Nonspecific immunoglobulin E in aqueous humor: evaluation in uveitis.
The levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in aqueous humor (AH) and serum were determined in 74 uveitis patients and 13 control patients with senile cataract. Uveitis patients' levels ranged from less than 0.06 to 460 IU/ml according to the paper radioimmunosorbent test (PRIST; limit of sensitivity, 0.06 IU/ml). Only one control patient had an AH level higher than the sensitivity limit (0.08 IU/ml). Of the five patients with the highest levels in the AH, four had toxocaral retinitis. The ratio of AH/serum to IgE normalized to the albumin concentration was calculated in 25 uveitis patients and was greater than 0.60 in 13 cases, indicating a possible intraocular IgE synthesis.