6 Αποτελέσματα
Twig-nesting species of bees in the genus Centris including C. bicornuta, C. analis, C. vittata, and C. nitida, found in the dry forest of Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica, provision their nests with pollen and nectar, rather than pollen and oil as reported for other Centris species. The liquid
Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss. is popularly known as "murici pequeno" and is native to the Brazilian Cerrado. This species has been used as an antimicrobial, anti-hemorrhagic, anti-diarrheal and anti-inflammatory. Nevertheless, scientific information regarding Byrsonima intermedia is
In recent years, the fruits of native Brazilian plant species with anti-inflammatory property have gained prominence due to their properties comparable to traditional medicines. This study aimed to chemically characterize and evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antihyperalgesic activity of Byrsonima
The leaves of Byrsonima verbascifolia (Malpighiaceae) are traditionally used to treat various diseases including inflammatory conditions. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of the polar constituents from the butanolic fraction of B. verbascifolia
Brazilian native fruits (BNF) have aroused interest of researchers and consumers for their great human health benefits. In this study, five BNF (Byrsonima lancifolia, Campomanesia phaea, Jacaratia spinosa, Solanum alternatopinnatum and Acnistus arborescens) were tested for their polyphenolic
The Neotropical bee Centris (Hemisiella) dichrootricha is a solitary bee that nests in pre-existing cavities that occur in the rain forest. This study describes the nesting biology of C. dichrootricha and its preference for nesting in Cerrado and gallery forest habitats. The study was conducted from