricistronic cassette comprising a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding tyrosine hydroxylase, a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I and a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase operably linked by two or more IRES(s).


The first aspect of the invention relates to retroviral and lentiviral vector genomes.


The concept of using viral vectors for gene therapy is well known (Verma and Somia (1997) Nature 389:239 242).

There are many retroviruses. For the present application, the term "retrovirus" includes: murine leukemia virus (MLV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV), mouse mammary tumour virus (MMTV), Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), Fujinami sarcoma virus (FuSV), Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV), FBR murine osteosarcoma virus (FBR MSV), Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MSV), Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MLV), Avian myelocytomatosis virus-29 (MC29), and Avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV) and all other retroviridiae including lentiviruses.

A detailed list of retroviruses may be found in Coffin et al ("Retroviruses" 1997 Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press Eds: J M Coffin, S M Hughes, H E Varmus pp 758 763).

Lentiviruses also belong to the retrovirus family, but they can infect both dividing and non-dividing cells (Lewis et al (1992) EMBO J. 3053 3058).

The lentivirus group can be split into "primate" and "non-primate". Examples of primate lentiviruses include the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The non-primate lentiviral group includes the prototype "slow virus" visna/maedi virus (VMV), as well as the related caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV) and the more recently described feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV).

Details on the genomic structure of some lentiviruses may be found in the art. By way of example, details on HIV and EIAV may be found from the NCBI Genbank database (i.e. Genome Accession Nos. AF033819 and AF033820 respectively). Details of HIV variants may also be found at Details of EIAV variants may be found through

During the process of infection, a retrovirus initially attaches to a specific cell surface receptor. On entry into the susceptible host cell, the retroviral RNA genome is then copied to DNA by the virally encoded reverse transcriptase which is carried inside the parent virus. This DNA is transported to the host cell nucleus where it subsequently integrates into the host genome. At this stage, it is typically referred to as the provirus. The provirus is stable in the host chromosome during cell division and is transcribed like other cellular genes. The provirus encodes the proteins and other factors required to make more virus, which can leave the cell by a process sometimes called "budding".

Each retroviral genome comprises genes called gag, pol and env which code for virion proteins and enzymes. These genes are flanked at both ends by regions called long terminal repeats (LTRs). The LTRs are responsible for proviral integration, and transcription. They also serve as enhancer-promoter sequences. In other words, the LTRs can control the expression of the viral genes. Encapsidation of the retroviral RNAs occurs by virtue of a psi sequence located at the 5' end of the viral genome.

The LTRs themselves are identical sequences that can be divided into three elements, which are called U3, R and U5. U3 is derived from the sequence unique to the 3' end of the RNA. R is derived from a sequence repeated at both ends of the RNA and U5 is derived from the sequence unique to the 5'end of the RNA. The sizes of the three elements can vary considerably among different retroviruses.

For the viral genome, the site of transcription initiation is at the boundary between U3 and R in the left hand side LTR and the site of poly (A) addition (termination) is at the boundary between R and U5 in the right hand side LTR. U3 contains most of the transcriptional control elements of the provirus, which include the promoter and multiple enhancer sequences responsive to cellular and in some cases, viral transcriptional activator proteins. Some retroviruses have any one or more of the following genes that code for proteins that are involved in the regulation of gene expression: tat, rev, tax and rex.

With regard to the structural genes gag, pol and env themselves, gag encodes the internal structural protein of the virus. Gag protein is proteolytically processed into the mature proteins MA (matrix), CA (capsid) and NC (nucleocapsid). The pol gene encodes the reverse transcriptase (RT), which contains DNA polymerase, associated RNase H and integrase (IN), which mediate replication of the genome. The env gene encodes the surface (SU) glycoprotein and the transmembrane (TM) protein of the virion, which form a complex that interacts specifically with cellular receptor proteins. This interaction leads ultimately to infection by fusion of the viral membrane with the cell membrane.

Retroviruses may also contain "additional" genes which code for proteins other than gag, pol and env. Examples of additional genes include in HIV, one or more of vif, vpr, vpx, vpu, tat, rev and nef. EIAV has, for example, the additional genes S2 and dUTPase.

Proteins encoded by additional genes serve various functions, some of which may be duplicative of a function provided by a cellular protein. In EIAV, for example, tat acts as a transcriptional activator of the viral LTR. It binds to a stable, stem-loop RNA secondary structure referred to as TAR. Rev regulates and co-ordinates the expression of viral genes through rev-response elements (RRE). The mechanisms of action of these two proteins are thought to be broadly similar to the analogous mechanisms in the primate viruses. The function of S2 is unknown. In addition, an EIAV protein, Ttm, has been identified that is encoded by the first exon of tat spliced to the env coding sequence at the start of the transmembrane protein.

Delivery Systems

Retroviral vector systems have been proposed as a delivery system for inter alia the transfer of a NOI to one or more sites of interest The transfer can occur in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo, or combinations thereof. Retroviral vector systems have even been exploited to study various aspects of the retrovirus life cycle, including receptor usage, reverse transcription and RNA packaging (reviewed by Miller, 1992 Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 158:1 24).

A recombinant retroviral vector particle is capable of transducing a recipient cell with an NOI. Once within the cell the RNA genome from the vector particle is reverse transcribed into DNA and integrated into the DNA of the recipient cell.

As used herein, the term "vector genome" refers to both to the RNA construct present in the retroviral vector particle and the integrated DNA construct. The term also embraces a separate or isolated DNA construct capable of encoding such an RNA genome. A retroviral or lentiviral genome should comprise at least one component part derivable from a retrovirus or a lentivirus. The term "derivable" is used in its normal sense as meaning a nucleotide sequence or a part thereof which need not necessarily be obtained from a virus such as a lentivirus but instead could be derived therefrom. By way of example, the sequence may be prepared synthetically or by use of recombinant DNA techniques. Preferably the genome comprises a psi region (or an analogous component which is capable of causing encapsidation).

The viral vector genome is preferably "replication defective" by which we mean that the genome does not comprise sufficient genetic information alone to enable independent replication to produce infectious viral particles within the recipient cell. In a preferred embodiment, the genome lacks a functional env, gag or pol gene.

The viral vector genome may comprise some or all of the long terminal repeats (LTRs). Preferably the genome comprises at least part of the LTRs or an analogous sequence which is capable of mediating proviral integration, and transcription. The sequence may also comprise or act as an enhancer-promoter sequence.

The viral vector genome of the first aspect of the invention may be provided as a kit of parts. For example, the kit may comprise (i) a plasmid or plasmids containing the NOIs and IRES sequence(s); and (ii) a retroviral genome construct with suitable restriction enzyme recognition sites for cloning the NOIs and IRES(s) into the viral genome.

It is known that the separate expression of the components required to produce a retroviral vector particle on separate DNA sequences cointroduced into the same cell will yield retroviral particles carrying defective retroviral genomes that carry therapeutic genes (e.g. Reviewed by Miller 1992). This cell is referred to as the producer cell (see below).

There are two common procedures for generating producer cells. In one, the sequences encoding retroviral Gag, Pol and Env proteins are introduced into the cell and stably integrated into the cell genome; a stable cell line is produced which is referred to as the packaging cell line. The packaging cell line produces the proteins required for packaging retroviral RNA but it cannot bring about encapsidation due to the lack of a psi region. However, when a vector genome according to the first aspect of the invention (having a psi region) is introduced into the packaging cell line, the helper proteins can package the psi-positive recombinant vector RNA to produce the recombinant virus stock. This can be used to transduce the NOI into recipient cells. The recombinant virus whose genome lacks all genes required to make viral proteins can infect only once and cannot propagate. Hence, the NOI is introduced into the host cell genome without the generation of potentially harmful retrovirus. A summary of the available packaging lines is presented in "Retroviruses" (1997 Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press Eds: J M Coffin, S M Hughes, H E Varmus pp 449).

The present invention also provides a packaging cell line comprising a viral vector genome of the first aspect of the invention. For example, the packaging cell line may be transduced with a viral vector system comprising the genome or transfected with a plasmid carrying a DNA construct capable of encoding the RNA genome. The present invention also provides a retroviral (or lentiviral) vector particle produced by such a cell.

The second approach is to introduce the three different DNA sequences that are required to produce a retroviral vector particle i.e. the env coding sequences, the gag-pol coding sequence and the defective retroviral genome containing one or more NOIs into the cell at the same time by transient transfection and the procedure is referred to as transient triple transfection (Landau & Littman 1992; Pear et al 1993). The triple transfection procedure has been optimised (Soneoka et al 1995; Finer et al 1994). WO 94/29438 describes the production of producer cells in vitro using this multiple DNA transient transfection method.

The components of the viral system which are required to complement the vector genome may be present on one or more "producer plasmids" for transfecting into cells.

The present invention also provides a vector system, comprising (i) a viral genome according to the first aspect of the invention; (ii) a nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol proteins; (iii) nucleotide sequences encoding other essential viral packaging components not encoded by the nucleotide sequence of ii). In a preferred embodiment, the nucleotide sequence of (iii) is capable of encoding an env protein. The present invention also provides a cell transfected with such a vector system and a retroviral vector particle produced by such a cell. Preferably the gag-pol sequence is codon optimised for use in the particular producer cell (see below).

The env protein encoded by the nucleotide sequence of iii) may be a homologous retroviral or lentiviral env protein. Alternatively, it may be a heterologous env, or an env from a non-retro or lentivirus (see below under "pseudotyping").

The term "viral vector system" is used generally to mean a kit of parts which can be used when combined with other necessary components for viral particle production to produce viral particles in host cells. For example, the retroviral vector genome may lack one or more of the genes needed for viral replication. This may be combined in a kit with a further complementary nucleotide sequence or sequences, for example on one or more producer plasmids. By cotransfection of the genome together with the producer plasmid(s), the necessary components should be provided for the production of infectious is viral particles.

Alternatively, the complementary nucleotide sequence(s) may be stably present within a packaging cell line that is included in the kit.

The present invention also relates to a lentiviral vector system which is capable of delivering an RNA genome to a recipient cell, wherein the genome is longer than the wild type genome of the lentivirus. The vector system may, for example, be an EIAV vector system.

Preferably the RNA genome of the vector system has up to 5%, more preferably up to 10% or even up to 30% more bases than the wild-type genome. Preferably the RNA genome is about 10% longer than the wild-type genome. For example, wild type EIAV comprises an RNA genome of approximately 8 kb. An EIAV vector system of the present invention may have an RNA genome of up to (preferably about) 8.8 kb.

Preferably the retroviral vector system of the present invention is a self-inactivating (SIN) vector system.

By way of example, self-inactivating retroviral vector systems have been constructed by deleting the transcriptional enhancers or the enhancers and promoter in the U3 region of the 3' LTR. After a round of vector reverse transcription and integration, these changes are copied into both the 5' and the 3' LTRs producing a transcriptionally inactive provirus. However, any promoter(s) internal to the LTRs in such vectors will still be transcriptionally active. This strategy has been employed to eliminate effects of the enhancers and promoters in the viral LTRs on transcription from internally placed genes. Such effects include increased transcription or suppression of transcription. This strategy can also be used to eliminate downstream transcription from the 3' LTR into genomic DNA. This is of particular concern in human gene therapy where it may be important to prevent the adventitious activation of an endogenous oncogene. Yu et al., (1986) PNAS 83: 3194 98; Marty et al., (1990) Biochimie 72: 885 7; Naviaux et al., (1996) J. Virol. 70: 5701 5; Iwakuma et al., (1999) Virol. 261: 120 32; Deglon et al., (2000) Human Gene Therapy 11: 179 90.

Preferably a recombinase assisted mechanism is used which facilitates the production of high titre regulated lentiviral vectors from the producer cells of the present invention.

As used herein, the term "recombinase assisted system" includes but is not limited to a system using the Cre recombinase/loxP recognition sites of bacteriophage P1 or the site-specific FLP recombinase of S. cerevisiae which catalyses recombination events between 34 bp FLP recognition targets (FRTs).

The site-specific FLP recombinase of S. cerevisiae which catalyses recombination events between 34 bp FLP recognition targets (FRTs) has been configured into DNA constructs in order to generate high level producer cell lines using recombinase-assisted recombination events (Karreman et al (1996) NAR 24:1616 1624). A similar system has been developed using the Cre recombinase/loxP recognition sites of bacteriophage P1 (Vanin et al (1997) J. Virol 71:7820 7826). This was configured into a lentiviral genome such that high titre lentiviral producer cell lines were generated.

By using producer/packaging cell lines, it is possible to propagate and isolate quantities of retroviral vector particles (e.g. to prepare suitable titres of the retroviral vector particles) for subsequent transduction of, for example, a site of interest (such as adult brain tissue). Producer cell lines are usually better for large scale production or vector particles.

Transient transfection has numerous advantages over the packaging cell method. In this regard, transient transfection avoids the longer time required to generate stable vector-producing cell lines and is used if the vector genome or retroviral packaging components are toxic to cells. If the vector genome encodes toxic genes or genes that interfere with the replication of the host cell, such as inhibitors of the cell cycle or genes that induce apoptosis, it may be difficult to generate stable vector-producing cell lines, but transient transfection can be used to produce the vector before the cells die. Also, cell lines have been developed using transient infection that produce vector titre levels that are comparable to the levels obtained from stable vector-producing cell lines (Pear et al 1993, PNAS 90:8392 8396).

Producer cells/packaging cells can be of any suitable cell type. Producer cells are generally mammalian cells but can be, for example, insect cells.

As used herein, the term "producer cell" or "vector producing cell" refers to a cell which contains all the elements necessary for production of retroviral vector particles.

Preferably, the producer cell is obtainable from a stable producer cell line.

Preferably, the producer cell is obtainable from a derived stable producer cell line.

Preferably, the producer cell is obtainable from a derived producer cell line.

As used herein, the term "derived producer cell line" is a transduced producer cell line which has been screened and selected for high expression of a marker gene. Such cell lines support high level expression from the retroviral genome. The term "derived producer cell line" is used interchangeably with the term "derived stable producer cell line" and the term "stable producer cell line.

Preferably the derived producer cell line includes but is not limited to a retroviral and/or a lentiviral producer cell.

Preferably the derived producer cell line is an HIV or EIAV producer cell line, more preferably an EIAV producer cell line.

Preferably the envelope protein sequences, and nucleocapsid sequences are all stably integrated in the producer and/or packaging cell. However, one or more of these sequences could also exist in episomal form and gene expression could occur from the episome.

As used herein, the term "packaging cell" refers to a cell which contains those elements necessary for production of infectious recombinant virus which are lacking in the RNA genome. Typically, such packaging cells contain one or more producer plasmids which are capable of expressing viral structural proteins (such as codon optimised gag-pol and env) but they do not contain a packaging signal.

The term "packaging signal" which is referred to interchangeably as "packaging sequence" or "psi" is used in reference to the non-coding, cis-acting sequence required for encapsidation of retroviral RNA strands during viral particle formation. In HIV-1, this sequence has been mapped to loci extending from upstream of the major splice donor site (SD) to at least the gag start codon.

Packaging cell lines suitable for use with the above-described vector constructs may be readily prepared (see also WO 92/05266), and utilised to create producer cell lines for the production of retroviral vector particles. As already mentioned, a summary of the available packaging lines is presented in "Retroviruses" (as above).

Also as discussed above, simple packaging cell lines, comprising a provirus in which the packaging signal has been deleted, have been found to lead to the rapid production of undesirable replication competent viruses through recombination. In order to improve safety, second generation cell lines have been produced wherein the 3'LTR of the provirus is deleted. In such cells, two recombinations would be necessary to produce a wild type virus. A further improvement involves the introduction of the gag-pol genes and the env gene on separate constructs so-called third generation packaging cell lines. These constructs are introduced sequentially to prevent recombination during transfection.

Preferably, the packaging cell lines are second generation packaging cell lines.

Preferably, the packaging cell lines are third generation packaging cell lines.

In these split-construct, third generation cell lines, a further reduction in recombination may be achieved by changing the codons. This technique, based on the redundancy of the genetic code, aims to reduce homology between the separate constructs, for example between the regions of overlap in the gag-pol and env open reading frames.

The packaging cell lines are useful for providing the gene products necessary to encapsidate and provide a membrane protein for a high titre vector particle production. The packaging cell may be a cell cultured in vitro such as a tissue culture cell line. Suitable cell lines include but are not limited to mammalian cells such as murine fibroblast derived cell lines or human cell lines. Preferably the packaging cell line is a primate or human cell line, such as for example: HEK293, 293-T, TE671, HT1080.

Alternatively, the packaging cell may be a cell derived from the individual to be treated such as a monocyte, macrophage, blood cell or fibroblast. The cell may be isolated from an individual and the packaging and vector components administered ex vivo followed by re-administration of the autologous packaging cells.

It is highly desirable to use high-titre virus preparations in both experimental and practical applications. Techniques for increasing viral titre include using a psi plus packaging signal as discussed above and concentration of viral stocks.

As used herein, the term "high titre" means an effective amount of a retroviral vector or particle which is capable of transducing a target site such as a cell.

As used herein, the term "effective amount" means an amount of a regulated retroviral or lentiviral vector or vector particle which is sufficient to induce expression of the NOIs at a target site.

A high-titre viral preparation for a producer/packaging cell is usually of the order of 10.sup.5 to 10.sup.7 retrovirus particles per ml. For transduction in tissues such as the brain, it is necessary to use very small volumes, so the viral preparation is concentrated by ultracentrifugation. The resulting preparation should have at least 10.sup.8 t.u./ml, preferably from 10.sup.8 to 10.sup.9 t.u./ml, more preferably at least 10.sup.9 t.u./ml. (The titer is expressed in transducing units per ml (t.u./ml) as titred on a standard D17 cell line--see Example 9). Other methods of concentration such as ultrafiltration or binding to and elution from a matrix may be used.

The expression products encoded by the NOIs may be proteins which are secreted from the cell. Alternatively the NOI expression products are not secreted and are active within the cell. For some applications, it is preferred for the NOI expression product to demonstrate a bystander effect or a distant bystander effect; that is the production of the expression product in one cell leading to the modulation of additional, related cells, either neighbouring or distant (e.g. metastatic), which possess a common phenotype. Zennou et al., (2000) Cell 101: 173; Folleuzi et al., (2000) Nat. Genetics 25: 217; Zennou et al., (2001) Nat. Biotechnol. 19: 446.

The presence of a sequence termed the central polypurine tract (cPPT) may improve the efficiency of gene delivery to non-dividing cells. This cis-acting element is located, for example, in the EIAV polymerase coding region element. Preferably the genome of the present invention comprises a cPPT sequence.

Preferably the viral genome comprises a post-translational regulatory element. For example, the genome may comprise an element such as the woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element (WPRE). Zufferey et al., (1999) J. Virol. 73: 2886; Barry et al., (2001) Human Gene Therapy 12: 1103.

In addition, or in the alternative, the viral genome may comprise a translational enhancer.

The NOIs may be operatively linked to one or more promoter/enhancer elements. Transcription of one or more NOIs may be under the control of viral LTRs or alternatively promoter-enhancer elements. Preferably the promoter is a strong viral promoter such as CMV, or is a cellular constitutive promoter such as PGK, beta-actin or EF1alpha. The promoter may be regulated or tissue-specific Such promoters may be selected from genes such as neurofilaments, nestin, parkin, dopamine receptors, tyrosine hydroxylase. Such promoters may also contain neurorestrictive suppressor sequences such as that found in the mu-opoid receptor gene. In a preferred embodiment, the promoter may be glial-specific or neuron-specific. The control of expression can also be achieved by using such systems as the tetracycline system that switches gene expression on or off in response to outside agents (in this case tetracycline or its analogues).


In the design of retroviral vector systems it is desirable to engineer particles with different target cell specificities to the native virus, to enable the delivery of genetic material to an expanded or altered range of cell types. One manner in which to achieve this is by engineering the virus envelope protein to alter its specificity. Another approach is to introduce a heterologous envelope protein into the vector particle to replace or add to the native envelope protein of the virus.

The term pseudotyping means incorporating in at least a part of, or substituting a part of, or replacing all of, an env gene of a viral genome with a heterologous env gene, for example an env gene from another virus. Pseudotyping is not a new phenomenon and examples may be found in WO 99/61639, WO-A-98105759, WO-A-98/05754, WO-A-97/17457, WO-A-96/09400, WO-A-91/00047 and Mebatsion et al 1997 Cell 90, 841 847.

In a preferred embodiment of the present invention the vector system is pseudotyped with a gene encoding at least part of the rabies G protein. In a further preferred embodiment of the present invention the vector system is pseudotyped with a gene encoding at least part of the VSV-G protein.

It has been demonstrated that a lentivirus minimal system can be constructed from HIV, SIV, FIV, and EIAV viruses. Such a system requires none of the additional genes vif, vpr, vpx, vpu, tat, rev and nef for either vector production or for transduction of dividing and non-dividing cells. It has also been demonstrated that an EIAV minimal vector system can be constructed which does not require S2 for either vector production or for transduction of dividing and non-dividing cells. The deletion of additional genes is highly advantageous. Firstly, it permits vectors to be produced without the genes associated with disease in lentiviral (e.g. HIV) infections. In particular, tat is associated with disease. Secondly, the deletion of additional genes permits the vector to package more heterologous DNA. Thirdly, genes whose function is unknown, such as S2, may be omitted, thus reducing the risk of causing undesired effects. Examples of minimal lentiviral vectors are disclosed in WO-A-99/32646 and in WO-A-98/17815.

Thus, preferably, the delivery system used in the invention is devoid of at least tat and S2 (if it is an EIAV vector system), and possibly also vif, vpr, vpx, vpu and net More preferably, the systems of the present invention are also devoid of rev. Rev was previously thought to be essential in some retroviral genomes for efficient virus production. For example, in the case of HIV, it was thought that rev and RRE sequence should be included. However, it has been found that the requirement for rev and RRE can be reduced or eliminated by codon optimisation (see below) or by replacement with other functional equivalent systems such as the MPMV system. As expression of the codon optimised gag-pol is REV independent, RRE can be removed from the gag-pol expression cassette, thus removing any potential for recombination with any RRE contained on the vector genome.

In a preferred embodiment the viral genome of the first aspect of the invention lacks the Rev response element (RRE).

In a preferred embodiment, the system used in the present invention is based on a so-called "minimal" system in which some or all of the additional genes have be removed.

Codon Optimisation

Codon optimisation has previously been described in WO99/41397. Different cells differ it their usage of particular codons. This codon bias corresponds to a bias in the relative abundance of particular tRNAs in the cell type. By altering the codons in the sequence so that they are tailored to match with the relative abundance of corresponding tRNAs, it is possible to increase expression. By the same token, it is possible to decrease expression by deliberately choosing codons for which the corresponding tRNAs are known to be rare in the particular cell type. Thus, an additional degree of translational control is available.

Many viruses, including HIV and other lentiviruses, use a large number of rare codons and by changing these to correspond to commonly used mammalian codons, increased expression of the packaging components in mammalian producer cells can be achieved. Codon usage tables are known in the art for mammalian cells, as well as for a variety of other organisms.

Codon optimisation has a number of other advantages. By virtue of alterations in their sequences, the nucleotide sequences encoding the packaging components of the viral particles required for assembly of viral particles in the producer cells/packaging cells have RNA instability sequences (INS) eliminated from them. At the same time, the amino acid sequence coding sequence for the packaging components is retained so that the viral components encoded by the sequences remain the same, or at least sufficiently similar that the function of the packaging components is not compromised. Codon optimisation also overcomes the Rev/RRE requirement for export, rendering optimised sequences Rev independent. Codon optimisation also reduces homologous recombination between different constructs within the vector system (for example between the regions of overlap in the gag-pol and env open reading frames). The overall effect of codon optimisation is therefore a notable increase in viral titre and improved safety.

In one embodiment only codons relating to INS are codon optimised. However, in a much more preferred and practical embodiment, the sequences are codon optimised in their entirety, with the exception of the sequence encompassing the frameshift site.

The gag-pol gene comprises two overlapping reading frames encoding gag and pol proteins respectively. The expression of both proteins depends on a frameshift during translation. This frameshift occurs as a result of ribosome "slippage" during translation. This slippage is thought to be caused at least in part by ribosome-stalling RNA secondary structures. Such secondary structures exist downstream of the frameshift site in the gag-pol gene. For HIV, the region of overlap extends from nucleotide 1222 downstream of the beginning of gag (wherein nucleotide 1 is the A of the gag ATG) to the end of gag (nt 1503). Consequently, a 281 bp fragment spanning the frameshift site and the overlapping region of the two reading frames is preferably not codon optimised. Retaining this fragment will enable more efficient expression of the gag-pol proteins.

For EIAV the beginning of the overlap has been taken to be nt 1262 (where nucleotide 1 is the A of the gag ATG). The end of the overlap is at 1461 bp. In order to ensure that the frameshift site and the gag-pol overlap are preserved, the wild type sequence has been retained from nt 1156 to 1465.

Derivations from optimal codon usage may be made, for example, in order to accommodate convenient restriction sites, and conservative amino acid changes may be introduced into the gag-pol proteins.

In a highly preferred embodiment, codon optimisation was based on highly expressed mammalian genes. The third and sometimes the second and third base may be changed.

Due to the degenerate nature of the Genetic Code, it will be appreciated that numerous gag-pol sequences can be achieved by a skilled worker. Also there are many retroviral variants described which can be used as a starting point for generating a codon optimised gag-pol sequence. Lentiviral genomes can be quite variable. For example there are many quasi-species of HIV-1 which are still functional. This is also the case for EIAV. These variants may be used to enhance particular parts of the transduction process. Examples of HIV-1 variants may be found at Details of EIAV clones may be found at the NCBI database:

The strategy for codon optimised gag-pol sequences can be used in relation to any retrovirus. This would apply to all lentiviruses, including EIAV, FIV, BIV, CAEV, VMR, SIV, HIV-1 and HIV-2. In addition this method could be used to increase expression of genes from HTLV-1, HTLV-2, HFV, HSRV and human endogenous retroviruses (HERV), MLV and other retroviruses.

Codon optimisation can render gag-pol expression Rev independent. In order to enable the use of anti-rev or RRE factors in the retroviral vector, however, it would be necessary to render the viral vector generation system totally Rev/RRE independent. Thus, the genome also needs to be modified. This is achieved by optimising vector genome components. Advantageously, these modifications also lead to the production of a safer system absent of all additional proteins both in the producer and in the transduced cell.

As described above, the packaging components for a retroviral vector include expression products of gag, pol and env genes. In addition, efficient packaging depends on a short sequence of 4 stem loops followed by a partial sequence from gag and env (the packaging signal). Thus, inclusion of a deleted gag sequence in the retroviral vector genome (in addition to the full gag sequence on the packaging construct) will optimise vector titre. To date efficient packaging has been reported to require from 255 to 360 nucleotides of gag in vectors that still retain env sequences, or about 40 nucleotides of gag in a particular combination of splice donor mutation, gag and env deletions. It has surprisingly been found that a deletion of all but the N-termnial 360 or so nucleotides in gag leads to an increase in vector titre. Thus, preferably, the retroviral vector genome includes a gag sequence which comprises one or more deletions, more preferably the gag sequence comprises about 360 nucleotides derivable from the N-terminus.


In the present invention, the term NOI (nucleotide sequence of interest) includes any suitable nucleotide sequence, which need not necessarily be a complete naturally occurring DNA or RNA sequence. Thus, the NOI can be, for example, a synthetic RNA/DNA sequence, a codon optimised RNA/DNA sequence, a recombinant RNA/DNA sequence (i.e. prepared by use of recombinant DNA techniques), a cDNA sequence or a partial genomic DNA sequence, including combinations thereof. The sequence need not be a coding region. If it is a coding region, it need not be an entire coding region. In addition, the RNA/DNA sequence can be in a sense orientation or in an anti-sense orientation. Preferably, it is in a sense orientation. Preferably, the sequence is, comprises, or is transcribed from cDNA.

The NOI(s), also referred to as "heterologous sequence(s)", "heterologous gene(s)" or "transgene(s)", may be any one or more of, for example, a selection gene(s), marker gene(s) and therapeutic gene(s).

The NOI may be a candidate gene which is of potential significance in a disease process. Thus the vector system of the present invention may, for example, be used for target validation purposes.

The NOI may have a therapeutic or diagnostic application. Suitable NOIs include, but are not limited to: sequences encoding enzymes, cytokines, chemokines, hormones, antibodies, anti-oxidant molecules, engineered immunoglobulin-like molecules, a single chain antibody, fusion proteins, immune co-stimulatory molecules, immunomodulatory molecules, anti-sense RNA, a transdominant negative mutant of a target protein, a toxin, a conditional toxin, an antigen, a tumour suppresser protein and growth factors, membrane proteins, vasoactive proteins and peptides, anti-viral proteins and ribozymes, and derivatives thereof (such as with an associated reporter group). The NOIs may also encode pro-drug activating enzymes.

Preferably the NOI is useful in the treatment of a neurodegenerative disorder.

More preferably the NOI is useful in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

The NOI may encode an enzyme involved in dopamine synthesis or storage. For example, the enzyme may be one of the following: Tyrosine Hydroxylase, GTP-cyclohydrolase I and/or Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase. The sequences of all three genes are available: Accession Nos. X05290, U19523 and M76180 respecively.

Alternatively the NOI may encode the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2, Accession number L23205.1). In a preferred embodiment the viral genome comprises an NOI encoding Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and an NOI encoding VMAT 2. Such a genome may be used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, in particular in conjunction with peripheral administration of L-DOPA.

Alternatively the NOI may encode a growth factor capable of blocking or inhibiting degeneration in the nigrostriatal system. An example of such a growth factor is a neurotrophic factor. For example the NOI may encode glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF), persephin growth factor, artemin growth factor, or neurturin growth factor, cilliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), neurotrophin-4 (NT-4), pantropic neurotrophin, and other related or unrelated neurotrophic factors. WO99/14235; WO00/18799; U.S. Pat. No. 6,090,778; U.S. Pat. No. 5,834,914; WO97/08196; U.S. Pat. No. 6,090,778; U.S. Pat. No. WO92/05254; U.S. Pat. No. 6,037,320; WO95/33829; Baumgartner, B J and Shine, H D, J. Neurosci. 17: 6504 11 (1997). In a preferred embodiment, a lentiviral vector comprises one or more of these NOIs encoding neurotrophic factors.

Alternatively the NOI may encode a neuroprotective factor. In particular, the NOI(s) may encode molecules which prevent TH-positive neurons from dying or which stimulate regeneration and functional recovery in the damaged nigrostriatal system.

The NOI may encode all or part of the protein of interest ("POI"), or a mutant, homologue or variant thereof. For example, the NOI may encode a fragment of the POI which is capable of functioning in vivo in an analogous manner to the wild-type protein.

In a highly preferred embodiment, one of the NOIs comprises a truncated form of the TH gene, lacking the regulatory domain. Such an NOI avoids feed-back inhibition by dopamine which may limit expression of the full-length enzyme.

The term "mutant" includes POIs which include one or more amino acid variations from the wild-type sequence. For example, a mutant may comprise one or more amino acid additions, deletions or substitutions. A mutant may arise naturally, or may be created artificially (for example by site-directed mutagenesis).

Here, the term "homologue" means an entity having a certain homology with the NOI, or which encodes a protein having a degree of homology with the POI. Here, the term "homology" can be equated with "identity".

In the present context, an homologous sequence is taken to include an amino acid sequence which may be at least 75, 85 or 90% identical, preferably at least 95 or 98% identical to the subject sequence. Typically, the homologues will comprise the same active sites etc. as the subject amino acid sequence. Although homology can also be considered in terms of similarity (i.e. amino acid residues having similar chemical properties/functions), in the context of the present invention it is preferred to express homology in terms of sequence identity.

