Haitian Creole

MM-398 (Nanoliposomal Irinotecan, Nal-IRI) to Determine Tumor Drug Levels and to Evaluate the Feasibility of Ferumoxytol Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Measure Tumor Associated Macrophages and to Predict Patient Response to Treatment

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This is a Phase I study to understand the biodistribution of MM-398 and to determine the feasibility of using Ferumoxytol as a tumor imaging agent.


This study is conducted over two phases.

Pilot Phase: This study will enroll approximately 12 patients, up to 20 in total in the Pilot Phase and 30 patients in the Expansion Phase. The first three patients that are enrolled in the Pilot Phase can have any solid tumor type; however subsequent patients must have Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Colorectal cancer (CRC), Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), Estrogen Receptor/Progesterone Receptor (ER/PR) positive breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, gastric cancer, gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma or head and neck cancer. No more than three patients with ER/PR positive breast cancer can be enrolled in the Pilot Phase and similar restrictions may be placed on other tumor types to ensure a heterogeneous population.

Expansion Phase: The expansion will enroll patients with advanced metastatic breast cancer into three cohorts of 10 patients each depending on sub-type of breast cancer:

Cohort 1: ER and/or PR-positive breast cancer Cohort 2: TNBC Cohort 3: BC with active brain metastasis


Last Verified: 10/31/2019
First Submitted: 12/18/2012
Estimated Enrollment Submitted: 01/14/2013
First Posted: 01/16/2013
Last Update Submitted: 11/14/2019
Last Update Posted: 11/26/2019
Date of first submitted results: 10/01/2019
Date of first submitted QC results: 10/01/2019
Date of first posted results: 10/27/2019
Actual Study Start Date: 10/31/2012
Estimated Primary Completion Date: 10/01/2018
Estimated Study Completion Date: 10/01/2018

Condition or disease

Solid Tumors
ER/PR Positive Breast Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Metastatic Breast Cancer With Active Brain Metastasis


Drug: Ferumoxytol

Drug: MM-398


Phase 1

Arm Groups

Experimental: Pilot Phase: Ferumoxytol followed by MM-398
Ferumoxytol 5 mg/kg IV at the rate of 1 mL/sec, given once on Day 1. MM-398 IV over 90 min on Days 1 and 15 of every 4 week cycle
Experimental: Expansion Phase: Ferumoxytol followed by MM-398
Ferumoxytol 5 mg/kg IV at the rate of 1 mL/sec, given once on Day 1. MM-398 IV over 90 min dose 1 on Days 1 and 15 of every 4 week cycle Cohort 1: ER and/or PR-positive BC Cohort 2: TNBC Cohort 3: BC with active brain metastasis

Eligibility Criteria

Ages Eligible for Study 18 Years To 18 Years
Sexes Eligible for StudyAll
Accepts Healthy VolunteersYes

Inclusion Criteria:

All subjects:

- Pathologically confirmed diagnosis of solid tumors

- Metastatic disease

- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status 0 to 1

- Adequate bone marrow, hepatic and renal function

- Normal Electrocardiogram (ECG)

- 18 years of age or above

- Able to understand and sign informed consent

Pilot study only:

- CRC, TNBC, ER/PR Breast Cancer, NSCLC, Pancreatic Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Gastroesophageal Junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma, Head and Neck Cancer

Expansion Phase Additional Criteria:

- Locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer

- Received at least one cytotoxic therapy in the locally advanced and metastatic setting

- Received ≤ 5 prior lines of chemotherapy in the metastatic setting

- Candidate for chemotherapy

Expansion Phase Cohort 3 additional inclusion criteria:

- Breast cancer with active brain metastasis

- Neurologically stable

Exclusion Criteria:

- Active Central nervous system (CNS) metastasis (applies to pilot phase and expansion phase cohort 1 and 2 only)

- Clinically significant GI disorders

- Prior irinotecan or bevacizumab therapy within last 6 months and for Expansion Phase patients, have received any prior treatment with Topol inhibitor

- Known hypersensitivity to MM-398 or ferumoxytol

- Inability to undergo MRI

- Active infection

- Pregnant or breast feeding

- Prior chemotherapy administered within 3 weeks, or within a time interval less than at least 5 half-lives of the agent, whichever is longer, prior to the first scheduled day of dosing in this study

- Received radiation therapy in the last 14 days

- Treated with parenteral iron in the previous 4 weeks


Primary Outcome Measures

1. Pilot Phase: Tumour Levels of Irinotecan and SN-38 at Cycle 1 Day 4 [At Cycle 1 Day 4 in the Pilot phase.]

Two tumour biopsies were collected 72 hours after the first MM-398 IV infusion during Cycle 1 of the MM-398 Treatment phase of the Pilot phase for determination of tumour levels of irinotecan and SN-38 (an active metabolite). The lesions selected for biopsy were based on the results of the FMX-MRI obtained on Days 1, 2 and 4 of the FMX phase, and were collected from a previously non-biopsied lesion. The first core biopsy was taken in the region of the tumour that showed the greatest signal change on either the T2 or T1 sequences, based on FMX-MRI. The second core biopsy was taken from the region that showed the least signal change based on FMX-MRI, avoiding areas of necrosis.

