[Treatment of uterine fibroma with goserelin].
The authors evaluated the efficacy of Goserelin, a synthetic GnRh analogue, in 15 patients affected by symptomatic uterine leiomyomata. The answer to treatment has been evaluated on clinical signs, echographically and by serial determinations of FSH, LH, 17 beta estradiol, Cortisol, total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Calcemia, Hb, blood iron, MCHC. Clinical answer showed to be satisfactory, with complete subsiding of menometrorrhagia starting from the 3rd month of treatment, and not reappearing during the six months of follow-up. Ultrasound evaluation showed fibroid volume reduction of 70% at the end of the 6 months treatment, but volumes had increased up to only 22% lower than the starting ones at the end of follow-up. A better volume reduction and lesser growth during follow-up were shown for small fibroids. 17-Beta estradiol, total and HDL cholesterol shifted toward menopausal values, with a trend towards starting values during follow-up. Haemocromocytometric values showed to better even in the absence of target anti-anemic treatment, and the result showed to be kept during follow-up. The Authors conclude that such treatment can be useful in premenopausal women affected by symptomatic fibroids, when the need for treatment is likely to be limited in time.