In the present context, an homologous sequence is taken to include a nucleotide sequence which may be at least 75, 85 or 90% identical, preferably at least 95 or 98% identical to the subject sequence. Typically, the homologues will comprise the same sequences that code for the active sites etc. as the subject sequence. Although homology can also be considered in terms of similarity (i.e. amino acid residues having similar chemical properties/functions), in the context of the present invention it is preferred to express homology in terms of sequence identity.

Homology comparisons can be conducted by eye, or more usually, with the aid of readily available sequence comparison programs. These commercially available computer programs can calculate % homology between two or more sequences.

% homology may be calculated over contiguous sequences, i.e. one sequence is aligned with the other Sequence and each amino acid in one sequence is directly compared with the corresponding amino acid in the other sequence, one residue at a time. This is called an "ungapped" alignment. Typically, such ungapped alignments are performed only over a relatively short number of residues.

Although this is a very simple and consistent method, it fails to take into consideration that, for example, in an otherwise identical pair of sequences, one insertion or deletion will cause the following amino acid residues to be put out of alignment, thus potentially resulting in a large reduction in % homology when a global alignment is performed. Consequently, most sequence comparison methods are designed to produce optimal alignments that take into consideration possible insertions and deletions without penalising unduly the overall homology score. This is achieved by inserting "gaps" in the sequence alignment to try to maximise local homology.

However, these more complex methods assign "gap penalties" to each gap that occurs in the alignment so that, for the same number of identical amino acids, a sequence alignment with as few gaps as possible--reflecting higher relatedness between the two compared sequences--will achieve a higher score than one with many gaps. "Affine gap costs" are typically used that charge a relatively high cost for the existence of a gap and a smaller penalty for each subsequent residue in the gap. This is the most commonly used gap scoring system. High gap penalties will of course produce optimised alignments with fewer gaps. Most alignment programs allow the gap penalties to be modified. However, it is preferred to use the default values when using such software for sequence comparisons. For example when using the GCG Wisconsin Bestfit package the default gap penalty for amino acid sequences is -12 for a gap and -4 for each extension.

Calculation of maximum % homology therefore firstly requires the production of an optimal alignment, taking into consideration gap penalties. A suitable computer program for carrying out such an alignment is the GCG Wisconsin Bestfit package (University of Wisconsin, U.S.A.; Devereux et al., 1984, Nucleic Acids Research 12:387). Examples of other software than can perform sequence comparisons include, but are not limited to, the BLAST package (see Ausubel et al., 1999 ibid--Chapter 18), FASTA (Atschul et al., 1990, J. Mol. Biol., 403 410) and the GENEWORKS suite of comparison tools. Both BLAST and FASTA are available for offline and online searching (see Ausubel et al., 1999 ibid, pages 7 58 to 7 60). However, for some applications, it is preferred to use the GCG Bestfit program. A new tool, called BLAST 2 Sequences is also available for comparing protein and nucleotide sequence (see FEMS Microbiol Lett 1999 174(2): 247 50; FEMS Microbiol Lett 1999 177(1): 187 8 and

Although the final % homology can be measured in terms of identity, the alignment process itself is typically not based on an all-or-nothing pair comparison. Instead, a scaled similarity score matrix is generally used that assigns scores to each pairwise comparison based on chemical similarity or evolutionary distance. An example of such a matrix commonly used is the BLOSUM62 matrix--the default matrix for the BLAST suite of programs. GCG Wisconsin programs generally use either the public default values or a custom symbol comparison table if supplied (see user manual for further details). For some applications, it is preferred to use the public default values for the GCG package, or in the case of other software, the default matrix, such as BLOSUM62.

Once the software has produced an optimal alignment, it is possible to calculate % homology, preferably % sequence identity. The software typically does this as part of the sequence comparison and generates a numerical result.

The sequences may also have deletions, insertions or substitutions of amino add residues which produce a silent change and result in a functionally equivalent substance. Deliberate amino acid substitutions may be made on the basis of similarity in polarity, charge, solubility, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, and/or the amphipathic nature of the residues as long as the secondary binding activity of the substance is retained. For example, negatively charged amino acids include aspartic acid and glutamic acid; positively charged amino acids include lysine and arginine; and amino adds with uncharged polar head groups having similar hydrophilicity values include leucine, isoleucine, valine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, threonine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine.

Conservative substitutions may be made, for example according to the Table below. Amino acids in the same block in the second column and preferably in the same line in the third column may be substituted for each other:

TABLE-US-00001 ALIPHATIC Non-polar G A P I L V Polar-uncharged C S T M N Q Polar-charged D E K R AROMATIC H F W Y

The present invention also encompasses homologous substitution (substitution and replacement are both used herein to mean the interchange of an existing amino acid residue, with an alternative residue) may occur i.e. like-for-like substitution such as basic for basic, acidic for acidic, polar for polar etc. Non-homologous substitution may also occur i.e. from one class of residue to another.

Preferably the NOI encodes a single POI or a mutant, homologue or variant thereof. In a highly preferred embodiment, the NOI does not encode a fusion protein. As used herein, the term "fusion protein" is used in its conventional sense to mean an entity which comprises two or more protein activities, joined together by a peptide bond to form a single chimeric protein. A fusion protein is encoded by a single polynucleotide driven by a single promoter.

Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)

The viral genome of the first aspect of the invention comprises two or more NOIs. In order for both of the NOIs to be expressed, there may be two or more transcription units within the vector genome, one for each NOI. However, it is clear from the literature that retroviral vectors achieve the highest titres and most potent gene expression properties if they are kept genetically simple (PCT/GB96/01230; Bowtell et al., 1988 J. Virol. 62, 2464; Correll et al., 1994 Blood 84, 1812; Emerman and Temin 1984 Cell 39, 459; Ghattas et al., 1991 Mol. Cell. Biol. 11, 5848; Hantzopoulos et al., 1989 PNAS 86, 3519; Hatzoglou et al., 1991 J. Biol. Chem 266, 8416; Hatzoglou et al., 1988 J. Biol. Chem 263, 17798; Li et al., 1992 Hum. Gen. Ther. 3, 381; McLachlin et al., 1993 Virol. 195, 1; Overell et al., 1988 Mol. Cell Biol. 8, 1803; Scharfman et al., 1991 PNAS 88, 4626; Vile et al., 1994 Gene Ther 1, 307; Xu et al., 1989 Virol. 171, 331; Yee et al., 1987 PNAS 84, 5197) and so it is preferable to use an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) to initiate translation of the second (and subsequent) coding sequence(s) in a poly-cistronic message (Adam et al 1991 J. Virol. 65, 4985).

Insertion of IRES elements into retroviral vectors is compatible with the retroviral replication cycle and allows expression of multiple coding regions from a single promoter (Adam et al (as above); Koo et al (1992) Virology 186:669 675; Chen et al 1993 J. Virol 67:2142 2148). IRES elements were first found in the non-translated 5' ends of picornaviruses where they promote cap-independent translation of viral proteins (Jang et al (1990) Enzyme 44: 292 309). When located between open reading frames in an RNA, IRES elements allow efficient translation of the downstream open reading frame by promoting entry of the ribosome at the IRES element followed by downstream initiation of translation.

A review on IRES is presented by Mountford and Smith (TIG May 1995 vol 11, No 5:179 184). A number of different IRES sequences are known including those from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) (Ghattas, I. R., et al., Mol. Cell. Biol., 11:5848 5859 (1991); BiP protein [Macejak and Sarnow, Nature 353:91 (1991)]; the Antennapedia gene of Drosophila (exons d and e) [Oh, et al, Genes & Development, 6:1643 1653 (1992)] as well as those in polio virus (PV) [Pelletier and Sonenberg, Nature 334: 320 325 (1988); see also Mountford and Smith, TIG 11, 179 184 (1985)].

According to WO-A-97/14809, IRES sequences are typically found in the 5' non-coding region of genes. In addition to those in the literature they can be found empirically by looking for genetic sequences that affect expression and then determining whether that sequence affects the DNA (i.e. acts as a promoter or enhancer) or only the RNA (acts as an IRES sequence).

IRES elements from PV, EMCV and swine vesicular disease virus have previously been used in retroviral vectors (Coffin et al, as above).

The term "IRES" includes any sequence or combination of sequences which work as or improve the function of an IRES.

The IRES(s) may be of viral origin (such as EMCV IRES, PV IRES, or FMDV 2A-like sequences) or of cellular origin (such as FGF2 IRES, NRF IRES, Notch 2 IRES or EIF4 IRES). Examples of IRES elements and references in which they are described are set forth below.

TABLE-US-00002 Virus/gene type Virus/gene Reference Viral RNAs Picornaviruses Poliovirus (PV) Pelletier & Sonenberg (1988) Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) Jang et al. (1988) Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) Kuhn et al. (1990) Flavivirus Hepatitus C virus (HCV) Reynolds et al. (1995) Pestivirus Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) Pestova et al. (1998) Retrovirus Murine leukemia virus (MLV) Berlioz & Darlix (1995) Lentivirus Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Ohlmann et al. (2000) Cellular mRNAs Translation initiation factors eIF4G Johannes & Sarnow (1998) DAP5 Henis-Korenblit et al. (2000) Transcription factors c-Myc Stoneley et al. (2000) NF-.kappa.B-repressing factor (NRF) Oumrad et al. (2000) Growth factors Vascular endothelial growth facter (VEGF) Huez et al. (1998) Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) Vagner et al. (1995) Platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF B) Bernstein et al. (1997) Homeotic genes Antennapedia Oh et al. (1992) Survival proteins Apaf-1 Coldwell et al. (2000) Miscellaneous BiP Macejak & Sarnow (1991)

In order for the IRES to be capable of initiating translation of each NOI, it should be located between or prior to NOIs in the vector genome. For example, for a multicistronic sequence containing n NOIs, the genome may be as follows: [(NOI.sub.1-IRES.sub.1] . . . NOI.sub.n n=1.fwdarw.n

For bi and tricistronic sequences, the order may be as follows: NOI.sub.1-IRES.sub.1-NOI.sub.2 NOI.sub.1-IRES.sub.1-NOI.sub.2-IRES.sub.2-NOI.sub.3

Alternative configurations of IRESs and NOIs can also be utilised. For example transcripts containing the IRESs and NOIs need not be driven from the same promoter.

An example of this arrangement may be: IRES.sub.1-NOI.sub.1-promoter-NOI.sub.2-IRES.sub.2-NOI.sub.3.

In a preferred embodiment, in any construct utilising an internal cassette having more than one IRES and NOI, the IRESs may be of different origins, that is, heterologous to one another. For example, one IRES may be from EMCV and the other IRES may be from polio virus.

Other Methods of Expressing Multiple Genes from One Vector

Although IRESs are an efficient way to co-express multiple genes from one vector, other methods are also useful, and may be used alone or in conjunction with IRESs. These include the use of multiple internal promoters in the vector (Overell et al., Mol Cell Biol. 8: 1803 8 (1988)), or the use of alternate splicing patterns leading to multiple RNA species derived from the single viral genome that expresses the different genes. This strategy has previously been used by itself for two genes (Cepko et al. Cell 37: 1053 (1984)).

Transduced Cells

The present invention also relates to a cell which has been transduced with a vector system comprising a viral genome according to the first aspect of the invention.

Transduction with the vector system of the present invention may confer or increase the ability of the cell to produce catecholamines. It may, for example, confer or increase the ability of the cell to convert tyrosine to L-dopa and/or L-dopa to dopamine. Release of catecholamines can be measured by techniques known in the art, for example by using an electrochemical detector connected to an analytical cell. In addition of the catecholamines themselves, biproducts associated with catecholamine release (such as DOPAC, a specific degradation product of dopamine) may also be detected.

The cell may be transduced in vivo, in vitro or ex vivo. For example, if the cell is a cell from a mammalian subject, the cell may be removed from the subject and transduced ready for reimplantation into the subject (ex vivo transduction). Alternatively the cell may be transduced by direct gene transfer in vivo, using the vector system of the present invention in accordance with standard techniques (such as via injection of vector stocks expressing the NOIs). If the cell is part of a cell line which is stable in culture (i.e. which can survive numerous passages and can multiple in vitro) then it may be transduced in vitro by standard techniques, for example by exposure of the cell to viral supernatants comprising vectors expressing the NOIs.

The cell may be any cell which is susceptible to transduction. If the vector system is capable of transducing non-dividing cells (for example if it is a lentiviral system) then the cell may be a non-dividing cell such as a neuron.

In a preferred embodiment the transduced cell forms part of a genetically modified neuronal cell line. Such a cell line may, for example, be transplanted into the brain for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

In a further embodiment the cell is a neuronal stem cell. Such a cell line may, for example, be transplanted into the brain for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

In a further embodiment the cell is a cell in the striatum of a subject, such as a neuron or glial cell. Direct gene transfer in vivo to such a cell may, for example, convert it into a dopamine-producer cell.


The present invention also provides multicistronic cassettes comprising two or more NOIs operably linked by an IRES. These cassettes may be used in a method for producing the vector genome in a producer cell.

The present invention also provides an expression vector comprising such a cassette. Transfection of a suitable cell with such an expression vector should result in a cell which expresses each POI encoded by the NOI in the cassette. The present invention also provides such a transfected cell.

Cloning of the cassette into an expression vector and transfection of cells with the vector (to give expression of the cassette) can be carried out by techniques well known in the art (such as those described in Sambrook et al. (Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory press (1989)), and other laboratory textbooks).

Preferably the cassette comprises a promoter. In a highly preferred embodiment the cassette is bicistronic or tricistronic and comprises the following elements: Promoter-(NOI.sub.1)-(IRES.sub.1)-(NOI.sub.2) Promoter-(NOI.sub.1)-(IRES.sub.1)-(NOI.sub.2)-(IRES.sub.2)-(NOI.sub.3)

In a particularly preferred embodiment the cassette is bicistronic and comprises an NOI encoding tyrosine hydroxylase (or a mutant, variant or homologue thereof) and an NOI encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I (or a mutant, variant or homologue thereof) in either order. In another particularly preferred embodiment the cassette is bicistronic and comprises an NOI encoding Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and an NOI encoding Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2, in either order.

In another particularly preferred embodiment the cassette is tricistronic and comprises an NOI encoding tyrosine hydroxylase (or a mutant, variant or homologue thereof), an NOI encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I (or a mutant, variant or homologue thereof) and an NOI encoding Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase (or a mutant, variant or homologue thereof) in any order.

Pharmaceutical Compositions

The present invention also provides the use of a retroviral vector genone as defined in the first aspect of the invention in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical composition. The pharmaceutical composition may be used for treating an individual by gene therapy, wherein the composition comprises a therapeutically effective amount of a retroviral vector particle according to the present invention.

The pharmaceutical composition may be used to treat a human or animal subject. Preferably the subject is a mammalian subject. More preferably the subject is a human. Typically, a physician will determine the actual dosage which will be most suitable for an individual subject and it will vary with the age, weight and response of the particular patient.

The composition may optionally comprise a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, diluent, excipient or adjuvant. The choice of pharmaceutical carrier, excipient or diluent can be selected with regard to the intended route of administration and standard pharmaceutical practice. The pharmaceutical compositions may comprise as (or in addition to) the carrier, excipient or diluent, any suitable binder(s), lubricant(s), suspending agent(s), coating agent(s), solubilising agent(s), and other carrier agents that may aid or increase the viral entry into the target site (such as for example a lipid delivery system).

Where appropriate, the pharmaceutical compositions can be administered by any one or more of: inhalation, in the form of a suppository or pessary, topically in the form of a lotion, solution, cream, ointment or dusting powder, by use of a skin patch, orally in the form of tablets containing excipients such as starch or lactose, or in capsules or ovules either alone or in admixture with excipients, or in the form of elixirs, solutions or suspensions containing flavouring or colouring agents, or they can be injected parenterally, for example intracavernosally, intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. For parenteral administration, the compositions may be best used in the form of a sterile aqueous solution which may contain other substances, for example enough salts or monosaccharides to make the solution isotonic with blood. For buccal or sublingual administration the compositions may be administered in the form of tablets or lozenges which can be formulated in a conventional manner.

Preferably the viral vector particles of the present invention are administered by injection into the caudate putamen.


The retroviral vector genome and vector particles of the present invention are particularly useful for the treatment and/or prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

Diseases which may be treated include, but are not limited to: Parkinson's disease; motor-neuron disease, Huntington's disease and disorders of movement which are responsive to L-dopa, such as distonias.

In particular, the present invention is useful in treating and/or preventing Parkinson's disease.

Treatment by gene therapy with vectors capable of delivering, for example, TH, GTP-CH1 and optionally AADC or AADC and VMAT2,, is likely to be particularly useful for the late stages of PD patients which do not respond significantly to L-dopa treatment. Treatment using AADC or AADC and VMAT2, in combination with L-dopa administered peripherally may also be useful for late stage PD patients.

The present invention will now be described only by way of example, in which reference will be made to the following Figures and Tables

FIG. 1: Oligonucleotide sequences of the primers (SEQ ID NOS: 8 11) used for cloning the human Tyrosine Hydroxylase Type 2 cDNA (Accession Number X05290). Restriction endonuclease recognition sites (BamHI and HindIII) appear underlined, consensus Kozak sequence in italics, and c-myo eptitope in bold.

FIG. 2: Plasmid map of pNE4. A mammalian expression plasmid derived from pcDNA3.1/Zeo that expresses the c-myc tagged human Tyrosine Hydroxylase Type 2 (cmyc-hTH).

FIG. 3: Oligonucleotide sequences of the primers (SEQ ID NOS: 12 and 13) used for cloning the human Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase cDNA (Accession number M76180 M30772). Restriction endonuclease recognition sites (Bgl and HindIII) appear underlined, consensus Kozak sequence in italics, and HA epitope in bold.

FIG. 4: Plasmid map of pNE2. A mammalian expression plasmid derived from pcDNA3.1/Neo that expresses the HA tagged human Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase (HA-hAADC).

FIG. 5: Oligonucleotide sequences of the primers (SEQ ID NOS: 14 and 15) used for cloning the human GTP-cyclohydrolase 1 cDNA (Accession number U19523). Restriction endonuclease recognition sites (Bgl II and HindIII) appear underlined, consensus Kozak sequence in italics, and FLAG epitope in bold.

FIG. 6: Plasmid map of pNE6. A mammalian expression plasmid derived from pcDNA3.1/Hygro that expresses the FLAG tagged human GTP-cyclohydrolase 1 (FLAG-hGTP).

FIG. 7: Oligonucleotide sequences of the primers (SEQ ID NOS: 16 and 17) used for cloning a truncated form of the human Tyrosine hydroxylase Type 2. Restriction endonuclease recognition sites (BamHI, HindIII and EcoRI) appear underlined, consensus Kozak sequence in italics, and c-myc epitope in bold.

FIG. 8: Plasmid map of phTHt-1. A mammalian expression plasmid derived from pcDNA3.1/Zeo that expresses the truncated form of hTH tagged with the c-myc epitope (cmyc-hTHt).

FIG. 9: Plasmid map of pneo2. A mammalian expression plasmid derived from BL-EP (Science (1995) 269:847) that expresses cmyc-hTHt and FLAG-hGTP as a bicistronic cassette. The polio virus IRES is located downstream the cmyc-hTHt gene.

FIG. 10: Plasmid map of ptricis. A mammalian expression plasmid derived from BL-EP (Science (1995) 269:847) that expresses HA-hAADC, cmyc-hTHt and FLAG-hGTP as a tricistronic cassette. The EMCV IRES is located downstream the HA-hAADC gene and polio virus IRES downstream the cmyc-hTHt gene.

FIG. 11: Transient expression of the Bicistronic and Tricistronic cassettes in HEK 293T cells. Western Blot probed with specific mouse monoclonal antibodies. The tagged proteins bound to the antibodies are detected with a horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti mouse rabbit IgG. Lanes; 1, Mock; 2, phTHt; 3, Bicistronic plasmid (pneo2); 4, Tricistronic plasmid (ptricis) and 5, the three monocistronic plasmids (phTHt, pNE2 and pNE6).

FIG. 12: A schematic diagram of EIAV minimal vectors.

FIG. 13: A schematic diagram of EIAV BIC and EIAV TRIC vectors.

FIG. 14; A schematic diagram of EIAV TRIC vectors containing the central polypurine tract (cppt).

FIG. 15: PERT and viral RNA content of EIAV vectors

FIG. 16: Expression of EIAV BIC and EIAV TRIC vectors in D17 cells transduced at different MOIs (MOI). Western Blot probed with specific mouse monoclonal antibodies. The tagged proteins bound to the antibodies are detected with a horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti mouse rabbit IgG. Lanes: a, pONY8G (100.times.); b, pONY8.1Z (100.times.); c, pONY8.1BIC (100.times.); d, pONY8.1BIC (10.times.); e, pONY8BIC (1.times.); f, untransduced cells; h, pONY8.1TRIC (100.times.); i, pONY8.1TRIC (10.times.); j, pONY8.1TRIC (1.times.); k, pONY8TRIC (100.times.); l, pONY8TRIC (10.times.); m, pONY8TRIC (1.times.); n, pONY8.1TRIC-B(100.times.); o, pONY8.1TRIC-B (10.times.); p, pONY8.1TRIC-B (1.times.); and g, HEK 293T cells transfected with the monocistronic plasmids (see FIG. 11).

FIG. 17: Expression of EIAV TRIC vectors in D17 cells transduced at an MOI.about.100. FIGS. 17A 17C show immunostaing of D17 cells transduced with EIAVlacZ or EIAV TRIC vectors using rabbit polyclonal anti LacZ or mouse monoclonal anti-HA, respectively. The antibody bound to the native proteins was detected with Alexa 488 (green) conjugated to goat ant-rabbit or goat anti-mouse IgG (Magnification .about.10.times.). FIGS. 17D 17F show immunostaining of D17 cells transduced with EIAV TRIC vectors. Immunostaining as in FIGS. 17A 17C + propidium iodide (red) that stains the nuclei (Magnification .about.40.times.).

FIG. 18: Catecholamines (pg/10.sup.6 cells) produced by HEK 293T cells transduced with EIAV TRIC vectors.

FIG. 19: Transduction of the adult rat striatum with EIAV lacZ vectors. Panels A C correspond to 3 independent 50 .mu.m coronal sections stained with X-gal. About fifty of such sections are stained per animal, indicating that the transduction spans the rat striatum. Panels D H represent higher magnification of the section in C showing that many of the cells transduced have neuronal morphology both within striatum (D F) and in nucleus accumbens (G H).

FIG. 20: Transduction of the adult rat striatum with EIAV TRIC vectors. Panel A represents 50 .mu.m coronal sections stained with mouse monoclonal HA antibody. Immunofluorescent detection with a FITC secondary antibody indicates expression of AADC. Panel C represents 50 .mu.m coronal sections stained with mouse monoclonal FLAG antibody. Immunofluorescent detection with Alexa 488 indicates expression of GTP-CH1. No expression is detected on the contralateral striatum (Panels B and D). Panel E represents staining with mouse monoclonal c-myc antibody detected with DAB immunohistochemistry. The results indicate that TH is expressed in the ipsilateral but not in the contralateral striatum (panel F). The cell specificty of the expression of these proteins in the transduced side is further confirmation of effective transduction.

FIG. 21: Plasmid map of pONY8G

FIG. 22: Plasmid map of pONY8.1G

FIG. 23: Plasmid map of pONY8Z

FIG. 24. (A) Histogram showing the change in turns/minute induced by apomorphine stimulation (0.05 mg/kg) in 6-OHDA lesioned rats after injection of pONY8.1Z. or pONY8.1T. pONY8.1Z n=5, pONY8.1T n=2. (B) Apomorphine-induced rotational behavior in the 6-OHDA lesioned rats following injection of pONY8.1 Z (n=4) or pONY8.1T (n=7).

FIG. 25. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra (A) and the striatum (B) of 6-OHDA lesioned rats injected with EIAV TRIC vectors. Note that there is no TH immunoreactivity on the ipsilateral side, compared with the contralateral side (control), indicating that the 6-OHDA has affected the dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr).

FIG. 26: Catecholamines (ng/mg wet tissue) content in the normal and denervated striata of 6-OHDA lesioned rats injected with EIAV TRIC vectors. The amount of catecholamines detected in the denervated striatum confirm that the 6-OHDA lesion has affected most of the dopaminergic neurons of the nigra. The amount of dopamine produced by EIAV TRIC varies between 5 8% compared to the unlesioned striatum.

FIG. 27: DOPAC/Dopaine ratios in the normal and denervated striata of 6-OHDA lesioned rats injected with EIAV TRIC vectors. Note that the injected animals that had more pronounced reduction in drug-induced rotations are the animals where the DOPAC/Dopamine ratio (dopamine turnover) in the denervated striatum was lower.

FIG. 28A shows the amino acid sequence of codon-optimised GTP-cyclohydrolase I (SEQ ID NO:18). FIG. 28B shows the nucleotide sequence of codon-optimised GTP-cyclohydrolase I (SEQ ID NO:19). FIG. 28C shows the amino acid sequence of wild type GTP-cyclohydrolase I (SEQ ID NO:20). FIG. 28D shows the nucleotide sequence of wild type GTP-cyclohydrolase I (SEQ ID NO:21).

FIG. 29A shows the amino acid sequence of codon-optimised truncated tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2, from 8.9.4 MV opti Y (SEQ ID NO:22). The tyrosine hydroxylase sequence starts at position 3. MV is a "leader" required for efficient translation. FIG. 29B shows the nucleotide sequence of codon-optimised truncated tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2, from 8.9.4 MV opti Y (SEQ ID NO:23). FIG. 29C shows the amino acid sequence of codon-optimised truncated tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2 with serine at position 211 (SEQ ID NO:24). FIG. 29D shows the nucleotide sequence of codon-optimised tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2 with seine encoded by nucleotides 631 633 (SEQ ID NO:25). FIG. 29E shows the amino acid sequence of wild type truncated tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2 with tyrosine at position 211 (SEQ ID NO:26). FIG. 29F shows the nucleotide sequence of truncated wild type tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2, with tyrosine encoded by nucleotides 631 633 (SEQ ID NO:27). FIG. 29G shows the amino acid sequence of full-length tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2, with tyrosine at position 374 (SEQ TD NO:28). FIG. 29H shows the nucleotide sequence of full-length tyrosine hydroxylase, type 2, which encodes tyrosine with nucleotides 1120 1122 (SEQ ID NO:29).

FIG. 30A shows the amino acid sequence of codon-optimised aromatic amino acid decarboxylase in pONY8.9.4 MV opti Y (SEQ ID NO:30). FIG. 30B shows the nucleotide sequence of codon-optimised aromatic amino acid decarboxylase in pONY8.9.4 MV opti Y (SEQ ID NO:31). FIG. 30C shows the amino acid sequence of wild type aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (SEQ ID NO:32). FIG. 30D shows the nucleotide sequence of wild type aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (SEQ ID NO:33).

FIG. 31 shows a plasmid map of pONY8.9.4 MV opti Y.

Table 1: Catecholamines (ng/hour/10.sup.6 cells) released by HEK 293T cells transfected with either the monocistronic, bicistronic or tricistronic plasmids (n.d., no detectable).

Table 2: Catecholamines (ng/10.sup.6 cells) produced by HEK 293T cells transfected with either the monocistronic, bicistronic or tricistronic plasmids (n.d., no detectable).

Table 3: Integration efficiency of EIAV vectors.


Example 1

Cloning of the Human Tyrosine Hydroxylase-1 Type 2 cDNA

The human Tyrosine Hydroxylase 1 Type 2 cDNA (Accession number X05290) is amplified by RT-PCR from human Substantia nigra poly A.sup.+ mRNA (Clontech) and epitope tagged with the c-myc epitope using the primers described in FIG. 1. A 169 bp fragment corresponding to the 5' end of the gene is amplified using 5'hTH2 and 3'hTH2 primers (FIG. 1) whilst the 1418 bp 3' end fragment of the tyrosine hydroxylase cDNA is obtained using primers 5'hTH3 and 3'hTH1 (FIG. 1).

Titan One Tube RT-PCR kit (Boehringer) was used to perform the RT-PCR reaction. Typically the reaction is composed of two solutions.

Solution A Contains 0.2 .mu.g of human substantia nigra poly A+ RNA, 32 .mu.M each dNTPs, 10 mM DTT, 1 .mu.l RNAse Inhibitor (RNAsin, Promega), .about.100 ng each primer and water, up to 25 .mu.l.

Solution B Contains 10 .mu.l of 5.times.RT-PCR Buffer, 1 .mu.l Enzyme mix, and water up to 25 .mu.l. Solutions A and B are mixed and the RT-PCR conditions set.

1.1. Amplification of the 169 bp product is carried out at C., 30 min, to allow the RT reaction to take place, followed by 2 min at C., and 35 cycles of 30 sec at C., 30 sec at C. and 45 sec at C.

1.2. Amplification of the 1418 bp product is performed at C., 30 min, to allow the RT reaction to take place, followed by 2 min at C., and 35 cycles of 1 min at C., 1 min at C. and 2 min at C.

Both fragments are purified and used as template in a third PCR reaction to obtain the full length Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) cDNA. The recombinant PCR reaction is carried out using primers 5'hTH2 and 3'hTH1 (FIG. 1) and a KlenTaq kit (Clontech) according to the instructions of the manufacturer. The PCR conditions are set up as follows: 35 cycles of 1 min at C., 1 min at C. and 2 min at C. The recombinant PCR product is clone into pGEM-Teasy vector (Promega) to create pNE3.

The TH cDNA is then excised from pNE3 as a BamHI-EcoRI 1.57 kb fragment and ligated to pcDNA3.1/Zeo (Invitrogen) previously digested with the same enzymes. The newly generated mammalian expression plasmid is called pNE4 (FIG. 2).

Example 2

Cloning of the Human Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase 1 cDNA

The human Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase (AADC) cDNA (Accession number M76180 M30772) is amplified from a human liver cDNA expression library (Clontech) and epitope tagged with the HA epitope using the primers 5'hAADC and 3'hAADC, described in FIG. 3. The PCR reaction was performed using a KlenTaq kit (Clontech) following the instructions of the manufacturer. The reaction contains 4 .mu.l human liver cDNA and 1 .mu.M of each primer, in a final volume of 50 .mu.l. The PCR conditions are as follows: A first step, 30 sec at C.; a second step, 5 cycles of 30 sec at C., 30 sec at C. and 2 min at C. and a third step, 30 cycles of 30 sec at C., 30 sec at C. and 2 min at C.

The PCR amplifies the two expected bands, 1.485 kb and 1.36 kb, corresponding to the two transcripts of the Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase (AADC). The 1.485 kb band is purified and cloned into pGEM-Teasy vector (Promega) to generate the plasmid called pNE1. The human AADC full-length cDNA is excised from pNEI as a .about.1.5 kb BgIII-SaII fragment and ligated to pcDNA3.1/Neo digested previously with BamHI and XhoI enzymes. The new plasmid generated is called pNE2 (FIG. 4).

Example 3

Cloning of the Human GTP-cyclohydrolase 1 cDNA

The human GTP-cyclohydrolase I (GTP-CH1) cDNA (Accession number U19523) is amplified from Poly A+ mRNA from human Substantia nigra and epitope tagged with the FLAG epitope using the primers 5'hGTP and 3'hGTP (FIG. 5). Titan One Tube RT-PCR kit (Boehringer) was used to perform the RT-PCR reaction. Typically the reaction is composed of two solutions, as described above in Example 1. Solutions A and B are mixed and the RT-PCR conditions set as follows: C., 30 min, to allow the RT reaction to take place, followed by 30 sec at C., and 35 cycles of 30 sec at C., 30 sec at C. and 1 min at C.

The RT-PCR product (.about.0.75 kb) is purified and cloned into pGEM-Teasy vector (Promega) to generate plasmid-pNE5. The GTP-CH cDNA is excised from pNE5 as a .about.0.75 kb BgIII-NotI and ligated to pcDNA3.1/Hygro digested with BamHI and NotI enzymes to generate pNE6 (FIG. 6).