2. Expansion Phase: Impact of the Quality of MRI Scan on Tumour Evaluation [Expansion phase Cycle 1: Pre FMX dose, 1-4 hours post FMX dose, 16-24 hours post FMX dose, 2 weeks Post FMX dose.]

Feasibility of FMX quantitation in tumour lesion was assessed through the acquisition of baseline (pre-FMX dose) and follow-up (post FMX dose) scans of sufficient quality to enable quantitative analysis to be performed. Quality was assessed by summarising scans as adequate for tumour evaluation or suboptimal but for which evaluation was completed for evaluation. Two FMX-MRI scans were taken on Day 1 (pre-FMX dosing) and on Day 2 (16-24 hours post dose) of the FMX phase. One MRI scan was also taken at 1-4 hours post FMX dose (Day 1 of FMX phase) and at 2 weeks post FMX dose (Day 15 of the MM-398 phase). It was possible for a subject to have 2 FMX-MRI scans for the same visit and timepoint corresponding to a scan target location. The number of MRI scan results that were assessed to be adequate or suboptimal at each timepoint are presented.

3. Expansion Phase: Best Overall Tumour Response (BOR) by Tumour FMX Uptake Classification at 16 - 24 Hours Post-FMX Dose [Expansion phase: C1D2 FMX phase, and every 8 weeks for RECIST assessments from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

FMX tumour uptake was classified as 'low tumour uptake' or 'high tumour uptake', and was determined for 16 to 24-hours post-FMX dosing. The FMX uptake in a subject's lesions was classified using the median of the baseline-corrected FMX values at that timepoint across all subjects. The best radiological overall tumour response to MM-398 from the beginning to the end of the study was assessed using both the Investigator and imaging results per Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours (RECIST) version 1.1 (Non-central nervous system [CNS] assessments; Cohorts 1, 2 and 3). Tumour response was classified as a Complete Response (CR), Partial Response (PR), Stable Disease (SD) or Progressive Disease (PD). BOR is presented by tumour uptake classification at 16-24 hours post-FMX dose by cohort for the non-CNS RECIST assessment.

Secondary Outcome Measures

1. Pilot Phase + Expansion Phase: Median Progression-free Survival (PFS) (Non-CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

PFS was defined as the time in months from first dose of MM-398 to the date of radiologic disease progression by RECIST per Investigator assessment or death due to any cause, whichever occurred first. The date of progression is defined as the earliest date that an overall tumour response of PD or death was recorded. For subjects who did not have a qualifying progressive disease or death, the date of censoring for PFS was the date when the last valid tumour assessment determined a lack of progression. The PFS assessed by the Investigator was analysed using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the median PFS based on non-CNS assessment is presented.

2. Expansion Phase: Median PFS for Cohort 3 (CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

PFS was defined as the time in months from first dose of MM-398 to the date of radiologic disease progression by modified RECIST (mRECIST) criteria (CNS disease; Cohort 3) per Investigator assessment or death due to any cause, whichever occurred first. The date of progression is defined as the earliest date that an overall tumour response of PD or death was recorded. For subjects who did not have a qualifying progressive disease or death, the date of censoring for PFS was the date when the last valid tumour assessment determined a lack of progression. The PFS assessed by the Investigator was analysed using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the median PFS based on CNS mRECIST assessment is provided for Cohort 3.

3. Pilot Phase + Expansion Phase: BOR (Non-CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

BOR was defined as the best response by RECIST version 1.1 (Non-CNS assessments) criteria per Investigator assessment, recorded from the first dose of MM-398 until disease progression or the start of new anti-cancer therapy and/or surgery. Tumour response was classified as CR, PR, SD or PD. Classification of SD required at least 1 assessment of SD at least 4 weeks after starting treatment. Subjects were categorised as not evaluable if there was insufficient data for response classification. The BOR is presented for non-CNS assessments for the Pilot phase and Cohorts 1 - 3.

