Styryllactones from the rhizomes of Goniothalamus griffithii.
Three new styryl-lactones 8-acetylgoniofufurone(1), 7-acetylgonio-pypyrone(3), and 5-acetylgoniopypyrone(4), along with ten known compounds, goniofufurone(2), goniopypyrone(5), goniothalamin, goniothalenol, (+)-isoaltholactone, goniodiol, 7-acetylgoniodiol, goniotriol, 8-acetylgoniotriol, 9-deoxygoniopypyrone were isolated from the rhizomes of Goniothalamus griffithii Hook f. et. Thoms. Their structures were elucidated by IR, MS, NMR spectra and chemical evidence. All compounds showed cytotoxic activities against human cancer cell lines.