Example 4

Cloning of a Truncated Form of the Human Tyrosine Hydroxylase I Type 2

To avoid feed-back inhibition by dopamine on the TH enzyme it was decided to use the truncated form of TH type 2 lacking the regulatory domain. TH is activated by phosphorylation at sites located in this N-terminal domain and undergoes feedback end-product inhibition mediated by at least one of this phosphorylation sites (J. Biol. Chem. (1992) 267:25754 25758; Adv. Exp. Med. & Biol. (1993) 338:87 92). This truncated TH (hTHt) is epitope tagged with the c-myc epitope and amplified by PCR using the primers 5'hTHt and 3'hTHt (FIG. 7) and plasmid pNE4 as template. The PCR reaction is carried out using Pfu I Polymerase (Stratagene) at C., 1 min and 30 cycles of 1 min at C., 1 min at C. and 1 min at C. A .about.1.04 kb band is amplified, digested with BamHI and EcoRI enzymes and ligated to pcDNA3.1/Zeo previously digested with the same enzymes. The new plasmid generated is called phTHt (FIG. 8).

Example 5

Cloning of TH, AADC and GTP-CH into a Mammalian Expression Vector

The hTHt cDNA is cloned into BL-EP plasmid (Science, 269:847 (1995)) downstream the EMCV IRES. To achieve this, CMVp-hTHt fragments from phTHt is excised as a BgIII-EcoRV and cloned into BLEP digested with BamHI-EcoRV to generate pneo1. The CMVp-DC fragment is excised from pNE2 as a BgIII-EcoRV and ligated to BLEP cut with SmaI-BamHI to generate BLEP-CMV-DC.

To create a mammalian expression cassette comprising the hTHt and GTP-CH1 genes (bicistronic cassette), the GTP-CH1 cDNA is cloned downstream of the polio IRES as follows. The GTP-CH1 cDNA is excised from pNE6 as a .about.0.75 kb NheI-XbaI fragment and cloned into BLEP-THt digested with the same enzymes. The new plasmid is called BLEP-THt-CH1. The CMVp-THt fragment is excised from pneo1 as a XbaI-EcoRV fragment and ligated to BLEP-hTHt-CH1 digested with the same enzymes to generate pneo2 (pbicis) (FIG. 9).

To create a tricistronic cassette comprising the hTHt, GTP-CH1 and AADC genes, BLEP-CMVp-DC and BLEP-hTHt-CH1 are digested with BlnI-ClaI to generate ptricis (FIG. 10). This creates a cassette which has the CMV promoter, DC, hTHt and GTP-CH1 in that order.

Example 6

Transient Expression from the Bicistronic and Tricistronic Cassettes in Heterologous Human Cells

Human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells do not synthesise any catecholamines and they do not express any catecholaminergic enzymes. They are chosen to determine if the bicistronic and tricistronic expression cassettes are functional HEK 293T cells are seeded in a 6.times. well plates at a density of .about.2 3.times.10.sup.5 cells/well. Twenty-four hours post-plating the cells are transfected with 2 .mu.g of plasmid DNA using Fugene.TM. (Roche) in serum-free medium, following the instructions of the manufacturer. As control of transfection 0.2 .mu.g ( 1/ of the GFP expressing plasmid pEGFP-C1 (Clontech) is added to the DNA-Fugene.TM. mix.

Approximately 48 h post-transfection the cells are washed in Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) and harvested. Total cell extracts are prepared using Lysis buffer (Promega). Approximately 10 .mu.g of total protein are loaded onto three 10% SDS-PAGE gel and the proteins are separated and transferred to a nitrocellulose ECL-western membrane (Amersham-Pharmacia). The membranes are probed with 1/ dilution of either mouse anti-HA (Roche), mouse anti-cmyc (Roche) or mouse anti-FLAG (Sigma) antibodies. The secondary antibody was a 1/ dilution of HRP-labelled rabbit anti-mouse (Dako). The antibodies bound to the membranes are detected using an ECL-Western detection kit.

Proteins of the appropriate apparent molecular weight are detected in the transfected cells and not in the mock control: HA-hAADC, .about.53 kDa; cmyc-hTHt, .about.42 kDa and FLAG-GTP/CH1, .about.30 kDa. The bicistronic and tricistronic cassettes express two or three of the enzymes, respectively (FIG. 11).

Example 7

Production of Catecholamines in Transiently Transfected Human Cells

As described in example 6, HEK 293T cells are seeded in a 6.times. well plates at a density of .about.2 3.times.10.sup.5 cells/well. Twenty-four hours post-plating the cells are transfected with 2 .mu.g of plasmid DNA using Fugene.TM. (Roche) in serum-free medium, following the instructions of the manufacturer. As control of transfection 0.2 .mu.g ( 1/ of the GFP expressing plasmid pEGFP-C1 (Clontech) is added to the DNA-Fugene.TM. mix.

Approximately 48 h post-transfection the cells are washed in Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS). To measure the catecholamines release into the medium, 0.5 ml of `Release Buffer` (Hank's Balanced Salt Solution, 25 mM Hepes pH 7.4, 0.25% BSA and 1 nM tyrosine) is added to the transfected cells. These cells are incubated at C. for 30 min. No tetra-hydrobiopterin (BH.sub.4), the TH cofactor, is added to the cells in this experiment. The catecholamines present in the buffer are extracted with the same volume of 0.8M perchloric acid (PCA) and 0.2 mM EDTA. Cell debris is removed by spinning down in a microfuge at C., 10,000 rpm, for 15 min. The release step can be repeated for another 30 min. The catecholamines produced in the cells are extracted in 0.5 ml 0.4M PCA and 0.1 mM EDTA.

The catecholamines are separated in a reverse phase C18 column (ESA Analytical) by HPLC (Dionex) using Cat-A-Phase mobile phase (ESA Analytical) at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min for 15 min. Approximately 20 .mu.l are injected in the system. The catecholamines are detected in an electrochemical detector (ESA Analytical) connected to an Analytical cell (model 5144, ESA Analytical) with input potentials as follows: Guard cell, +250 mV; Channel 1, 10 mV and Channel 2, -250 mV. The amount of catecholamines in the samples is calculated by integrating the area of the peaks to known standards separated following the same protocol. This method allows the detection of L-dopa, Dopamine and DOPAC, a specific degradation product of dopamine.

The detection of catecholamines released (Table 1) and/or produced (Table 2) by heterologous cells independent of BH.sub.4 confirms that the enzymes are functional. As expected, L-dopa is produced by mono-, bi- and tricistronic expression cassettes whilst dopamine is only produced by the tricistronic cassette. The bicistronic makes far greater amount of L-dopa than TH alone confirming the utility of GTP-CH1 for providing BH.sub.4 in these cells. Dopamine is also produced by the bicistronic in combination with AADC, DOPAC, the specific degradation product of dopamine is only detected when high amounts of dopamine are produced.

Example 8

Construction of Lentiviral Vector Expressing the Bicistronic and Tricistronic Cassettes

Lentiviral vectors are particularly useful for gene transfer to non-dividing cells. Amongst many important non-dividing target cells are the neurons of the human brain. These cells might be target cells for the delivery of TH, AADC and GTP-CH1 for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Here we describe the construction of minimal EIAV based vectors that will deliver and express TH, MDC and GTP-CH1 and will be capable of producing the neurotransmitter (dopamine) missing in the severely affected Parkinsonian brain. This therapy will be appropriate for late stages of PD patients that do not respond to L-DOPA treatment. The structure of the general minimal EIAV vectors is shown in FIG. 12

pONY8G Construction

pONY8G was derived from pONY8.0Z by exchange of the LacZ reporter gene for the enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. This was done by transferring the SalI-KpnI fragment corresponding to the GFP gene and flanking sequences from pONY2.13GFP (WO99/32646) into pONY8.0Z cut with the same enzymes pONY8.0Z was derived from pONY4.0Z (WO99/32646) by introducing mutations which 1) prevented expression of TAT by an 83 nt deletion in the exon 2 of tat) prevented S2 ORF expression by a 51 nt deletion 3) prevented REV expression by deletion of a single base within exon 1 of rev and 4) prevented expression of the N-terminal portion of gag by insertion of T in ATG start codons, thereby changing the sequence to ATTG from ATG. With respect to the wild type EIAV sequence Acc. No. U01866 these correspond to deletion of nt 5234 5316 inclusive, nt 5346 5396 inclusive and nt 5538. The insertion of T residues was after nt 526 and 543.

The Bicistronic cassette expressing the human THt and GTP-CH1 genes is excised from pneo2 as a XhoI-XbaI fragment and ligated to pONY8G (SEQ ID NO 1, FIG. 21), the construction of which is described above, digested with the same enzymes. In this case the CMVp-GFP cassette is replaced by the CMVp-hTHt-CH1 cassette. The new plasmid is called pONY8-BIC (SEQ ID No 4).

The Tricistronic cassette expressing the human AADC, THt and GTP-CH1 genes is excised from pTricis as a XhoI-XbaI fragment and ligated to the backbone of pONY8G (SEQ ID NO 1, FIG. 21), the construction of which is described above. The new plasmid is called pONY8TRIC (SEQ ID NO 5). The resulting vector RNA genome size of this vector is 8.8 kb and therefore 10% longer than that of the 8 kb EIAV RNA genome.

pONY8.1Z and pONY8.1G Construction

pONY8.1Z was obtained directly from pONY8.0Z by digestion with SalI and partial digestion with SapI. Following restriction the overhanging termini of the DNA were made blunt ended by treatment with T4 DNA polymerase. The resulting DNA was then religated. This manipulation results in a deletion of sequence between the LacZ reporter gene and just upstream of the 3'PPT. The 3' border of the deletion is nt 7895 with respect to wild type EIAV, Acc. No. U01866. Thus pONY8.1Z does not contain sequences corresponding to the EIAV RREs. pONY8.1G was derived from pONY8G using the same strategy.

Both the Bicistronic and Tricistronic cassettes are excised as Nsil-Xhol fragments from pONY8BIC (SEQ ID NO: 4) or pONY8TRIC (SEQ ID NO: 5) respectively and ligated to the backbone of pONY8.1G (construction described above, SEQ ID NO 2, FIG. 22) digested with the same enzymes. The two new plasmids are called pONY8.1BIC and pONY8.1TRIC (FIG. 13).

The presence of a sequence termed the central polypurine tract (cPPT) may improve the efficiency of gene delivery to non-dividing cells. The cis-acting element is located in the EIAV polymerase coding region element and can be obtained as a functional element by using PCR amplification using any plasmid that contains the EIAV polymerase coding region (for example pONY3.1, which is described in WO 99/32646 (e.g. See example 9, FIG. 6)) as follows. The PCR product includes the cPPT and the central termination sequences (CTS). The oligonucleotide primers used in the PCR reaction were:


The recognition site for BglII is underlined, for BclI in italic, for BamHI in bold italic and PstI in bold. The introduction of the cPPT/CTS into a position upstream of the EMCV IRES or PV IRES was achieved by subcloning the unique BclI-BssHII fragment of pONY8TRIC into pSL-1180 (Pharmacia) using the same sites in the vector. This was termed pSL-1180-PD. Digestion of the cPPT/CTS PCR product with BglII and BamHI allowed the insertion into the BclI site upstream of the EMCV IRES or with PstI, into the unique PstI site upstream of the polio IRES, to generate pSL-1180-PD-5'cPPT or pSL-1180-PD-3'cPPT, respectively. The orientation of the fragment cloned into pSL-1180-PD was confirmed by DNA sequencing. The BclI-BssHII fragment from these two clones was ligated into pONY8TRICdelCTS, a modified form of pONY8TRIC. PONY8TRICdelCTS was constructed by ligating the SalI-PinAI fragment from pONY8ZdelCTS (described below) into pONY8TRIC digested with XhoI and PinAI. The two new vector genomes are called pONY8TRIC5'cPPT and pONY8TRIC3'cPPT. A schematic representation of these vector genomes is shown in FIG. 14.

Construction of pONY8ZdelCTS

pONY8Z (SEQ ID NO 3, FIG. 23) is modified to remove the CTS which already is present the pONY8Z vector. This is achieved by subcloning the SalI to ScaI fragment encompassing the CTS and RRE region from pONY8Z into pSP72, prepared for ligation by digestion with SalI and EcoRV. The CTS region is then removed by digestion with KpnI and PpuMI, the overhanging ends `blunted` by T4 DNA polymerase treatment and then the ends religated. The modified EIAV vector fragment is then excised using SalI and NheI and ligated into pONY8Z prepared for ligation by digestion with the same enzymes. This new EIAV vector is termed pONY8Z del CTS.

Construction of pONY 8.9.4 MV opti Y

pONY8.9.4 MV opti Y (SEQ ID NO:34, FIG. 31) is a derivative of pONY8Z (SEQ ID NO:3, FIG. 23) obtained as a result of multiple routine molecular biological manipulations.

The features of the plasmid are as follows: 1) Immediate early promoter of human cytomegalovirus: nucleotides (nt) 1 1108; 2) EIAV R-U5-packaging signal region: nt 1109 1748. This sequence corresponds to 268 to 897 from EIAV Gen bank Accession No. U01866 except that there is an additional C residue present after nueleotides 270 and 8178. These correspond to the position of the R region, and these additional residues are incorporated into the genome of pONY8.9.4 MV opti Y. The vector sequence also contains alterations in the EIAV Gag encoding region, which alter all ATG codons to ATTG; 3) A linker region including a Kozak consensus sequence for efficient initiation of translation: nt 1749 1791; 4) Neomycin phosphotransferase gene: nt 1792 2586; 5) A linker region: nt 2587 2663; 6) Immediate early promoter of human cytomegalovirus (CMV): nt 2664 3389, corresponding to human herpesvirus 5 strain AD169, complete genome. BK000394 nt 175388 174652; 7) 5' untranslated region, which includes a Kozak consensus sequence for efficient initiation of translation: nt 3390 3508; 8) Codon-optimised truncated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene (SEQ ID NO:23): nt 3509 4525, including stop codon. The sequence of the gene differs from that of the wild type TH type 2 (SEQ ID NO:27); 9) Linker region: nt 4526 4549; 10) Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) sequence which acts as an internal ribosome entry site (IRES): nt 4550 5126; 11) Linker: nt 5127 5128. The last two bases of the EMCV IRES before AUG 11 (AT) are changed to (CC) to introduce an NcoI site; 12) Codon-optimised aromatic amino acid decarboxylase gene (SEQ ID NO:31): nt 5129 6571, which includes the stop codon; 13) Linker: nt 6572 6675; 14) Poliovirus sequence which acts as an internal ribosome entry site: nt 6676 7407. This sequence is derived from poliovirus type II (Lansing strain), however IRESs from other polioviruses could be substituted; 15) Linker: nt7408 7428; 16) Codon-optimised GTP-cyclohydrolase I sequence (SEQ ID NO:19): nt 7429 8181, which includes the stop codon; 17) Linker: nt 8182 8205; 18) Modified form of the woodchuck hepatitis virus post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE): 8206 8795. The modifications ablate expression of the X-protein of the hepatitis virus and any peptides derived from it. This element boosts expression 2 3fold in 293T cells and is optional; 19) Linker: nt 8796 8809; 20) EIAV sequence including the 3'PPT and approximately 25 nucleotides from the 5' end of the U3 region: nt 8809 8902; 21) EIAV sequence including approximately 5 nucleotides from the extreme 3' end of the U3 sequence and the R-U5 sequence: nt 8910 9030; and 22) Sequences derived from the backbone of pBS II KS+: nt 9031 11622.

Example 9

Production of Lentiviral Vector Stocks Expressing Therapeutic Genes

The three plasmids transfection method as described previously (Soneoka et al., 1995) was used to generate pseudotyped lentiviral vectors. Transfections are carried out in HEK 293T cell line (Soneoka et al., 1995) to produce the vector virions. Culture supernatants were harvested 48 h post-transfection and filtered through 0.45 .mu.m pore-size filters (Millipore). The viral supernatant is concentrated 100 1000 fold by ultracentrifugation (Burns et al., 1993 PNAS 90:8033 8037) and resuspended in PBS.

The number of particles in the viral stocks were titered by Performance Enhanced Reverse Transcriptase (PERT) assays and compared to a standard pONY8G viral prep with known biological titer. The biological titter is evaluated by transducing D17 cells, a dog osteosarcoma cell line. The titer is expressed in transducing units per ml (t.u./ml). For this purpose, cells were seeded into 12.times.well tissue culture plates the day before infection at 1.times.10.sup.5 cells per well. Viral supernatants prepared by transfecting 293T cells with appropiate plasmids, as described above, are added to the target cells. Polybrene (8 .mu.g/ml) is added to each well at the time of transduction into 0.5 ml of the culture supernatant used for infection. Approximately 2 5 hours post-transduction, the culture supernatant is replaced by fresh medium. Cells expressing GFP (green) are viewed under UV light and counted.

The PERT assay uses real time quantitative RT-PCR technology to detect a specific PCR product from MS2 RNA and the retroviral reverse transcriptase present in the viral particles (in this case EIAV RT). Briefly, the viral particles are disrupted by mixing 1:1 volumes of viral vector stocks and disruption buffer (40 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 50 mM KCl, 20 mM DTT and 0.2% NP-40). Serial dilutions of the disrupted particles are carried out prior to adding them to the RT-PCR TaqMan reaction mix (Perkin-Elmer). In addition, the reaction mix contains 1/ volume of disrupted viral particles, 300 nM PERT forward primer, 300 nM PERT reverse primer, 150 nM PERT probe, 1/ of 0.8 mg/ml MS2 RNA. The RT-PCR conditions are as follows: Hold, C. for 30 min; hold, C. for 10 min; forty cycles, C. for 15 sec and C. for 1 min. The data is analysed using ABI PRISM.sup.R Sequence Detection System (Perkin-Elmer).

Similarly, the RNA content of the viral preps is also estimated by RT-PCR comparing to a standard pONY8G viral prep. Viral RNA is isolated from the viral stocks using a Qiagen viral RNA kit (Qiagen) and DNAse I treated (Ambion). Serial dilutions of the viral RNA are used as template in the RT-PCR reaction. Two reaction mixtures are prepared, +RT and -RT, containing 1/ volume of viral RNA template and the specific forward and reverse primers and probe. The RT-PCR conditions are as follows: Hold, C. for 30 min; hold, C. for 10 min; forty cycles, C. for 15 sec and C. for 1 min. The data is analyse using ABI PRISM.sup.R Sequence Detection System (Perkin-Elmer). FIG. 15 shows the PERT assay results and the viral RNA content of EIAV TRIC and EIAV GFP vectors. EIAV TRIC vectors seem to have similar number of particles per prep, but .about.4 times less RNA than EIAV GFP.

The efficiency of integration of the EIAV-TRIC vector genomes is measured by quantitative real-time PCR of total genomic DNA from transduced cells. For this purpose, target cells such as D17 or HT1080 cells are transduced with EIAV-TRIC or EIAV-GFP at different MOI(s) as described previously. The transduced cells are split at least three times prior to isolating total DNA from them. Approximately 100 ng of total DNA is used as template in the PCR reaction. Amplification of the EIAV packaging signal fragment is quantified by comparing to the amplification of a house-keeping gene, such as beta-actin or GAPDH. Real time quantitative PCR conditions are as follows: hold, C. for 10 min; forty cycles, C. for 15 sec and C. for 1 min. The data is analysed using ABI PRISM.sup.R Sequence Detection System (Perkin-Elmer). Table 3 shows the integration efficiency of EIAV vectors.

Example 10

EIAV-BIC and -TRIC Vectors Yield Expression of TH, AADC and GTP-CH1 in Heterologous Cells in Culture

Heterologous cells, such as D17 or HEK 293T cells are transduced with EIAV-TRIC vectors at different multiplicity of infection (MOI). Viral supernatants are prepared by transfecting 293T cells with the appropriate plasmids and added to the target cells as described in previous examples. The cells are split at least three times before analysing them to ensure that there is no pseudotransduction. Expression of the TH, AADC and GTP-CH1 genes is analysed by Western blot (FIG. 16) and immunocytochemistry (FIG. 17). Bands of the appropriate apparent molecular weight are detected in cell extracts of transduced D17 cells: HA-hAADC, .about.53 kDa; cmyc-hTHt, .about.42 kDa and FLAG-GTP/CH1, .about.30 kDa. Mouse monoclonal antibodies that recognise the tagged proteins have been used as described before. The antibodies bound to the proteins are detected with an HRP conjugated rabbit anti-mouse IgG. The bicistronic and tricistronic cassettes express two or three of the enzymes, respectively (FIG. 16).

The transduction of D17 cells is determined by immunocytochemistry using mouse monoclonal HA antibody (Roche) and Alexa 488 conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Molecular Probes) (FIG. 17). As control, D17 cells were transduced with EIAV lacZ.

The catecholamines produced in the transduced cells are extracted in 0.5 ml 0.4M PCA and 0.1 mM EDTA, separated by HPLC and detected electrochemically as previously described in the above examples. L-dopa, Dopamine and DOPAC are produced by HEK 293T cells transduced with EIAV TRIC vectors (FIG. 18).

Example 11

EIAV Vectors Yield Expression of TH, AADC and GTP-CH1 in the Caudate Nucleus of Adult Rats.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of the nigrostriatal pathway and is responsive to treatments that facilitate dopaminergic transmission in caudate-putamen. In experimental animals, genetically modified cells that express tyrosine hydroxylase, and thereby synthesize dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa), induce behavioural recovery in rodent models of PD (Wolff et al (1989) PNAS (USA) 86:9011 14; Freed et al (1990) Arch. Neurol. 47:505 12; Jiao et al. (1993) Nature. 262:4505). An alternative approach is that of direct in vivo somatic cell gene transfer whereby the cells of the striatum are converted into dopamine producer cells by transduction with a vector expressing TH, AADC and GTP-CH1.

In order to examine virally encoded gene expression EIAV-TRIC and EIAVlacZ are stereotaxically microinjected into the adult rat striatum as follows. Rats are anesthesized with hypnorm and hypnovel (Wood et al., (1994) Gene Therapy 1:283 291) and injected with 2.times.1 .mu.l of viral stocks (for EIAV lacZ is typically 1 5.times.10.sup.9 t.u./ml) into the striatum, at coordinates: Bregma 3.5 mm lateral, 4.75 mm vertical from dura, and 1 mm rostral, 3.5 mm lateral 4.75 mm vertical using a fine drawn glass micropippette over a period of 2 min. The pippette was pulled up 1 mm and left for another 2 min before retracting slowly to the surface. Animals are analysed 1 and 2 weeks following injection. Rats are perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) containing 2 mM MgCl.sub.2 and 5 mM-ethylene glycol bis (beta-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid. Brains are removed and placed in fixative overnight, submersed in 30% sucrose at C. overnight and frozen on Tissue-Tech OCT embedding compound (Miles Ind. USA). Fifty-micrometer sections are cut on a freezing microtome and floated briefly in PBS-2 mM MgCl.sub.2 at C. as a wash. Expression of lacZ is determined by placing the sections in X-gal staining solution for 3 5 hours. EIAV TRIC is injected into the rat striatum using the same coordinates as described above. In addition two more injection sites at Bregma 2.5 mm lateral, 4.75 mm vertical and 1.8 mm rostral, 2.5 mm lateral and 5 mm vertical were performed. Expression of AADC, TH and GTP-CH1 is detected by immunohistochemistry using mouse monoclonal antibodies raised against the epitope tags, HA, c-myc and FLAG respectively. These antibodies will distinguish between the rat and the human proteins. Brains sections are incubated with mouse anti-HA (Santa Cruz), anti-c-myc (Santa Cruz) or anti-FLAG (Sigma) antibodies ( dilutions) at C. overnight in PBS-10% goat serum and 0.5% TritonX-100. Sections are washed with PBS and then incubated with Alexa 488 (Molecular Probes) or FITC (Jackson Laboratories) conjugated goat anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG ( 1/ dilutions) at room temperature for 2 3 hours. After washing the sections are examined under a fluorescence microscope. For DAB staining sections were developed using the avidin-biotin system (Vectastain kit (Vactor Laboratories)).

TH is not expressed within either neurons or glia of the rat striatum (Chatterjee et al. (1992) Science 258:1485 88). Endogenous TH immunoreactive (TH-IR) within the striatum is limited to the dopaminergic terminals of afferent fibers from substantia nigra. To determine whether the cells transduced are neurons or glial-cells a TH antibody is used in conjuction with antibodies that recognise either neuronal (NeuN) or glial (GFAP) markers. Double immunostaining is carried out on brain sections. Sections are incubated with rabbit polyclonal TH antibody ( 1/; Affinitti) and mouse monoclonal neurofilament (NeuN) antibody ( 1/; Chemicon), or mouse monoclonal GFAP ( 1/; Chemicon) at C. overnight in PBS-10% goat serum and 0.5% TritonX-100. Sections are washed with PBS and then incubated with Alexa 488 conjugated goat anti rabbit IgG ( 1/; Molecular Probes) or CY3 conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG ( 1/; Jackson Laboratories) at room temperature for 2 3 hours. After washing the sections are examined under a fluorescence microscope.

FIG. 19 shows transduction of the adult rat striatum with pONY8Z seven days following injection. FIG. 20 shows transduction of the rat striatum with pONY8TRIC two weeks following injection.

Example 12

Efficacy of EIAV-TRIC Vectors in a Rodent Model of Parkinson's Disease: Apomorphine-Induced Rotational Behavior

The aim of the present study is to replace dopamine in the striatum of animal model of Parkinson's disease. Rats receive 6-OHDA lesions of the right medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Stereotaxic injections are performed under anesthesia using 10 .mu.d Hamilton syringe with 33-gauge blunt tip needle. Each rat receives 4 .mu.l of 4 .mu.g/.mu.l 6-OHDA HCl (Sigma) dissolved in 2 mg/ml ascorbate-saline (0.2% ascorbic acid, 0.9% NaCl). The solution is slowly infused at the speed of 0.5 .mu.l/min. Three weeks following 6-OHDA lesion, rats are tested for amphetamine-induced rotation. Animals are injected i.p. with 2.5 mg/kg D-amphetamine (Sigma). Amphetamine is diluted in PBS. Rotational asymmetry is monitored over 90 minutes. Only rats with >7 turns per minute are used for the following experiment. For apomorphine-induced rotation, animals are tested twice on 0.05 mg/kg sc 4 days apart Fifteen rats show good homogeneity as to the extent of the 6-OHDA lesions. Two experiments are performed with EIAV-TRIC vectors. Three weeks after 6-OHDA lesions, EIAV-based lentiviral vectors carrying the genes involved in the dopamine synthesis are unilaterally injected into the striatum (ipsilateral to the lesion). Two groups of animals are included in each study: in the first experiment pONY8.1Z n=5; pONY8.1T n=4; in the second study pONY8.1Z n=4; pONY8.1T n=7. In order to assess a possible functional benefit of the treatment, apomorphine-induced rotation is tested weekly after the viral injection (FIG. 24.A). Two pONY8.1T-injected animals (C3R5 & C5R4) showed reduction in contralateral rotation than the pre-apo2 rotation during the whole experiment period, reaching a 65 and 70% decrease 3 weeks after viral injection (The present inventors suggest that the 70% is probably an artefact since one rat slipped out of the harness during this rotation). A 60 and 35% decrease is observed 10 weeks following injection of the viral solution for these two rats. In the second study, dopamine replacement did reduce the number of apomorphine-induced rotations experienced in 6 animals (from 7 rats) injected with pONY8.1T (FIG. 24.B). The average of reduction in rotations 6 weeks after viral injection is about 45% compared to pre-apomorphine 2.

At the end of each experiment, rats are perfused with ice-cold PBS containing 0.02% ascorbic acid and 5000 units of heparin followed by 4% paraformaldehyde solution. The brains are dissected and placed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde solution followed by the cryoprotection in 30% sucrose solution. TH-immunohistochemical labeling is performed on nigral and striatal sections to test the extension of the lesion. TH-immunostaining is performed using polyclonal Rabbit anti-TH antibodies on nigral (FIG. 25.A) and striatal (FIG. 25.B) sections. Catecholamines produced by EIAV TRIC vectors in the denervated striata of 6-OHDA rats are determined by HPLC and electrochemical detection, as described in the previous examples. The results are shown in FIGS. 26 and 27.

Example 13

EIAV-TRIC Vectors Used for Correcting the 6-OHDA Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease

This model comprises unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the nigrostriatal bundle of the small New World monkey the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). As in the rodent model, the asymmetry caused by the toxin in receptor sensitivity between the denervated and intact striatum results in rotational behaviour upon i.m. administration of domapinergic factors, such as apomorphine (Annett et al., (1997). The rate of amphetamine-induced rotations is directly related to the striatal dopaminergic dysfunction and is used to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of different treatments for PD (Annett et al. (1994) Exp Neurol. 125:228 246; Annett et al. (1992) Brain, 115:825 856). Marmosets aged 18 24 months are lesioned under anesthesia by delivery of 4 mg/ml free base weight 6-OHDA (Sigma) disolved in 0.01% ascorbate-saline. 6-OHDA was injected stereotaxically into five sites in the nigrostriatal bundle on one side of the brain (coordinates: AP+6.5; L+/-1.2, V+6 and +7: L+/-2.2, V+6.5 and V+7.5, L+/-3.2, V+7.5, as described in Stephan et al. (1980) Berlin: Springer-Verlag). Three microlitres are injected in the most lateral site and two microlitres in the other four sites. The 6-OHDA lesioned animals are examined for rotational behaviour prior to the lesion, after the lesion before the viral vectors injection and one month after the vectors are injected. Rotations are recorded during 30 min sessions starting 30 min after the injection of the drug. The marmosets are filmed while in a transparent Perspex box and the number of complete turns are counted.

Four 6-OHDA lesioned animals are injected with 30 .mu.l of EIAV-TRIC or EIAVlacZ viral stocks into the Caudate Putamen at 6 sites (5 .mu.l/site). Behavioural assessment of the monkeys on reaching tasks and apomorphine-induced rotations tests will be made one month post-injection and at regular interval for several months for long-term follow-up. Animals are sacrificed and brain tissue sections are analysed for TH immunoreactivity as described previously. The level of catecholamines in the denervated striatum is determined by HPLC and electrochemical detection (as described above).

Example 14

EIAV-TRIC Vectors Used for Correcting the MPTP Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease.

The primate model of Parkinson's disease is considered the gold-standard model for evaluation of potential therapies prior to entering human clinical trials. This model is originally developed from the observation in the early 1980s that groups of younger people are developing a neurodegenerative disorder strikingly similar to idiopathic Parkinson's disease. The source of this disorder is traced to the use of a street drug, and specifically to the chemical known as 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) (Langston (1985) Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 6:375 378). When MPTP is given to primates, the animals developed a parkinsonian disorder that has become the principle model for testing anti-parkinsonian agents. Peripherally administered MPTP will cross the blood brain barrier, whereupon is converted into MPP+ by monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B). MPP+ is a potent neurotoxin that eventually causes the degeneration of nigro-striatal dopamine pathway, as seen in Parkinson's disease.

Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) are rendered parkinsonian by weekly intravenous injections of 0.5 1 mg/kg MPTP for ten consecutive months. Animals are trained to perform fine motor tasks prior to the administration of MPTP. The parkinsonian monkeys are tested for marked reduction of spontaneous activity, bilateral action tremor, freezing and posture and balance impairment to assess the efficacy of the lesion. Motor deficits are assessed according to a nonhuman primate disability rating scale (Herrero et al., (1993) Neuroscience 56:965 72). In addition, apomorphine (0.1 mg/kg, i.m.) is also given every two weeks to test the appearance of circling behaviour. The monkeys are allowed to recover from the last MPTP administration for 3 months prior to the intrastriatal transduction. Animals are anesthesized with a mixture of ketamine (10 mg/kg) and midazolan (1 mg/kg) and placed in the stereotactic frame. A hole is drilled in the skull at the level of the right frontal ventricle according to the atlas of Szabo and Cowan (Szabo and Cowan (1984) J. Comp. Neurol. 222:265 300), and a ventriculography is performed by injecting 0.4 ml of Omnigrass into the right ventricle. The intercommisural line (AC-PC line) is measured and the coordinates for the putamen nucleus are adjusted according to the atlas.