4. Expansion Phase: BOR for Cohort 3 (CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

BOR was defined as the best response by mRECIST criteria (CNS disease; Cohort 3) criteria per Investigator assessment, recorded from the first dose of MM-398 until disease progression or the start of new anti-cancer therapy and/or surgery. Tumour response was classified as CR, PR, SD or PD. Classification of SD required at least 1 assessment of SD at least 4 weeks after starting treatment. Subjects were categorised as not evaluable if there was insufficient data for response classification. The BOR is presented for CNS assessments for Cohort 3.

5. Pilot Phase + Expansion Phase: Objective Response Rate (ORR) (Non-CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

The ORR was defined as the percentage of subjects with a BOR of either a CR or PR relative to the total number of evaluable subjects. Subjects with insufficient data for response classification were classified as non-responders for objective response. The ORR is presented for non-CNS assessments for the Pilot phase and Cohorts 1 - 3.

6. Expansion Phase: ORR for Cohort 3 (CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

The ORR was defined as the percentage of subjects with a BOR of either a CR or PR relative to the total number of evaluable subjects. Subjects with insufficient data for response classification were classified as non-responders for objective response. The ORR is presented for CNS assessments for Cohort 3.

7. Pilot Phase + Expansion Phase: Median Duration of Objective Response (DOR) (Non-CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

DOR was defined as the time from first documentation of response (CR or PR whichever occurred first, based on Investigator assessment using RECIST criteria) to the date of disease progression or to death due to any cause, whichever occurred first. DOR was computed for subjects who had CR or PR as the BOR. For subjects who did not have a qualifying progressive disease or death, the date of censoring was the date when the last valid tumour assessment determined a lack of progression. The median DOR is presented for non-CNS assessments for the Pilot phase and Cohorts 1-3.

8. Expansion Phase: Median DOR for Cohort 3 (CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

DOR was defined as the time from first documentation of response (CR or PR whichever occurred first, based on Investigator assessment using mRECIST criteria) to the date of disease progression or to death due to any cause, whichever occurred first. DOR was computed for subjects who had CR or PR as the BOR. For subjects who did not have a qualifying progressive disease or death, the date of censoring was the date when the last valid tumour assessment determined a lack of progression. The median DOR is presented for CNS assessments for Cohort 3.

9. Pilot Phase + Expansion Phase: Clinical Benefit Response (CBR) (Non-CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

CBR was defined as the percentage of subjects with a BOR characterised as a CR at any time, PR at any time, or SD ≥ 24 weeks relative to the total number of evaluable subjects. The CBR is presented for non-CNS assessments.

10. Expansion Phase: CBR for Cohort 3 (CNS Assessment) [Baseline and every 8 weeks from C1D1 until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent.]

CBR was defined as the percentage of subjects with a BOR characterised as a CR at any time, PR at any time, or SD ≥ 24 weeks relative to the total number of evaluable subjects. The CBR is presented for CNS assessment for Cohort 3.

11. Pilot Phase + Expansion Phase: Number of Subjects Who Experienced Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) Related to MM-398 [From MM-398 treatment start up to 30 days after last dose.]

The number of subjects who experienced a TEAE reported to be related to MM-398 by the Investigator are presented for the Pilot and Expansion phases. An AE was considered treatment emergent if it began on or after the first administration of MM-398, started prior to dosing with MM-398 and increased in severity or seriousness after dosing, or started prior to dosing of MM-398 but the causality changed to 'related' after dosing.

12. Pilot Phase: Time to Reach Maximum Plasma Concentration of Irinotecan and SN-38 (Tmax) [Pilot phase: C1D1 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 72, 168 hours); C1D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

In Cycle 1 only of the Pilot phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of total irinotecan (liposomal and free drug) and SN-38 (metabolite) in plasma following a dose of 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (80 mg/m^2 MM-398 salt-base equivalent [SBE]). The pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for irinotecan was 0.140 micrograms per millilitre (mcg/mL), and for SN-38 the LLOQ for the Pilot phase was 0.441 nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL). The median tmax is presented for the Pilot phase.

13. Expansion Phase: Irinotecan and SN-38 Tmax [Expansion phase: Cycles 1-3 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 48,168 hours); D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

For the Expansion phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of total irinotecan (liposomal and free drug) and SN-38 (metabolite) in plasma and data is presented for Cycles 1 to 3 by dose received for each cycle (depending on dose titration): 35 to 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (40 to 80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for irinotecan was 0.140 mcg/mL and for SN-38 the LLOQ for the Expansion phase was 0.600 ng/mL. The median tmax is presented for dose levels in the Expansion phase for which data was collected. PK results for subjects in all cohorts of the Expansion Phase were combined for those on the same cycle and at the same dose. The total number of subjects evaluated in the PK set for the Expansion Phase was 21, with different numbers evaluated for each cycle/dose.

