Naturally occurring osteoarthritis in male mice with an extended lifespan.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether pharmacologic treatments or genotypes shown to prolong murine lifespan ameliorate the severity of age-associated osteoarthritis. Materials and Methods: Male UM-HET3 mice were fed diets containing 17-α-estradiol, acarbose, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, or control diet per the National Institute on Aging Interventions Testing Program (ITP) protocol. Findings were compared to genetically long-lived male Ames dwarf mice. Stifles were analyzed histologically with articular cartilage structure (ACS) and safranin O scoring as well as with quantitative histomorphometry. Results: Depending on the experimental group, ITP mice were between 450 and 1150 days old at the time of necropsy and 12-15 animals were studied per group. Two age groups (450 and 750 days) with 16-20 animals per group were used for Ames dwarf studies. No differences were found in the ACS or safranin O scores between treatment and control groups in the ITP study. There was high variability in most of the histologic outcome measures. For example, the older UM-HET3 controls had ACS scores of 6.1 ± 5.8 (mean±SD) and Saf O scores of 6.8 ± 5.6. Nevertheless, 17-α-estradiol mice had larger areas and widths of subchondral bone compared to controls, and dwarf mice had less subchondral bone area and width and less articular cartilage necrosis than non-dwarf controls. Conclusions: UM-HET3 mice developed age-related OA but with a high degree of variability and without a significant effect of the tested ITP treatments. High variability was also seen in the Ames dwarf mice but differences in several measures suggested some protection from OA.