EIAV-TRIC and EIAVlacZ viral vectors (5 .mu.l of .about.1 5.times.10.sup.9 t.u./ml) are stereotaxically injected unilaterally into the left putamen in two sites along the rostrocaudal axis using a Hamilton syringe. Briefly, 2.times.5 .mu.l of .about.1 5.times.10.sup.9 t.u./ml are injected into the putamen nucleus as follows: rostral putamen, AP+3.4 mm from the midpoint of the AC-PC line; ML 12 mm from the longitudinal sinus, and VD 15 mm below dura mater. Animal receive antibiotics (ampicillin 250 mg/day, i.m.) prophylactically for two weeks and analgesia with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (flunixin, 2.5 mg/kg). Animals are followed periodically (every two weeks) for 3 5 months in order to determine whether the therapeutic vectors improve the parkinsonian behaviour (During et al. (1994)). They are tested for motor deficits as described above. At the end of the experimental period, animals are transcardially perfused with 4% PFA in PBS. The brains are fixed overnight in the same fixative at C. and then immersed in 30% sucrose in PBS. Coronal brain sections (30 .mu.m thick) were cut on a freezing microtome and collected in PBS. TH immunoreactivity and levels of catecholamines in the denervated putamen are analysed as described previously.

All publications mentioned in the above specification are herein incorporated by reference. Various modifications and variations of the described methods and system of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Although the invention has been described in connection with specific preferred embodiments, it should be understood that the invention as claimed should not be unduly limited to such specific embodiments. Indeed, various modifications of the described modes for carrying out the invention which are obvious to those skilled in chemistry, biology or related fields are intended to be within the scope of the following claims.

TABLE-US-00004 TABLE 1 DNA L-DOPA DOPAC DA Mock n.d. n.d. n.d. TRIC 0.745 +/- 0.047 n.d. 0.545 +/- 0.055 BIC + 0.729 +/- 0.045 0.531 +/- 0.10 11.31 +/- 1.01 AADC BIC 58.55 +/- 6.20 n.d. n.d. hTHt 0.845 n.d. n.d.

TABLE-US-00005 TABLE 2 DNA L-DOPA DOPAC DA Mock n.d. n.d. n.d. TRIC 0.3013 +/- 0.0426 n.d. 0.5073 +/- 0.046 BIC + 0.398 +/- 0.2929 0.4567 +/- 0.1836 10.244 +/- 1.95 AADC BIC 133 +/ - 19.233 n.d. n.d. hTHt 38 n.d. n.d.

TABLE-US-00006 TABLE 3 Relative Integration Efficiency MOI pONY8G pONY8T-1 pONY8T-2 pONY8.1Z pONY8.1T Integrase- 100X 10.61 11.44 10.6 11.6 11.6 2.1 10X 7 6.16 5.7 8.67 6.63 2.4 1X 4.37 4.8 n.d. 7.09 4.6 n.d. D17 cells have been transduced at different MOIs with EIAV vectors. The dCT values represent the ratio of .beta.-actin/EIAV genomes in 100 ng of total DNA (dCt = .beta.actin Ct-CMVp Ct). The PCR reaction amplifies the CMV promoter region present in the integrated EIAV genome. The dCT values of untransduced cells was ~1.85. Similar results are obtained using the EIAV packaging signal.

The invention can be further described by the following numbered paragraphs:

1. A retroviral vector genome comprising two or more NOIs operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s).

2. A retroviral vector genome comprising three or more NOIs operably linked by two or more Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s).

3. A genome according to claim 1, wherein each NOI is useful in the treatment of a neurodegenerative disorder.

4. A genome according to any preceding claim, which is a lentiviral vector genome.

5. A lentiviral vector genome comprising two or more NOIs suitable for treating a neurodegenerative disorder.

6. A genome according to claim 5, comprising three or more NOIs suitable for treating a neurodegenerative disorder.

7. A genome according to claim 5, in which the NOIs are operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry Sites(s).

8. A genome according to any preceding claim, wherein the NOIs encode a protein selected from the following group: Tyrosine Hydroxylase, GTP-cyclohydrolase I, Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2.

9. A genome according to claim 8, wherein the NOIs encode Tyrosine Hydroxylase, GTP-cyclohydrolase I and optionally Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase or Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2.

10. A lentiviral vector genome encoding tyrosine hydroxylase and GTP-cyclohydrolase I.

11. A lentiviral vector genome according to claim 10, which also encodes Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and/or Vesicular Monoamine Trasporter 2.

12. A genome according to claim 10 or 11 which comprises two or more NOIs operably linked by one or more Internal Ribosome Entry sites.

13. A genome according to any preceding claim which is derivable from HIV.

14. A genome according to any of claims 1 to 12 which is derivable from EIAV.

15. A genome according to any of claims 4 to 14, wherein the lentiviral vector is a non-primate lentiviral vector.

16. A genome according to any preceding claim wherein at least one of the NOIs is operably linked to a promoter or promoter element(s).

17. A genome according to any of claims 4 to 16, which lacks the rev responsive element.

18. A genome according to any of claims 4 to 17, which comprises a cPPT sequence.

19. A genome according to any of claims 4 to 18, which comprises a post-transcriptional regulatory element or a translational enhancer.

20. A vector system comprising a gename according to any preceding claim.

21. A vector system according to claim 20, comprising (i) a genome according to any of claims 4 to 19; (ii) a nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pol proteins; (iii) nucleotide sequences encoding other essential viral packaging components not encoded by the nucleotide sequence of ii).

22. A lentiviral vector system which is capable of delivering an RNA genome to a recipient cell, wherein the genome is longer than the wild type genome of the lentivirus.

23. A lentiviral vector system according to claim 22, which is an EIAV vector system.

24. A vector system according to any of claims 20 to 23, which is devoid of any functional additional genes.

25. A vector system according to any of claims 20 to 24, which is pseudotyped with at least part of a heterologous env protein.

26. A vector system according to claim 25, in which the heterologous env protein is derivable from Rabies-G or VSV G.

27. A vector genome according to any of claims 1 to 19 or a system according to any of claims 20 to 26 for use in a method of producing lentiviral particles.

28. A method for producing a lentiviral particle which method comprises introducing into a producer cell: i) a genome as defined in any one of claims 4 to 19, ii) a nucleotide sequence coding for lentiviral gag and pot proteins; and iii) nucleotide sequences encoding other essential viral packaging components not encoded by one or more of the nucleotide sequences of ii).

29. A method according to claim 28, wherein the nucleotide sequence coding for gag and pol is codon optimised for expression in the producer cell.

30. A viral particle produced by the system of any one of claims 20 to 26 or by the method of claim 28 or 29.

31. A pharmaceutical composition comprising the genome of any one of claims 1 to 19, the system of any one of claims 20 to 26 or the viral particle of claim 30, together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent.

32. Use of a genome as defined in any one of claims 1 to 19, a system of any one of claims 20 to 26 or a viral particle of claim 30, in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical composition to treat and/or prevent a disease in a subject.

33. A method of treating and/or preventing a disease in a subject in need of same, said method comprising the step of using a of a genome as defined in any one of claims 1 to 19, a system of any one of claims 20 to 26 or a viral particle of claim 30.

34. A method according to claim 33, to treat and/or prevent a neurodegenerative disease.

35. A method according to claim 34, to treat and/or prevent Parkinson's disease.

36. A cell which has been transduced with a system according to any of claims 20 to 26.

37. A method of treating Parkinson's disease in a mammalian subject in need of same, which comprises the step of transplanting a cell according to claim 36 into the brain of the subject.

38. A bicistronic cassette comprising a nucleotide sequence which encodes tyrosine hydroxylase and a nucleotide sequence which encodes GTP-cyclohydrolase I operably linked by one or more IRES(s).

39. A bicistronic cassette comprising a nucleotide sequence which encodes Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase and a nucleotide sequence which encodes Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 operably linked by one or more IRES(s).

40. A tricistronic cassette comprising a nucleotide sequence which encodes tyrosine hydroxylase, a nucleotide sequence which encodes GTP-cyclohydrolase I and a nucleotide sequence which encodes Aromatic Amino Acid Dopa Decarboxylase operably linked by two or more IRES(s).



34 1 8531 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 1 agatcttgaa taataaaatg tgtgtttgtc cgaaatacgc gttttgagat ttctgtcgcc 60 gactaaattc atgtcgcgcg atagtggtgt ttatcgccga tagagatggc gatattggaa 120 aaattgatat ttgaaaatat ggcatattga aaatgtcgcc gatgtgagtt tctgtgtaac 180 tgatatcgcc atttttccaa aagtgatttt tgggcatacg cgatatctgg cgatagcgct 240 tatatcgttt acgggggatg gcgatagacg actttggtga cttgggcgat tctgtgtgtc 300 gcaaatatcg cagtttcgat ataggtgaca gacgatatga ggctatatcg ccgatagagg 360 cgacatcaag ctggcacatg gccaatgcat atcgatctat acattgaatc aatattggcc 420 attagccata ttattcattg gttatatagc ataaatcaat attggctatt ggccattgca 480 tacgttgtat ccatatcgta atatgtacat ttatattggc tcatgtccaa cattaccgcc 540 atgttgacat tgattattga ctagttatta atagtaatca attacggggt cattagttca 600 tagcccatat atggagttcc gcgttacata acttacggta aatggcccgc ctggctgacc 660 gcccaacgac ccccgcccat tgacgtcaat aatgacgtat gttcccatag taacgccaat 720 agggactttc cattgacgtc aatgggtgga gtatttacgg taaactgccc acttggcagt 780 acatcaagtg tatcatatgc caagtccgcc ccctattgac gtcaatgacg gtaaatggcc 840 cgcctggcat tatgcccagt acatgacctt acgggacttt cctacttggc agtacatcta 900 cgtattagtc atcgctatta ccatggtgat gcggttttgg cagtacacca atgggcgtgg 960 atagcggttt gactcacggg gatttccaag tctccacccc attgacgtca atgggagttt 1020 gttttggcac caaaatcaac gggactttcc aaaatgtcgt aacaactgcg atcgcccgcc 1080 ccgttgacgc aaatgggcgg taggcgtgta cggtgggagg tctatataag cagagctcgt 1140 ttagtgaacc gggcactcag attctgcggt ctgagtccct tctctgctgg gctgaaaagg 1200 cctttgtaat aaatataatt ctctactcag tccctgtctc tagtttgtct gttcgagatc 1260 ctacagttgg cgcccgaaca gggacctgag aggggcgcag accctacctg ttgaacctgg 1320 ctgatcgtag gatccccggg acagcagagg agaacttaca gaagtcttct ggaggtgttc 1380 ctggccagaa cacaggagga caggtaagat tgggagaccc tttgacattg gagcaaggcg 1440 ctcaagaagt tagagaaggt gacggtacaa gggtctcaga aattaactac tggtaactgt 1500 aattgggcgc taagtctagt agacttattt catgatacca actttgtaaa agaaaaggac 1560 tggcagctga gggatgtcat tccattgctg gaagatgtaa ctcagacgct gtcaggacaa 1620 gaaagagagg cctttgaaag aacatggtgg gcaatttctg ctgtaaagat gggcctccag 1680 attaataatg tagtagatgg aaaggcatca ttccagctcc taagagcgaa atatgaaaag 1740 aagactgcta ataaaaagca gtctgagccc tctgaagaat atctctagaa ctagtggatc 1800 ccccgggctg caggagtggg gaggcacgat ggccgctttg gtcgaggcgg atccggccat 1860 tagccatatt attcattggt tatatagcat aaatcaatat tggctattgg ccattgcata 1920 cgttgtatcc atatcataat atgtacattt atattggctc atgtccaaca ttaccgccat 1980 gttgacattg attattgact agttattaat agtaatcaat tacggggtca ttagttcata 2040 gcccatatat ggagttccgc gttacataac ttacggtaaa tggcccgcct ggctgaccgc 2100 ccaacgaccc ccgcccattg acgtcaataa tgacgtatgt tcccatagta acgccaatag 2160 ggactttcca ttgacgtcaa tgggtggagt atttacggta aactgcccac ttggcagtac 2220 atcaagtgta tcatatgcca agtacgcccc ctattgacgt caatgacggt aaatggcccg 2280 cctggcatta tgcccagtac atgaccttat gggactttcc tacttggcag tacatctacg 2340 tattagtcat cgctattacc atggtgatgc ggttttggca gtacatcaat gggcgtggat 2400 agcggtttga ctcacgggga tttccaagtc tccaccccat tgacgtcaat gggagtttgt 2460 tttggcacca aaatcaacgg gactttccaa aatgtcgtaa caactccgcc ccattgacgc 2520 aaatgggcgg taggcatgta cggtgggagg tctatataag cagagctcgt ttagtgaacc 2580 gtcagatcgc ctggagacgc catccacgct gttttgacct ccatagaaga caccgggacc 2640 gatccagcct ccgcggcccc aagcttgttg ggatccaccg gtcgccacca tggtgagcaa 2700 gggcgaggag ctgttcaccg gggtggtgcc catcctggtc gagctggacg gcgacgtaaa 2760 cggccacaag ttcagcgtgt ccggcgaggg cgagggcgat gccacctacg gcaagctgac 2820 cctgaagttc atctgcacca ccggcaagct gcccgtgccc tggcccaccc tcgtgaccac 2880 cctgacctac ggcgtgcagt gcttcagccg ctaccccgac cacatgaagc agcacgactt 2940 cttcaagtcc gccatgcccg aaggctacgt ccaggagcgc accatcttct tcaaggacga 3000 cggcaactac aagacccgcg ccgaggtgaa gttcgagggc gacaccctgg tgaaccgcat 3060 cgagctgaag ggcatcgact tcaaggagga cggcaacatc ctggggcaca agctggagta 3120 caactacaac agccacaacg tctatatcat ggccgacaag cagaagaacg gcatcaaggt 3180 gaacttcaag atccgccaca acatcgagga cggcagcgtg cagctcgccg accactacca 3240 gcagaacacc cccatcggcg acggccccgt gctgctgccc gacaaccact acctgagcac 3300 ccagtccgcc ctgagcaaag accccaacga gaagcgcgat cacatggtcc tgctggagtt 3360 cgtgaccgcc gccgggatca ctctcggcat ggacgagctg tacaagtaaa gcggccgcga 3420 ctctagagtc gacctgcagg catgcaagct tcagctgctc gagggggggc ccggtaccca 3480 gcttttgttc cctttagtga gggttaattg cgcgggaagt atttatcact aatcaagcac 3540 aagtaataca tgagaaactt ttactacagc aagcacaatc ctccaaaaaa ttttgttttt 3600 acaaaatccc tggtgaacat gattggaagg gacctactag ggtgctgtgg aagggtgatg 3660 gtgcagtagt agttaatgat gaaggaaagg gaataattgc tgtaccatta accaggacta 3720 agttactaat aaaaccaaat tgagtattgt tgcaggaagc aagacccaac taccattgtc 3780 agctgtgttt cctgacctca atatttgtta taaggtttga tatgaatccc agggggaatc 3840 tcaaccccta ttacccaaca gtcagaaaaa tctaagtgtg aggagaacac aatgtttcaa 3900 ccttattgtt ataataatga cagtaagaac agcatggcag aatcgaagga agcaagagac 3960 caagaatgaa cctgaaagaa gaatctaaag aagaaaaaag aagaaatgac tggtggaaaa 4020 taggtatgtt tctgttatgc ttagcaggaa ctactggagg aatactttgg tggtatgaag 4080 gactcccaca gcaacattat atagggttgg tggcgatagg gggaagatta aacggatctg 4140 gccaatcaaa tgctatagaa tgctggggtt ccttcccggg gtgtagacca tttcaaaatt 4200 acttcagtta tgagaccaat agaagcatgc atatggataa taatactgct acattattag 4260 aagctttaac caatataact gctctataaa taacaaaaca gaattagaaa catggaagtt 4320 agtaaagact tctggcataa ctcctttacc tatttcttct gaagctaaca ctggactaat 4380 tagacataag agagattttg gtataagtgc aatagtggca gctattgtag ccgctactgc 4440 tattgctgct agcgctacta tgtcttatgt tgctctaact gaggttaaca aaataatgga 4500 agtacaaaat catacttttg aggtagaaaa tagtactcta aatggtatgg atttaataga 4560 acgacaaata aagatattat atgctatgat tcttcaaaca catgcagatg ttcaactgtt 4620 aaaggaaaga caacaggtag aggagacatt taatttaatt ggatgtatag aaagaacaca 4680 tgtattttgt catactggtc atccctggaa tatgtcatgg ggacatttaa atgagtcaac 4740 acaatgggat gactgggtaa gcaaaatgga agatttaaat caagagatac taactacact 4800 tcatggagcc aggaacaatt tggcacaatc catgataaca ttcaatacac cagatagtat 4860 agctcaattt ggaaaagacc tttggagtca tattggaaat tggattcctg gattgggagc 4920 ttccattata aaatatatag tgatgttttt gcttatttat ttgttactaa cctcttcgcc 4980 taagatcctc agggccctct ggaaggtgac cagtggtgca gggtcctccg gcagtcgtta 5040 cctgaagaaa aaattccatc acaaacatgc atcgcgagaa gacacctggg accaggccca 5100 acacaacata cacctagcag gcgtgaccgg tggatcaggg gacaaatact acaagcagaa 5160 gtactccagg aacgactgga atggagaatc agaggagtac aacaggcggc caaagagctg 5220 ggtgaagtca atcgaggcat ttggagagag ctatatttcc gagaagacca aaggggagat 5280 ttctcagcct ggggcggcta tcaacgagca caagaacggc tctgggggga acaatcctca 5340 ccaagggtcc ttagacctgg agattcgaag cgaaggagga aacatttatg actgttgcat 5400 taaagcccaa gaaggaactc tcgctatccc ttgctgtgga tttcccttat ggctattttg 5460 gggactagta attatagtag gacgcatagc aggctatgga ttacgtggac tcgctgttat 5520 aataaggatt tgtattagag gcttaaattt gatatttgaa ataatcagaa aaatgcttga 5580 ttatattgga agagctttaa atcctggcac atctcatgta tcaatgcctc agtatgttta 5640 gaaaaacaag gggggaactg tggggttttt atgaggggtt ttataaatga ttataagagt 5700 aaaaagaaag ttgctgatgc tctcataacc ttgtataacc caaaggacta gctcatgttg 5760 ctaggcaact aaaccgcaat aaccgcattt gtgacgcgag ttccccattg gtgacgcgtt 5820 aacttcctgt ttttacagta tataagtgct tgtattctga caattgggca ctcagattct 5880 gcggtctgag tcccttctct gctgggctga aaaggccttt gtaataaata taattctcta 5940 ctcagtccct gtctctagtt tgtctgttcg agatcctaca gagctcatgc cttggcgtaa 6000 tcatggtcat agctgtttcc tgtgtgaaat tgttatccgc tcacaattcc acacaacata 6060 cgagccggaa gcataaagtg taaagcctgg ggtgcctaat gagtgagcta actcacatta 6120 attgcgttgc gctcactgcc cgctttccag tcgggaaacc tgtcgtgcca gctgcattaa 6180 tgaatcggcc aacgcgcggg gagaggcggt ttgcgtattg ggcgctcttc cgcttcctcg 6240 ctcactgact cgctgcgctc ggtcgttcgg ctgcggcgag cggtatcagc tcactcaaag 6300 gcggtaatac ggttatccac agaatcaggg gataacgcag gaaagaacat gtgagcaaaa 6360 ggccagcaaa aggccaggaa ccgtaaaaag gccgcgttgc tggcgttttt ccataggctc 6420 cgcccccctg acgagcatca caaaaatcga cgctcaagtc agaggtggcg aaacccgaca 6480 ggactataaa gataccaggc gtttccccct ggaagctccc tcgtgcgctc tcctgttccg 6540 accctgccgc ttaccggata cctgtccgcc tttctccctt cgggaagcgt ggcgctttct 6600 catagctcac gctgtaggta tctcagttcg gtgtaggtcg ttcgctccaa gctgggctgt 6660 gtgcacgaac cccccgttca gcccgaccgc tgcgccttat ccggtaacta tcgtcttgag 6720 tccaacccgg taagacacga cttatcgcca ctggcagcag ccactggtaa caggattagc 6780 agagcgaggt atgtaggcgg tgctacagag ttcttgaagt ggtggcctaa ctacggctac 6840 actagaagga cagtatttgg tatctgcgct ctgctgaagc cagttacctt cggaaaaaga 6900 gttggtagct cttgatccgg caaacaaacc accgctggta gcggtggttt ttttgtttgc 6960 aagcagcaga ttacgcgcag aaaaaaagga tctcaagaag atcctttgat cttttctacg 7020 gggtctgacg ctcagtggaa cgaaaactca cgttaaggga ttttggtcat gagattatca 7080 aaaaggatct tcacctagat ccttttaaat taaaaatgaa gttttaaatc aatctaaagt 7140 atatatgagt aaacttggtc tgacagttac caatgcttaa tcagtgaggc acctatctca 7200 gcgatctgtc tatttcgttc atccatagtt gcctgactcc ccgtcgtgta gataactacg 7260 atacgggagg gcttaccatc tggccccagt gctgcaatga taccgcgaga cccacgctca 7320 ccggctccag atttatcagc aataaaccag ccagccggaa gggccgagcg cagaagtggt 7380 cctgcaactt tatccgcctc catccagtct attaattgtt gccgggaagc tagagtaagt 7440 agttcgccag ttaatagttt gcgcaacgtt gttgccattg ctacaggcat cgtggtgtca 7500 cgctcgtcgt ttggtatggc ttcattcagc tccggttccc aacgatcaag gcgagttaca 7560 tgatccccca tgttgtgcaa aaaagcggtt agctccttcg gtcctccgat cgttgtcaga 7620 agtaagttgg ccgcagtgtt atcactcatg gttatggcag cactgcataa ttctcttact 7680 gtcatgccat ccgtaagatg cttttctgtg actggtgagt actcaaccaa gtcattctga 7740 gaatagtgta tgcggcgacc gagttgctct tgcccggcgt caatacggga taataccgcg 7800 ccacatagca gaactttaaa agtgctcatc attggaaaac gttcttcggg gcgaaaactc 7860 tcaaggatct taccgctgtt gagatccagt tcgatgtaac ccactcgtgc acccaactga 7920 tcttcagcat cttttacttt caccagcgtt tctgggtgag caaaaacagg aaggcaaaat 7980 gccgcaaaaa agggaataag ggcgacacgg aaatgttgaa tactcatact cttccttttt 8040 caatattatt gaagcattta tcagggttat tgtctcatga gcggatacat atttgaatgt 8100 atttagaaaa ataaacaaat aggggttccg cgcacatttc cccgaaaagt gccacctaaa 8160 ttgtaagcgt taatattttg ttaaaattcg cgttaaattt ttgttaaatc agctcatttt 8220 ttaaccaata ggccgaaatc ggcaaaatcc cttataaatc aaaagaatag accgagatag 8280 ggttgagtgt tgttccagtt tggaacaaga gtccactatt aaagaacgtg gactccaacg 8340 tcaaagggcg aaaaaccgtc tatcagggcg atggcccact acgtgaacca tcaccctaat 8400 caagtttttt ggggtcgagg tgccgtaaag cactaaatcg gaaccctaaa gggagccccc 8460 gatttagagc ttgacgggga aagccaacct ggcttatcga aattaatacg actcactata 8520 gggagaccgg c 8531 2 6418 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 2 agatcttgaa taataaaatg tgtgtttgtc cgaaatacgc gttttgagat ttctgtcgcc 60 gactaaattc atgtcgcgcg atagtggtgt ttatcgccga tagagatggc gatattggaa 120 aaattgatat ttgaaaatat ggcatattga aaatgtcgcc gatgtgagtt tctgtgtaac 180 tgatatcgcc atttttccaa aagtgatttt tgggcatacg cgatatctgg cgatagcgct 240 tatatcgttt acgggggatg gcgatagacg actttggtga cttgggcgat tctgtgtgtc 300 gcaaatatcg cagtttcgat ataggtgaca gacgatatga ggctatatcg ccgatagagg 360 cgacatcaag ctggcacatg gccaatgcat atcgatctat acattgaatc aatattggcc 420 attagccata ttattcattg gttatatagc ataaatcaat attggctatt ggccattgca 480 tacgttgtat ccatatcgta atatgtacat ttatattggc tcatgtccaa cattaccgcc 540 atgttgacat tgattattga ctagttatta atagtaatca attacggggt cattagttca 600 tagcccatat atggagttcc gcgttacata acttacggta aatggcccgc ctggctgacc 660 gcccaacgac ccccgcccat tgacgtcaat aatgacgtat gttcccatag taacgccaat 720 agggactttc cattgacgtc aatgggtgga gtatttacgg taaactgccc acttggcagt 780 acatcaagtg tatcatatgc caagtccgcc ccctattgac gtcaatgacg gtaaatggcc 840 cgcctggcat tatgcccagt acatgacctt acgggacttt cctacttggc agtacatcta 900 cgtattagtc atcgctatta ccatggtgat gcggttttgg cagtacacca atgggcgtgg 960 atagcggttt gactcacggg gatttccaag tctccacccc attgacgtca atgggagttt 1020 gttttggcac caaaatcaac gggactttcc aaaatgtcgt aacaactgcg atcgcccgcc 1080 ccgttgacgc aaatgggcgg taggcgtgta cggtgggagg tctatataag cagagctcgt 1140 ttagtgaacc gggcactcag attctgcggt ctgagtccct tctctgctgg gctgaaaagg 1200 cctttgtaat aaatataatt ctctactcag tccctgtctc tagtttgtct gttcgagatc 1260 ctacagttgg cgcccgaaca gggacctgag aggggcgcag accctacctg ttgaacctgg 1320 ctgatcgtag gatccccggg acagcagagg agaacttaca gaagtcttct ggaggtgttc 1380 ctggccagaa cacaggagga caggtaagat tgggagaccc tttgacattg gagcaaggcg 1440 ctcaagaagt tagagaaggt gacggtacaa gggtctcaga aattaactac tggtaactgt 1500 aattgggcgc taagtctagt agacttattt catgatacca actttgtaaa agaaaaggac 1560 tggcagctga gggatgtcat tccattgctg gaagatgtaa ctcagacgct gtcaggacaa 1620 gaaagagagg cctttgaaag aacatggtgg gcaatttctg ctgtaaagat gggcctccag 1680 attaataatg tagtagatgg aaaggcatca ttccagctcc taagagcgaa atatgaaaag 1740 aagactgcta ataaaaagca gtctgagccc tctgaagaat atctctagaa ctagtggatc 1800 ccccgggctg caggagtggg gaggcacgat ggccgctttg gtcgaggcgg atccggccat 1860 tagccatatt attcattggt tatatagcat aaatcaatat tggctattgg ccattgcata 1920 cgttgtatcc atatcataat atgtacattt atattggctc atgtccaaca ttaccgccat 1980 gttgacattg attattgact agttattaat agtaatcaat tacggggtca ttagttcata 2040 gcccatatat ggagttccgc gttacataac ttacggtaaa tggcccgcct ggctgaccgc 2100 ccaacgaccc ccgcccattg acgtcaataa tgacgtatgt tcccatagta acgccaatag 2160 ggactttcca ttgacgtcaa tgggtggagt atttacggta aactgcccac ttggcagtac 2220 atcaagtgta tcatatgcca agtacgcccc ctattgacgt caatgacggt aaatggcccg 2280 cctggcatta tgcccagtac atgaccttat gggactttcc tacttggcag tacatctacg 2340 tattagtcat cgctattacc atggtgatgc ggttttggca gtacatcaat gggcgtggat 2400 agcggtttga ctcacgggga tttccaagtc tccaccccat tgacgtcaat gggagtttgt 2460 tttggcacca aaatcaacgg gactttccaa aatgtcgtaa caactccgcc ccattgacgc 2520 aaatgggcgg taggcatgta cggtgggagg tctatataag cagagctcgt ttagtgaacc 2580 gtcagatcgc ctggagacgc catccacgct gttttgacct ccatagaaga caccgggacc 2640 gatccagcct ccgcggcccc aagcttgttg ggatccaccg gtcgccacca tggtgagcaa 2700 gggcgaggag ctgttcaccg gggtggtgcc catcctggtc gagctggacg gcgacgtaaa 2760 cggccacaag ttcagcgtgt ccggcgaggg cgagggcgat gccacctacg gcaagctgac 2820 cctgaagttc atctgcacca ccggcaagct gcccgtgccc tggcccaccc tcgtgaccac 2880 cctgacctac ggcgtgcagt gcttcagccg ctaccccgac cacatgaagc agcacgactt 2940 cttcaagtcc gccatgcccg aaggctacgt ccaggagcgc accatcttct tcaaggacga 3000 cggcaactac aagacccgcg ccgaggtgaa gttcgagggc gacaccctgg tgaaccgcat 3060 cgagctgaag ggcatcgact tcaaggagga cggcaacatc ctggggcaca agctggagta 3120 caactacaac agccacaacg tctatatcat ggccgacaag cagaagaacg gcatcaaggt 3180 gaacttcaag atccgccaca acatcgagga cggcagcgtg cagctcgccg accactacca 3240 gcagaacacc cccatcggcg acggccccgt gctgctgccc gacaaccact acctgagcac 3300 ccagtccgcc ctgagcaaag accccaacga gaagcgcgat cacatggtcc tgctggagtt 3360 cgtgaccgcc gccgggatca ctctcggcat ggacgagctg tacaagtaaa gcggccgcga 3420 ctctagagtc gacctgcagg aattcgatat caagcttatc gataccgtcg aattggaaga 3480 gctttaaatc ctggcacatc tcatgtatca atgcctcagt atgtttagaa aaacaagggg 3540 ggaactgtgg ggtttttatg aggggtttta taaatgatta taagagtaaa aagaaagttg 3600 ctgatgctct cataaccttg tataacccaa aggactagct catgttgcta ggcaactaaa 3660 ccgcaataac cgcatttgtg acgcgagttc cccattggtg acgcgttaac ttcctgtttt 3720 tacagtatat aagtgcttgt attctgacaa ttgggcactc agattctgcg gtctgagtcc 3780 cttctctgct gggctgaaaa ggcctttgta ataaatataa ttctctactc agtccctgtc 3840 tctagtttgt ctgttcgaga tcctacagag ctcatgcctt ggcgtaatca tggtcatagc 3900 tgtttcctgt gtgaaattgt tatccgctca caattccaca caacatacga gccggaagca 3960 taaagtgtaa agcctggggt gcctaatgag tgagctaact cacattaatt gcgttgcgct 4020 cactgcccgc tttccagtcg ggaaacctgt cgtgccagct gcattaatga atcggccaac 4080 gcgcggggag aggcggtttg cgtattgggc gctcttccgc ttcctcgctc actgactcgc 4140 tgcgctcggt cgttcggctg cggcgagcgg tatcagctca ctcaaaggcg gtaatacggt 4200 tatccacaga atcaggggat aacgcaggaa agaacatgtg agcaaaaggc cagcaaaagg 4260 ccaggaaccg taaaaaggcc gcgttgctgg cgtttttcca taggctccgc ccccctgacg 4320 agcatcacaa aaatcgacgc tcaagtcaga ggtggcgaaa cccgacagga ctataaagat 4380 accaggcgtt tccccctgga agctccctcg tgcgctctcc tgttccgacc ctgccgctta 4440 ccggatacct gtccgccttt ctcccttcgg gaagcgtggc gctttctcat agctcacgct 4500 gtaggtatct cagttcggtg taggtcgttc gctccaagct gggctgtgtg cacgaacccc 4560 ccgttcagcc cgaccgctgc gccttatccg gtaactatcg tcttgagtcc aacccggtaa 4620 gacacgactt atcgccactg gcagcagcca ctggtaacag gattagcaga gcgaggtatg 4680 taggcggtgc tacagagttc ttgaagtggt ggcctaacta cggctacact agaaggacag 4740 tatttggtat ctgcgctctg ctgaagccag ttaccttcgg aaaaagagtt ggtagctctt 4800 gatccggcaa acaaaccacc gctggtagcg gtggtttttt tgtttgcaag cagcagatta 4860 cgcgcagaaa aaaaggatct caagaagatc ctttgatctt ttctacgggg tctgacgctc 4920 agtggaacga aaactcacgt taagggattt tggtcatgag attatcaaaa aggatcttca 4980 cctagatcct tttaaattaa aaatgaagtt ttaaatcaat ctaaagtata tatgagtaaa 5040 cttggtctga cagttaccaa tgcttaatca gtgaggcacc tatctcagcg atctgtctat 5100 ttcgttcatc catagttgcc tgactccccg tcgtgtagat aactacgata cgggagggct 5160 taccatctgg ccccagtgct gcaatgatac cgcgagaccc acgctcaccg gctccagatt 5220 tatcagcaat aaaccagcca gccggaaggg ccgagcgcag aagtggtcct gcaactttat 5280 ccgcctccat ccagtctatt aattgttgcc gggaagctag agtaagtagt tcgccagtta 5340 atagtttgcg caacgttgtt gccattgcta caggcatcgt ggtgtcacgc tcgtcgtttg 5400 gtatggcttc attcagctcc ggttcccaac gatcaaggcg agttacatga tcccccatgt 5460 tgtgcaaaaa agcggttagc tccttcggtc ctccgatcgt tgtcagaagt aagttggccg 5520 cagtgttatc actcatggtt atggcagcac tgcataattc tcttactgtc atgccatccg 5580 taagatgctt ttctgtgact ggtgagtact caaccaagtc attctgagaa tagtgtatgc 5640 ggcgaccgag ttgctcttgc ccggcgtcaa tacgggataa taccgcgcca catagcagaa 5700 ctttaaaagt gctcatcatt ggaaaacgtt cttcggggcg aaaactctca aggatcttac 5760 cgctgttgag atccagttcg atgtaaccca ctcgtgcacc caactgatct tcagcatctt 5820 ttactttcac cagcgtttct gggtgagcaa aaacaggaag gcaaaatgcc gcaaaaaagg 5880 gaataagggc gacacggaaa tgttgaatac tcatactctt cctttttcaa tattattgaa 5940 gcatttatca gggttattgt ctcatgagcg gatacatatt tgaatgtatt tagaaaaata 6000 aacaaatagg ggttccgcgc acatttcccc gaaaagtgcc acctaaattg taagcgttaa 6060 tattttgtta aaattcgcgt taaatttttg ttaaatcagc tcatttttta accaataggc 6120 cgaaatcggc aaaatccctt ataaatcaaa agaatagacc gagatagggt tgagtgttgt 6180 tccagtttgg aacaagagtc cactattaaa gaacgtggac tccaacgtca aagggcgaaa 6240 aaccgtctat cagggcgatg gcccactacg tgaaccatca ccctaatcaa gttttttggg 6300 gtcgaggtgc cgtaaagcac taaatcggaa ccctaaaggg agcccccgat ttagagcttg 6360 acggggaaag ccaacctggc ttatcgaaat taatacgact

