[Katayama fever in Spanish tourists: analysis of 25 cases].
Awareness about the clinical presentation and the clinical and terapeutical management of acute schistosomiasis in the non immune traveller.
Febrile patients with epidemiological history of swimming in endemic areas. Prospective protocol 1984-1999.
21% of patients with a diagnosis of schistosomiasis developed the Katayamna syndrome. Nine patients had also a clinical picture of swimmer's itch dermatitis. Diagnosis was suspected on the basis of epidemiology, fever and eosinophilia. Diagnostic confirmation was established through serology in 10 cases and parasitology in 11. In 2 cases both methods were positive.
Fever and eosinophilia after being exposed to infested waters should rise alarm on the syndrome. Availability of serological tests with an earlier positivization and badly needed at present. In Spain two trips, to Mali (Dogon country) and Uganda, are responsible for 75% of the infections. The subject should be introduced routinely in our travellers clinics.