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Iodotyrosine deiodinase: a unique flavoprotein present in organisms of diverse phyla.

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Iodide is required for thyroid hormone synthesis in mammals and other vertebrates. The role of both iodide and iodinated tyrosine derivatives is currently unknown in lower organisms, yet the presence of a key enzyme in iodide conservation, iodotyrosine deiodinase (IYD), is suggested by genomic data

Receptor tyrosine kinase, an autapomorphic character of metazoa: identification in marine sponges.

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In the present review we summarize sequence data obtained from cloning of sponge receptor tyrosine kinases [RTK]. The cDNA sequences were mainly obtained from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium. RTKs (i) with immunoglobulin [Ig]-like domains in the extracellular region, (ii) of the type of

Protein tyrosine phosphatase domains from the protochordate Styela plicata.

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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation is an important regulatory mechanism in cell physiology. While the protein tyrosine kinase (PTKase) family has been extensively studied, only six protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) have been described. By Southern blot analysis, genomic DNA from several

The evolution of tyrosine-recombinase elements in Nematoda.

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Transposable elements can be categorised into DNA and RNA elements based on their mechanism of transposition. Tyrosine recombinase elements (YREs) are relatively rare and poorly understood, despite sharing characteristics with both DNA and RNA elements. Previously, the Nematoda have been reported to

Evolution of the src-related protein tyrosine kinases.

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A phylogenetic analysis of src-related protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) showed that one group of these genes is quite ancient in the animals, its divergence predating the divergence of the diploblast and triploblast phyla. Three other major groupings of genes were found to predate the divergence of

New insights into biodrying mechanism associated with tryptophan and tyrosine degradations during sewage sludge biodrying.

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Sewage sludge biodrying is a treatment that uses bio-heat generated from organic degradation to remove water from sewage sludge. Dewatering is still limited during biodrying, due to the presence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in sludge. To study the biodrying mechanism associated with

The regulated expression of chimeric tyrosine hydroxylase-insulin transcripts during early development.

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Biological complexity does not appear to be simply correlated with gene number but rather other mechanisms contribute to the morphological and functional diversity across phyla. Such mechanisms regulate different transcriptional, translational and post-translational processes and include the

The family of Caenorhabditis elegans tyrosine kinase receptors: similarities and differences with mammalian receptors.

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Transmembrane receptors with tyrosine kinase activity (RTK) constitute a superfamily of proteins present in all metazoans that is associated with the control and regulation of cellular processes. They have been the focus of numerous studies and are a good subject for comparative analyses of

Multiple protein tyrosine phosphatases in sponges and explosive gene duplication in the early evolution of animals before the parazoan-eumetazoan split.

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Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) regulate various physiological events in animal cells. They comprise a diverse family which are classified into two categories, receptor type and nonreceptor type. From the domain organization and phylogenetic tree, we have classified known PTPs into 17 subtypes

Sponge homologs of vertebrate protein tyrosine kinases and frequent domain shufflings in the early evolution of animals before the parazoan-eumetazoan split.

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The protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) diverged specifically in animal lineages by gene duplications and domain shufflings to form a large protein family comprising diverse subfamilies with distinct domain organizations and functions. On the basis of a phylogenetic tree inferred from a comparison of

Evolution of bacterial protein-tyrosine kinases and their relaxed specificity toward substrates.

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It has often been speculated that bacterial protein-tyrosine kinases (BY-kinases) evolve rapidly and maintain relaxed substrate specificity to quickly adopt new substrates when evolutionary pressure in that direction arises. Here, we report a phylogenomic and biochemical analysis of BY-kinases, and

Computational analysis of protein tyrosine phosphatases: practical guide to bioinformatics and data resources.

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The exponential growth of sequence data has become a challenge to database curators and end-users alike and biologists seeking to utilize the data effectively are faced with numerous analysis methods. Here, with practical examples from our bioinformatics analysis of the protein tyrosine phosphatases

SCMBYK: prediction and characterization of bacterial tyrosine-kinases based on propensity scores of dipeptides.

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BACKGROUND Bacterial tyrosine-kinases (BY-kinases), which play an important role in numerous cellular processes, are characterized as a separate class of enzymes and share no structural similarity with their eukaryotic counterparts. However, in silico methods for predicting BY-kinases have not been

Extensive gene duplication in the early evolution of animals before the parazoan-eumetazoan split demonstrated by G proteins and protein tyrosine kinases from sponge and hydra.

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To know whether genes involved in cell-cell communication typical of multicellular animals dramatically increased in concert with the Cambrian explosion, the rapid evolutionary burst in the major groups of animals, and whether these genes exist in the sponge lacking cell cohesiveness and

Gene expansion and retention leads to a diverse tyrosine kinase superfamily in amphioxus.

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Tyrosine kinase (TK) proteins play a central role in cellular behavior and development of animals. The expansion of this superfamily is regarded as a key event in the evolution of the complex signaling pathways and gene networks of metazoans and is a prominent example of how shuffling of protein
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