cactataggg agaccggc 6418 3 10998 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 3 agatcttgaa taataaaatg tgtgtttgtc cgaaatacgc gttttgagat ttctgtcgcc 60 gactaaattc atgtcgcgcg atagtggtgt ttatcgccga tagagatggc gatattggaa 120 aaattgatat ttgaaaatat ggcatattga aaatgtcgcc gatgtgagtt tctgtgtaac 180 tgatatcgcc atttttccaa aagtgatttt tgggcatacg cgatatctgg cgatagcgct 240 tatatcgttt acgggggatg gcgatagacg actttggtga cttgggcgat tctgtgtgtc 300 gcaaatatcg cagtttcgat ataggtgaca gacgatatga ggctatatcg ccgatagagg 360 cgacatcaag ctggcacatg gccaatgcat atcgatctat acattgaatc aatattggcc 420 attagccata ttattcattg gttatatagc ataaatcaat attggctatt ggccattgca 480 tacgttgtat ccatatcgta atatgtacat ttatattggc tcatgtccaa cattaccgcc 540 atgttgacat tgattattga ctagttatta atagtaatca attacggggt cattagttca 600 tagcccatat atggagttcc gcgttacata acttacggta aatggcccgc ctggctgacc 660 gcccaacgac ccccgcccat tgacgtcaat aatgacgtat gttcccatag taacgccaat 720 agggactttc cattgacgtc aatgggtgga gtatttacgg taaactgccc acttggcagt 780 acatcaagtg tatcatatgc caagtccgcc ccctattgac gtcaatgacg gtaaatggcc 840 cgcctggcat tatgcccagt acatgacctt acgggacttt cctacttggc agtacatcta 900 cgtattagtc atcgctatta ccatggtgat gcggttttgg cagtacacca atgggcgtgg 960 atagcggttt gactcacggg gatttccaag tctccacccc attgacgtca atgggagttt 1020 gttttggcac caaaatcaac gggactttcc aaaatgtcgt aacaactgcg atcgcccgcc 1080 ccgttgacgc aaatgggcgg taggcgtgta cggtgggagg tctatataag cagagctcgt 1140 ttagtgaacc gggcactcag attctgcggt ctgagtccct tctctgctgg gctgaaaagg 1200 cctttgtaat aaatataatt ctctactcag tccctgtctc tagtttgtct gttcgagatc 1260 ctacagttgg cgcccgaaca gggacctgag aggggcgcag accctacctg ttgaacctgg 1320 ctgatcgtag gatccccggg acagcagagg agaacttaca gaagtcttct ggaggtgttc 1380 ctggccagaa cacaggagga caggtaagat tgggagaccc tttgacattg gagcaaggcg 1440 ctcaagaagt tagagaaggt gacggtacaa gggtctcaga aattaactac tggtaactgt 1500 aattgggcgc taagtctagt agacttattt catgatacca actttgtaaa agaaaaggac 1560 tggcagctga gggatgtcat tccattgctg gaagatgtaa ctcagacgct gtcaggacaa 1620 gaaagagagg cctttgaaag aacatggtgg gcaatttctg ctgtaaagat gggcctccag 1680 attaataatg tagtagatgg aaaggcatca ttccagctcc taagagcgaa atatgaaaag 1740 aagactgcta ataaaaagca gtctgagccc tctgaagaat atctctagaa ctagtggatc 1800 ccccgggctg caggagtggg gaggcacgat ggccgctttg gtcgaggcgg atccggccat 1860 tagccatatt attcattggt tatatagcat aaatcaatat tggctattgg ccattgcata 1920 cgttgtatcc atatcataat atgtacattt atattggctc atgtccaaca ttaccgccat 1980 gttgacattg attattgact agttattaat agtaatcaat tacggggtca ttagttcata 2040 gcccatatat ggagttccgc gttacataac ttacggtaaa tggcccgcct ggctgaccgc 2100 ccaacgaccc ccgcccattg acgtcaataa tgacgtatgt tcccatagta acgccaatag 2160 ggactttcca ttgacgtcaa tgggtggagt atttacggta aactgcccac ttggcagtac 2220 atcaagtgta tcatatgcca agtacgcccc ctattgacgt caatgacggt aaatggcccg 2280 cctggcatta tgcccagtac atgaccttat gggactttcc tacttggcag tacatctacg 2340 tattagtcat cgctattacc atggtgatgc ggttttggca gtacatcaat gggcgtggat 2400 agcggtttga ctcacgggga tttccaagtc tccaccccat tgacgtcaat gggagtttgt 2460 tttggcacca aaatcaacgg gactttccaa aatgtcgtaa caactccgcc ccattgacgc 2520 aaatgggcgg taggcatgta cggtgggagg tctatataag cagagctcgt ttagtgaacc 2580 gtcagatcgc ctggagacgc catccacgct gttttgacct ccatagaaga caccgggacc 2640 gatccagcct ccgcggcccc aagcttcagc tgctcgagga tctgcggatc cggggaattc 2700 cccagtctca ggatccacca tgggggatcc cgtcgtttta caacgtcgtg actgggaaaa 2760 ccctggcgtt acccaactta atcgccttgc agcacatccc cctttcgcca gctggcgtaa 2820 tagcgaagag gcccgcaccg atcgcccttc ccaacagttg cgcagcctga atggcgaatg 2880 gcgctttgcc tggtttccgg caccagaagc ggtgccggaa agctggctgg agtgcgatct 2940 tcctgaggcc gatactgtcg tcgtcccctc aaactggcag atgcacggtt acgatgcgcc 3000 catctacacc aacgtaacct atcccattac ggtcaatccg ccgtttgttc ccacggagaa 3060 tccgacgggt tgttactcgc tcacatttaa tgttgatgaa agctggctac aggaaggcca 3120 gacgcgaatt atttttgatg gcgttaactc ggcgtttcat ctgtggtgca acgggcgctg 3180 ggtcggttac ggccaggaca gtcgtttgcc gtctgaattt gacctgagcg catttttacg 3240 cgccggagaa aaccgcctcg cggtgatggt gctgcgttgg agtgacggca gttatctgga 3300 agatcaggat atgtggcgga tgagcggcat tttccgtgac gtctcgttgc tgcataaacc 3360 gactacacaa atcagcgatt tccatgttgc cactcgcttt aatgatgatt tcagccgcgc 3420 tgtactggag gctgaagttc agatgtgcgg cgagttgcgt gactacctac gggtaacagt 3480 ttctttatgg cagggtgaaa cgcaggtcgc cagcggcacc gcgcctttcg gcggtgaaat 3540 tatcgatgag cgtggtggtt atgccgatcg cgtcacacta cgtctgaacg tcgaaaaccc 3600 gaaactgtgg agcgccgaaa tcccgaatct ctatcgtgcg gtggttgaac tgcacaccgc 3660 cgacggcacg ctgattgaag cagaagcctg cgatgtcggt ttccgcgagg tgcggattga 3720 aaatggtctg ctgctgctga acggcaagcc gttgctgatt cgaggcgtta accgtcacga 3780 gcatcatcct ctgcatggtc aggtcatgga tgagcagacg atggtgcagg atatcctgct 3840 gatgaagcag aacaacttta acgccgtgcg ctgttcgcat tatccgaacc atccgctgtg 3900 gtacacgctg tgcgaccgct acggcctgta tgtggtggat gaagccaata ttgaaaccca 3960 cggcatggtg ccaatgaatc gtctgaccga tgatccgcgc tggctaccgg cgatgagcga 4020 acgcgtaacg cgaatggtgc agcgcgatcg taatcacccg agtgtgatca tctggtcgct 4080 ggggaatgaa tcaggccacg gcgctaatca cgacgcgctg tatcgctgga tcaaatctgt 4140 cgatccttcc cgcccggtgc agtatgaagg cggcggagcc gacaccacgg ccaccgatat 4200 tatttgcccg atgtacgcgc gcgtggatga agaccagccc ttcccggctg tgccgaaatg 4260 gtccatcaaa aaatggcttt cgctacctgg agagacgcgc ccgctgatcc tttgcgaata 4320 cgcccacgcg atgggtaaca gtcttggcgg tttcgctaaa tactggcagg cgtttcgtca 4380 gtatccccgt ttacagggcg gcttcgtctg ggactgggtg gatcagtcgc tgattaaata 4440 tgatgaaaac ggcaacccgt ggtcggctta cggcggtgat tttggcgata cgccgaacga 4500 tcgccagttc tgtatgaacg gtctggtctt tgccgaccgc acgccgcatc cagcgctgac 4560 ggaagcaaaa caccagcagc agtttttcca gttccgttta tccgggcaaa ccatcgaagt 4620 gaccagcgaa tacctgttcc gtcatagcga taacgagctc ctgcactgga tggtggcgct 4680 ggatggtaag ccgctggcaa gcggtgaagt gcctctggat gtcgctccac aaggtaaaca 4740 gttgattgaa ctgcctgaac taccgcagcc ggagagcgcc gggcaactct ggctcacagt 4800 acgcgtagtg caaccgaacg cgaccgcatg gtcagaagcc gggcacatca gcgcctggca 4860 gcagtggcgt ctggcggaaa acctcagtgt gacgctcccc gccgcgtccc acgccatccc 4920 gcatctgacc accagcgaaa tggatttttg catcgagctg ggtaataagc gttggcaatt 4980 taaccgccag tcaggctttc tttcacagat gtggattggc gataaaaaac aactgctgac 5040 gccgctgcgc gatcagttca cccgtgcacc gctggataac gacattggcg taagtgaagc 5100 gacccgcatt gaccctaacg cctgggtcga acgctggaag gcggcgggcc attaccaggc 5160 cgaagcagcg ttgttgcagt gcacggcaga tacacttgct gatgcggtgc tgattacgac 5220 cgctcacgcg tggcagcatc aggggaaaac cttatttatc agccggaaaa cctaccggat 5280 tgatggtagt ggtcaaatgg cgattaccgt tgatgttgaa gtggcgagcg atacaccgca 5340 tccggcgcgg attggcctga actgccagct ggcgcaggta gcagagcggg taaactggct 5400 cggattaggg ccgcaagaaa actatcccga ccgccttact gccgcctgtt ttgaccgctg 5460 ggatctgcca ttgtcagaca tgtatacccc gtacgtcttc ccgagcgaaa acggtctgcg 5520 ctgcgggacg cgcgaattga attatggccc acaccagtgg cgcggcgact tccagttcaa 5580 catcagccgc tacagtcaac agcaactgat ggaaaccagc catcgccatc tgctgcacgc 5640 ggaagaaggc acatggctga atatcgacgg tttccatatg gggattggtg gcgacgactc 5700 ctggagcccg tcagtatcgg cggaattcca gctgagcgcc ggtcgctacc attaccagtt 5760 ggtctggtgt caaaaataat aataaccggg caggggggat ccgcagatcc ggctgtggaa 5820 tgtgtgtcag ttagggtgtg gaaagtcccc aggctcccca gcaggcagaa gtatgcaaag 5880 catgcctgca ggaattcgat atcaagctta tcgataccgt cgacctcgag ggggggcccg 5940 gtacccagct tttgttccct ttagtgaggg ttaattgcgc gggaagtatt tatcactaat 6000 caagcacaag taatacatga gaaactttta ctacagcaag cacaatcctc caaaaaattt 6060 tgtttttaca aaatccctgg tgaacatgat tggaagggac ctactagggt gctgtggaag 6120 ggtgatggtg cagtagtagt taatgatgaa ggaaagggaa taattgctgt accattaacc 6180 aggactaagt tactaataaa accaaattga gtattgttgc aggaagcaag acccaactac 6240 cattgtcagc tgtgtttcct gacctcaata tttgttataa ggtttgatat gaatcccagg 6300 gggaatctca acccctatta cccaacagtc agaaaaatct aagtgtgagg agaacacaat 6360 gtttcaacct tattgttata ataatgacag taagaacagc atggcagaat cgaaggaagc 6420 aagagaccaa gaatgaacct gaaagaagaa tctaaagaag aaaaaagaag aaatgactgg 6480 tggaaaatag gtatgtttct gttatgctta gcaggaacta ctggaggaat actttggtgg 6540 tatgaaggac tcccacagca acattatata gggttggtgg cgataggggg aagattaaac 6600 ggatctggcc aatcaaatgc tatagaatgc tggggttcct tcccggggtg tagaccattt 6660 caaaattact tcagttatga gaccaataga agcatgcata tggataataa tactgctaca 6720 ttattagaag ctttaaccaa tataactgct ctataaataa caaaacagaa ttagaaacat 6780 ggaagttagt aaagacttct ggcataactc ctttacctat ttcttctgaa gctaacactg 6840 gactaattag acataagaga gattttggta taagtgcaat agtggcagct attgtagccg 6900 ctactgctat tgctgctagc gctactatgt cttatgttgc tctaactgag gttaacaaaa 6960 taatggaagt acaaaatcat acttttgagg tagaaaatag tactctaaat ggtatggatt 7020 taatagaacg acaaataaag atattatatg ctatgattct tcaaacacat gcagatgttc 7080 aactgttaaa ggaaagacaa caggtagagg agacatttaa tttaattgga tgtatagaaa 7140 gaacacatgt attttgtcat actggtcatc cctggaatat gtcatgggga catttaaatg 7200 agtcaacaca atgggatgac tgggtaagca aaatggaaga tttaaatcaa gagatactaa 7260 ctacacttca tggagccagg aacaatttgg cacaatccat gataacattc aatacaccag 7320 atagtatagc tcaatttgga aaagaccttt ggagtcatat tggaaattgg attcctggat 7380 tgggagcttc cattataaaa tatatagtga tgtttttgct tatttatttg ttactaacct 7440 cttcgcctaa gatcctcagg gccctctgga aggtgaccag tggtgcaggg tcctccggca 7500 gtcgttacct gaagaaaaaa ttccatcaca aacatgcatc gcgagaagac acctgggacc 7560 aggcccaaca caacatacac ctagcaggcg tgaccggtgg atcaggggac aaatactaca 7620 agcagaagta ctccaggaac gactggaatg gagaatcaga ggagtacaac aggcggccaa 7680 agagctgggt gaagtcaatc gaggcatttg gagagagcta tatttccgag aagaccaaag 7740 gggagatttc tcagcctggg gcggctatca acgagcacaa gaacggctct ggggggaaca 7800 atcctcacca agggtcctta gacctggaga ttcgaagcga aggaggaaac atttatgact 7860 gttgcattaa agcccaagaa ggaactctcg ctatcccttg ctgtggattt cccttatggc 7920 tattttgggg actagtaatt atagtaggac gcatagcagg ctatggatta cgtggactcg 7980 ctgttataat aaggatttgt attagaggct taaatttgat atttgaaata atcagaaaaa 8040 tgcttgatta tattggaaga gctttaaatc ctggcacatc tcatgtatca atgcctcagt 8100 atgtttagaa aaacaagggg ggaactgtgg ggtttttatg aggggtttta taaatgatta 8160 taagagtaaa aagaaagttg ctgatgctct cataaccttg tataacccaa aggactagct 8220 catgttgcta ggcaactaaa ccgcaataac cgcatttgtg acgcgagttc cccattggtg 8280 acgcgttaac ttcctgtttt tacagtatat aagtgcttgt attctgacaa ttgggcactc 8340 agattctgcg gtctgagtcc cttctctgct gggctgaaaa ggcctttgta ataaatataa 8400 ttctctactc agtccctgtc tctagtttgt ctgttcgaga tcctacagag ctcatgcctt 8460 ggcgtaatca tggtcatagc tgtttcctgt gtgaaattgt tatccgctca caattccaca 8520 caacatacga gccggaagca taaagtgtaa agcctggggt gcctaatgag tgagctaact 8580 cacattaatt gcgttgcgct cactgcccgc tttccagtcg ggaaacctgt cgtgccagct 8640 gcattaatga atcggccaac gcgcggggag aggcggtttg cgtattgggc gctcttccgc 8700 ttcctcgctc actgactcgc tgcgctcggt cgttcggctg cggcgagcgg tatcagctca 8760 ctcaaaggcg gtaatacggt tatccacaga atcaggggat aacgcaggaa agaacatgtg 8820 agcaaaaggc cagcaaaagg ccaggaaccg taaaaaggcc gcgttgctgg cgtttttcca 8880 taggctccgc ccccctgacg agcatcacaa aaatcgacgc tcaagtcaga ggtggcgaaa 8940 cccgacagga ctataaagat accaggcgtt tccccctgga agctccctcg tgcgctctcc 9000 tgttccgacc ctgccgctta ccggatacct gtccgccttt ctcccttcgg gaagcgtggc 9060 gctttctcat agctcacgct gtaggtatct cagttcggtg taggtcgttc gctccaagct 9120 gggctgtgtg cacgaacccc ccgttcagcc cgaccgctgc gccttatccg gtaactatcg 9180 tcttgagtcc aacccggtaa gacacgactt atcgccactg gcagcagcca ctggtaacag 9240 gattagcaga gcgaggtatg taggcggtgc tacagagttc ttgaagtggt ggcctaacta 9300 cggctacact agaaggacag tatttggtat ctgcgctctg ctgaagccag ttaccttcgg 9360 aaaaagagtt ggtagctctt gatccggcaa acaaaccacc gctggtagcg gtggtttttt 9420 tgtttgcaag cagcagatta cgcgcagaaa aaaaggatct caagaagatc ctttgatctt 9480 ttctacgggg tctgacgctc agtggaacga aaactcacgt taagggattt tggtcatgag 9540 attatcaaaa aggatcttca cctagatcct tttaaattaa aaatgaagtt ttaaatcaat 9600 ctaaagtata tatgagtaaa cttggtctga cagttaccaa tgcttaatca gtgaggcacc 9660 tatctcagcg atctgtctat ttcgttcatc catagttgcc tgactccccg tcgtgtagat 9720 aactacgata cgggagggct taccatctgg ccccagtgct gcaatgatac cgcgagaccc 9780 acgctcaccg gctccagatt tatcagcaat aaaccagcca gccggaaggg ccgagcgcag 9840 aagtggtcct gcaactttat ccgcctccat ccagtctatt aattgttgcc gggaagctag 9900 agtaagtagt tcgccagtta atagtttgcg caacgttgtt gccattgcta caggcatcgt 9960 ggtgtcacgc tcgtcgtttg gtatggcttc attcagctcc ggttcccaac gatcaaggcg 10020 agttacatga tcccccatgt tgtgcaaaaa agcggttagc tccttcggtc ctccgatcgt 10080 tgtcagaagt aagttggccg cagtgttatc actcatggtt atggcagcac tgcataattc 10140 tcttactgtc atgccatccg taagatgctt ttctgtgact ggtgagtact caaccaagtc 10200 attctgagaa tagtgtatgc ggcgaccgag ttgctcttgc ccggcgtcaa tacgggataa 10260 taccgcgcca catagcagaa ctttaaaagt gctcatcatt ggaaaacgtt cttcggggcg 10320 aaaactctca aggatcttac cgctgttgag atccagttcg atgtaaccca ctcgtgcacc 10380 caactgatct tcagcatctt ttactttcac cagcgtttct gggtgagcaa aaacaggaag 10440 gcaaaatgcc gcaaaaaagg gaataagggc gacacggaaa tgttgaatac tcatactctt 10500 cctttttcaa tattattgaa gcatttatca gggttattgt ctcatgagcg gatacatatt 10560 tgaatgtatt tagaaaaata aacaaatagg ggttccgcgc acatttcccc gaaaagtgcc 10620 acctaaattg taagcgttaa tattttgtta aaattcgcgt taaatttttg ttaaatcagc 10680 tcatttttta accaataggc cgaaatcggc aaaatccctt ataaatcaaa agaatagacc 10740 gagatagggt tgagtgttgt tccagtttgg aacaagagtc cactattaaa gaacgtggac 10800 tccaacgtca aagggcgaaa aaccgtctat cagggcgatg gcccactacg tgaaccatca 10860 ccctaatcaa gttttttggg gtcgaggtgc cgtaaagcac taaatcggaa ccctaaaggg 10920 agcccccgat ttagagcttg acggggaaag ccaacctggc ttatcgaaat taatacgact 10980 cactataggg agaccggc 10998 4 10448 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 4 gtcaccaagt tcgaccctga cctggacttg gaccacccgg gcttctcgga ccaggtgtac 60 cgccagcgca ggaagctgat tgctgagatc gccttccagt acaggcacgg cgacccgatt 120 ccccgtgtgg agtacaccgc cgaggagatt gccacctgga aggaggtcta caccacgctg 180 aagggcctct acgccacgca cgcctgcggg gagcacctgg aggcctttgc tttgctggag 240 cgcttcagcg gctaccggga agacaatatc ccccagctgg aggacgtctc ccgcttcctg 300 aaggagcgca cgggcttcca gctgcggcct gtggccggcc tgctgtccgc ccgggacttc 360 ctggccagcc tggccttccg cgtgttccag tgcacccagt atatccgcca cgcgtcctcg 420 cccatgcact cccctgagcc ggactgctgc cacgagctgc tggggcacgt gcccatgctg 480 gccgaccgca ccttcgcgca gttctcgcag gacattggcc tggcgtccct gggggcctcg 540 gatgaggaaa ttgagaagct gtccacgctg tcatggttca cggtggagtt cgggctgtgt 600 aagcagaacg gggaggtgaa ggcctatggt gccgggctgc tgtcctccta cggggagctc 660 ctgcactgcc tgtctgagga gcctgagatt cgggccttcg accctgaggc tgcggccgtg 720 cagccctacc aagaccagac gtaccagtca gtctacttcg tgtctgagag cttcagtgac 780 gccaaggaca agctcaggag ctatgcctca cgcatccagc gccccttctc cgtgaagttc 840 gacccgtaca cgctggccat cgacgtgctg gacagccccc aggccgtgcg gcgctccctg 900 gagggtgtcc aggatgagct ggacaccctt gcccatgcgc tgagtgccat tggctggaat 960 tctgcagata tcttaaaaca gctctggggt tgtacccacc ccagaggccc acgtggcggc 1020 tagtactccg gtattgcggt acctttgtac gcctgtttta tactcccttc ccccgtaact 1080 tagaagcaca atgtccaagt tcaataggag ggggtacaaa ccagtaccac cacgaacaag 1140 cacttctgtt cccccggtga ggctgtatag gctgtttcca cggctaaaag cggctgatcc 1200 gttatccgct catgtacttc gagaagccta gtatcacctt ggaatcttcg atgcgttgcg 1260 ctcaacactc aaccccagag tgtagcttag gtcgatgagt ctggacgttc ctcaccggcg 1320 acggtggtcc aggctgcgtt ggcggcctac ctgtggccca aagccacagg acgctagttg 1380 tgaacaaggt gtgaagagcc tattgagcta cctgagagtc ctccggcccc tgaatgcggc 1440 taatcctaac cacggagcag gcagtggcaa tccagcgacc agcctgtcgt aacgcgcaag 1500 ttcgtggcgg aaccgactac tttgggtgtc cgtgtttcct tttattttta caatggctgc 1560 ttatggtgac aatcattgat tgttatcata aagcaaattg gattggccat ccggtgagaa 1620 tttgattatt aaattactct cttgttggga ttgctccttt gaaatcttgt gcactcacac 1680 ctattggaat tacctcattg ttaaacgcgt ctagctagcg tttaaactta agcttggtac 1740 cgagctcgga tctgccacca tggactacaa ggacgacgat gacgagaagg gccctgtgcg 1800 ggcaccggcg gagaagccgc ggggcgccag gtgcagcaat gggttccccg agcgggatcc 1860 gccgcggccc gggcccagca ggccggcgga gaagcccccg cggcccgagg ccaagagcgc 1920 gcagcccgcg gacggctgga agggcgagcg gccccgcagc gaggaggata acgagctgaa 1980 cctccctaac ctggcagccg cctactcgtc catcctgagc tcgctgggcg agaaccccca 2040 gcggcaaggg ctgctcaaga cgccctggag ggcggcctcg gccatgcagt tcttcaccaa 2100 gggctaccag gagaccatct cagatgtcct aaacgatgct atatttgatg aagatcatga 2160 tgagatggtg attgtgaagg acatagacat gttttccatg tgtgagcatc acttggttcc 2220 atttgttgga aaggtccata ttggttatct tcctaacaag caagtccttg gcctcagcaa 2280 acttgcgagg attgtagaaa tctatagtag aagactacaa gttcaggagc gccttacaaa 2340 acaaattgct gtagcaatca cggaagcctt gcggcctgct ggagtcgggg tagtggttga 2400 agcaacacac atgtgtatgg taatgcgagg tgtacagaaa atgaacagca aaactgtgac 2460 cagcacaatg ttgggtgtgt tccgggagga tccaaagact cgggaagagt tcctgactct 2520 cattaggagc tgaaagcttc gatcactagt gaattcgcgg ccgctcgagg gggggcccgg 2580 tacccagctt ttgttccctt tagtgagggt taattgcgcg ggaagtattt atcactaatc 2640 aagcacaagt aatacatgag aaacttttac tacagcaagc acaatcctcc aaaaaatttt 2700 gtttttacaa aatccctggt gaacatgatt ggaagggacc tactagggtg ctgtggaagg 2760 gtgatggtgc agtagtagtt aatgatgaag gaaagggaat aattgctgta ccattaacca 2820 ggactaagtt actaataaaa ccaaattgag tattgttgca ggaagcaaga cccaactacc 2880 attgtcagct gtgtttcctg acctcaatat ttgttataag gtttgatatg aatcccaggg 2940 ggaatctcaa cccctattac ccaacagtca gaaaaatcta agtgtgagga gaacacaatg 3000 tttcaacctt attgttataa taatgacagt aagaacagca tggcagaatc gaaggaagca 3060 agagaccaag aatgaacctg aaagaagaat ctaaagaaga aaaaagaaga aatgactggt 3120 ggaaaatagg tatgtttctg ttatgcttag caggaactac tggaggaata ctttggtggt 3180 atgaaggact cccacagcaa cattatatag ggttggtggc gataggggga agattaaacg 3240 gatctggcca atcaaatgct atagaatgct ggggttcctt cccggggtgt agaccatttc 3300 aaaattactt cagttatgag accaatagaa gcatgcatat ggataataat actgctacat 3360 tattagaagc tttaaccaat ataactgctc tataaataac aaaacagaat tagaaacatg 3420 gaagttagta aagacttctg gcataactcc tttacctatt tcttctgaag ctaacactgg 3480 actaattaga cataagagag attttggtat aagtgcaata gtggcagcta ttgtagccgc 3540 tactgctatt gctgctagcg ctactatgtc ttatgttgct ctaactgagg ttaacaaaat 3600 aatggaagta caaaatcata cttttgaggt agaaaatagt actctaaatg gtatggattt 3660 aatagaacga caaataaaga tattatatgc tatgattctt caaacacatg cagatgttca 3720 actgttaaag gaaagacaac aggtagagga gacatttaat ttaattggat gtatagaaag 3780 aacacatgta ttttgtcata ctggtcatcc ctggaatatg tcatggggac atttaaatga 3840 gtcaacacaa tgggatgact gggtaagcaa aatggaagat ttaaatcaag agatactaac 3900 tacacttcat ggagccagga

