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phyla/arabidopsis thaliana

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Biochemical characterization of a chloroplast localized fatty acid reductase from Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Primary long-chain fatty alcohols are present in a variety of phyla. In eukaryotes, the production of fatty alcohols is catalyzed by fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) enzymes that convert fatty acyl-CoAs or acyl-ACPs into fatty alcohols. Here, we report on the biochemical properties of a purified plant

Plant photoreceptors: phylogenetic overview.

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Plants possess photoreceptors to perceive light which controls most aspects of their lives. Three photoreceptor families are well characterized: cryptochromes (crys), phototropins (phots), and phytochromes (phys). Two putative families have been identified more recently: Zeitlupes (ZTLs) and UV-B

Contribution of sponge genes to unravel the genome of the hypothetical ancestor of Metazoa (Urmetazoa).

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Recently the term Urmetazoa, as the hypothetical metazoan ancestor, was introduced to highlight the finding that all metazoan phyla including the Porifera (sponges) are derived from one common ancestor. Sponges as the evolutionarily oldest, still extant phylum, are provided with a complex network of

Polycomb-group mediated epigenetic mechanisms through plant evolution.

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Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins form an epigenetic "memory system", conserved in both plants and animals, controlling global gene expression during development via histone modifications. The role of PcG proteins in plants was primarily explored in Arabidopsis thaliana, where PcG regulation of

Phylogenetic footprints in fern spore- and seed-specific gene promoters.

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Spermatophyte seed-storage proteins have descended from a group of proteins involved in cellular desiccation/hydration processes. Conserved protein structures are found across all plant phyla and in the fungi and Archaea. We investigated whether conservation in the coding region sequence is

Acidobacteria strains from subdivision 1 act as plant growth-promoting bacteria.

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Acidobacteria is one of the most abundant phyla in soils and has been detected in rhizosphere mainly based on cultivation-independent approaches such as 16S rRNA gene survey. Although putative interaction of Acidobacteria with plants was suggested, so far no plant-bacterial interactions were shown.

Pathogen-triggered ethylene signaling mediates systemic-induced susceptibility to herbivory in Arabidopsis.

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Multicellular eukaryotic organisms are attacked by numerous parasites from diverse phyla, often simultaneously or sequentially. An outstanding question in these interactions is how hosts integrate signals induced by the attack of different parasites. We used a model system comprised of the plant

Can cyanobacteria serve as a model of plant photorespiration? - a comparative meta-analysis of metabolite profiles.

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Photorespiration is a process that is crucial for the survival of oxygenic phototrophs in environments that favour the oxygenation reaction of Rubisco. While photorespiration is conserved among cyanobacteria, algae, and embryophytes, it evolved to different levels of complexity in these phyla. The

S-nitrosylation of AtSABP3 antagonizes the expression of plant immunity.

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Changes in cellular redox status are a well established response across phyla following pathogen challenge. In this context, the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) is a conspicuous feature of plants responding to attempted microbial infection and this redox-based regulator underpins the development of

Duplicated RGS (Regulator of G-protein signaling) proteins exhibit conserved biochemical but differential transcriptional regulation of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling in Brassica species.

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G-alpha (Gα) and 'Regulator of G-protein Signaling (RGS)' proteins are the two key components primarily involved in regulation of heterotrimeric G-proteins signaling across phyla. Unlike Arabidopsis thaliana, our knowledge about G-protein regulation in polyploid Brassica species is sparse. In this

Isozymes of plant hexokinase: occurrence, properties and functions.

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Hexokinase (HK) occurs in all phyla, as an enzyme of the glycolytic pathway. Its importance in plant metabolism has emerged with compelling evidence that its preferential substrate, glucose, is both a nutrient and a signal molecule that controls development and expression of different classes of

Thiamine pyrophosphate riboswitch in some representative plant species: a bioinformatics study.

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Metabolites regulate their own production by directly interacting with highly conserved regions of mRNA that are capable of forming discrete tertiary structures. Such regions of mRNA are called riboswitches. The thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) riboswitch is the most common riboswitch in different

A synthetic community approach reveals plant genotypes affecting the phyllosphere microbiota.

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The identity of plant host genetic factors controlling the composition of the plant microbiota and the extent to which plant genes affect associated microbial populations is currently unknown. Here, we use a candidate gene approach to investigate host effects on the phyllosphere community

Phylogenetic and genetic linkage between novel atypical dual-specificity phosphatases from non-metazoan organisms.

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Dual-specificity phosphatases (DSPs) constitute a large protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family, with examples in distant evolutive phyla. PFA-DSPs (Plant and Fungi Atypical DSPs) are a group of atypical DSPs present in plants, fungi, kinetoplastids, and slime molds, the members of which share

Unproductive alternative splicing and nonsense mRNAs: a widespread phenomenon among plant circadian clock genes.

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BACKGROUND Recent mapping of eukaryotic transcriptomes and spliceomes using massively parallel RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has revealed that the extent of alternative splicing has been considerably underestimated. Evidence also suggests that many pre-mRNAs undergo unproductive alternative splicing
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