Haitian Creole

capsicum assamicum/nicotine

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First Report of Tobacco curly shoot virus Infecting Pepper in China.

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In recent years, whitefly-transmitted begomovirues (family Geminiviridae) have caused severe leaf curl disease on tobacco and tomato in southern China, but have not been found on pepper. In August 2009, pepper plants (Capsicum frutescens) grown in the field in Panzhihua City of Sichuan Province

Heterology expression of the sweet pepper CBF3 gene confers elevated tolerance to chilling stress in transgenic tobacco.

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Various studies have confirmed that the CBF (C-repeat binding factor) family of transcription factors has a key role in regulating many plants' responses to cold stress. Here we isolated CBF3 from sweet pepper (Capsicum frutescens). Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein of CfCBF3 was

First Report of Tobacco mild green mosaic virus in Capsicum chinense in Venezuela.

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In July 2003, noticeable deformations of leaves were observed on a local variety of Capsicum chinense, also called 'Aji dulce', from a pepper plantation located in Venezuela, (Monagas State). 'Aji dulce' is a basic ingredient of the Venezuelan gastronomy with an estimated cultivated area of 2,000

Functional validation of Capsicum frutescens aminotransferase gene involved in vanillylamine biosynthesis using Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation studies in Nicotiana tabacum and Capsicum frutescens calli cultures.

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Capsaicinoid biosynthesis involves the participation of two substrates viz. vanillylamine and C(9)-C(11) fatty acid moieties. Vanillylamine which is a derivative of vanillin is synthesized through a transaminase reaction in the phenylpropanoid pathway of capsaicinoid synthesis. Here we report the

Response of transgenic tobacco overexpressing the CchGLP gene to cadmium and aluminium: phenotypic and microRNAs expression changes.

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Transgenic tobacco (N. tabacum cv. Xanthi nc) expressing Capsicum chinenseCchGLP gene that encodes an Mn-SOD, constitutively produces hydrogen peroxide that increase endogenous ROS levels. Previous studies using these plants against geminivirus infections as well as drought

Capsicum annuum tobacco mosaic virus-induced clone 1 expression perturbation alters the plant's response to ethylene and interferes with the redox homeostasis.

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Capsicum annuum tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-induced clone 1 (CaTin1) gene was expressed early during incompatible interaction of hot pepper (Caspsicum annuum) plants with TMV and Xanthomonas campestris. RNA-blot analysis showed that CaTin1 gene was expressed only in roots in untreated plants and

Stereoselective degradation of benalaxyl in tomato, tobacco, sugar beet, capsicum, and soil.

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The stereoselective degradation of the racemic benalaxyl in vegetables such as tomato, tobacco, sugar beet, capsicum, and the soil has been investigated. The two enantiomers of benalaxyl in the matrix were extracted by organic solvent and determined by validated chiral high-performance liquid

First Report of Tobacco mild green mosaic virus Infecting Capsicum annuum in Tunisia.

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During the springs of 2007 and 2008, leaf deformations as well as symptoms of mild green and chlorotic mosaic were observed on pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants grown in Monastir (northwest Tunisia) and Kebili (southeast Tunisia). With the support of projects A/5269/06 and A/8584/07 from the Spanish

Comparative Evaluation of Disease Induced by Three Strains of Tobacco etch virus in Capsicum annuum L.

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Tobacco etch virus (TEV; genus Potyvirus) strains HAT, Mex21, and N were evaluated comparatively for their pathogenicity and effects on growth of Capsicum annuum L. 'Calwonder'. Each TEV strain induced an initial systemic symptom of vein-clearing but subsequent disease symptoms ranged from mild

Effects of orally administered capsaicin, the principal component of capsicum fruits, on the in vitro metabolism of the tobacco-specific nitrosamine NNK in hamster lung and liver microsomes.

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Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) is the principal component in Capsicum fruits consumed worldwide as a food additive. Capsaicin is known for its hot, pungent qualities. The tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) is viewed as an important

Capsicum annuum WRKY transcription factor d (CaWRKYd) regulates hypersensitive response and defense response upon Tobacco mosaic virus infection.

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WRKY transcription factors regulate biotic, abiotic, and developmental processes. In terms of plant defense, WRKY factors have important roles as positive and negative regulators via transcriptional regulation or protein-protein interaction. Here, we report the characterization of the gene encoding

The ethylene-responsive factor like protein 1 (CaERFLP1) of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) interacts in vitro with both GCC and DRE/CRT sequences with different binding affinities: possible biological roles of CaERFLP1 in response to pathogen infection and high salinity conditions in transgenic tobacco plants.

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From a pathogen-inoculated hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Pukang) leaf EST, we identified a cDNA clone, pCaERFLP1, encoding a putative transcription factor that contains a single ERF/AP2 DNA binding domain. CaERFLP1 was most closely related to tomato LeERF2 (73%), both of which belong to the

Functional study of Capsicum annuum fatty acid desaturase 1 cDNA clone induced by Tobacco mosaic virus via microarray and virus-induced gene silencing.

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A series of microarray analyses employing the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of hot pepper was conducted in an effort to elucidate the molecular mechanisms inherent to hypersensitive response (HR) by viral or bacterial pathogens. There were 2535 ESTs exhibiting differential expression (over 2-fold

A new virus-induced gene silencing vector based on Euphorbia mosaic virus-Yucatan peninsula for NPR1 silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana and Capsicum annuum var. Anaheim.

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Virus-induced gene silencing is based on the sequence-specific degradation of RNA. Here, a gene silencing vector derived from EuMV-YP, named pEuMV-YP:ΔAV1, was used to silence ChlI and NPR1 genes in Nicotiana benthamiana. The silencing of the ChlI transcripts was efficient in the stems, petioles and

Ectopic expression of Capsicum-specific cell wall protein Capsicum annuum senescence-delaying 1 (CaSD1) delays senescence and induces trichome formation in Nicotiana benthamiana.

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Secreted proteins are known to have multiple roles in plant development, metabolism, and stress response. In a previous study to understand the roles of secreted proteins, Capsicum annuum secreted proteins (CaS) were isolated by yeast secretion trap. Among the secreted proteins, we further
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