acaatttggc acaatccatg ataacattca atacaccaga 3960 tagtatagct caatttggaa aagacctttg gagtcatatt ggaaattgga ttcctggatt 4020 gggagcttcc attataaaat atatagtgat gtttttgctt atttatttgt tactaacctc 4080 ttcgcctaag atcctcaggg ccctctggaa ggtgaccagt ggtgcagggt cctccggcag 4140 tcgttacctg aagaaaaaat tccatcacaa acatgcatcg cgagaagaca cctgggacca 4200 ggcccaacac aacatacacc tagcaggcgt gaccggtgga tcaggggaca aatactacaa 4260 gcagaagtac tccaggaacg actggaatgg agaatcagag gagtacaaca ggcggccaaa 4320 gagctgggtg aagtcaatcg aggcatttgg agagagctat atttccgaga agaccaaagg 4380 ggagatttct cagcctgggg cggctatcaa cgagcacaag aacggctctg gggggaacaa 4440 tcctcaccaa gggtccttag acctggagat tcgaagcgaa ggaggaaaca tttatgactg 4500 ttgcattaaa gcccaagaag gaactctcgc tatcccttgc tgtggatttc ccttatggct 4560 attttgggga ctagtaatta tagtaggacg catagcaggc tatggattac gtggactcgc 4620 tgttataata aggatttgta ttagaggctt aaatttgata tttgaaataa tcagaaaaat 4680 gcttgattat attggaagag ctttaaatcc tggcacatct catgtatcaa tgcctcagta 4740 tgtttagaaa aacaaggggg gaactgtggg gtttttatga ggggttttat aaatgattat 4800 aagagtaaaa agaaagttgc tgatgctctc ataaccttgt ataacccaaa ggactagctc 4860 atgttgctag gcaactaaac cgcaataacc gcatttgtga cgcgagttcc ccattggtga 4920 cgcgttaact tcctgttttt acagtatata agtgcttgta ttctgacaat tgggcactca 4980 gattctgcgg tctgagtccc ttctctgctg ggctgaaaag gcctttgtaa taaatataat 5040 tctctactca gtccctgtct ctagtttgtc tgttcgagat cctacagagc tcatgccttg 5100 gcgtaatcat ggtcatagct gtttcctgtg tgaaattgtt atccgctcac aattccacac 5160 aacatacgag ccggaagcat aaagtgtaaa gcctggggtg cctaatgagt gagctaactc 5220 acattaattg cgttgcgctc actgcccgct ttccagtcgg gaaacctgtc gtgccagctg 5280 cattaatgaa tcggccaacg cgcggggaga ggcggtttgc gtattgggcg ctcttccgct 5340 tcctcgctca ctgactcgct gcgctcggtc gttcggctgc ggcgagcggt atcagctcac 5400 tcaaaggcgg taatacggtt atccacagaa tcaggggata acgcaggaaa gaacatgtga 5460 gcaaaaggcc agcaaaaggc caggaaccgt aaaaaggccg cgttgctggc gtttttccat 5520 aggctccgcc cccctgacga gcatcacaaa aatcgacgct caagtcagag gtggcgaaac 5580 ccgacaggac tataaagata ccaggcgttt ccccctggaa gctccctcgt gcgctctcct 5640 gttccgaccc tgccgcttac cggatacctg tccgcctttc tcccttcggg aagcgtggcg 5700 ctttctcata gctcacgctg taggtatctc agttcggtgt aggtcgttcg ctccaagctg 5760 ggctgtgtgc acgaaccccc cgttcagccc gaccgctgcg ccttatccgg taactatcgt 5820 cttgagtcca acccggtaag acacgactta tcgccactgg cagcagccac tggtaacagg 5880 attagcagag cgaggtatgt aggcggtgct acagagttct tgaagtggtg gcctaactac 5940 ggctacacta gaaggacagt atttggtatc tgcgctctgc tgaagccagt taccttcgga 6000 aaaagagttg gtagctcttg atccggcaaa caaaccaccg ctggtagcgg tggttttttt 6060 gtttgcaagc agcagattac gcgcagaaaa aaaggatctc aagaagatcc tttgatcttt 6120 tctacggggt ctgacgctca gtggaacgaa aactcacgtt aagggatttt ggtcatgaga 6180 ttatcaaaaa ggatcttcac ctagatcctt ttaaattaaa aatgaagttt taaatcaatc 6240 taaagtatat atgagtaaac ttggtctgac agttaccaat gcttaatcag tgaggcacct 6300 atctcagcga tctgtctatt tcgttcatcc atagttgcct gactccccgt cgtgtagata 6360 actacgatac gggagggctt accatctggc cccagtgctg caatgatacc gcgagaccca 6420 cgctcaccgg ctccagattt atcagcaata aaccagccag ccggaagggc cgagcgcaga 6480 agtggtcctg caactttatc cgcctccatc cagtctatta attgttgccg ggaagctaga 6540 gtaagtagtt cgccagttaa tagtttgcgc aacgttgttg ccattgctac aggcatcgtg 6600 gtgtcacgct cgtcgtttgg tatggcttca ttcagctccg gttcccaacg atcaaggcga 6660 gttacatgat cccccatgtt gtgcaaaaaa gcggttagct ccttcggtcc tccgatcgtt 6720 gtcagaagta agttggccgc agtgttatca ctcatggtta tggcagcact gcataattct 6780 cttactgtca tgccatccgt aagatgcttt tctgtgactg gtgagtactc aaccaagtca 6840 ttctgagaat agtgtatgcg gcgaccgagt tgctcttgcc cggcgtcaat acgggataat 6900 accgcgccac atagcagaac tttaaaagtg ctcatcattg gaaaacgttc ttcggggcga 6960 aaactctcaa ggatcttacc gctgttgaga tccagttcga tgtaacccac tcgtgcaccc 7020 aactgatctt cagcatcttt tactttcacc agcgtttctg ggtgagcaaa aacaggaagg 7080 caaaatgccg caaaaaaggg aataagggcg acacggaaat gttgaatact catactcttc 7140 ctttttcaat attattgaag catttatcag ggttattgtc tcatgagcgg atacatattt 7200 gaatgtattt agaaaaataa acaaataggg gttccgcgca catttccccg aaaagtgcca 7260 cctaaattgt aagcgttaat attttgttaa aattcgcgtt aaatttttgt taaatcagct 7320 cattttttaa ccaataggcc gaaatcggca aaatccctta taaatcaaaa gaatagaccg 7380 agatagggtt gagtgttgtt ccagtttgga acaagagtcc actattaaag aacgtggact 7440 ccaacgtcaa agggcgaaaa accgtctatc agggcgatgg cccactacgt gaaccatcac 7500 cctaatcaag ttttttgggg tcgaggtgcc gtaaagcact aaatcggaac cctaaaggga 7560 gcccccgatt tagagcttga cggggaaagc caacctggct tatcgaaatt aatacgactc 7620 actataggga gaccggcaga tcttgaataa taaaatgtgt gtttgtccga aatacgcgtt 7680 ttgagatttc tgtcgccgac taaattcatg tcgcgcgata gtggtgttta tcgccgatag 7740 agatggcgat attggaaaaa ttgatatttg aaaatatggc atattgaaaa tgtcgccgat 7800 gtgagtttct gtgtaactga tatcgccatt tttccaaaag tgatttttgg gcatacgcga 7860 tatctggcga tagcgcttat atcgtttacg ggggatggcg atagacgact ttggtgactt 7920 gggcgattct gtgtgtcgca aatatcgcag tttcgatata ggtgacagac gatatgaggc 7980 tatatcgccg atagaggcga catcaagctg gcacatggcc aatgcatatc gatctataca 8040 ttgaatcaat attggccatt agccatatta ttcattggtt atatagcata aatcaatatt 8100 ggctattggc cattgcatac gttgtatcca tatcgtaata tgtacattta tattggctca 8160 tgtccaacat taccgccatg ttgacattga ttattgacta gttattaata gtaatcaatt 8220 acggggtcat tagttcatag cccatatatg gagttccgcg ttacataact tacggtaaat 8280 ggcccgcctg gctgaccgcc caacgacccc cgcccattga cgtcaataat gacgtatgtt 8340 cccatagtaa cgccaatagg gactttccat tgacgtcaat gggtggagta tttacggtaa 8400 actgcccact tggcagtaca tcaagtgtat catatgccaa gtccgccccc tattgacgtc 8460 aatgacggta aatggcccgc ctggcattat gcccagtaca tgaccttacg ggactttcct 8520 acttggcagt acatctacgt attagtcatc gctattacca tggtgatgcg gttttggcag 8580 tacaccaatg ggcgtggata gcggtttgac tcacggggat ttccaagtct ccaccccatt 8640 gacgtcaatg ggagtttgtt ttggcaccaa aatcaacggg actttccaaa atgtcgtaac 8700 aactgcgatc gcccgccccg ttgacgcaaa tgggcggtag gcgtgtacgg tgggaggtct 8760 atataagcag agctcgttta gtgaaccggg cactcagatt ctgcggtctg agtcccttct 8820 ctgctgggct gaaaaggcct ttgtaataaa tataattctc tactcagtcc ctgtctctag 8880 tttgtctgtt cgagatccta cagttggcgc ccgaacaggg acctgagagg ggcgcagacc 8940 ctacctgttg aacctggctg atcgtaggat ccccgggaca gcagaggaga acttacagaa 9000 gtcttctgga ggtgttcctg gccagaacac aggaggacag gtaagattgg gagacccttt 9060 gacattggag caaggcgctc aagaagttag agaaggtgac ggtacaaggg tctcagaaat 9120 taactactgg taactgtaat tgggcgctaa gtctagtaga cttatttcat gataccaact 9180 ttgtaaaaga aaaggactgg cagctgaggg atgtcattcc attgctggaa gatgtaactc 9240 agacgctgtc aggacaagaa agagaggcct ttgaaagaac atggtgggca atttctgctg 9300 taaagatggg cctccagatt aataatgtag tagatggaaa ggcatcattc cagctcctaa 9360 gagcgaaata tgaaaagaag actgctaata aaaagcagtc tgagccctct gaagaatatc 9420 tctagaacta gtggatctcc cgatccccta tggtcgactc tcagtacaat ctgctctgat 9480 gccgcatagt taagccagta tctgctccct gcttgtgtgt tggaggtcgc tgagtagtgc 9540 gcgagcaaaa tttaagctac aacaaggcaa ggcttgaccg acaattgcat gaagaatctg 9600 cttagggtta ggcgttttgc gctgcttcgc gatgtacggg ccagatatac gcgttgacat 9660 tgattattga ctagttatta atagtaatca attacggggt cattagttca tagcccatat 9720 atggagttcc gcgttacata acttacggta aatggcccgc ctggctgacc gcccaacgac 9780 ccccgcccat tgacgtcaat aatgacgtat gttcccatag taacgccaat agggactttc 9840 cattgacgtc aatgggtgga ctatttacgg taaactgccc acttggcagt acatcaagtg 9900 tatcatatgc caagtacgcc ccctattgac gtcaatgacg gtaaatggcc cgcctggcat 9960 tatgcccagt acatgacctt atgggacttt cctacttggc agtacatcta cgtattagtc 10020 atcgctatta ccatggtgat gcggttttgg cagtacatca atgggcgtgg atagcggttt 10080 gactcacggg gatttccaag tctccacccc attgacgtca atgggagttt gttttggcac 10140 caaaatcaac gggactttcc aaaatgtcgt aacaactccg ccccattgac gcaaatgggc 10200 ggtaggcgtg tacggtggga ggtctatata agcagagctc tctggctaac tagagaaccc 10260 actgcttact ggcttatcga aattaatacg actcactata gggagaccca agctggctag 10320 cgtttaaact taagcttggt accgagctcg gatccgccac catggaacaa aaactcatct 10380 cagaagagga tctgaaggtc ccctggttcc caagaaaagt gtcagagctg gacaagtgtc 10440 atcacctg 10448 5 11058 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 5 tacgactcac tatagggaga cccaagctgg ctagcgttta aacttaagct tggtaccgag 60 ctcggatctg ccaccatgta cccctacgac gtgcccgact acgccaacgc aagtgaattc 120 cgaaggagag ggaaggagat ggtggattac gtggccaact acatggaagg cattgaggga 180 cgccaggtct accctgacgt ggagcccggg tacctgcggc cgctgatccc tgccgctgcc 240 cctcaggagc cagacacgtt tgaggacatc atcaacgacg ttgagaagat aatcatgcct 300 ggggtgacgc actggcacag cccctacttc ttcgcctact tccccactgc cagctcgtac 360 ccggccatgc ttgcggacat gctgtgcggg gccattggct gcatcggctt ctcctgggcg 420 gcaagcccag catgcacaga gctggagact gtgatgatgg actggctcgg gaagatgctg 480 gaactaccaa aggcattttt gaatgagaaa gctggagaag ggggaggagt gatccaggga 540 agtgccagtg aagccaccct ggtggccctg ctggccgctc ggaccaaagt gatccatcgg 600 ctgcaggcag cgtccccaga gctcacacag gccgctatca tggagaagct ggtggcttac 660 tcatccgatc aggcacactc ctcagtggaa agagctgggt taattggtgg agtgaaatta 720 aaagccatcc cctcagatgg caacttcgcc atgcgtgcgt ctgccctgca ggaagccctg 780 gagagagaca aagcggctgg cctgattcct ttctttatgg ttgccaccct ggggaccaca 840 acatgctgct cctttgacaa tctcttagaa gtcggtccta tctgcaacaa ggaagacata 900 tggctgcacg ttgatgcagc ctacgcaggc agtgcattca tctgccctga gttccggcac 960 cttctgaatg gagtggagtt tgcagattca ttcaacttta atccccacaa atggctattg 1020 gtgaattttg actgttctgc catgtgggtg aaaaagagaa cagacttaac gggagccttt 1080 agactggacc ccacttacct gaagcacagc catcaggatt cagggcttat cactgactac 1140 cggcattggc agataccact gggcagaaga tttcgctctt tgaaaatgtg gtttgtattt 1200 aggatgtatg gagtcaaagg actgcaggct tatatccgca agcatgtcca gctgtcccat 1260 gagtttgagt cactggtgcg ccaggatccc cgctttgaaa tctgtgtgga agtcattctg 1320 gggcttgtct gctttcggct aaagggttcc aacaaagtga atgaagctct tctgcaaaga 1380 ataaacagtg ccaaaaaaat ccacttggtt ccatgtcacc tcagggacaa gtttgtcctg 1440 cgctttgcca tctgttctcg cacggtggaa tctgcccatg tgcagcgggc ctgggaacac 1500 atcaaagagc tggcggccga cgtgctgcga gcagagaggg agtagaagct tcgatcacta 1560 gtgaattctg cagatgggct gcaggaattc tgatcacgcc cctctccctc ccccccccct 1620 aacgttactg gccgaagccg cttggaataa ggccggtgtg cgtttgtcta tatgttattt 1680 tccaccatat tgccgtcttt tggcaatgtg agggcccgga aacctggccc tgtcttcttg 1740 acgagcattc ctaggggtct ttcccctctc gccaaaggaa tgcaaggtct gttgaatgtc 1800 gtgaaggaag cagttcctct ggaagcttct tgaagacaaa caacgtctgt agcgaccctt 1860 tgcaggcagc ggaacccccc acctggcgac aggtgcctct gcggccaaaa gccacgtgta 1920 taagatacac ctgcaaaggc ggcacaaccc cagtgccacg ttgtgagttg gatagttgtg 1980 gaaagagtca aatggctctc ctcaagcgta ttcaacaagg ggctgaagga tgcccagaag 2040 gtaccccatt gtatgggatc tgatctgggg cctcggtgca catgctttac atgtgtttag 2100 tcgaggttaa aaaacgtcta ggccccccga accacgggga cgtggttttc ctttgaaaaa 2160 cacgatgata agcttgccac aaccatggaa caaaaactca tctcagaaga ggatctgaag 2220 gtcccctggt tcccaagaaa agtgtcagag ctggacaagt gtcatcacct ggtcaccaag 2280 ttcgaccctg acctggactt ggaccacccg ggcttctcgg accaggtgta ccgccagcgc 2340 aggaagctga ttgctgagat cgccttccag tacaggcacg gcgacccgat tccccgtgtg 2400 gagtacaccg ccgaggagat tgccacctgg aaggaggtct acaccacgct gaagggcctc 2460 tacgccacgc acgcctgcgg ggagcacctg gaggcctttg ctttgctgga gcgcttcagc 2520 ggctaccggg aagacaatat cccccagctg gaggacgtct cccgcttcct gaaggagcgc 2580 acgggcttcc agctgcggcc tgtggccggc ctgctgtccg cccgggactt cctggccagc 2640 ctggccttcc gcgtgttcca gtgcacccag tatatccgcc acgcgtcctc gcccatgcac 2700 tcccctgagc cggactgctg ccacgagctg ctggggcacg tgcccatgct ggccgaccgc 2760 accttcgcgc agttctcgca ggacattggc ctggcgtccc tgggggcctc ggatgaggaa 2820 attgagaagc tgtccacgct gtcatggttc acggtggagt tcgggctgtg taagcagaac 2880 ggggaggtga aggcctatgg tgccgggctg ctgtcctcct acggggagct cctgcactgc 2940 ctgtctgagg agcctgagat tcgggccttc gaccctgagg ctgcggccgt gcagccctac 3000 caagaccaga cgtaccagtc agtctacttc gtgtctgaga gcttcagtga cgccaaggac 3060 aagctcagga gctatgcctc acgcatccag cgccccttct ccgtgaagtt cgacccgtac 3120 acgctggcca tcgacgtgct ggacagcccc caggccgtgc ggcgctccct ggagggtgtc 3180 caggatgagc tggacaccct tgcccatgcg ctgagtgcca ttggctagga attctgcaga 3240 tatcttaaaa cagctctggg gttgtaccca ccccagaggc ccacgtggcg gctagtactc 3300 cggtattgcg gtacctttgt acgcctgttt tatactccct tcccccgtaa cttagaagca 3360 caatgtccaa gttcaatagg agggggtaca aaccagtacc accacgaaca agcacttctg 3420 ttcccccggt gaggctgtat aggctgtttc cacggctaaa agcggctgat ccgttatccg 3480 ctcatgtact tcgagaagcc tagtatcacc ttggaatctt cgatgcgttg cgctcaacac 3540 tcaaccccag agtgtagctt aggtcgatga gtctggacgt tcctcaccgg cgacggtggt 3600 ccaggctgcg ttggcggcct acctgtggcc caaagccaca ggacgctagt tgtgaacaag 3660 gtgtgaagag cctattgagc tacctgagag tcctccggcc cctgaatgcg gctaatccta 3720 accacggagc aggcagtggc aatccagcga ccagcctgtc gtaacgcgca agttcgtggc 3780 ggaaccgact actttgggtg tccgtgtttc cttttatttt tacaatggct gcttatggtg 3840 acaatcattg attgttatca taaagcaaat tggattggcc atccggtgag aatttgatta 3900 ttaaattact ctcttgttgg gattgctcct ttgaaatctt gtgcactcac acctattgga 3960 attacctcat tgttaaacgc gtctagctag cgtttaaact taagcttggt accgagctcg 4020 gatctgccac catggactac aaggacgacg atgacgagaa gggccctgtg cgggcaccgg 4080 cggagaagcc gcggggcgcc aggtgcagca atgggttccc cgagcgggat ccgccgcggc 4140 ccgggcccag caggccggcg gagaagcccc cgcggcccga ggccaagagc gcgcagcccg 4200 cggacggctg gaagggcgag cggccccgca gcgaggagga taacgagctg aacctcccta 4260 acctggcagc cgcctactcg tccatcctga gctcgctggg cgagaacccc cagcggcaag 4320 ggctgctcaa gacgccctgg agggcggcct cggccatgca gttcttcacc aagggctacc 4380 aggagaccat ctcagatgtc ctaaacgatg ctatatttga tgaagatcat gatgagatgg 4440 tgattgtgaa ggacatagac atgttttcca tgtgtgagca tcacttggtt ccatttgttg 4500 gaaaggtcca tattggttat cttcctaaca agcaagtcct tggcctcagc aaacttgcga 4560 ggattgtaga aatctatagt agaagactac aagttcagga gcgccttaca aaacaaattg 4620 ctgtagcaat cacggaagcc ttgcggcctg ctggagtcgg ggtagtggtt gaagcaacac 4680 acatgtgtat ggtaatgcga ggtgtacaga aaatgaacag caaaactgtg accagcacaa 4740 tgttgggtgt gttccgggag gatccaaaga ctcgggaaga gttcctgact ctcattagga 4800 gctgaaagct tcgatcacta gtgaattcgc ggccgctcga gggggggccc ggtacccagc 4860 ttttgttccc tttagtgagg gttaattgcg cgggaagtat ttatcactaa tcaagcacaa 4920 gtaatacatg agaaactttt actacagcaa gcacaatcct ccaaaaaatt ttgtttttac 4980 aaaatccctg gtgaacatga ttggaaggga cctactaggg tgctgtggaa gggtgatggt 5040 gcagtagtag ttaatgatga aggaaaggga ataattgctg taccattaac caggactaag 5100 ttactaataa aaccaaattg agtattgttg caggaagcaa gacccaacta ccattgtcag 5160 ctgtgtttcc tgacctcaat atttgttata aggtttgata tgaatcccag ggggaatctc 5220 aacccctatt acccaacagt cagaaaaatc taagtgtgag gagaacacaa tgtttcaacc 5280 ttattgttat aataatgaca gtaagaacag catggcagaa tcgaaggaag caagagacca 5340 agaatgaacc tgaaagaaga atctaaagaa gaaaaaagaa gaaatgactg gtggaaaata 5400 ggtatgtttc tgttatgctt agcaggaact actggaggaa tactttggtg gtatgaagga 5460 ctcccacagc aacattatat agggttggtg gcgatagggg gaagattaaa cggatctggc 5520 caatcaaatg ctatagaatg ctggggttcc ttcccggggt gtagaccatt tcaaaattac 5580 ttcagttatg agaccaatag aagcatgcat atggataata atactgctac attattagaa 5640 gctttaacca atataactgc tctataaata acaaaacaga attagaaaca tggaagttag 5700 taaagacttc tggcataact cctttaccta tttcttctga agctaacact ggactaatta 5760 gacataagag agattttggt ataagtgcaa tagtggcagc tattgtagcc gctactgcta 5820 ttgctgctag cgctactatg tcttatgttg ctctaactga ggttaacaaa ataatggaag 5880 tacaaaatca tacttttgag gtagaaaata gtactctaaa tggtatggat ttaatagaac 5940 gacaaataaa gatattatat gctatgattc ttcaaacaca tgcagatgtt caactgttaa 6000 aggaaagaca acaggtagag gagacattta atttaattgg atgtatagaa agaacacatg 6060 tattttgtca tactggtcat ccctggaata tgtcatgggg acatttaaat gagtcaacac 6120 aatgggatga ctgggtaagc aaaatggaag atttaaatca agagatacta actacacttc 6180 atggagccag gaacaatttg gcacaatcca tgataacatt caatacacca gatagtatag 6240 ctcaatttgg aaaagacctt tggagtcata ttggaaattg gattcctgga ttgggagctt 6300 ccattataaa atatatagtg atgtttttgc ttatttattt gttactaacc tcttcgccta 6360 agatcctcag ggccctctgg aaggtgacca gtggtgcagg gtcctccggc agtcgttacc 6420 tgaagaaaaa attccatcac aaacatgcat cgcgagaaga cacctgggac caggcccaac 6480 acaacataca cctagcaggc gtgaccggtg gatcagggga caaatactac aagcagaagt 6540 actccaggaa cgactggaat ggagaatcag aggagtacaa caggcggcca aagagctggg 6600 tgaagtcaat cgaggcattt ggagagagct atatttccga gaagaccaaa ggggagattt 6660 ctcagcctgg ggcggctatc aacgagcaca agaacggctc tggggggaac aatcctcacc 6720 aagggtcctt agacctggag attcgaagcg aaggaggaaa catttatgac tgttgcatta 6780 aagcccaaga aggaactctc gctatccctt gctgtggatt tcccttatgg ctattttggg 6840 gactagtaat tatagtagga cgcatagcag gctatggatt acgtggactc gctgttataa 6900 taaggatttg tattagaggc ttaaatttga tatttgaaat aatcagaaaa atgcttgatt 6960 atattggaag agctttaaat cctggcacat ctcatgtatc aatgcctcag tatgtttaga 7020 aaaacaaggg gggaactgtg gggtttttat gaggggtttt ataaatgatt ataagagtaa 7080 aaagaaagtt gctgatgctc tcataacctt gtataaccca aaggactagc tcatgttgct 7140 aggcaactaa accgcaataa ccgcatttgt gacgcgagtt ccccattggt gacgcgttaa 7200 cttcctgttt ttacagtata taagtgcttg tattctgaca attgggcact cagattctgc 7260 ggtctgagtc ccttctctgc tgggctgaaa aggcctttgt aataaatata attctctact 7320 cagtccctgt ctctagtttg tctgttcgag atcctacaga gctcatgcct tggcgtaatc 7380 atggtcatag ctgtttcctg tgtgaaattg ttatccgctc acaattccac acaacatacg 7440 agccggaagc ataaagtgta aagcctgggg tgcctaatga gtgagctaac tcacattaat 7500 tgcgttgcgc tcactgcccg ctttccagtc gggaaacctg tcgtgccagc tgcattaatg 7560 aatcggccaa cgcgcgggga gaggcggttt gcgtattggg cgctcttccg cttcctcgct 7620 cactgactcg ctgcgctcgg tcgttcggct gcggcgagcg gtatcagctc actcaaaggc 7680 ggtaatacgg ttatccacag aatcagggga taacgcagga aagaacatgt gagcaaaagg 7740 ccagcaaaag gccaggaacc gtaaaaaggc cgcgttgctg gcgtttttcc ataggctccg 7800 cccccctgac gagcatcaca aaaatcgacg ctcaagtcag aggtggcgaa acccgacagg 7860 actataaaga taccaggcgt ttccccctgg aagctccctc gtgcgctctc ctgttccgac 7920 cctgccgctt accggatacc tgtccgcctt tctcccttcg ggaagcgtgg cgctttctca 7980 tagctcacgc tgtaggtatc tcagttcggt gtaggtcgtt cgctccaagc tgggctgtgt 8040 gcacgaaccc cccgttcagc ccgaccgctg cgccttatcc ggtaactatc gtcttgagtc 8100 caacccggta agacacgact tatcgccact ggcagcagcc actggtaaca ggattagcag 8160 agcgaggtat gtaggcggtg ctacagagtt cttgaagtgg tggcctaact acggctacac 8220 tagaaggaca gtatttggta tctgcgctct gctgaagcca gttaccttcg gaaaaagagt 8280 tggtagctct tgatccggca aacaaaccac cgctggtagc ggtggttttt ttgtttgcaa 8340 gcagcagatt acgcgcagaa aaaaaggatc tcaagaagat cctttgatct tttctacggg 8400 gtctgacgct cagtggaacg aaaactcacg ttaagggatt

