Bilateral intracerebral haemorrhage presenting with supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, bradykinesia and rigidity.
A 70 year old man recovered from a left putamenal haemorrhage in 1984 with a residual mild right hemiparesis. In 1985 he presented following the sudden onset of inability to stand. The clinical findings of supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, bradykinesia and rigidity resembled those of progressive supranuclear palsy. CT scan revealed a recent haemorrhage deep in the right hemisphere white matter in addition to a low density change in the left basal ganglia reflecting the site of previous haemorrhage. The patient's course was uncomplicated and the ophthalmoplegia resolved. Bradykinesia and rigidity persist. This case illustrates an unusual clinical presentation of bilateral intracerebral haemorrhage with supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, bradykinesia and rigidity.