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ulex/arachis hypogaea

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Lotus tetragonolobus, Ulex europaeus, Maackia amurensis, and Arachis hypogaea (peanut) lectins influence the binding of Helicobacter pylori to gastric carbohydrates.

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BACKGROUND The carbohydrates of gastric mucins and other sugar structures are involved in interactions with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) adhesins. The binding of bacteria to mucins can protect the epithelium from direct contact with the pathogen and from developing infection because of a specific

Selective lectin reactions of two stocks of Leishmania enriettii with differing pathogenicity.

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Five days old promastigote culture forms of two stocks of Leishmania enriettii pathogenic and non-infective for Cavia procellus, were tested with the lectins of Canavalia ensiformis, Ricinus communis-120, Soja hispida (Glycine maxima), Arachis hypogaea, Ulex europaeus, Ulex europaeus I, Ulex

Lectin binding patterns in developing rat colon.

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To evaluate qualitative changes in brush-border and goblet cell glycoconjugates during colonic development, rhodamine-conjugated lectins were applied to tissue from fetal (18-22 day), suckling (1-20 day), and weanling (22-26 day) rats. Tissue from the proximal and distal colon of each animal was

Detection of surface carbohydrates on Pneumocystis carinii by fluorescein-conjugated lectins.

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Lectins react with a wide range of different carbohydrates (Table 1). Even so-called monospecific anti-H(O) lectins from Lotus tetragonolobus, Ulex europaeus, and Anguilla anguilla react not only with the anti-H determinant but also with several fucosylated carbohydrates. Consequently, the type of

Evidence of altered structural and secretory glycoconjugates in the jejunal mucosa of patients with gluten sensitive enteropathy and subtotal villous atrophy.

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The pattern of lectin histochemistry in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded normal jejunal and subtotal villous atrophy specimens from patients with gluten sensitive enteropathy were compared. There was no significant difference in the binding pattern of five lectins (Arachis hypogaea, Canavalia

Evaluation of structural and secretory glycoconjugates in normal human jejunum by means of lectin histochemistry.

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The labelling pattern of eight lectins was studied in jejunal samples from ten normal subjects, in order to define the normal distribution of structural and secretory glycoconjugates in the small bowel. The following lectins were studied by means of a peroxidase technique on formalin-fixed samples:

Intermediate filament expression and lectin histochemical features of canine transmissible venereal tumour.

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Immunocharacterization of intermediate filament proteins and lectin-binding studies were carried out in canine transmissible venereal tumour (TVT), a unique neoplasia sharing some epidemiological features with Kaposi's sarcoma in humans. Neoplastic cells express vimentin, but neither cytokeratin nor

Lectin binding to Renaut bodies.

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Localization of sugar residues of Renaut bodies in human sural nerves was studied using lectin histochemistry. Lens culinaris specific to mannose and Triticum vulgaris specific to glcNAc bound to the capsular and core portions of Renaut bodies strongly. Arachis hypogaea specific to galb(1-3)galNAc

Renal collecting duct carcinoma in an 8-year-old child.

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A fatal collecting duct carcinoma, presenting with pleural metastases, arose from the right kidney in an 8-year-old child. A distal nephron origin of the tumor is supported by positive tumor staining with Ulex europaeus and Arachis hypogaea, and a lack of staining with Tetragonolobus lotus. The

Lectin binding sites in normal rat ovary and ENU-induced Sertoli cell tumors of the ovaries.

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A panel of seven fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled lectins were used to study the distribution of specific binding sites in histologic sections of rat ovaries and ENU-induced Sertoli cell tumors (SCT) of the ovaries. Ten SCT and 5 normal ovaries derived from Berlin Druckey IV (BD-IV) rats

Lectin binding to human endometrial hyperplasias and adenocarcinoma.

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Arias-Stella change, cystic glandular hyperplasia, adenomatous hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and adenocarcinoma of the human endometrium were stained with different fluorescein-conjugated lectins. The lectins used were Concanavalin A, Triticum vulgaris, Arachis hypogaea, Glycine maximum,

Coculture of chicken thrombocytes and monocytes: morphological changes and lectin binding.

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Chicken leukocytes were separated from blood on a Percoll cushion following adherence on coverslips, resulting in a coculture of thrombocytes and monocytes. This system was characterized by light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, by lectin binding and actin localization in

Binding properties of a blood group Le(a+) active sialoglycoprotein, purified from human ovarian cyst, with applied lectins.

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Studies on the structures and binding properties of the glycoproteins, purified from human ovarian cyst fluids, will aid the understanding of the carbohydrate alterations occurring during the biosynthesis of blood group antigens and neoplasm formation. These glycoproteins can also serve as important

Developmental changes in the distribution of cecal lectin-binding sites of Balb-c mice.

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The existence of lectin-binding sites was investigated in the cecum of Balb-c mice at seven developmental stages ranging from 18 days post conception (p.c.) to 8 weeks after birth. Nine horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated lectins (concanavalin A, Triticum vulgaris, Dolichus biflorus, Helix pomatia,

Glycoproteins histochemistry of the gills of Odontesthes bonariensis (Teleostei, Atherinopsidae).

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The histochemistry of glycoproteins (GP) in the mucous cells of the gills of the silverside Odontesthes bonariensis was identified with: (1) oxidizable vicinal diols; (2) sialic acid and some of their chain variants, carbon 7 ((7) C), carbon 8 ((8) C) or carbon 9 ((9) C); (3) sialic acid residues
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