The agar-albumin sandwich technique for processing retinal biopsy specimens.
Retinal biopsy may be useful procedure in the diagnosis of certain cases of infectious retinitis complicated by retinal detachment. The small, delicate pieces of retina obtained by retinal biopsy are difficult to handle and prepare for histologic processing. The tissue is friable, may curl upon itself, and is often lost during normal processing. Routine methods for handling small biopsy specimens of other tissues are inadequate for preparing retinal specimens. We developed an agar-albumin tissue mount for the sterile recovery and transport of small pieces of retina from the operative field to the laboratory. The agar-albumin sandwich mount facilitates tissue processing without interfering with histologic sectioning or interpretation. The ability to recover small, friable pieces of retina in a manner that allows good histologic examination is essential if retinal biopsy specimens are to be used in the diagnosis and management of patients with infectious retinitis where the causative agent is unclear.