Fibronectin deficiency and intestinal transvascular fluid balance during bacteremia.
Reticuloendothelial (RE) clearance dysfunction, which can be induced by opsonic fibronectin deficiency, has been correlated with organ failure during sepsis. We investigate the role of opsonic fibronectin deficiency and RE blockade in modulating alterations in intestinal transvascular fluid balance induced by Pseudomonas bacteremia using an isolated, innervated, and autoperfused canine small intestinal segment. Intravenous infusion of gelatin-coated particles was used to induce fibronectin deficiency and RE blockade. Lymph flow and lymph/plasma (L/P) protein concentration ratios were stable following intravenous challenge with bacteria or gelatin-coated particles. In contrast, lymph flow increased and L/P ratio decreased significantly when bacteremia coexisted with particle-induced opsonic fibronectin deficiency and RE blockade. This elevation in lymph flow and decline in L/P ratio was associated with normal vascular permeability to albumin, IgG, and IgM. The increase in intestinal fluid flux during bacteremia with RE blockade appears to be due to an increase in microvascular hydrostatic pressure and not to an increase in vascular permeability. These findings emphasize a potentially important role for fibronectin and associated RE system function as determinants of fluid filtration during sepsis.