14. Pilot Phase: Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration of Irinotecan (Cmax) [Pilot phase: C1D1 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 72, 168 hours); C1D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

In Cycle 1 only of the Pilot phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of total irinotecan (liposomal and free drug) in plasma following a dose of 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for irinotecan was 0.140 mcg/mL. The mean Cmax is presented for the Pilot phase.

15. Pilot Phase: SN-38 Cmax [Pilot phase: C1D1 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 72, 168 hours); C1D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

In Cycle 1 only of the Pilot phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of SN-38 (metabolite) in plasma following a dose of 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for SN-38 for the Pilot phase was 0.441 ng/mL. The mean Cmax is presented for the Pilot phase.

16. Expansion Phase: Irinotecan Cmax [Expansion phase: Cycles 1-3 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 48,168 hours); D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

For the Expansion phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of total irinotecan (liposomal and free drug) in plasma and data is presented for Cycles 1 to 3 by dose received for each cycle (depending on dose titration): 35 to 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (40 to 80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for irinotecan was 0.140 mcg/mL. The mean Cmax is presented for the Expansion phase. PK results for subjects in all cohorts of the Expansion Phase were combined for those on the same cycle and at the same dose. The total number of subjects evaluated in the PK set for the Expansion Phase was 21, with different numbers evaluated for each cycle/dose.

17. Expansion Phase: SN-38 Cmax [Expansion phase: Cycles 1-3 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 48,168 hours); D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

For the Expansion phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of SN-38 (metabolite) in plasma and data is presented for Cycles 1 to 3 by dose received for each cycle (depending on dose titration): 35 to 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (40 to 80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for SN-38 for the Expansion phase was 0.600 ng/mL. The mean Cmax is presented for dose levels in the Expansion phase for which data was collected. PK results for subjects in all cohorts of the Expansion Phase were combined for those on the same cycle and at the same dose. The total number of subjects evaluated in the PK set for the Expansion Phase was 21, with different numbers evaluated for each cycle/dose.

18. Pilot Phase: Area Under the Plasma Concentration Time Curve From Time Zero to Last Quantifiable Concentration (AUC[0-tlast]) for Irinotecan [Pilot phase: C1D1 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 72, 168 hours); C1D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

In Cycle 1 only of the Pilot phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of total irinotecan (liposomal and free drug) in plasma following a dose of 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for irinotecan was 0.140 mcg/mL. The mean AUC(0-tlast) is presented for the Pilot phase.

19. Pilot Phase: SN-38 AUC(0-tlast) [Pilot phase: C1D1 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 72, 168 hours); C1D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

In Cycle 1 only of the Pilot phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of SN-38 (metabolite) in plasma following a dose of 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for SN-38 for the Pilot phase was 0.441 ng/mL. The mean AUC(0-tlast) is presented for the Pilot phase.

20. Expansion Phase: Irinotecan AUC(0-tlast) [Expansion phase: Cycles 1-3 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 48,168 hours); D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

For the Expansion phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of total irinotecan (liposomal and free drug) in plasma and data is presented for Cycles 1 to 3 by dose received for each cycle (depending on dose titration): 35 to 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (40 to 80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for irinotecan was 0.140 mcg/mL. The mean AUC(0-tlast) is presented for the Expansion phase. PK results for subjects in all cohorts of the Expansion Phase were combined for those on the same cycle and at the same dose. The total number of subjects evaluated in the PK set for the Expansion Phase was 21, with different numbers evaluated for each cycle/dose.

21. Expansion Phase: SN-38 AUC(0-tlast) [Expansion phase: Cycles 1-3 pre-MM-398 infusion, end of infusion, post-infusion (2, 48,168 hours); D15 pre-infusion; 30 days follow-up visit.]

For the Expansion phase, samples were collected to determine the levels of SN-38 (metabolite) in plasma and data is presented for Cycles 1 to 3 by dose received for each cycle (depending on dose titration): 35 to 70 mg/m^2 MM-398 FBE (40 to 80 mg/m^2 MM-398 SBE). The PK analysis was based on non-compartmental analysis. Any plasma concentrations below the LLOQ were assigned as missing/zero in the data set according to predetermined rules. The LLOQ for SN-38 for the Expansion phase was 0.600 ng/mL. The mean AUC(0-tlast) is presented for dose levels in the Expansion phase for which data was collected. PK results for subjects in all cohorts of the Expansion Phase were combined for those on the same cycle and at the same dose. The total number of subjects evaluated in the PK set for the Expansion Phase was 21, with different numbers evaluated for each cycle/dose.

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