ttggtcatga gattatcaaa 8460 aaggatcttc acctagatcc ttttaaatta aaaatgaagt tttaaatcaa tctaaagtat 8520 atatgagtaa acttggtctg acagttacca atgcttaatc agtgaggcac ctatctcagc 8580 gatctgtcta tttcgttcat ccatagttgc ctgactcccc gtcgtgtaga taactacgat 8640 acgggagggc ttaccatctg gccccagtgc tgcaatgata ccgcgagacc cacgctcacc 8700 ggctccagat ttatcagcaa taaaccagcc agccggaagg gccgagcgca gaagtggtcc 8760 tgcaacttta tccgcctcca tccagtctat taattgttgc cgggaagcta gagtaagtag 8820 ttcgccagtt aatagtttgc gcaacgttgt tgccattgct acaggcatcg tggtgtcacg 8880 ctcgtcgttt ggtatggctt cattcagctc cggttcccaa cgatcaaggc gagttacatg 8940 atcccccatg ttgtgcaaaa aagcggttag ctccttcggt cctccgatcg ttgtcagaag 9000 taagttggcc gcagtgttat cactcatggt tatggcagca ctgcataatt ctcttactgt 9060 catgccatcc gtaagatgct tttctgtgac tggtgagtac tcaaccaagt cattctgaga 9120 atagtgtatg cggcgaccga gttgctcttg cccggcgtca atacgggata ataccgcgcc 9180 acatagcaga actttaaaag tgctcatcat tggaaaacgt tcttcggggc gaaaactctc 9240 aaggatctta ccgctgttga gatccagttc gatgtaaccc actcgtgcac ccaactgatc 9300 ttcagcatct tttactttca ccagcgtttc tgggtgagca aaaacaggaa ggcaaaatgc 9360 cgcaaaaaag ggaataaggg cgacacggaa atgttgaata ctcatactct tcctttttca 9420 atattattga agcatttatc agggttattg tctcatgagc ggatacatat ttgaatgtat 9480 ttagaaaaat aaacaaatag gggttccgcg cacatttccc cgaaaagtgc cacctaaatt 9540 gtaagcgtta atattttgtt aaaattcgcg ttaaattttt gttaaatcag ctcatttttt 9600 aaccaatagg ccgaaatcgg caaaatccct tataaatcaa aagaatagac cgagataggg 9660 ttgagtgttg ttccagtttg gaacaagagt ccactattaa agaacgtgga ctccaacgtc 9720 aaagggcgaa aaaccgtcta tcagggcgat ggcccactac gtgaaccatc accctaatca 9780 agttttttgg ggtcgaggtg ccgtaaagca ctaaatcgga accctaaagg gagcccccga 9840 tttagagctt gacggggaaa gccaacctgg cttatcgaaa ttaatacgac tcactatagg 9900 gagaccggca gatcttgaat aataaaatgt gtgtttgtcc gaaatacgcg ttttgagatt 9960 tctgtcgccg actaaattca tgtcgcgcga tagtggtgtt tatcgccgat agagatggcg 10020 atattggaaa aattgatatt tgaaaatatg gcatattgaa aatgtcgccg atgtgagttt 10080 ctgtgtaact gatatcgcca tttttccaaa agtgattttt gggcatacgc gatatctggc 10140 gatagcgctt atatcgttta cgggggatgg cgatagacga ctttggtgac ttgggcgatt 10200 ctgtgtgtcg caaatatcgc agtttcgata taggtgacag acgatatgag gctatatcgc 10260 cgatagaggc gacatcaagc tggcacatgg ccaatgcata tcgatctata cattgaatca 10320 atattggcca ttagccatat tattcattgg ttatatagca taaatcaata ttggctattg 10380 gccattgcat acgttgtatc catatcgtaa tatgtacatt tatattggct catgtccaac 10440 attaccgcca tgttgacatt gattattgac tagttattaa tagtaatcaa ttacggggtc 10500 attagttcat agcccatata tggagttccg cgttacataa cttacggtaa atggcccgcc 10560 tggctgaccg cccaacgacc cccgcccatt gacgtcaata atgacgtatg ttcccatagt 10620 aacgccaata gggactttcc attgacgtca atgggtggag tatttacggt aaactgccca 10680 cttggcagta catcaagtgt atcatatgcc aagtccgccc cctattgacg tcaatgacgg 10740 taaatggccc gcctggcatt atgcccagta catgacctta cgggactttc ctacttggca 10800 gtacatctac gtattagtca tcgctattac catggtgatg cggttttggc agtacaccaa 10860 tgggcgtgga tagcggtttg actcacgggg atttccaagt ctccacccca ttgacgtcaa 10920 tgggagtttg ttttggcacc aaaatcaacg ggactttcca aaatgtcgta acaactgcga 10980 tcgcccgccc cgttgacgca aatgggcggt aggcgtgtac ggtgggaggt ctatataagc 11040 agagctcgtt tagtgaac 11058 6 50 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 6 cggatcagat cttgatcact gcaggctctc attacttgta acaaagggag 50 7 37 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 7 agctcggatc cctgcagcat gttcaccagg gattttg 37 8 65 DNA Homo Sapiens 8 gcggatccgc caccatggaa aaactcatct cagaagagga tctgcccacc cccgacgcca 60 ccacg 65 9 25 DNA Homo Sapiens 9 gaaccgcggg gactgccctc ttacc 25 10 26 DNA Homo Sapiens 10 ggtaaagagg gcagtccccg cggttc 26 11 35 DNA Homo Sapiens 11 cgaagcttct agccaatggc actcagcgca tgggc 35 12 65 DNA Homo Sapiens 12 cgagatctgc caccatgtac ccctacgacg tgcccgacta cgccaacgca agtgaattcc 60 gaagg 65 13 27 DNA Homo Sapiens 13 cgaagcttct actccctctc tgctcgc 27 14 58 DNA Homo Sapiens 14 cgagatctgc caccatggac tacaaggacg acgatgacga gaagggccct gtgcggcg 58 15 32 DNA Homo Sapiens 15 cgaagctttc agctcctaat gagagtcagg aa 32 16 77 DNA Homo Sapiens 16 cgaagcttgg atccgccacc atggaacaaa aactcatctc agaagaggat ctgaaggtcc 60 cctggttccc aagaaaa 77 17 35 DNA Homo Sapiens 17 cggaattcct agccaatggc actcagcgca tgggc 35 18 250 PRT Homo Sapiens 18 Met Glu Lys Gly Pro Val Arg Ala Pro Ala Glu Lys Pro Arg Gly Ala 1 5 10 15 Arg Cys Ser Asn Gly Phe Pro Glu Arg Asp Pro Pro Arg Pro Gly Pro 20 25 30 Ser Arg Pro Ala Glu Lys Pro Pro Arg Pro Glu Ala Lys Ser Ala Gln 35 40 45 Pro Ala Asp Gly Trp Lys Gly Glu Arg Pro Arg Ser Glu Glu Asp Asn 50 55 60 Glu Leu Asn Leu Pro Asn Leu Ala Ala Ala Tyr Ser Ser Ile Leu Ser 65 70 75 80 Ser Leu Gly Glu Asn Pro Gln Arg Gln Gly Leu Leu Lys Thr Pro Trp 85 90 95 Arg Ala Ala Ser Ala Met Gln Phe Phe Thr Lys Gly Tyr Gln Glu Thr 100 105 110 Ile Ser Asp Val Leu Asn Asp Ala Ile Phe Asp Glu Asp His Asp Glu 115 120 125 Met Val Ile Val Lys Asp Ile Asp Met Phe Ser Met Cys Glu His His 130 135 140 Leu Val Pro Phe Val Gly Lys Val His Ile Gly Tyr Leu Pro Asn Lys 145 150 155 160 Gln Val Leu Gly Leu Ser Lys Leu Ala Arg Ile Val Glu Ile Tyr Ser 165 170 175 Arg Arg Leu Gln Val Gln Glu Arg Leu Thr Lys Gln Ile Ala Val Ala 180 185 190 Ile Thr Glu Ala Leu Arg Pro Ala Gly Val Gly Val Val Val Glu Ala 195 200 205 Thr His Met Cys Met Val Met Arg Gly Val Gln Lys Met Asn Ser Lys 210 215 220 Thr Val Thr Ser Thr Met Leu Gly Val Phe Arg Glu Asp Pro Lys Thr 225 230 235 240 Arg Glu Glu Phe Leu Thr Leu Ile Arg Ser 245 250 19 753 DNA Homo Sapiens 19 atggagaagg gccctgtgcg cgccccggcc gagaagccgc gcggcgcccg ctgcagcaat 60 gggttccccg agcgcgaccc gccgcgcccc gggcccagca ggccggccga gaagcccccg 120 cgccccgagg ccaagagcgc gcagcccgcg gacggctgga agggcgagcg cccccgcagc 180 gaggaggaca acgagctgaa cctccctaac ctggccgccg cctactcctc catcctgagc 240 tcgctgggcg agaaccccca gcggcagggg ctgctcaaga ccccctggag ggcggcctcg 300 gccatgcagt tcttcaccaa gggctaccag gagaccatct cagacgtcct gaacgacgct 360 atcttcgacg aagatcacga tgagatggtg atcgtgaagg acatagacat gttctccatg 420 tgcgagcacc acctggtgcc atttgtggga aaggtccata tcggctacct gcctaacaag 480 caggtcctgg gcctcagcaa gctggcgagg attgtggaaa tctatagtag aagactacag 540 gttcaggagc gccttaccaa acaaattgct gtggcaatca cggaagcctt gcggcctgct 600 ggagtcgggg tcgtggtgga agcaacacac atgtgtatgg tgatgcgagg tgtacagaaa 660 atgaacagca aaaccgtgac cagcacaatg ctgggtgtgt tccgggagga tccaaagact 720 cgggaagagt tcctgactct catcaggagc tga 753 20 250 PRT Homo Sapiens 20 Met Glu Lys Gly Pro Val Arg Ala Pro Ala Glu Lys Pro Arg Gly Ala 1 5 10 15 Arg Cys Ser Asn Gly Phe Pro Glu Arg Asp Pro Pro Arg Pro Gly Pro 20 25 30 Ser Arg Pro Ala Glu Lys Pro Pro Arg Pro Glu Ala Lys Ser Ala Gln 35 40 45 Pro Ala Asp Gly Trp Lys Gly Glu Arg Pro Arg Ser Glu Glu Asp Asn 50 55 60 Glu Leu Asn Leu Pro Asn Leu Ala Ala Ala Tyr Ser Ser Ile Leu Ser 65 70 75 80 Ser Leu Gly Glu Asn Pro Gln Arg Gln Gly Leu Leu Lys Thr Pro Trp 85 90 95 Arg Ala Ala Ser Ala Met Gln Phe Phe Thr Lys Gly Tyr Gln Glu Thr 100 105 110 Ile Ser Asp Val Leu Asn Asp Ala Ile Phe Asp Glu Asp His Asp Glu 115 120 125 Met Val Ile Val Lys Asp Ile Asp Met Phe Ser Met Cys Glu His His 130 135 140 Leu Val Pro Phe Val Gly Lys Val His Ile Gly Tyr Leu Pro Asn Lys 145 150 155 160 Gln Val Leu Gly Leu Ser Lys Leu Ala Arg Ile Val Glu Ile Tyr Ser 165 170 175 Arg Arg Leu Gln Val Gln Glu Arg Leu Thr Lys Gln Ile Ala Val Ala 180 185 190 Ile Thr Glu Ala Leu Arg Pro Ala Gly Val Gly Val Val Val Glu Ala 195 200 205 Thr His Met Cys Met Val Met Arg Gly Val Gln Lys Met Asn Ser Lys 210 215 220 Thr Val Thr Ser Thr Met Leu Gly Val Phe Arg Glu Asp Pro Lys Thr 225 230 235 240 Arg Glu Glu Phe Leu Thr Leu Ile Arg Ser 245 250 21 753 DNA Homo Sapiens 21 atggagaagg gccctgtgcg ggcaccggcg gagaagccgc ggggcgccag gtgcagcaat 60 gggttccccg agcgggatcc gccgcggccc gggcccagca ggccggcgga gaagcccccg 120 cggcccgagg ccaagagcgc gcagcccgcg gacggctgga agggcgagcg gccccgcagc 180 gaggaggata acgagctgaa cctccctaac ctggcagccg cctactcgtc catcctgagc 240 tcgctgggcg agaaccccca gcggcaaggg ctgctcaaga cgccctggag ggcggcctcg 300 gccatgcagt tcttcaccaa gggctaccag gagaccatct cagatgtcct aaacgatgct 360 atatttgatg aagatcatga tgagatggtg attgtgaagg acatagacat gttttccatg 420 tgtgagcatc acttggttcc atttgttgga aaggtccata ttggttatct tcctaacaag 480 caagtccttg gcctcagcaa acttgcgagg attgtagaaa tctatagtag aagactacaa 540 gttcaggagc gccttacaaa acaaattgct gtagcaatca cggaagcctt gcggcctgct 600 ggagtcgggg tagtggttga agcaacacac atgtgtatgg taatgcgagg tgtacagaaa 660 atgaacagca aaactgtgac cagcacaatg ttgggtgtgt tccgggagga tccaaagact 720 cgggaagagt tcctgactct cattaggagc tga 753 22 338 PRT Homo Sapiens 22 Met Val Lys Val Pro Trp Phe Pro Arg Lys Val Ser Glu Leu Asp Lys 1 5 10 15 Cys His His Leu Val Thr Lys Phe Asp Pro Asp Leu Asp Leu Asp His 20 25 30 Pro Gly Phe Ser Asp Gln Val Tyr Arg Gln Arg Arg Lys Leu Ile Ala 35 40 45 Glu Ile Ala Phe Gln Tyr Arg His Gly Asp Pro Ile Pro Arg Val Glu 50 55 60 Tyr Thr Ala Glu Glu Ile Ala Thr Trp Lys Glu Val Tyr Thr Thr Leu 65 70 75 80 Lys Gly Leu Tyr Ala Thr His Ala Cys Gly Glu His Leu Glu Ala Phe 85 90 95 Ala Leu Leu Glu Arg Phe Ser Gly Tyr Arg Glu Asp Asn Ile Pro Gln 100 105 110 Leu Glu Asp Val Ser Arg Phe Leu Lys Glu Arg Thr Gly Phe Gln Leu 115 120 125 Arg Pro Val Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ala Arg Asp Phe Leu Ala Ser Leu 130 135 140 Ala Phe Arg Val Phe Gln Cys Thr Gln Tyr Ile Arg His Ala Ser Ser 145 150 155 160 Pro Met His Ser Pro Glu Pro Asp Cys Cys His Glu Leu Leu Gly His 165 170 175 Val Pro Met Leu Ala Asp Arg Thr Phe Ala Gln Phe Ser Gln Asp Ile 180 185 190 Gly Leu Ala Ser Leu Gly Ala Ser Asp Glu Glu Ile Glu Lys Leu Ser 195 200 205 Thr Leu Tyr Trp Phe Thr Val Glu Phe Gly Leu Cys Lys Gln Asn Gly 210 215 220 Glu Val Lys Ala Tyr Gly Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ser Tyr Gly Glu Leu 225 230 235 240 Leu His Cys Leu Ser Glu Glu Pro Glu Ile Arg Ala Phe Asp Pro Glu 245 250 255 Ala Ala Ala Val Gln Pro Tyr Gln Asp Gln Thr Tyr Gln Ser Val Tyr 260 265 270 Phe Val Ser Glu Ser Phe Ser Asp Ala Lys Asp Lys Leu Arg Ser Tyr 275 280 285 Ala Ser Arg Ile Gln Arg Pro Phe Ser Val Lys Phe Asp Pro Tyr Thr 290 295 300 Leu Ala Ile Asp Val Leu Asp Ser Pro Gln Ala Val Arg Arg Ser Leu 305 310 315 320 Glu Gly Val Gln Asp Glu Leu Asp Thr Leu Ala His Ala Leu Ser Ala 325 330 335 Ile Gly 23 1014 DNA Homo Sapiens 23 atggtgaagg taccctggtt cccaagaaaa gtgtcagagc tggacaagtg tcatcacctg 60 gtcaccaagt tcgaccccga cctggacttg gaccaccccg gcttctcgga ccaggtgtac 120 cgccagcgca ggaagctgat cgctgagatc gccttccagt acaggcacgg cgacccgatc 180 ccccgtgtgg agtacaccgc cgaggagatc gccacctgga aggaggtcta caccaccctg 240 aagggcctct acgccaccca cgcctgcggg gagcacctgg aggcctttgc tttgctggag 300 cgcttcagcg gctaccggga agacaacatc ccccagctgg aggacgtctc ccgcttcctg 360 aaggagcgca caggcttcca gctgcggccc gtggccggcc tgctgtccgc ccgggacttc 420 ctggccagcc tggccttccg cgtgttccag tgcacccagt atatccgcca cgcgtcctcg 480 cccatgcact cccctgagcc ggactgctgc cacgagctgc tggggcacgt gcccatgctg 540 gccgaccgca ccttcgcgca gttcagccag gacatcggcc tggcgtccct gggggccagc 600 gatgaggaaa tcgagaagct gtccactctg tactggttca cggtggagtt cgggctgtgt 660 aagcagaacg gggaggtgaa ggcctatggt gccgggctgc tgtcctccta cggggagctc 720 ctgcactgcc tgtctgagga gcctgagatc cgggccttcg accctgaggc tgcggccgtg 780 cagccctacc aagaccagac gtaccagtca gtctacttcg tgtctgagag cttcagcgac 840 gccaaggaca agctcaggag ctatgccagc cgcatccagc gccccttctc cgtgaagttc 900 gacccgtaca ccctggccat cgacgtgctg gacagccccc aggccgtgcg gcgctccctg 960 gagggtgtcc aggatgagct ggacaccctt gcccatgcgc tgagcgccat cggc 1014 24 338 PRT Homo Sapiens 24 Met Val Lys Val Pro Trp Phe Pro Arg Lys Val Ser Glu Leu Asp Lys 1 5 10 15 Cys His His Leu Val Thr Lys Phe Asp Pro Asp Leu Asp Leu Asp His 20 25 30 Pro Gly Phe Ser Asp Gln Val Tyr Arg Gln Arg Arg Lys Leu Ile Ala 35 40 45 Glu Ile Ala Phe Gln Tyr Arg His Gly Asp Pro Ile Pro Arg Val Glu 50 55 60 Tyr Thr Ala Glu Glu Ile Ala Thr Trp Lys Glu Val Tyr Thr Thr Leu 65 70 75 80 Lys Gly Leu Tyr Ala Thr His Ala Cys Gly Glu His Leu Glu Ala Phe 85 90 95 Ala Leu Leu Glu Arg Phe Ser Gly Tyr Arg Glu Asp Asn Ile Pro Gln 100 105 110 Leu Glu Asp Val Ser Arg Phe Leu Lys Glu Arg Thr Gly Phe Gln Leu 115 120 125 Arg Pro Val Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ala Arg Asp Phe Leu Ala Ser Leu 130 135 140 Ala Phe Arg Val Phe Gln Cys Thr Gln Tyr Ile Arg His Ala Ser Ser 145 150 155 160 Pro Met His Ser Pro Glu Pro Asp Cys Cys His Glu Leu Leu Gly His 165 170 175 Val Pro Met Leu Ala Asp Arg Thr Phe Ala Gln Phe Ser Gln Asp Ile 180 185 190 Gly Leu Ala Ser Leu Gly Ala Ser Asp Glu Glu Ile Glu Lys Leu Ser 195 200 205 Thr Leu Ser Trp Phe Thr Val Glu Phe Gly Leu Cys Lys Gln Asn Gly 210 215 220 Glu Val Lys Ala Tyr Gly Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ser Tyr Gly Glu Leu 225 230 235 240 Leu His Cys Leu Ser Glu Glu Pro Glu Ile Arg Ala Phe Asp Pro Glu 245 250 255 Ala Ala Ala Val Gln Pro Tyr Gln Asp Gln Thr Tyr Gln Ser Val Tyr 260 265 270 Phe Val Ser Glu Ser Phe Ser Asp Ala Lys Asp Lys Leu Arg Ser Tyr 275 280 285 Ala Ser Arg Ile Gln Arg Pro Phe Ser Val Lys Phe Asp Pro Tyr Thr 290 295 300 Leu Ala Ile Asp Val Leu Asp Ser Pro Gln Ala Val Arg Arg Ser Leu 305 310 315 320 Glu Gly Val Gln Asp Glu Leu Asp Thr Leu Ala His Ala Leu Ser Ala 325 330 335 Ile Gly 25 1017 DNA Homo Sapiens 25 atggtgaagg taccctggtt cccaagaaaa gtgtcagagc tggacaagtg tcatcacctg 60 gtcaccaagt tcgaccccga cctggacttg gaccaccccg gcttctcgga ccaggtgtac 120 cgccagcgca ggaagctgat cgctgagatc gccttccagt acaggcacgg cgacccgatc 180 ccccgtgtgg agtacaccgc cgaggagatc gccacctgga aggaggtcta caccaccctg 240 aagggcctct acgccaccca cgcctgcggg gagcacctgg aggcctttgc tttgctggag 300 cgcttcagcg gctaccggga agacaacatc ccccagctgg aggacgtctc ccgcttcctg 360 aaggagcgca caggcttcca gctgcggccc gtggccggcc tgctgtccgc ccgggacttc 420 ctggccagcc tggccttccg cgtgttccag tgcacccagt atatccgcca cgcgtcctcg 480 cccatgcact cccctgagcc ggactgctgc cacgagctgc tggggcacgt gcccatgctg 540 gccgaccgca ccttcgcgca gttcagccag gacatcggcc tggcgtccct gggggccagc 600 gatgaggaaa tcgagaagct gtccactctg tcatggttca cggtggagtt cgggctgtgt 660 aagcagaacg gggaggtgaa ggcctatggt gccgggctgc tgtcctccta cggggagctc 720 ctgcactgcc tgtctgagga gcctgagatc cgggccttcg accctgaggc tgcggccgtg 780 cagccctacc aagaccagac gtaccagtca gtctacttcg tgtctgagag cttcagcgac 840 gccaaggaca agctcaggag ctatgccagc cgcatccagc gccccttctc cgtgaagttc 900 gacccgtaca ccctggccat cgacgtgctg gacagccccc aggccgtgcg gcgctccctg 960 gagggtgtcc aggatgagct ggacaccctt gcccatgcgc tgagcgccat cggctga 1017 26 338 PRT Homo Sapiens 26 Met Val Lys Val Pro Trp Phe Pro Arg Lys Val Ser Glu Leu Asp Lys 1 5 10 15 Cys His

His Leu Val Thr Lys Phe Asp Pro Asp Leu Asp Leu Asp His 20 25 30 Pro Gly Phe Ser Asp Gln Val Tyr Arg Gln Arg Arg Lys Leu Ile Ala 35 40 45 Glu Ile Ala Phe Gln Tyr Arg His Gly Asp Pro Ile Pro Arg Val Glu 50 55 60 Tyr Thr Ala Glu Glu Ile Ala Thr Trp Lys Glu Val Tyr Thr Thr Leu 65 70 75 80 Lys Gly Leu Tyr Ala Thr His Ala Cys Gly Glu His Leu Glu Ala Phe 85 90 95 Ala Leu Leu Glu Arg Phe Ser Gly Tyr Arg Glu Asp Asn Ile Pro Gln 100 105 110 Leu Glu Asp Val Ser Arg Phe Leu Lys Glu Arg Thr Gly Phe Gln Leu 115 120 125 Arg Pro Val Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ala Arg Asp Phe Leu Ala Ser Leu 130 135 140 Ala Phe Arg Val Phe Gln Cys Thr Gln Tyr Ile Arg His Ala Ser Ser 145 150 155 160 Pro Met His Ser Pro Glu Pro Asp Cys Cys His Glu Leu Leu Gly His 165 170 175 Val Pro Met Leu Ala Asp Arg Thr Phe Ala Gln Phe Ser Gln Asp Ile 180 185 190 Gly Leu Ala Ser Leu Gly Ala Ser Asp Glu Glu Ile Glu Lys Leu Ser 195 200 205 Thr Leu Tyr Trp Phe Thr Val Glu Phe Gly Leu Cys Lys Gln Asn Gly 210 215 220 Glu Val Lys Ala Tyr Gly Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ser Tyr Gly Glu Leu 225 230 235 240 Leu His Cys Leu Ser Glu Glu Pro Glu Ile Arg Ala Phe Asp Pro Glu 245 250 255 Ala Ala Ala Val Gln Pro Tyr Gln Asp Gln Thr Tyr Gln Ser Val Tyr 260 265 270 Phe Val Ser Glu Ser Phe Ser Asp Ala Lys Asp Lys Leu Arg Ser Tyr 275 280 285 Ala Ser Arg Ile Gln Arg Pro Phe Ser Val Lys Phe Asp Pro Tyr Thr 290 295 300 Leu Ala Ile Asp Val Leu Asp Ser Pro Gln Ala Val Arg Arg Ser Leu 305 310 315 320 Glu Gly Val Gln Asp Glu Leu Asp Thr Leu Ala His Ala Leu Ser Ala 325 330 335 Ile Gly 27 1017 DNA Homo Sapiens 27 atggtgaagg taccctggtt cccaagaaaa gtgtcagagc tggacaagtg tcatcacctg 60 gtcaccaagt tcgaccctga cctggacttg gaccacccgg gcttctcgga ccaggtgtac 120 cgccagcgca ggaagctgat tgctgagatc gccttccagt acaggcacgg cgacccgatt 180 ccccgtgtgg agtacaccgc cgaggagatt gccacctgga aggaggtcta caccacgctg 240 aagggcctct acgccacgca cgcctgcggg gagcacctgg aggcctttgc tttgctggag 300 cgcttcagcg gctaccggga agacaatatc ccccagctgg aggacgtctc ccgcttcctg 360 aaggagcgca cgggcttcca gctgcggcct gtggccggcc tgctgtccgc ccgggacttc 420 ctggccagcc tggccttccg cgtgttccag tgcacccagt atatccgcca cgcgtcctcg 480 cccatgcact cccctgagcc ggactgctgc cacgagctgc tggggcacgt gcccatgctg 540 gccgaccgca ccttcgcgca gttctcgcag gacattggcc tggcgtccct gggggcctcg 600 gatgaggaaa ttgagaagct gtccacgctg tactggttca cggtggagtt cgggctgtgt 660 aagcagaacg gggaggtgaa ggcctatggt gccgggctgc tgtcctccta cggggagctc 720 ctgcactgcc tgtctgagga gcctgagatt cgggccttcg accctgaggc tgcggccgtg 780 cagccctacc aagaccagac gtaccagtca gtctacttcg tgtctgagag cttcagtgac 840 gccaaggaca agctcaggag ctatgcctca cgcatccagc gccccttctc cgtgaagttc 900 gacccgtaca cgctggccat cgacgtgctg gacagccccc aggccgtgcg gcgctccctg 960 gagggtgtcc aggatgagct ggacaccctt gcccatgcgc tgagtgccat tggctag 1017 28 501 PRT Homo Sapiens 28 Met Pro Thr Pro Asp Ala Thr Thr Pro Gln Ala Lys Gly Phe Arg Arg 1 5 10 15 Ala Val Ser Glu Leu Asp Ala Lys Gln Ala Glu Ala Ile Met Val Arg 20 25 30 Gly Gln Ser Pro Arg Phe Ile Gly Arg Arg Gln Ser Leu Ile Glu Asp 35 40 45 Ala Arg Lys Glu Arg Glu Ala Ala Val Ala Ala Ala Ala Ala Ala Val 50 55 60 Pro Ser Glu Pro Gly Asp Pro Leu Glu Ala Val Ala Phe Glu Glu Lys 65 70 75 80 Glu Gly Lys Ala Val Leu Asn Leu Leu Phe Ser Pro Arg Ala Thr Lys 85 90 95 Pro Ser Ala Leu Ser Arg Ala Val Lys Val Phe Glu Thr Phe Glu Ala 100 105 110 Lys Ile His His Leu Glu Thr Arg Pro Ala Gln Arg Pro Arg Ala Gly 115 120 125 Gly Pro His Leu Glu Tyr Phe Val Arg Leu Glu Val Arg Arg Gly Asp 130 135 140 Leu Ala Ala Leu Leu Ser Gly Val Arg Gln Val Ser Glu Asp Val Arg 145 150 155 160 Ser Pro Ala Gly Pro Lys Val Pro Trp Phe Pro Arg Lys Val Ser Glu 165 170 175 Leu Asp Lys Cys His His Leu Val Thr Lys Phe Asp Pro Asp Leu Asp 180 185 190 Leu Asp His Pro Gly Phe Ser Asp Gln Val Tyr Arg Gln Arg Arg Lys 195 200 205 Leu Ile Ala Glu Ile Ala Phe Gln Tyr Arg His Gly Asp Pro Ile Pro 210 215 220 Arg Val Glu Tyr Thr Ala Glu Glu Ile Ala Thr Trp Lys Glu Val Tyr 225 230 235 240 Thr Thr Leu Lys Gly Leu Tyr Ala Thr His Ala Cys Gly Glu His Leu 245 250 255 Glu Ala Phe Ala Leu Leu Glu Arg Phe Ser Gly Tyr Arg Glu Asp Asn 260 265 270 Ile Pro Gln Leu Glu Asp Val Ser Arg Phe Leu Lys Glu Arg Thr Gly 275 280 285 Phe Gln Leu Arg Pro Val Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ala Arg Asp Phe Leu 290 295 300 Ala Ser Leu Ala Phe Arg Val Phe Gln Cys Thr Gln Tyr Ile Arg His 305 310 315 320 Ala Ser Ser Pro Met His Ser Pro Glu Pro Asp Cys Cys His Glu Leu 325 330 335 Leu Gly His Val Pro Met Leu Ala Asp Arg Thr Phe Ala Gln Phe Ser 340 345 350 Gln Asp Ile Gly Leu Ala Ser Leu Gly Ala Ser Asp Glu Glu Ile Glu 355 360 365 Lys Leu Ser Thr Leu Tyr Trp Phe Thr Val Glu Phe Gly Leu Cys Lys 370 375 380 Gln Asn Gly Glu Val Lys Ala Tyr Gly Ala Gly Leu Leu Ser Ser Tyr 385 390 395 400 Gly Glu Leu Leu His Cys Leu Ser Glu Glu Pro Glu Ile Arg Ala Phe 405 410 415 Asp Pro Glu Ala Ala Ala Val Gln Pro Tyr Gln Asp Gln Thr Tyr Gln 420 425 430 Ser Val Tyr Phe Val Ser Glu Ser Phe Ser Asp Ala Lys Asp Lys Leu 435 440 445 Arg Ser Tyr Ala Ser Arg Ile Gln Arg Pro Phe Ser Val Lys Phe Asp 450 455 460 Pro Tyr Thr Leu Ala Ile Asp Val Leu Asp Ser Pro Gln Ala Val Arg 465 470 475 480 Arg Ser Leu Glu Gly Val Gln Asp Glu Leu Asp Thr Leu Ala His Ala 485 490 495 Leu Ser Ala Ile Gly 500 29 1506 DNA Homo Sapiens 29 atgcccaccc ccgacgccac cacgccacag gccaagggct tccgcagggc cgtgtctgag 60 ctggacgcca agcaggcaga ggccatcatg gtaagagggc agtccccgcg gttcattggg 120 cgcaggcaga gcctcatcga ggacgcccgc aaggagcggg aggcggcggt ggcagcagcg 180 gccgctgcag tcccctcgga gcccggggac cccctggagg ctgtggcctt tgaggagaag 240 gaggggaagg ccgtgctaaa cctgctcttc tccccgaggg ccaccaagcc ctcggcgctg 300 tcccgagctg tgaaggtgtt tgagacgttt gaagccaaaa tccaccatct agagacccgg 360 cccgcccaga ggccgcgagc tgggggcccc cacctggagt acttcgtgcg cctcgaggtg 420 cgccgagggg acctggccgc cctgctcagt ggtgtgcgcc aggtgtcaga ggacgtgcgc 480 agccccgcgg ggcccaaggt cccctggttc ccaagaaaag tgtcagagct ggacaagtgt 540 catcacctgg tcaccaagtt cgaccctgac ctggacttgg accacccggg cttctcggac 600 caggtgtacc gccagcgcag gaagctgatt gctgagatcg ccttccagta caggcacggc 660 gacccgattc cccgtgtgga gtacaccgcc gaggagattg ccacctggaa ggaggtctac 720 accacgctga agggcctcta cgccacgcac gcctgcgggg agcacctgga ggcctttgct 780 ttgctggagc gcttcagcgg ctaccgggaa gacaatatcc cccagctgga ggacgtctcc 840 cgcttcctga aggagcgcac gggcttccag ctgcggcctg tggccggcct gctgtccgcc 900 cgggacttcc tggccagcct ggccttccgc gtgttccagt gcacccagta tatccgccac 960 gcgtcctcgc ccatgcactc ccctgagccg gactgctgcc acgagctgct ggggcacgtg 1020 cccatgctgg ccgaccgcac cttcgcgcag ttctcgcagg acattggcct ggcgtccctg 1080 ggggcctcgg atgaggaaat tgagaagctg tccacgctgt actggttcac ggtggagttc 1140 gggctgtgta agcagaacgg ggaggtgaag gcctatggtg ccgggctgct gtcctcctac 1200 ggggagctcc tgcactgcct gtctgaggag cctgagattc gggccttcga ccctgaggct 1260 gcggccgtgc agccctacca agaccagacg taccagtcag tctacttcgt gtctgagagc 1320 ttcagtgacg ccaaggacaa gctcaggagc tatgcctcac gcatccagcg ccccttctcc 1380 gtgaagttcg acccgtacac gctggccatc gacgtgctgg acagccccca ggccgtgcgg 1440 cgctccctgg agggtgtcca ggatgagctg gacacccttg cccatgcgct gagtgccatt 1500 ggctag 1506 30 480 PRT Homo Sapiens 30 Met Asp Ala Ser Glu Phe Arg Arg Arg Gly Lys Glu Met Val Asp Tyr 1 5 10 15 Val Ala Asn Tyr Met Glu Gly Ile Glu Gly Arg Gln Val Tyr Pro Asp 20 25 30 Val Glu Pro Gly Tyr Leu Arg Pro Leu Ile Pro Ala Ala Ala Pro Gln 35 40 45 Glu Pro Asp Thr Phe Glu Asp Ile Ile Asn Asp Val Glu Lys Ile Ile 50 55 60 Met Pro Gly Val Thr His Trp His Ser Pro Tyr Phe Phe Ala Tyr Phe 65 70 75 80 Pro Thr Ala Ser Ser Tyr Pro Ala Met Leu Ala Asp Met Leu Cys Gly 85 90 95 Ala Ile Gly Cys Ile Gly Phe Ser Trp Ala Ala Ser Pro Ala Cys Thr 100 105 110 Glu Leu Glu Thr Val Met Met Asp Trp Leu Gly Lys Met Leu Glu Leu 115 120 125 Pro Lys Ala Phe Leu Asn Glu Lys Ala Gly Glu Gly Gly Gly Val Ile 130 135 140 Gln Gly Ser Ala Ser Glu Ala Thr Leu Val Ala Leu Leu Ala Ala Arg 145 150 155 160 Thr Lys Val Ile His Arg Leu Gln Ala Ala Ser Pro Glu Leu Thr Gln 165 170 175 Ala Ala Ile Met Glu Lys Leu Val Ala Tyr Ser Ser Asp Gln Ala His 180 185 190 Ser Ser Val Glu Arg Ala Gly Leu Ile Gly Gly Val Lys Leu Lys Ala 195 200 205 Ile Pro Ser Asp Gly Asn Phe Ala Met Arg Ala Ser Ala Leu Gln Glu 210 215 220 Ala Leu Glu Arg Asp Lys Ala Ala Gly Leu Ile Pro Phe Phe Met Val 225 230 235 240 Ala Thr Leu Gly Thr Thr Thr Cys Cys Ser Phe Asp Asn Leu Leu Glu 245 250 255 Val Gly Pro Ile Cys Asn Lys Glu Asp Ile Trp Leu His Val Asp Ala 260 265 270 Ala Tyr Ala Gly Ser Ala Phe Ile Cys Pro Glu Phe Arg His Leu Leu 275 280 285 Asn Gly Val Glu Phe Ala Asp Ser Phe Asn Phe Asn Pro His Lys Trp 290 295 300 Leu Leu Val Asn Phe Asp Cys Ser Ala Met Trp Val Lys Lys Arg Thr 305 310 315 320 Asp Leu Thr Gly Ala Phe Arg Leu Asp Pro Thr Tyr Leu Lys His Ser 325 330 335 His Gln Asp Ser Gly Leu Ile Thr Asp Tyr Arg His Trp Gln Ile Pro 340 345 350 Leu Gly Arg Arg Phe Arg Ser Leu Lys Met Trp Phe Val Phe Arg Met 355 360 365 Tyr Gly Val Lys Gly Leu Gln Ala Tyr Ile Arg Lys His Val Gln Leu 370 375 380 Ser His Glu Phe Glu Ser Leu Val Arg Gln Asp Pro Arg Phe Glu Ile 385 390 395 400 Cys Val Glu Val Ile Leu Gly Leu Val Cys Phe Arg Leu Lys Gly Ser 405 410 415 Asn Lys Val Asn Glu Ala Leu Leu Gln Arg Ile Asn Ser Ala Lys Lys 420 425 430 Ile His Leu Val Pro Cys His Leu Arg Asp Lys Phe Val Leu Arg Phe 435 440 445 Ala Ile Cys Ser Arg Thr Val Glu Ser Ala His Val Gln Arg Ala Trp 450 455 460 Glu His Ile Lys Glu Leu Ala Ala Asp Val Leu Arg Ala Glu Arg Glu 465 470 475 480 31 1443 DNA Homo Sapiens 31 atggacgcca gtgagttccg aaggcgcggc aaggagatgg tggactacgt ggccaactac 60 atggaaggca tcgagggccg ccaagtctac cccgacgtgg agcccggcta cctgcgcccg 120 ctgatccccg ccgctgcccc tcaggagccc gacaccttcg aggacatcat caacgacgtg 180 gagaagatca tcatgcctgg cgtgacgcac tggcacagcc cctacttctt cgcctacttc 240 cccaccgcca gctcgtaccc ggccatgctg gcggacatgc tgtgcggggc cattggctgc 300 atcggcttct cctgggcggc gagcccagcg tgcaccgagc tggagaccgt gatgatggac 360 tggctcggga agatgctgga gctcccaaag gcgttcttga acgagaaggc tggcgagggg 420 ggcggcgtga tccagggcag cgccagcgag gccaccctgg tggccctgct ggccgctcgg 480 accaaagtga tccaccggct gcaggcagcg tccccagagc tcacccaggc cgctatcatg 540 gagaagctgg tggcttactc ctccgatcag gcacactcct ccgtggaacg cgctgggctc 600 attggtggag tgaagctcaa ggccatcccc agcgatggca acttcgccat gcgtgcgagc 660 gccctgcagg aagccctgga gagagacaag gcggctggcc tgattccttt cttcatggtg 720 gccaccctgg ggaccacaac atgctgctcc ttcgacaacc tcctcgaagt cggtcctatc 780 tgcaacaagg aagacatctg gctgcacgtt gatgcagcct acgcaggcag cgcattcatc 840 tgccctgagt tccggcacct tctgaacgga gtggagttcg cagatagctt caacttcaat 900 ccccacaagt ggctattggt gaatttcgac tgcagcgcca tgtgggtgaa gaagcgcacc 960 gacctcacgg gagccttccg cctggacccc acttacctga agcacagcca ccaggattca 1020 gggcttatca ctgactaccg gcactggcag atcccactgg gccgcagatt ccgcagcttg 1080 aagatgtggt tcgtattcag gatgtatgga gtcaagggac tgcaggctta tatccgcaag 1140 catgtccagc tgtcccatga gtttgagtca ctggtgcgcc aggatccccg ctttgaaatc 1200 tgtgtggaag tcattctggg gcttgtctgc tttcggctaa agggttccaa caaagtgaat 1260 gaagctcttc tgcaaaggat caacagtgcc aaaaaaatcc acttggttcc atgtcacctc 1320 agggacaagt ttgtcctgcg ctttgccatc tgttctcgca ccgtggaatc tgcccatgtg 1380 cagcgggcct gggaacacat caaagagctg gcggccgacg tgctgcgagc agagagggag 1440 tag 1443 32 480 PRT Homo Sapiens 32 Met Asn Ala Ser Glu Phe Arg Arg Arg Gly Lys Glu Met Val Asp Tyr 1 5 10 15 Val Ala Asn Tyr Met Glu Gly Ile Glu Gly Arg Gln Val Tyr Pro Asp 20 25 30 Val Glu Pro Gly Tyr Leu Arg Pro Leu Ile Pro Ala Ala Ala Pro Gln 35 40 45 Glu Pro Asp Thr Phe Glu Asp Ile Ile Asn Asp Val Glu Lys Ile Ile 50 55 60 Met Pro Gly Val Thr His Trp His Ser Pro Tyr Phe Phe Ala Tyr Phe 65 70 75 80 Pro Thr Ala Ser Ser Tyr Pro Ala Met Leu Ala Asp Met Leu Cys Gly 85 90 95 Ala Ile Gly Cys Ile Gly Phe Ser Trp Ala Ala Ser Pro Ala Cys Thr 100 105 110 Glu Leu Glu Thr Val Met Met Asp Trp Leu Gly Lys Met Leu Glu Leu 115 120 125 Pro Lys Ala Phe Leu Asn Glu Lys Ala Gly Glu Gly Gly Gly Val Ile 130 135 140 Gln Gly Ser Ala Ser Glu Ala Thr Leu Val Ala Leu Leu Ala Ala Arg 145 150 155 160 Thr Lys Val Ile His Arg Leu Gln Ala Ala Ser Pro Glu Leu Thr Gln 165 170 175 Ala Ala Ile Met Glu Lys Leu Val Ala Tyr Ser Ser Asp Gln Ala His 180 185 190 Ser Ser Val Glu Arg Ala Gly Leu Ile Gly Gly Val Lys Leu Lys Ala 195 200 205 Ile Pro Ser Asp Gly Asn Phe Ala Met Arg Ala Ser Ala Leu Gln Glu 210 215 220 Ala Leu Glu Arg Asp Lys Ala Ala Gly Leu Ile Pro Phe Phe Met Val 225 230 235 240 Ala Thr Leu Gly Thr Thr Thr Cys Cys Ser Phe Asp Asn Leu Leu Glu 245 250 255 Val Gly Pro Ile Cys Asn Lys Glu Asp Ile Trp Leu His Val Asp Ala 260 265 270 Ala Tyr Ala Gly Ser Ala Phe Ile Cys Pro Glu Phe Arg His Leu Leu 275 280 285 Asn Gly Val Glu Phe Ala Asp Ser Phe Asn Phe Asn Pro His Lys Trp 290 295 300 Leu Leu Val Asn Phe Asp Cys Ser Ala Met Trp Val Lys Lys Arg Thr 305 310 315 320 Asp Leu Thr Gly Ala Phe Arg Leu Asp Pro Thr Tyr Leu Lys His Ser 325 330 335 His Gln Asp Ser Gly Leu Ile Thr Asp Tyr Arg His Trp Gln Ile Pro 340 345 350 Leu Gly Arg Arg Phe Arg Ser Leu Lys Met Trp Phe Val Phe Arg Met 355 360 365 Tyr Gly Val Lys Gly Leu Gln Ala Tyr Ile Arg Lys His Val Gln Leu 370 375 380 Ser His Glu Phe Glu Ser Leu Val Arg Gln Asp Pro Arg Phe Glu Ile 385 390 395 400 Cys Val Glu Val Ile Leu Gly Leu Val Cys Phe Arg Leu Lys Gly Ser 405 410 415 Asn Lys Val Asn Glu Ala Leu Leu Gln Arg Ile Asn Ser Ala Lys Lys 420 425 430 Ile His Leu Val Pro Cys His Leu Arg Asp Lys Phe Val Leu Arg Phe 435 440 445 Ala Ile Cys Ser Arg Thr Val Glu Ser Ala His Val Gln Arg Ala Trp 450 455

