5 Αποτελέσματα
Due to the problems caused by Hormone Replacement Therapy with chemical entities, some medicinal plants used in the traditional systems of medicine have shown immense potential in non-hormonal treatment of menopausal symptoms without major adverse events. We hypothesize that Menopause Relief EP-40
Rhodiola rosea is an herbal medicine used for centuries in various medical conditions. Many randomized controlled trials have evaluated its usefulness in stress and fatigue. There were benefits in attention in some of these studies. Mild side effects and beneficial antioxidant properties make
The evaluation of new therapies in adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be clinically useful. Rhodiola rosea is an herbal medicine used for centuries in various medical conditions. Many randomized controlled trials have evaluated its usefulness in stress and fatigue. There
The number of people traveling to altitude for work or for recreation is rising, and increased media attention towards these activities has also raised the profile of altitude related illness. The most effective preventive measure for acute mountain sickness (AMS)-gradual ascent-is frequently