4 Ergebnisse
Nearly 10% of population suffer from kidney stone disease. Recent review reported that kidney stones represent an underestimated risk factor for further kidney function deterioration, arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. They are furthermore a significant predictor of osteoporotic
Background and rationale
Nephrolithiasis is a disease that could be defined as social, due to its widespread distribution and its continually increasing incidence in industrialized countries with a high standard of living (1). In Italy, it strikes just under 10% of the population, leading to
The epidemic of overweight and obesity in the United States of America along with its comorbidities continues to expand. Bariatric surgery has demonstrated to be the most effective and sustained method to control severe obesity and its comorbidities. For instance, type 2 diabetes mellitus was
Surgical therapy for the morbidly obese began when the jejunocolic anastomosis procedure was performed in 1956 but was modified to a jejunoileal technique years later after intolerable metabolic complications ensued.1, 2 In 1969, Payne recommended that the end to side jejunal-ileal bypass (JIB)