460 Glu His Ile Lys Glu Leu Ala Ala Asp Val Leu Arg Ala Glu Arg Glu 465 470 475 480 33 1443 DNA Homo Sapiens 33 atgaacgcaa gtgaattccg aaggagaggg aaggagatgg tggattacgt ggccaactac 60 atggaaggca ttgagggacg ccaggtctac cctgacgtgg agcccgggta cctgcggccg 120 ctgatccctg ccgctgcccc tcaggagcca gacacgtttg aggacatcat caacgacgtt 180 gagaagataa tcatgcctgg ggtgacgcac tggcacagcc cctacttctt cgcctacttc 240 cccactgcca gctcgtaccc ggccatgctt gcggacatgc tgtgcggggc cattggctgc 300 atcggcttct cctgggcggc aagcccagca tgcacagagc tggagactgt gatgatggac 360 tggctcggga agatgctgga actaccaaag gcatttttga atgagaaagc tggagaaggg 420 ggaggagtga tccagggaag tgccagtgaa gccaccctgg tggccctgct ggccgctcgg 480 accaaagtga tccatcggct gcaggcagcg tccccagagc tcacacaggc cgctatcatg 540 gagaagctgg tggcttactc atccgatcag gcacactcct cagtggaaag agctgggtta 600 attggtggag tgaaattaaa agccatcccc tcagatggca acttcgccat gcgtgcgtct 660 gccctgcagg aagccctgga gagagacaaa gcggctggcc tgattccttt ctttatggtt 720 gccaccctgg ggaccacaac atgctgctcc tttgacaatc tcttagaagt cggtcctatc 780 tgcaacaagg aagacatatg gctgcacgtt gatgcagcct acgcaggcag tgcattcatc 840 tgccctgagt tccggcacct tctgaatgga gtggagtttg cagattcatt caactttaat 900 ccccacaaat ggctattggt gaattttgac tgttctgcca tgtgggtgaa aaagagaaca 960 gacttaacgg gagcctttag actggacccc acttacctga agcacagcca tcaggattca 1020 gggcttatca ctgactaccg gcattggcag ataccactgg gcagaagatt tcgctctttg 1080 aaaatgtggt ttgtatttag gatgtatgga gtcaaaggac tgcaggctta tatccgcaag 1140 catgtccagc tgtcccatga gtttgagtca ctggtgcgcc aggatccccg ctttgaaatc 1200 tgtgtggaag tcattctggg gcttgtctgc tttcggctaa agggttccaa caaagtgaat 1260 gaagctcttc tgcaaagaat aaacagtgcc aaaaaaatcc acttggttcc atgtcacctc 1320 agggacaagt ttgtcctgcg ctttgccatc tgttctcgca cggtggaatc tgcccatgtg 1380 cagcgggcct gggaacacat caaagagctg gcggccgacg tgctgcgagc agagagggag 1440 tag 1443 34 11622 DNA Equine Infectious Anemia Virus 34 tttgagattt ctgtcgccga ctaaattcat gtcgcgcgat agtggtgttt atcgccgata 60 gagatggcga tattggaaaa attgatattt gaaaatatgg catattgaaa atgtcgccga 120 tgtgagtttc tgtgtaactg atatcgccat ttttccaaaa gtgatttttg ggcatacgcg 180 atatctggcg atagcgctta tatcgtttac gggggatggc gatagacgac tttggtgact 240 tgggcgattc tgtgtgtcgc aaatatcgca gtttcgatat aggtgacaga cgatatgagg 300 ctatatcgcc gatagaggcg acatcaagct ggcacatggc caatgcatat cgatctatac 360 attgaatcaa tattggccat tagccatatt attcattggt tatatagcat aaatcaatat 420 tggctattgg ccattgcata cgttgtatcc atatcgtaat atgtacattt atattggctc 480 atgtccaaca ttaccgccat gttgacattg attattgact agttattaat agtaatcaat 540 tacggggtca ttagttcata gcccatatat ggagttccgc gttacataac ttacggtaaa 600 tggcccgcct ggctgaccgc ccaacgaccc ccgcccattg acgtcaataa tgacgtatgt 660 tcccatagta acgccaatag ggactttcca ttgacgtcaa tgggtggagt atttacggta 720 aactgcccac ttggcagtac atcaagtgta tcatatgcca agtccgcccc ctattgacgt 780 caatgacggt aaatggcccg cctggcatta tgcccagtac atgaccttac gggactttcc 840 tacttggcag tacatctacg tattagtcat cgctattacc atggtgatgc ggttttggca 900 gtacaccaat gggcgtggat agcggtttga ctcacgggga tttccaagtc tccaccccat 960 tgacgtcaat gggagtttgt tttggcacca aaatcaacgg gactttccaa aatgtcgtaa 1020 caactgcgat cgcccgcccc gttgacgcaa atgggcggta ggcgtgtacg gtgggaggtc 1080 tatataagca gagctcgttt agtgaaccgg gcactcagat tctgcggtct gagtcccttc 1140 tctgctgggc tgaaaaggcc tttgtaataa atataattct ctactcagtc cctgtctcta 1200 gtttgtctgt tcgagatcct acagttggcg cccgaacagg gacctgagag gggcgcagac 1260 cctacctgtt gaacctggct gatcgtagga tccccgggac agcagaggag aacttacaga 1320 agtcttctgg aggtgttcct ggccagaaca caggaggaca ggtaagattg ggagaccctt 1380 tgacattgga gcaaggcgct caagaagtta gagaaggtga cggtacaagg gtctcagaaa 1440 ttaactactg gtaactgtaa ttgggcgcta agtctagtag acttatttca ttgataccaa 1500 ctttgtaaaa gaaaaggact ggcagctgag ggattgtcat tccattgctg gaagattgta 1560 actcagacgc tgtcaggaca agaaagagag gcctttgaaa gaacattggt gggcaatttc 1620 tgctgtaaag attgggcctc cagattaata attgtagtag attggaaagg catcattcca 1680 gctcctaaga gcgaaatatt gaaaagaaga ctgctaataa aaagcagtct gagccctctg 1740 aagaatatct ctagaactag tggatccccc gggccaaaac ctagcgccac catgattgaa 1800 caagatggat tgcacgcagg ttctccggcc gcttgggtgg agaggctatt cggctatgac 1860 tgggcacaac agacaatcgg ctgctctgat gccgccgtgt tccggctgtc agcgcagggg 1920 cgcccggttc tttttgtcaa gaccgacctg tccggtgccc tgaatgaact gcaggacgag 1980 gcagcgcggc tatcgtggct ggccacgacg ggcgttcctt gcgcagctgt gctcgacgtt 2040 gtcactgaag cgggaaggga ctggctgcta ttgggcgaag tgccggggca ggatctcctg 2100 tcatctcacc ttgctcctgc cgagaaagta tccatcatgg ctgatgcaat gcggcggctg 2160 catacgcttg atccggctac ctgcccattc gaccaccaag cgaaacatcg catcgagcga 2220 gcacgtactc ggatggaagc cggtcttgtc gatcaggatg atctggacga agagcatcag 2280 gggctcgcgc cagccgaact gttcgccagg ctcaaggcgc gcatgcccga cggcgaggat 2340 ctcgtcgtga cccatggcga tgcctgcttg ccgaatatca tggtggaaaa tggccgcttt 2400 tctggattca tcgactgtgg ccggctgggt gtggcggacc gctatcagga catagcgttg 2460 gctacccgtg atattgctga agagcttggc ggcgaatggg ctgaccgctt cctcgtgctt 2520 tacggtatcg ccgctcccga ttcgcagcgc atcgccttct atcgccttct tgacgagttc 2580 ttctgagcgg ccgcgaattc aaaagctaga gtcgactcta gggagtgggg aggcacgatg 2640 gccgctttgg tcgaggcgga tccggccatt agccatatta ttcattggtt atatagcata 2700 aatcaatatt ggctattggc cattgcatac gttgtatcca tatcataata tgtacattta 2760 tattggctca tgtccaacat taccgccatg ttgacattga ttattgacta gttattaata 2820 gtaatcaatt acggggtcat tagttcatag cccatatatg gagttccgcg ttacataact 2880 tacggtaaat ggcccgcctg gctgaccgcc caacgacccc cgcccattga cgtcaataat 2940 gacgtatgtt cccatagtaa cgccaatagg gactttccat tgacgtcaat gggtggagta 3000 tttacggtaa actgcccact tggcagtaca tcaagtgtat catatgccaa gtacgccccc 3060 tattgacgtc aatgacggta aatggcccgc ctggcattat gcccagtaca tgaccttatg 3120 ggactttcct acttggcagt acatctacgt attagtcatc gctattacca tggtgatgcg 3180 gttttggcag tacatcaatg ggcgtggata gcggtttgac tcacggggat ttccaagtct 3240 ccaccccatt gacgtcaatg ggagtttgtt ttggcaccaa aatcaacggg actttccaaa 3300 atgtcgtaac aactccgccc cattgacgca aatgggcggt aggcatgtac ggtgggaggt 3360 ctatataagc agagctcgtt tagtgaaccg tcagatcgcc tggagacgcc atccacgctg 3420 ttttgacctc catagaagac accgggaccg atccagcctc cgcggcccca agctagtcga 3480 ctttaagctt ctcgagaatt cgtgcaccat ggtgaaggta ccctggttcc caagaaaagt 3540 gtcagagctg gacaagtgtc atcacctggt caccaagttc gaccccgacc tggacttgga 3600 ccaccccggc ttctcggacc aggtgtaccg ccagcgcagg aagctgatcg ctgagatcgc 3660 cttccagtac aggcacggcg acccgatccc ccgtgtggag tacaccgccg aggagatcgc 3720 cacctggaag gaggtctaca ccaccctgaa gggcctctac gccacccacg cctgcgggga 3780 gcacctggag gcctttgctt tgctggagcg cttcagcggc taccgggaag acaacatccc 3840 ccagctggag gacgtctccc gcttcctgaa ggagcgcaca ggcttccagc tgcggcccgt 3900 ggccggcctg ctgtccgccc gggacttcct ggccagcctg gccttccgcg tgttccagtg 3960 cacccagtat atccgccacg cgtcctcgcc catgcactcc cctgagccgg actgctgcca 4020 cgagctgctg gggcacgtgc ccatgctggc cgaccgcacc ttcgcgcagt tcagccagga 4080 catcggcctg gcgtccctgg gggccagcga tgaggaaatc gagaagctgt ccactctgta 4140 ctggttcacg gtggagttcg ggctgtgtaa gcagaacggg gaggtgaagg cctatggtgc 4200 cgggctgctg tcctcctacg gggagctcct gcactgcctg tctgaggagc ctgagatccg 4260 ggccttcgac cctgaggctg cggccgtgca gccctaccaa gaccagacgt accagtcagt 4320 ctacttcgtg tctgagagct tcagcgacgc caaggacaag ctcaggagct atgccagccg 4380 catccagcgc cccttctccg tgaagttcga cccgtacacc ctggccatcg acgtgctgga 4440 cagcccccag gccgtgcggc gctccctgga gggtgtccag gatgagctgg acacccttgc 4500 ccatgcgctg agcgccatcg gctgagcagt ggcggccgca ctagaggaat tcgcccctct 4560 ccctcccccc cccctaacgt tactggccga agccgcttgg aataaggccg gtgtgtgttt 4620 gtctatatgt gattttccac catattgccg tcttttggca atgtgagggc ccggaaacct 4680 ggccctgtct tcttgacgag cattcctagg ggtctttccc ctctcgccaa aggaatgcaa 4740 ggtctgttga atgtcgtgaa ggaagcagtt cctctggaag cttcttgaag acaaacaacg 4800 tctgtagcga ccctttgcag gcagcggaac cccccacctg gcgacaggtg cctctgcggc 4860 caaaagccac gtgtataaga tacacctgca aaggcggcac aaccccagtg ccacgttgtg 4920 agttggatag ttgtggaaag agtcaaatgg ctctcctcaa gcgtagtcaa caaggggctg 4980 aaggatgccc agaaggtacc ccattgtatg ggaatctgat ctggggcctc ggtgcacatg 5040 ctttacatgt gtttagtcga ggttaaaaaa gctctaggcc ccccgaacca cggggacgtg 5100 gttttccttt gaaaaacacg atgataccat ggacgccagt gagttccgaa ggcgcggcaa 5160 ggagatggtg gactacgtgg ccaactacat ggaaggcatc gagggccgcc aagtctaccc 5220 cgacgtggag cccggctacc tgcgcccgct gatccccgcc gctgcccctc aggagcccga 5280 caccttcgag gacatcatca acgacgtgga gaagatcatc atgcctggcg tgacgcactg 5340 gcacagcccc tacttcttcg cctacttccc caccgccagc tcgtacccgg ccatgctggc 5400 ggacatgctg tgcggggcca ttggctgcat cggcttctcc tgggcggcga gcccagcgtg 5460 caccgagctg gagaccgtga tgatggactg gctcgggaag atgctggagc tcccaaaggc 5520 gttcttgaac gagaaggctg gcgagggggg cggcgtgatc cagggcagcg ccagcgaggc 5580 caccctggtg gccctgctgg ccgctcggac caaagtgatc caccggctgc aggcagcgtc 5640 cccagagctc acccaggccg ctatcatgga gaagctggtg gcttactcct ccgatcaggc 5700 acactcctcc gtggaacgcg ctgggctcat tggtggagtg aagctcaagg ccatccccag 5760 cgatggcaac ttcgccatgc gtgcgagcgc cctgcaggaa gccctggaga gagacaaggc 5820 ggctggcctg attcctttct tcatggtggc caccctgggg accacaacat gctgctcctt 5880 cgacaacctc ctcgaagtcg gtcctatctg caacaaggaa gacatctggc tgcacgttga 5940 tgcagcctac gcaggcagcg cattcatctg ccctgagttc cggcaccttc tgaacggagt 6000 ggagttcgca gatagcttca acttcaatcc ccacaagtgg ctattggtga atttcgactg 6060 cagcgccatg tgggtgaaga agcgcaccga cctcacggga gccttccgcc tggaccccac 6120 ttacctgaag cacagccacc aggattcagg gcttatcact gactaccggc actggcagat 6180 cccactgggc cgcagattcc gcagcttgaa gatgtggttc gtattcagga tgtatggagt 6240 caagggactg caggcttata tccgcaagca tgtccagctg tcccatgagt ttgagtcact 6300 ggtgcgccag gatccccgct ttgaaatctg tgtggaagtc attctggggc ttgtctgctt 6360 tcggctaaag ggttccaaca aagtgaatga agctcttctg caaaggatca acagtgccaa 6420 aaaaatccac ttggttccat gtcacctcag ggacaagttt gtcctgcgct ttgccatctg 6480 ttctcgcacc gtggaatctg cccatgtgca gcgggcctgg gaacacatca aagagctggc 6540 ggccgacgtg ctgcgagcag agagggagta gctcgaaaac ccgctgatca gcctcgactg 6600 tgccttctag ttgccagcca tctgttgttt gcccctcccc cgtgccttcc ttgagaattc 6660 ctcgacgtag atatcttaaa acagctctgg ggttgtaccc accccagagg cccacgtggc 6720 ggctagtact ccggtattgc ggtacctttg tacgcctgtt ttatactccc ttcccccgta 6780 acttagaagc acaatgtcca agttcaatag gagggggtac aaaccagtac caccacgaac 6840 aagcacttct gttcccccgg tgaggctgta taggctgttt ccacggctaa aagcggctga 6900 tccgttatcc gctcatgtac ttcgagaagc ctagtatcac cttggaatct tcgatgcgtt 6960 gcgctcaaca ctcaacccca gagtgtagct taggtcgatg agtctggacg ttcctcaccg 7020 gcgacggtgg tccaggctgc gttggcggcc tacctgtggc ccaaagccac aggacgctag 7080 ttgtgaacaa ggtgtgaaga gcctattgag ctacctgaga gtcctccggc ccctgaatgc 7140 ggctaatcct aaccacggag caggcagtgg caatccagcg accagcctgt cgtaacgcgc 7200 aagttcgtgg cggaaccgac tactttgggt gtccgtgttt ccttttattt ttacaatggc 7260 tgcttatggt gacaatcatt gattgttatc ataaagcaaa ttggattggc catccggtga 7320 gaatttgatt attaaattac tctcttgttg ggattgctcc tttgaaatct tgtgcactca 7380 cacctattgg aattacctca ttgttaaacg cgtctagcta gcgccaccat ggagaagggc 7440 cctgtgcgcg ccccggccga gaagccgcgc ggcgcccgct gcagcaatgg gttccccgag 7500 cgcgacccgc cgcgccccgg gcccagcagg ccggccgaga agcccccgcg ccccgaggcc 7560 aagagcgcgc agcccgcgga cggctggaag ggcgagcgcc cccgcagcga ggaggacaac 7620 gagctgaacc tccctaacct ggccgccgcc tactcctcca tcctgagctc gctgggcgag 7680 aacccccagc ggcaggggct gctcaagacc ccctggaggg cggcctcggc catgcagttc 7740 ttcaccaagg gctaccagga gaccatctca gacgtcctga acgacgctat cttcgacgaa 7800 gatcacgatg agatggtgat cgtgaaggac atagacatgt tctccatgtg cgagcaccac 7860 ctggtgccat ttgtgggaaa ggtccatatc ggctacctgc ctaacaagca ggtcctgggc 7920 ctcagcaagc tggcgaggat tgtggaaatc tatagtagaa gactacaggt tcaggagcgc 7980 cttaccaaac aaattgctgt ggcaatcacg gaagccttgc ggcctgctgg agtcggggtc 8040 gtggtggaag caacacacat gtgtatggtg atgcgaggtg tacagaaaat gaacagcaaa 8100 accgtgacca gcacaatgct gggtgtgttc cgggaggatc caaagactcg ggaagagttc 8160 ctgactctca tcaggagctg aagaattcct cgacagctta tcgataatca acctctggat 8220 tacaaaattt gtgaaagatt gactggtatt cttaactatg ttgctccttt tacgctatgt 8280 ggatacgctg ctttaatgcc tttgtatcat gctattgctt cccgtatggc tttcattttc 8340 tcctccttgt ataaatcctg gttgctgtct ctttatgagg agttgtggcc cgttgtcagg 8400 caacgtggcg tggtgtgcac tgtgtttgct gacgcaaccc ccactggttg gggcattgcc 8460 accacctgtc agctcctttc cgggactttc gctttccccc tccctattgc cacggcggaa 8520 ctcatcgccg cctgccttgc ccgctgctgg acaggggctc ggctgttggg cactgacaat 8580 tccgtggtgt tgtcggggaa atcatcgtcc tttccttggc tgctcgcctg tgttgccacc 8640 tggattctgc gcgggacgtc cttctgctac gtcccttcgg ccctcaatcc agcggacctt 8700 ccttcccgcg gcctgctgcc ggctctgcgg cctcttccgc gtcttcgcct tcgccctcag 8760 acgagtcgga tctccctttg ggccgcctcc ccgcatcgat accgtcgaat tggaagagct 8820 ttaaatcctg gcacatctca tgtatcaatg cctcagtatg tttagaaaaa caagggggga 8880 actgtggggt ttttatgagg ggttttatac aattgggcac tcagattctg cggtctgagt 8940 cccttctctg ctgggctgaa aaggcctttg taataaatat aattctctac tcagtccctg 9000 tctctagttt gtctgttcga gatcctacag agctcatgcc ttggcgtaat catggtcata 9060 gctgtttcct gtgtgaaatt gttatccgct cacaattcca cacaacatac gagccgggag 9120 cataaagtgt aaagcctggg gtgcctaatg agtgagctaa ctcacattaa ttgcgttgcg 9180 ctcactgccc gctttccagt cgggaaacct gtcgtgccag ctgcattaat gaatcggcca 9240 acgcgcgggg agaggcggtt tgcgtattgg gcgctcttcc gcttcctcgc tcactgactc 9300 gctgcgctcg gtcgttcggc tgcggcgagc ggtatcagct cactcaaagg cggtaatacg 9360 gttatccaca gaatcagggg ataacgcagg aaagaacatg tgagcaaaag gccagcaaaa 9420 ggccaggaac cgtaaaaagg ccgcgttgct ggcgtttttc cataggctcc gcccccctga 9480 cgagcatcac aaaaatcgac gctcaagtca gaggtggcga aacccgacag gactataaag 9540 ataccaggcg tttccccctg gaagctccct cgtgcgctct cctgttccga ccctgccgct 9600 taccggatac ctgtccgcct ttctcccttc gggaagcgtg gcgctttctc atagctcacg 9660 ctgtaggtat ctcagttcgg tgtaggtcgt tcgctccaag ctgggctgtg tgcacgaacc 9720 ccccgttcag cccgaccgct gcgccttatc cggtaactat cgtcttgagt ccaacccggt 9780 aagacacgac ttatcgccac tggcagcagc cactggtaac aggattagca gagcgaggta 9840 tgtaggcggt gctacagagt tcttgaagtg gtggcctaac tacggctaca ctagaaggac 9900 agtatttggt atctgcgctc tgctgaagcc agttaccttc ggaaaaagag ttggtagctc 9960 ttgatccggc aaacaaacca ccgctggtag cggtggtttt tttgtttgca agcagcagat 10020 tacgcgcaga aaaaaaggat ctcaagaaga tcctttgatc ttttctacgg ggtctgacgc 10080 tcagtggaac gaaaactcac gttaagggat tttggtcatg agattatcaa aaaggatctt 10140 cacctagatc cttttaaatt aaaaatgaag ttttaaatca atctaaagta tatatgagta 10200 aacttggtct gacagttacc aatgcttaat cagtgaggca cctatctcag cgatctgtct 10260 atttcgttca tccatagttg cctgactccc cgtcgtgtag ataactacga tacgggaggg 10320 cttaccatct ggccccagtg ctgcaatgat accgcgagac ccacgctcac cggctccaga 10380 tttatcagca ataaaccagc cagccggaag ggccgagcgc agaagtggtc ctgcaacttt 10440 atccgcctcc atccagtcta ttaattgttg ccgggaagct agagtaagta gttcgccagt 10500 taatagtttg cgcaacgttg ttgccattgc tacaggcatc gtggtgtcac gctcgtcgtt 10560 tggtatggct tcattcagct ccggttccca acgatcaagg cgagttacat gatcccccat 10620 gttgtgcaaa aaagcggtta gctccttcgg tcctccgatc gttgtcagaa gtaagttggc 10680 cgcagtgtta tcactcatgg ttatggcagc actgcataat tctcttactg tcatgccatc 10740 cgtaagatgc ttttctgtga ctggtgagta ctcaaccaag tcattctgag aatagtgtat 10800 gcggcgaccg agttgctctt gcccggcgtc aatacgggat aataccgcgc cacatagcag 10860 aactttaaaa gtgctcatca ttggaaaacg ttcttcgggg cgaaaactct caaggatctt 10920 accgctgttg agatccagtt cgatgtaacc cactcgtgca cccaactgat cttcagcatc 10980 ttttactttc accagcgttt ctgggtgagc aaaaacagga aggcaaaatg ccgcaaaaaa 11040 gggaataagg gcgacacgga aatgttgaat actcatactc ttcctttttc aatattattg 11100 aagcatttat cagggttatt gtctcatgag cggatacata tttgaatgta tttagaaaaa 11160 taaacaaata ggggttccgc gcacatttcc ccgaaaagtg ccacctaaat tgtaagcgtt 11220 aatattttgt taaaattcgc gttaaatttt tgttaaatca gctcattttt taaccaatag 11280 gccgaaatcg gcaaaatccc ttataaatca aaagaataga ccgagatagg gttgagtgtt 11340 gttccagttt ggaacaagag tccactatta aagaacgtgg actccaacgt caaagggcga 11400 aaaaccgtct atcagggcga tggcccacta cgtgaaccat caccctaatc aagttttttg 11460 gggtcgaggt gccgtaaagc actaaatcgg aaccctaaag ggagcccccg atttagagct 11520 tgacggggaa agccaacctg gcttatcgaa attaatacga ctcactatag ggagaccggc 11580 agatcttgaa taataaaatg tgtgtttgtc cgaaatacgc gt 11622

Die vollständigste Datenbank für Heilkräuter, die von der Wissenschaft unterstützt wird

  • Arbeitet in 55 Sprachen
  • Von der Wissenschaft unterstützte Kräuterkuren
  • Kräutererkennung durch Bild
  • Interaktive GPS-Karte - Kräuter vor Ort markieren (in Kürze)
  • Lesen Sie wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen zu Ihrer Suche
  • Suchen Sie nach Heilkräutern nach ihrer Wirkung
  • Organisieren Sie Ihre Interessen und bleiben Sie über Neuigkeiten, klinische Studien und Patente auf dem Laufenden

Geben Sie ein Symptom oder eine Krankheit ein und lesen Sie über Kräuter, die helfen könnten, geben Sie ein Kraut ein und sehen Sie Krankheiten und Symptome, gegen die es angewendet wird.
* Alle Informationen basieren auf veröffentlichten wissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen

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